General :: Add Result From Different Sections Into One Combined Stock?

Feb 3, 2013

i have a production database application in which there are many sections. every section's product stock is generated by running a complex query.

now when i want to add the result from different sections into a one combined stock , i could not design the query as it become too large and on running it produces the error "cannot open anymore database".

i think reason might be too many queries executing at same time .

so do i need to create a table from the stock queries of each section? and then add the tables to generate the combined stock query ?

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General :: Access 2003 Report - Purpose Of Having Sections?

Feb 10, 2015

I am redesigning an invoice format with access 2003 report.While coding in Microsoft Visual Basic, I realized that there are two drop down menus.

The right drop down menu has the sections as below:


The left drop down menu has options below.


May I know where can I read up the purpose and use of different sections in the right drop down menu, especially "Report" section?

Are these sections in-build in Access 2003 or created by user?

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General :: Adding Count To Result Of Query Depending On Month And Result

Aug 18, 2013

I want to add a number to my results within a query depending on the month and how many results. For example I have 10 results in my query 3 from January, 5 from March and the rest from April. The 3 from January would be 1,2,3. The five in March would be 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. Is it possible to do?

I'm using access 2003.

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General :: How To Use Stock Tickers

Jul 24, 2015

How do I use Stock Tickers in access?

for example:



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General - EPOS/Stock Database Questions

Nov 30, 2007

Dear Reader

I am a realtivly new user and I do not know alot of things about Access

I have set up a database, and within this database, i have a table with my product details (the products are books, details include: ISBN, Title, Stock Level, and Price), I also have a table with customer's information (Name, Contact details, etc). I have created an order form, from which a user selects the customers name from a drop down list, and then he selects his name, and finally the date. Following this the user then works within a subform.

This subform has the following details, Order ID, Book ID, and Quantity Ordered. After this I want there to be a subtotal. I have no idea as to how to set this up, but I am assuming that I would need a query or something, to look up the price of the books, and then to multiply it by the quantity that the customer wants. Following this ideally I would like a small box on the main form saying the total value of the order.

Would their be anyway, to add the book ISBN number into the subform, where the user could either type in the ISBN number or select from a combo box the book title, but either way, both fields are updated, what ever method is used.

From this subform, I would like to be able to print out an order summary/invoice. This would contain all the books ordered by the customer in the current transaction, as well as the customer’s information, and the total of the order.

And my final question is probably the hardest one. Is their anyway (possibly by pressing a button) to automatically minimize the stock value on the products table, by the quantity chosen by the user in the order form? And if the quantity wanted is greater than the amount in stock, for a message to appear on the Order Summary/Invoice stating "On Order"

Using the above method, would it then be possible through the creation of a query to show what customers have ordered in the past, in a tab on the customer's details form.

I have attached a copy of the relationships, as well as various images, the order form, customers’ details and product details forms.

Thanking you in advanced

*If more images are needed feel free to ask

Order Form

Product Form

Customer's Details Form


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General :: Assign Stock To Customers In Access 2010

Jul 28, 2014

In MS Access i want to be able log jobs and be able to assign my stock to the jobs i have logged is this possible ? how to create a database to log jobs but how can i make it so when i add stock to the job it will remove it from my stock pool and assign it to the customer thus taking it out of stock.

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General :: Changing Stock Levels For Inventory Database?

Feb 7, 2015

Im building an inventory database for my company and have the tables, relationships, forms and query's built but im struggling to figure out a way to make all the quantities move around when I have a purchase order or sales order that either adds to removes from inventory.

My database is fairly simple as all I need to do is track what is coming and going and what is the current levels of inventory. I have for instance a product table that has all the information on what products I have and what their part numbers, item number (primary key), description and so forth, separate customer tables and supplier tables, as well as an inventory table setup similar to the northwinds database. I used queries to combine my purchase order and purchase order detail tables and to combine the sales order and sales order detail tables to make sales orders and purchase orders through their respected forms and all is good in that sense but it doesn't move the inventory numbers just lists what is in each purchase Order/Sales order.

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General :: Control System To Put Stock That Come Into Specific Location

Jun 18, 2015

I have created a stock control system where i put stock that come in into a specific location i can put the same item over several locations depending of the size of the location or i can can put more than one product in a location .

The problem im having is when i do a order that say remove half of all the stock in it is split over more than one location i cant seem to get it to remove the stock from the location to show space available.

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General :: Calculating Stock Level For Spare Parts From Transactions

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to calculate the stock level for my spareparts. I am aware of that I am not to update the stock level in my table but calculate the total from the transactions.

