General :: Export A Query To XML To Be Used In PHP Script
Jun 24, 2015
I need to export a Query to XML to be used in a PhP script.However the XML output format differ from the example I have.The example is far more simplistic so I need to get rid of the extra stuff.I assume that I would need to use a schema to correct this but I've been unable to get the syntax correct.
Current Output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" generated="2015-06-25T07:02:27">
Output I need:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Schema I tried to use (xsl file type)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata">
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Oct 8, 2013
Why does the first of the two lines below work, when I export a table, but not work when I export from that same table using a query?
(I'm trying to export the table without including the first column...)
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Employees_Export_Specification", "tblEmployees", strPath & "" & strFilename, True
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Employees_Export_Specification", "qryFinalExportToDataFile", strPath & "" & strFilename, True
When I use the latter line, which uses the query in the "tablename" parameter an error msg that pops up complains that "MS Access database engine could not find the object, make sure the object exists, you've spelled it correctly..." etc.
Should I be using a different Do.Cmd or acExport thingy?
I guess I can always write a select into newtable without the first column and then carry on with the line that works, but I also want to understand what I am doing wrong.
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May 30, 2014
A user reported that when exporting a list of people from a query to excel, certain people/records are not contained in the export. I took a look (old db mdb v2002-2003 access) and what I found was quite odd.
First, I opened the resultant xls and the first 25 rows or so are blank - which I thought was weird - were these the missing records?
Next I noticed that I forgot to close the xls when rerunning/testing the export using this:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "qryemailods", Me!Premiername, 0
When I was watching the open spreadsheet, I noticed that it was repopulated with records (I actually expected to get a 'file in use' error, but access carried on) replacing the data.
But lo' and behold! All the records were exported, including the 25 or so missing records at the top where the blank rows previously were located!?!?
I tried a few things... compact and repair on the front and back end of the mdb. Save at newer version of access (2007/accdb), even working locally in case there was some network lag or other issue... Same story... when running the export with the target file closed, the first ~25 records are dropped - but if the xls is already open it runs fine.
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "qryemailods", Me!Premiername, 0
...and that does in fact produce the proper listing without missing records (with target file closed), but the "12" export causes the following message to pop up when opening the file:
"The file you are trying to open [filename] is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source etc etc etc.. Do you want to open the file now?"
If I hit yes, the file opens and looks good - but why the error message?
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Jun 17, 2013
Is there a way to export a query of 14 items to a word report. I have a table of 14 items in that I use as a query but it only exports 1 item to the report.
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Nov 11, 2014
I have two tables that need to be exported on one .txt file.
One table has the header record. And the 2nd table has the detail record.
My issue is as follows:
1. Need to create one .txt file
2. The header record has one set of export specs and the detail record has a different set of export specs.
3. The first line is the header record, and 2nd line is the detail record.
Example below:
H Abraham Armenta January Cake 00123
D Father Saturday 02536 00123
Both tables have a common control number - in this case represented by the 00123. I just cannot figure out how to accomplish this..
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Aug 29, 2012
A little background. I need to export the results of a query I use to build a report. For Print Master software I need the "Field Names" in the text file as well as the data for a Mail Merge in Print Master (PM).
"The field name information in the file you have specified is missing or not correctly formatted. The first line of the file must contain the database field names. Make sure the "Export Field Names" (or similar) option is selected in the program from which you are exporting data."
Trouble is, when trying to export the report or query, Access has no "Export Field Names" option. It works if I first export to Excel and then from Excel to "txt" then to Printmaster. I would like to eliminate the Excel step. Therefore, how do or can I get Access Export to transfer the "Field Names" along with the field data?
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Jun 17, 2013
I have set up a database that each user will put on their own computer, as it builds a running list made specifically for that user of chosen items to be exported to Excel, and because the remote locations have issues when accessing a shared network.
The db verifies the network user ID against a table to allow it to open. This to prevent any unauthorized user from accessing, and if db was copied or forwarded, only authorized users could see the data.
