General :: Filter All Records That Contain Same ID Value
Jun 23, 2014
In access, I have the following: 2 sub forms located in an overall form. I would like when I select a record in the first subform, that the second subform would automatically filter for all records that contain the same ID Value.
I have a table with the following 5 fields. (Service Type), (Valve Name),(Size),(Rating),(Description).
I want to do two thing:
First: I want to select the required information from the first 4 fields using combo boxes and get the last field (description) based on the selected 4 fields. In other words, i want the record to be filtered using first 4 fields to give me the last field info.
Second: I want to store the filtered record (all 5 fields) in another table.
I'm trying to hash two scripts I've found into 1 functioning filter, however I'm still relatively new to vba and can't figure out how to get this working.
I'm trying to use Allen Browne's Search Criteria:
with another snippete of code I found here:
Code: 'Purpose: This module illustrates how to create a search form, _ where the user can enter as many or few criteria as they wish, _ and results are shown one per line.
It's the date part I'm having trouble with, the rest of the search criteria work fine without the date, but I can't get it working when I try to modify and merge the date sections of each code.
Also I'm using a listbox for the "Yesterday";"Last 4 days";"Last 9 days" and not a combo box.
How can I create a "Filter Button" on a form and filter my records? I create a textbox on a form and a filter button on the right. Then I click the filter futton, the filter function will search/match the content in the box through the datasheet. And then the results of the filtering will be pop up on the split form datasheet.
Hi, I have this table with job numbers stored by days of the week e.g. mon job, tue job, wed job etc. You can have the same job number everyday of the week or different ones. I have to get a report that shows JOB # ??? and all of the fields associated with it. I'm trying with a query, but can't get it! How can I accomplish this?
I have set a query to carry out a list of companies from a table based on two criteria. However, the same company could appear two times in the results .
Is there a way to requery results to filter records that appears two times and leave them only one time in the final list? Thanks in advance
I have at present 2 combo box's that filter, now....... the 1st combo box is a drop down value list that will filter the OPOwner (persons name) for example there are 3000 records and 5 OPOwners, I can for now filter my name in cboOPOwner combo box.
The 2nd box (drop down list) is Status which would be "New";"Open";Pipeline";"Lead" ect...
If I filter my name it brings up all records related to my name and the when I want to filter status it will bring up all records relating to say 'Pipeline' however it will bring everyone's ;Pipeline and not just mine.
What I want is to filter my name in the OPOwner combo box and once all records are filtered in my name then in the status combo box filter what ever I want to look at. example what I want to filter - 'Filter Neil' then 'Filter Pipeline, or filter Lead or New'.
This is the code I have in both combo's....
Private Sub cboOPOwner_AfterUpdate() If Nz(Me.cboOPOwner.Text) = "" Then Me.Form.Filter = "" Me.FilterOn = False ElseIf Me.cboOPOwner.ListIndex <> -1 Then Me.Form.Filter = "[OPOwner] = '" & _ Replace(Me.cboOPOwner.Text, "'", "''") & "'" Me.FilterOn = True
I'm trying to set a filter with a command button. I've tried to do it like the examples I've read on numerous sites, but I can't seem to get the filter set. The code that seems most like the examples to me is:
Me.Filter = "[chkPaid] = 0" Me.FilterOn = True
When I run this I get a box telling me to enter a parameter value for chkPaid. chkPaid is definitely the correct name for the checkbox control on the form. I've tried many variations with and without the square brackets, but as long as I have [chkPaid] inside of quotes I get the Enter Parameter box. If I leave the quotes off I get no parameter value request, but it doesn't set the filter either.
So I have a Form with 3 fields. 2 Date fields (Beginning & Ending) as well as a combo box (CName). There is a button (Filter).I want to fill in both dates and select from the dropdown box. Onceeach field has a value then it will send a msgbox saying there were "# of records" between the 2 dates by CName
I have a database that opens into a continuous form ... which has records and a user name in each, which is taken from a table "ASSIGNED". At the foot of the continuous form I put a filter button to show only the selected user records.That when opening the form, Access asks why I want to filter user (do this only once) ... So each user sees only their records.It is clear that the "Front End" is used in a network and is linked to another database with multiple related tables.
i have a table with 20,000 records. one column includes names. another column includes multiple dates the person visited a doctor, and another column includes dates the person visited a hospital. i am only interested in the last date the person visited a doctor and the last date the person visited a hospital (if they had any visits to the doctor or hospital). I am also interested in members who have had no visits to the doctor or hospital. any suggestions on how i can filter the data to only return these records? thanks
Name Date Visited DoctorDate Visited Hospital Nigel01/01/1980012/31/1995 05/20/199906/06/2005 03//02/200405/06/2004
For example, I only want to return
Nigel, 03/02/2004 (Date Visited Doctor), and 06/06/2005 (Date Visited Hospital). thank you. i really appreciate any help you can offer.
