General :: Click On Datasheet To Open Specific Record In A Form
Jul 16, 2012
I have two forms. One is a datasheet. One is a form with a default view of Single Form (which contains combo boxes).I want to have the user select (click) on a record in the datasheet and have the second form open to that record. The datasheet form acts as an advanced search on two title fields.I tried the open form macro but I dont know how to have to second form open to a specific record.
I have created a Datasheet Form which when opens shows lots of records. I was looking to see if there was a way that if i clicked on a specific field name within a record it would open a new form with all the information of that record only.
I have a Project form, which holds StockArtProduction_Subform in datasheet view. I need for them to be able to click on the ID in the StockArtProduction_Subform datasheet and it open a single view form (StockArtProduction) with the correlating ID.
Ideally, it would also work for new entries in the StockArtProduction_Subform, but the StockArtProduction form would have to "auto populate" (did I use it right?) with the ID of the currently open Project form.
Is there a way to have a datasheet open with the last record at the bottom of the page? I now have it opening to the last record, but it has the last record at the top and can't see the records before it without scrolling.
I have a list of incidents in my Incidents Management Database. It comes up as a grid view when users open the database.
This is what it looks loke (paste the following into address bar of your browser.
I want particular incident to open in a form when users double click on any particular incident from the list above. For example double clicking on the first incident (dated 1/03/2008 in the list above) should open the form below with THAT PERTICULAR incident. And double clicking on 22nd incident should open the following form with 22nd incident loaded, so users can edit that incident
please Paste the following into your browser to see the image.
Any detailed help is much appreciated. – I am too new to understand macros and vba. Thanks!
I want to ask what is the code for Macro Builder in a command button if I want to open a report from the given value of inputbox. I made a command button to open a report but it will ask first the required value from inputbox I put. then it will open the report of specific record from the value I input in the inputbox.
I have a form "IntUnderwriterSearchByName" which is based on the query "Search by Name". This form opens with a parameter (please enter name of broker) and is set out like a datasheet with the following fields- "Broker Name", "Domicile", "Broker Code" and a couple of others. I'd like to be able to click on a record and open the form "IntUnderwriterPopUp" so that the details of that specified record are displayed.
Broker Code is what I'd like the form to look for and this Broker Code is unique for every one of the 900 or so records. This code can be numerical e.g. 01233 but also can be a mixture of both e.g. EU2885. It is also worth noting that this code is not the primary key- i have an autonumber (called ID) that does this- but this field does not appear on the form.
I have a few search forms that, when search parameters are entered, a continuous subform displays the results (summarised...not all fields show).
I want to be able to double click a field in any given record, and have it open in a form allowing editing of the record.
I know I need something in the OnDoubleClick event of the text box I want to double click, which would then open the form, but I don't know what code to use.
For the sake of argument, I want to double click on the txtSerialNumber text box to do it, as this is a unique field.
i want to ask is there any way to open another access database using when click button at form.. for example i have tracking.accb then at my switchboard form, i would like to have a button that can go to another access which is borrow.accb. can these possible for me to do it..?
I am trying to create a proposal log for my company to make things easier to track. I have made a multiple items form to list the proposals. I want to be able to double click the record to open up another form (that i have already created) that shows the information from the proposal table and the proposal details table. So.....
I want to double click the field named "Proposal Name" and have it open up to form i have called "proposals details form".
I want to open a new form which is similar to the form it will be opened from. Only difference is the new form I want to open is designed for printing purposes.
I'd like to access the this new form by hitting a button that opens the print form for a user given order number. Any ideas if this is possible? Thanks
I am trying to open a single form with a single subform with a command button. I would like to open the form with the subform on a specific record but I am not entirely sure how to do this, I was wondering if someone had any advice that could help.
I have a form that is opened as hidden when my startup form loads. Data gets entered into it from other forms so whenever I switch records the hidden form needs to be opened to the matching record.
To accomplish this, I have been using the DoCmd.OpenForm in the OnCurrent event with the WHERE clause matching the PK/FK. I have had no luck with the SearchFor method.
It seems silly to have to keep reopening a form to go to a specific record when the form is always open already. Plus, I am wondering if it is affecting the forms' load times.
