General :: Creating Report From Multiple Sources?

Jan 28, 2013

i want to create a summary report from multiple queries.

what are the best possible methods for this ? should i need to use subreport function or anything else?

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Creating Report From Multiple Sources In Access 2010

Jun 12, 2013

I am trying to create a columnar report that relies on information that are expressions in various queries. Unfortunately, I can't seem to create them in one query because the criteria is mutually exclusive. I used the report wizard to start the report based on the single expression in the first query. Now I want to start adding the other data but I can't seem to get it to work. All I really want to do is include fields that have the have the value, which is already summed, from the other query. When I try that I get error messages like "you tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'expressionName' as part of an aggregate function' and it just goes further downhill from there. What is the easiest way to get this simple values into the report? Is there a way I can create a field in the report that uses a SQL statement for just that field so I don't have to have the report linking to 50 different queries?

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Concatenating Values From Unbound Sources And Bound Sources

Jul 6, 2005

I know that it isnt advised to store the concatenated value but in this case, I have a memo field which is the description of a particular system component.

i have Unbound Combo Boxes for descriptive elements such as COLOUR, SIZE, CONNECTIVITY, MAKE.

ALL of these i would to store in a field in my table and called Description and separate them by colons or the actual words which describe the category.

Please Advise

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Linking To Multiple Sources

Jul 2, 2012

I work for a small manufacturing company and have been asked to set up an access database to track production. The end goal is to have a touch screen at every machine where operators will input data. This data will then dump to a different workbook for each machine. My question is: Is it possible to link one access tables with multiple xls documents so that, as data is added to any of the workbooks, it is then updated to a single access table? I also will need to find a quick way to link new files to the table as new parts are put into production.

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Multiple Control Sources On One Form

Feb 22, 2006

hi guys, im doing a uni project in access for a small business and the problem i have is that i am making a booking form, and on there needs to be
owner details,
animal details, and
booking details.

these all need to be entered when making a new booking, the problem i have is that i can only seem to be able to use one control source (from the owner table) how do i use multiple control sources on that one form? :confused:


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Forms :: Multiple Data Sources For Tabs On A Form

Jun 24, 2013

Please see the screen shot attached.

I have a single form with multiple tabs. At the top of the form appears the name of an individual and below the name are multiple tabs containing information specific to that individual. Each tab has a separate underlying table, which is the data source for the information contained on that tab.

As best as I can tell, I can only use one single data source (a query at the moment) to populate all the data that appears on all the tabs. Is there a way that I can have a separate data source (namely, a table) for each tab?

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Forms :: Integrating Multiple Record Sources Into Form

Oct 28, 2014

I have a reservations form, which will be used to store the checkin and checkout dates for customers; these are related to the reservations table. On the same form I also want room details showing such as room number, this is on a separate rooms table. I believe that the room number will be a query to show which rooms are available and therefore display the room number on the form. So I need integrating this into the form. Also I have not set it as a subform, the reservations form carries on from the customers form, as a new form.

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Creating A Report From Multiple Tables/forms

Jun 2, 2006

Could you please help me out.

I am trying to develop a DB that is multi user. i ahve not split the data from the forms into separate db's as the users are in different locations and our network can be very slow.

part of the requirerment is to produce a drawing approval form, my current sticking point is that the method i am currently using to create the forms only allows one person at a time to use the process.

currently i have a command button that runs a query and then creates a table from the results. the table is then used as the data source for a mail merged form in word.

what i ultimatly need is a process which allows multiple users to generate these forms at the same time and have the ability to save the form (with no code behind it) as a word document (either RTF etc)

i am thinking that if i create a query on the fly in VB and then use the results to use in a report this would allow me to do the above.....

So my questions are:

1) is my assumption correct
2) If so, how do i do it as i have never done it before
3) If the above is not the best solution/ does not work... what will/is

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Help Creating Report With Multiple Detail Sections

Mar 27, 2008


I need to create a report for each employee in my company of all compensation information. The report is going to need to have multiple detail sections on the report for example to list all benefits specific to the employee and all beneficiaries.

I tried using a subreport to produce those detail sections that I needed but once I placed this subreport inside a box on the main report each detail I created increased the size of the box. I also thought about making the detail section a list box and writing all of the information there. Would there be a better or easy way to accomplish this?