setting up a database for my department at work and have a few questions
a.) i need to set my form to have a search or filter based on user criteria
1.) users need to be able to select themselves from a drop down list that's based on a table in order to filter their cases from everyone elses
2.) instead of using the drop down menu i'd like them to be able to enter an ID number that pulls up a specific record rather than first selecting all their cases and then navigating those until they come across the case they're looking for
I want to write a code that upon opening the report it looks at the sumofamount field and only shows me the records that the sum is greater than $50. It currently shows me all the records and it they are less than $50, it comes up as a negative. I only want to see the one which have amounts over $50. Would I write this in code and have an even procedure upon opening of the report? I should also add that I have the amounts listed out the bottom of the page, so I can't just go into the query and put >50.
Thanks. ="" & [first name] & ", for the month of " & Format([date],"mmmm") & " your DHL bill came to " & Format([sumofamount],"$#,##0.00") & ", the company allows you $50.00 per month, this leaves you with an overage of " & Format([overage],"$#,##0.00") & ". This amount will be deducted from future commissions. Below is an itemized list of your charges. If you have any questions, please contact me at extension 4491."
In my database I want to create a report that identifies if some is available or not every day. I have a general table(Tbl_General) with names and contact info, in a second table(Tbl_Recall) I have 3 fields Location StartDate EndDate. I want to show every person from the general table and only records from the Recall table where the start date is before today and the end date is after today.
The queries I write exclude some records if I limit the dates and the reports I build show all records in the recall table.
I have a query based report Linked to a form. That is, in my form, i have a combo box. Selecting this combo box pulls out a certain field values in list box in the same form. (Cascading Combo/ List Boxes).
So after i select a certain value in combo box, it shows a certain field values in the list box. Now, i want to open a report and view only the records that has the selected combo box and list box values.
Note: I have seen a guy made an access report based on a query. He made a form with a combo box and a list box.
The report is based on the combo box value selected by the user. Once, the user selected a value in the combo box, the list box updates automatically. ( I have done till here successfully). Then he used a toggle button on the same form.
This toggle button opens the report with the combo box value as the criteria but filters the report based on the field value in the list box.
How to place a toggle button with a filter command to open a query based report?
I have a function which I want to return the value of a field.
Public Function fieldValue(tblName As String, fldName As String) Dim drs As Recordset Set db = CurrentDb Set drs = db.OpenRecordset(tblName) fieldValue = drs.Fields(fldName).Value drs.Close Set drs = Nothing End Function
I need to return the value obtained, for a specified User identified with a numeric variable.What is the best way forward? - Some sort of filter or DLookup and how to code this?
I am trying to build an expression in a query that will filter specific numbers when the value is entered. I would like the value box to read something like "Please enter the file number" and when entered, see example of file # in brackets (001-200-001), it will show those records with that file number only. In addition, because I will be printing it from a report, the filtered file numbers should also show up in the form.
I need to navigate through all records for a table where a <field> = a certain "string". Ideally I would have a next record button that would know to ignore records that do not meet my criteria?
Simply put, Next available record where <field> = "string"?
I use Access 2003 and saw Ken Higg's sample database to filter records in a form using a combobox. I managed to replicate his settings and wondered about an extension to the principle, but I don't know if it's possible.
In the sample, a value is selected using a combobox and all matching records are filtered so it's possible to scroll through them. Is it possible to have a second (or more) combobox on the form so it is possible to filter on one or another criterion? This would mean one combobox filling the other one and I realise that the one that Ken provided is unbound.
The reason that I'd like to do this is, for instance, if there are records with Surname, 1st, 2nd and 3rd lines of the Address and Postcode, I may wish to filter records by entering the Surname or Postcode. Each of these fields would have to be displayed in a combobox. As the sample is set up at present, only one of the Surname or Postcode has to be selected via the combobox and the other is a textbox.
It may be that what I'd like to do isn't possible - or someone may have come up with some other idea. I'd prefer to have the search/filtering on the form, rather than using the buttons on the Form View toolbar.
A form I created contains buttons for the user to restrict the display- showing records that are tasked to one specific employee. So their choices are Employee a, employee b or all employees. This is a process I use a lot :) This last form opens with NO records displayed. When a button is clicked the records show correctly. Any idea what to check? Thanks,
I am importing about 1.5 million records from a .txt file into an Access database. I have the code that splits the records and adds them to the database. However, the database has a 'specialty' table that lists certain specialty codes. The incoming record has a field that is a specialty code. Any way to search the 'specialty' table for the code that is coming in on the record to be added, and then, if the record 'code' is not found, skip it, and if it is found, add it to the database. There are about 70 codes in the 'specialty' table.