1. I have created a button in a switchboard with embedded macro:-
Close Window OpenForm (Form name: frmCustomerFind)
2. I have created a form "frmCustomerFind), in which I can select a customer name in a combo box named "CustomerName".
a. The row source: SELECT [tblCustomer].[CustomerID],[tblCustomer].
[CustomerName] FROM tblCustomer ORDER BY [CustomerName];
b. After Update Macro:
Open Form (Form name: frmCustomer) SearchForRecord (Object Type: Form Object Name: frmCustomer Record: First Where Condition = "[CustomerID]=" & Me.CustomerID
At the end, the form "frmCustomer" does open but not go to the record I want. It goes to the first record instead. (The frmCustomer has the "CustomerID" and "CustomerName" fields).
Need to open a form to a specific record.Ive done the command button wizard that opens the form to a specific record but but that brings up the form with the filtered button showing.I've tried to put the formula into the filtered section but that doesn't work.I just want to be able to open the form to the specif record and then be able to navigate to other records if required (without aving to press the filtered button)
Currently, I have a form with tabbed pages in it. The second tab, I have a subform inserted into it. I have a completely separate form that looks through records. I want to be able to click on a record from the separate form and open the Main tabbed form, to the second tabbed page, to a specific record. Currently I have:
Private Sub Form_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "frm_Main_Data_Entry" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria Forms![frm_Main_Data_Entry]![pgAgreement].SetFocus End Sub
Which opens up to the tabbed page just fine. but I can not figure out how to get to a specific record.
Also, the subform in the tabbed page, doesn't have the same controls as the Main tabbed Form itself, so when I add something like:
No I know this one has been done, and I have a form with a button that this works on. Here is my problem. I have a list of parts in a continuous form, I added a button to open that specific record in a detail view and it works just fine. I used an open form macro and put in the criteria
="[Description]=" & "'" & [Description] & "'"
I have tried to use this similar procedure for another form, it however has two subforms in it and I get a data type mismatch in criteria exception error. I suspect that it has something to do with the subforms but am not sure.
I have some code for a button on click event to open a form and select the record which corresponds to a value in an unbound text box. The code is:
Private Sub Command25_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command25_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "frmOpenPatientRecord"
[Code] ....
This works fine when I put in a 10 digit NHS number but opens a blank record when I enter a four digit or six character/digit PatientNumber. Both patient number and NHS number are text fields in the underlying table.
I have been trying for weeks to get my login form to open up to a specific record on the mainform. I have built a form out of my Employee tbl (mainform). The table stores (ID,Name, password, EmpNumber ect.) I built a subform in that allows the user to type in the number of overtime worked on a paticular day. I have disabled the navigation on the main form so users can't advance to the next user but have enable the natigation on the subform so a particular user can advance to the next week of available overtime to input data.The goal is to get user login form to display a particular record on the main form and open a different form in the user is a supervisor.
Option Compare Database Private intLogonAttempts As Integer Private Sub cmdExit_Click() DoCmd.Quit End Sub Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
'If User Enters incorrect password 3 times database will shutdown
intLogonAttempts = intLogonAttempts + 1 If intLogonAttempts > 3 Then MsgBox "You do not have access to this database. Please contact your system administrator.", vbCritical, "Restricted Access!" Application.Quit End If End Sub
I have two tables and two separate forms. [ID] is the link between them. (I cannot do a subform in this case).
Form1 displays 3 records
Have control button that goes to Form2 where [id] = NumID (NumID is "long" variable)
Have control button on Form2 to go back to Form1. It needs to go to the same record it came from. I don't want use a where clause (e.g., where [id] = [id]). This works, but the form1 is now filtered. I need all records available in Form1, but I want to go to the record it was on when the button was clicked to go to form1
Form from Purchase order table Subform from serial table(Brand,Model,Type,Location,Serial) with serialtrans table(InOut,AQty,Comment) (SELECT tbl_Serial.*, tbl_SerialTrans.* FROM tbl_Serial LEFT JOIN tbl_SerialTrans ON tbl_Serial.SerialID = tbl_SerialTrans.SerialID
when i click on the datasheet row and delete the row it only delete the record from tbl_SerialTrans but record on tbl_Serial was not deleted
I have a form that lists records in a table. I would like to have a hyperlink beside each record that will open the data entry form and navigate to that specific record. Right now, the use can only open the form for all records and has to use the record navigation buttons to find the desired record.