I am also thinking I am going to have to save all of this information in a table and based the report on that table?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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General :: Unique Identifier From Different Sources

Nov 27, 2014

I'm looking into create a small unique identifier to put on top of each invoice generated by the database. (.MDB A2010)where '000' its just 3 zeros added for extra badassery, '1' is the actual ID from the database table and -2014 its the current year when the record was added...So maybe I have info from 2 fields (ID, YEAR)... but How do I add the ceros to the ID field... so its 0001 not 1 or 0135 not 135... ???.

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Creating A Master Query Or Report From Multiple Queries

Mar 12, 2008

I have been running 5 reports to gather company information. I then take the data from these 5 reports and manually load them into an Excel spreadsheet to calculate a grand total. I would like to be able to run a query or report within my database to get the same information. I have attached a copy of my spreadsheet for review.

Could someone please review this spreadsheet and help me design an easier method of calculating a grand total.

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General :: Creating Report Or Query

Nov 9, 2014

I am quite new to MS access and started to develop a small database for my practice. I have made four tables that are for Patient details, their doctor detail, their problem and their treatment. I have successfully created form to enter the data.However I an unable to proceed, now I want to create a discharge letter which will be addressed to the doctor (based on the tables described above)

I want to make this in a way that if I enter the patient details i-e date of birth, ID and / or name a letter is created based on the tables above. I also want this letter to be saved for future use. how to design that letter and should it be a query or report.

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General :: Creating Multiple Relationships Between Two Tables

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to create multiple relationships between the same two tables, but I run into problems every time I try. I'm using Access 2007.

I have a table with information on meetings and there are two hosts. So I have fields Host 1 and Host 2. I have a second table that lists possible hosts and their personal information. I have a relationship between table 1 "Host 1" and the Host in table 2; I cannot create another working relationship between table 1 "Host 2" and the Host in table 2.

how I can get that to work? With just the one relationship, I can go to table 2 of the hosts, click on their name, and see all their meetings.But if I add another relationship, it takes out all of the information. I've been working on this for over an hour,

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General :: Creating Multiple Records (with Queries)

Jul 19, 2012

I'm working on a contact database for my company's sales efforts. It tracks interactions with prospective customers and assigns them to employees here. My question is this: For mass contact efforts (such as mailings), is there a way to create mass entries to my "Interactions" table so that no one has to enter a mailout interaction 1000+ times?

Structure of the relevant bits of the database is as follows:

Contacts Table
Interaction Table

Contacts Table is linked with Interaction table via ContactID

Queries are run to narrow Contacts by various criteria (ex.: by the employee they're assigned to).

So if I run a query to get all the contacts assigned to me, and there are 450 of them, and I send a mailout to all of them, and I want to add an interaction to those 450 people, is there an automated way to do this?

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General :: Importing Data From Two Excel Sources To One Table

Nov 16, 2013

importing data from two excel sources to one table. I have a table with: Unit, Info1, info2, info3, info4, info5, info6, info7. I have been able to import from the first file which has all of the unit information-'info1-5'. I need to import another file to fill 'info6-7' based on specific unit numbers. I have created two excel tables the first with the headers "unit, info1-5" and the second with the headers "unit, info6-7." The first works fine and adds all the data I want it to, but when I try to do the same with the second it doesn't add any new data.I cannot add the last two fields to my first spread sheet because it would involve sorting through 700+ units and adding the data manually to 400+ of them.

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General :: Creating PDF From Report Opens Adobe Reader

Mar 18, 2015

Since converting to Access 2010, when I use the "PDF or XPS" button to create a PDF from a report, after the save dialog it opens the PDF in Adobe reader, and then after I close it there is another dialog with the option to save the export steps. Is there any way to just be able to save the PDF and go back to where I was without having to do the extra clicks to get back?

Back in Access 2000 I had created a custom button on a toolbar that would automatically make a PDF from the open report, but that didn't transfer over when I converted the database to 2010.

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Reports :: Creating A Report Based On Single Record In Multiple Item Form

Jan 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a database which requires invoicing as a part of it. The invoicing is done based on quarters, and I want the users to be able to use a multiple items form, listing all of their clients, to create the invoices. Each invoice must be created individually so they can be e-mailed to the client, and saved to the clients folder. So I was wondering if it would be possible to create individual invoices for clients using a multiple items form.