If the user is not on the list, it advises "Not an Authorized User", then exits Access. (I disabled the shift on opening, hid navigation bar, etc.) When further testing this security, I realized that even though users can access only the forms that I allowed, if they were to open another Access db, they could link or import the main table.
So all of my security precautions are for naught, as anyone with access to the db could see the confidential data. Even if they were not valid users, they could still get to the data if they knew how to import from another db. Is there any way to lock down the main table, so that it cannot be exported? Or be imported into another database?
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Aug 14, 2013
I created a simple macro using the Export with Formatting action to export a table from access to excel. The dates in the excel file are not in the original format of the dates in the access file.How can I save the date and other formats when I export an access table to excel ?
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Apr 24, 2014
I have 260 access files (12 data tables in each file). I want to extract table with name of "Borrower" and "Ledger Recovery" from DB to excel. The end result i need is to consolidate all 260 tables of "Borrower" in one excel sheet and all 260 tables of "Ledger Recovery" in one excel sheet.
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Apr 17, 2013
I am new to access, and am having trouble getting a correct export of XML out of an access database. I am not sure if it is a schema setup or something else.
I have attached a file that shows the format that is coming from access (Bad Format) and the format I am needing (Correct Format).
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Oct 22, 2012
I am exporting a report from access. The problem is after export to .rtf, all fields appears correct except a bar code field (CCode39). It adds a space after the text which makes text non-recognizable by bar code scanner.If I use other formats, then there is no problem. I tried by using plain text as well rich text format for that particular field.
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May 5, 2013
i have access 2013 and when i try to export data to excel with "Analyze data in excel" when the file is open i excel i get this error message file error: some data may have been lost". (and a whole row has not been export)
i tried to fix this file with excel open and repair option and i click on "extract data" but then i got this message;
Excel attempted to recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost or corrupted.
Excel found errors that may cause some recovered data to be put in the wrong cells.
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Apr 22, 2014
I want to export my data in "Asset_Table" link table to another file store in "d:Database1.accdb" with table name "AssetList". The Code i used as below. But when i opening the "Database1" file, the Table "Assetlist" is a LINK table type (I want Local Table). how to export the Link table data to Local Table data on another Database file.
Private Sub Copy_Click()
DoCmd.TransferDatabase transfertype:=acExport, _
databasetype:="Microsoft Access", _
databasename:="d:Database1.accdb", _
ObjectType:=ACTable, Source:="Asset_Table", _
Destination:="AssetList", structureonly:=False
End Sub
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Dec 6, 2012
I have a table of trainees. One of the fields of that table is 'authorized trainer' (YES/NO) tick box. What this allows me to do is query the trainees table based on who is an authorized trainer, and who is not. I have a table of called training, that records information about training a trainee has completed. One of the fields of this table is a lookup that looks up all the trainees from the trainee table who are authorized trainers, so that I can also record who conducts each trainees training.
As you can see from the table the listbox field for trainer shows both the last, and first name of the trainer.I now need to export the table to an excel file, but when I do, only the second name of the trainer is exported. Is there a way to export both the first and last name?
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Jun 30, 2015
I have information held in 3 different tables and I would like to extract this information to three different tabs in a singe Excel workbook - preferably in one step.
My access knowledge is fairly basic but I have been looking online and I can only find out how to do it using a VBA script - which is quite terrifying! Is there a simple way to do this?
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Jul 18, 2014
how to export Access' many-to-many relationships in excel.
My database is a Project portfolio management tool. One project has many different fields, some of which can only be single values (one-to-one, easy to export to excel) and many others are multiple values fields, built as many-to-many relations (through junction tables).
One usage that was not specified at database creation time was the ability to export the portfolio to excel, so non-access-savvy users can browse, filter, sort and play with the portfolio however they want.
If I build a report, it will contain as many sub-reports as there are junction tables, rendering it un-exportable to excel. A Form would have to be continuous, barring the use of sub-forms for the m2m relations.
Building a query will generate many lines per project (as many as the most populous multiple field), making the excel sheet nearly unusable (in my users opinion, and here, the client's the king).
The best route I have been exploring so far involves "transforming" the multiple fields, so a the different "rows" become additional "columns".