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General :: Maintain Stock From Daily Input-output Table

Feb 17, 2013

i have a production database in which i have different sections processing on the same product. i have a daily production entry form on which datewise entry is done for each section.

i want to maintain the total stock of each section (sectionB) with productName, input from sectionA , production from sectionB, balance (input-production) . presently i used query for this .. but i need a stock table in which entries should be inserted by an automatic query .. how should i achieve this :

1. by an append query who runs every time to append the quantity when a daily entry is made .??
2. by an update query to replace the quantity with a qty from totals query ?

i.e. what is the best method to maintain inventory from input & output tables ?

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General :: Database Design - Stock Tracking / Set Up Table For Each Location

Sep 10, 2012

I am planning my new DB and am contemplating the best design. It will be used for warehouse stock rotation and control of pallets. I want to track each pallet (product/time in/time out etc) to each pallet space within the warehouse. There are a total of 400 pallet spaces or 'locations' as i will refer to them as.

Now, would it be possible for me to have a table set up for each location? Will access object to having 400 tables in my data base?? Is there a limit?

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General :: Create New Table By Item ID To Show Balance Of Stock

Feb 17, 2014

I have created 3 tables for simple inventory.

a) Item details
b) stock in
c) stock out

All I simply want to do is create a new table by item id to show balance of stock.

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General :: Date Picker - Deduct 1 From Total Number Of Item On Stock

Jul 30, 2012

I'm creating s simple database to track my printer toner supplies, what i want is that..every time I select a date (using date picker) it will automatically deduct 1 from the total number of toners on stock. Right now, i have to input 1 in a field and it will update the remaining toners.

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Combined Text Box And Label Box

Feb 3, 2005

Hi all-

Does anyone know how to create a text box inside of a label box in a report? I need to create a report that mirrors a memo format. In the report, I need to type a label ("Total score is __ out of __.") where the __ spaces are calculatedtext boxes based on a table. Thanks.

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Looking For Access Combined With Excel Functionality

Jun 21, 2007


Hope someone can assist me with this question:

Let's say I have a Table with many Product IDs records..
Product ID (Number)
Hyperlink Field (with a Hyperlink to an external Excel file)

What I would like to do is to create a Hyperlink that not only will it open the Excel file but it will also search and select the Product ID (in Excel) of the record on which the Hyperlink was clicked in Access.

Is this possible or am I just wishing too much?

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Queries :: Combined Probability For Each Of Items

Apr 28, 2014

I have a query which provides probability of occurrences for items A,B,C,D below 5, 10, 15 and 20.

Yet another query gives probability of occurrences for items A,B,C,D above 5,10,15 and 20.

Now I need the combined probability for each of the items A,B,C,D.

What is available and what is needed are both attached.

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Leading Zeros Combined With Strings

Jun 12, 2014

I have a table with (integer) numbers! using the format "00000" i can make sure that it will be 5 digits.

No i am aiming to combine the five digit number with a text in another column and do not succed at all.

what i want to get:
column A: number (e.g. 1)
column B: number 4 digits (e.g. 0001)
column C: number combined with string (e.g. ab0001cd)

Of course it would be a nice one to skip the coluimn B! - what ever i tried ended up in sth. like "ab1cd" at the best....

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Can A Memo Field In Different Records Be Combined Without SendKeys

Jan 4, 2008

I have a problem that is Vista related. My business partner has just purchased a laptop with Vista and one of the problem areas is SendKeys. I don't have Vista and he is away at the moment so we only have part time communication so I am trying a few solutions in the hope of getting the problem fixed.

He is getting a message along the line of.....Access needs to be reinstalled because SendKeys is not available.....he does not has his MSOffice with him so that can't be tried at the moment, although everything else is working OK.

There are a few macros involved but I have converted then into VB Module and that works OK for me on XP, although it does not carry out all instructions but it basically works. But it will be a few days before he can try what I have sent him.

Note: I just notice that my conversion to VB module is not doing the SendKeys. No messages etc it is if the section covering SendKeys was not there. The example below was done with XP and macro. The SendKeys and the various other actions are all in the module. Edit...All is conversion of the macros to a module worked:D

So I would like to try another possible solution and that being to avoid SendKeys.

The situation involves a file note entry system. Each file note creates a different record and in each record there is a memo field with the file note that was made and of course time and date.

There is another table that holds one record for each person that has a file note made. Whether one file note is made or a 100 file notes there is only record.......The record is created when the first file note is made and the table will not accept duplicates on the persons ID number.