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General :: Creating Unique Sequential / Reference Number Every Time Report Is Printed

Feb 15, 2013

I have a rental database and I print several contacts for leases etc. what I want to do is have a unique reference number or something inserted to the report every time that it's printed. What I am trying to achieve is to keep track of which tenant corresponds to the report (Lease) printed by using reference number.

There is a seperate form which holds the tenants details and I would like to have a field on that form which would show the same reference number as the report so I can track which report was printed for who.

Whats the best/easiest way to accomplish this?

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General :: Multiple Table Into One Report

Aug 23, 2012

i have three tables (one for each production line) which people input data into everyday and the data is different each day depending on the part numbers and number produced. I want to create a report that shows me the part numbers and amount produced by each line for a certain day.

I've tried putting all three in the same query put i get 300 repeating results when i should only get about 20 unique ones. I've also tried making three seperate queries and combining them into one but this gives the same result.

Also I've tried having sub-reports for each table for individual queries, but this then just prompts me to enter the date multiple times or gets stuck in a continuous loop of date entry.

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General :: Multiple Values From Listbox In Textbox On A Report

Jan 17, 2015

Basically what I have is a form where a user has a drop down combo box that he can pick more than one value.

I then want to take what he has inputted e.g. Option1, Option2 and put that on a report in an unbound text box with another field value.

For example
=[Field1] & "/" & Option1/Option2

Those forward slashes are quite important as well, so any solution would need to include those.

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General :: Report To Multiple Text Files Based On Filtered Value

Jun 14, 2014

I created report "rpt" with a few subrpts. I would like to export this report to word by value in column M_AGENDA_KOD.

M_AGENDA_KOD column has about 370 rows, so i do not want to export each manually.

So I would like to have each M_AGENDA_KOD value as separated word file named by that M_AGENDA_KOD value.
Is that even possible?

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General :: Creating A Database For Creating Quotations

May 20, 2015

I am creating a database for creating quotations. The quotation number is generated using the date, for example the first quote today would be quote number "05202015-1" because it is the first one today. The next quote today would be quote number "05202015-2" and so on. Is there a way to make access automatically generate these quote numbers based on the date?

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Query Sources

Apr 24, 2006

Hi, I have two seperate sets of data which have been made by queries... These two queries are called "qryTopHalf" and "qryBottomHalf," and I wish to combine one field from each of these two queries by making another query... The SQL code I have tried to use is:

SELECT qryTopHalf.PlayerID, qryBottomHalf.PlayerID
FROM qryTopHalf, qryBottomHalf

I do not get an error message but I do end up getting duplicate values in the results from the new query I have made using the above SQL code... It doesn't seem logical for me to be getting 4 values in each field of the new query results when there were only 2 values in both qryTopHalf.PlayerID and qryBottomHalf.PlayerID.

Any suggestions/solutions? :-)

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Data Types From Different Sources?

Jan 31, 2008


Wondering if anyone has a solution for my problem.

I have 2 data sources, one which is an ODBC and one which is an import table. I have a 2 queries each querying the 2 data sources seperatly.

My problem is... One of the fields which I need to do a join to a reference table has a different data type in each of the data sources. I have tried changing this in the imported table NO JOY!! You cant change the data type in the ODBC link.

Is the anyway round this?

Any help appreciated...

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Form With 2 Different Control Sources?

Dec 14, 2005

I have just split up a table into tables so that has interfered with the form I had created for it. I have 2 main tables:


Drawing num

I split them up because there was alot of dublication. One drawing can have many different revisions. So I think it was better to split it up like this?

Anyways the form allows the user to add this information so some of the controls are bound to one form and the others to another. I know that I could do a query to combine the two tables but is that the best way to do it from an optimisation/ good database design point of view?

From a layout point of view I would prefer not to use a subform.

Thanks for your time,

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Universal Form For Different Sources?

Jan 27, 2015

I have an option group where the user reads a question and either has to select yes or no. There are multiple questions on this form. If the user selects 'No' I'd like a "why" form to pop up and allow the user to write a reasoning down and have it saved in a record in a table (the same table that the yes or no answer is saved in).

Right now I have it working, but my method will force me to make a specific why form for each question (which will be over 50). This doesn't seem very efficient.

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