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Feb 25, 2015
I have an existing Access Database which has a lot data, new records get added every day and a few are modified as well.
I need to write a script/query/exe which will get modified records(since last execution of same script etc.) from Access and export them to a CSV file.
My problem is getting those modified records.. Is there any default timestamp field in Access which can be used? Or do I have to add a new timestamp column for every table?
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Jul 23, 2012
I have a table that has over 6000 rows with two columns. One a title and the other a memo column with transcripts from interviews (some being extremely long). I do research using content analysis and to do that on these interviews, I need each one saved in its own text file.
Specifically I need to export each transcript into its own text file and save that file using the title from the other column. So I would end up with over 6000 text files all being saved using the title from the corresponding row as the transcript. Is this even possible?
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Apr 23, 2013
I am using Access and Excel 2007. This Db is for a mental health practice to track and store the paper questionnaires that the patients fill out. The data then needs to be exported to Excel so that it can be imported into a proprietary software that analyzes the data and recommends treatment plans. (It does NOT play nice with Access, forget it.) There are many forms and all of them are fine and export to separate worksheets no problems.
Now for the problem child: One form has 493 fields. Obviously I could fit that into two tables, but it seemed cleaner to use a main form and main table with the patient information (ID_Number, Name, Date, etc.), then tabbed subforms and separate tables for each “section” of the questionnaire (School, Work, Home, etc. There are 11 tables/forms in all.) These tables are all related by the ID_Number. The problem is the export. I need all 493 fields to write to one worksheet in order. This would of course involve removing the ID_Number field from all the tables except the main one. A query obviously can’t handle that many fields. VBA I can TransferSpreadsheet but then each table goes to a separate worksheet.
I’m thinking maybe calling some SQL code that will drop the unneeded fields and keep appending the data to the worksheet one table at a time? Of course the rows would somehow need to be defined WHERE ID_Number = ID_Number so that the same patients information is all on one row.
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Jul 10, 2014
How do I export report or table to word document with check box so people can check them and send to me back. I can change my records.
For example
Delete ITEM
5540 (Chick box goes here, they can tick)
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Sep 19, 2012
I am working on a website which has over 1000 pages that has the same code, but only a link that is different on each page. So, I thought that I will create a database and work my way from there. I was able to work the code and combine everything. Now would it be possible to export individual record from a query to a file with .html extension? If not, .txt will work as well. However, I want to have another field that would have the file names and the file is saved under that name.The query name is "Code Query" and the field name is "Final Code".
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Feb 4, 2015
I've been using a series of 5 tables to export an XML file using Access's native XML export. In order to keep the XML intact, there are relationships setup to link each sets of elements together via an ID number(link) field in each table.
Access does a great job at exporting, but then we need to rely on another program to delete these link fields that links the tables together so our XML validates. Additionally, we use this program to reorganize some of the XML, as one of our tables puts itself at the end of the XML element and not in the middle where it should be. This is not a problem when I'm dealing with a few hundred records, as the 3rd part program does the trick. The problem is when I have enough data to generate a 30+MB file that my other program chokes on when trying to manipulate the XML.
So my question can I export these 5 tables to XML while omitting the linking member fields and organizing it how it should be? I have examples of code below. How Access Exports it
[Code] .....
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Aug 30, 2012
I am the new for the vb little bit know the access, while exporting excel from access query, i require save field name as file name.
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Oct 15, 2014
I am trying to export a table (and possibly later a query) into a fixed width text file and I am not finding where to set the specifications. When I select Text File in the export tab, I only get the check box about Export datq with formatting and layout. Is that basically it? I do have the table set up with the correct widths for the fields.
An additional question:
This is a large table with 99 fields for a total width of 804 characters. Is there any limit for the six of a record for such an export?
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Jan 25, 2015
I am trying to export my Access pivot table to excel because every time I do, the values (which are text and numbers; i.e. some numbers and some <0.05 format) are changed into a sum, product..... I need to rearrange this data not calculate anything.
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Sep 9, 2013
How to Export and Import data into and from Access using a Quicken Interchangeable Format (QIF) ...
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