When a file note is made the system then opens the record in the other table and adds with SendKeys to the entry in the memo field on the "one record only table"

A form opened on the "one record" looks like this and as you can see the contents of the memo field from the "many records" have been combined into one. Can I do this without using SendKeys

5/01/2008 11:34:51 AM Test 1 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

5/01/2008 11:35:21 AM Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party

5/01/2008 11:35:50 AM Why did John have to buy a computer with Vista?



5/01/2008 11:37:38 AM zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Reports :: Eliminating A Space In Combined Field

Sep 4, 2014

I use several fields to capture a name: LName, FName, MI and Suffix.

In a report I combine the fields.

=[LName] & " " & [Suffix] & ", " & [FName] & " " & [MI]

This works fine if there is a suffix; however, without a suffix I have an extra space.

What is the "work around" to eliminate the space.

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General :: Sum Adding 1 To Overall Result?

Mar 26, 2015

I have a report...with one number at the end of a line, beneath is a sum() of all the numbers above.

To test this report, I have ensured there is just one line to 'sum' ....this particular number happens to be $15.82, yet the field showing the sum of this is displaying $15.83 ...I'm going potty here trying to work out where the extra 1 is being's not a rounding error as there are no further decimals involved, both fields are set to 'fixed' 2 decimal places.

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General :: Formula Result Doesn't Display

Dec 10, 2012

I have a database that I have created for work. On the form I have several dlookups running. A couple of them show up as expected. But most of them are showing up blank. That is until you click on the box, then the result appears. Changing the Locked and Enabled settings does not resolve this.I have the database locked up for normal users. When I access it by holding shift while opening, when I access this form, the dlookups all show the desired results. No clicking on the boxes required.

I've tried refreshing, but that doesn't work. If I write code that loops through all of the textbox controls, setting focus on them and moving throuhg the form, then the results will show up. Basically having VBA click on the boxes for me. Although this works, there is a slight lag and screen flicker as it sets focus to all of these textboxes.

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General :: Allocating Race Result Position?

Mar 31, 2013

I am creating a DB for race results and have a field which calculates the elapsed time based on the start and finished times. What I want to do now is populate a field "position" with the finishing position relative to other competitors elapsed times in the race. But I cant see how to do this.

I understand I would probab;y have to use some sort of query but not sure how to create it.

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General :: Conditional Formatting Percentage Result

Sep 26, 2012

I have a subform based on a query. In that query, I have calculated values for price+tax and another price+discount+tax. Now I have a conditional formatting that if the gross total is not equal to amount due, the amount due box will turn red. However even if they are equal visually, it still turns red. Ex. The gross total is 336.00 and the amount due is 336.00 also, so it should NOT turn red, but it does. When I click on the amount due control, the value turns into 335.999999195337. How do I tell access not to make 336.00 into 335.999999195337.

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General :: Entering Data And Then Seeing Result Of Calculations

Nov 13, 2014

I want to get access to create amazon shipments of 15kg in weight made up of a variety of products (the shipment goes to amazon)

So I have a products table with all the weights per unit for each SKU in it.

I've just created a simple 'form', where I input the SKUs I want to send to Amazon & the quantity (this updates a temporary table), therefore I end up with this in my temporary table....

XX01 15
YY01 10

...& so on.

I've made a relationship from the SKU of the temp table (the table where I'm inputting my data to), back to the product table (where the weight per unit is held).

ok, what I seek, is that each time I enter a SKU & Quantity via my form, to see some onscreen data which tells me the ongoing sum of all SKU weights I've used. Therefore I guess my question is...what functionality in Access should I be using that allows me to input data & yet also provides me with onscreen real time data based on some 'behind the scenes' calculations? From my limited understanding, a form is to get data into Access, a report is to get data out....but I want to get data into Access & see the result at the same time!

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General :: Concatenate Email Addresses As A Query Result

Jul 2, 2014

I have a parameter set on the query at run which filters by Region i.e. the box pops up and they enter a criteria..I would like to have a field entered next to Email that would take all the Email Addresses in my query result and concatenate them so essentially I have an email list I can pop in Outlook.

Or alternatively, a solution to allow access to these email lists via a button on a form. It has to be something very simple for an end user to access. For instance right now, to get there list they hit a button to run the query then enter the parameter then if desired, hit another button to export to excel. Today, they use Excel for everything and are used to having the concatenated email addresses in one cell in excel. For this reason, I am trying to have the email addresses concatenated in the query results to mimic what they are used to today. But I am not sold on it if there is a better way that is easy for them.

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General :: Count Number Of Record With SQL Result In MS Access

Jul 21, 2013

I want to return the number of record with the SQL search in MS Access. I am using the following code, the expected result will be a value. But somehow, it does not give any result.

StrSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 WHERE [Condition]='A' "

How do I return the count value with the search?

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