General :: Get Some Information To Show Up In Chronological Order?

Jul 17, 2015

how to get some information to show up in chronological order.

For example,
It is showing up like this..

Week 1
Week 10
Week 2
Week 20
Week 3
Week 4
and so on

I want it like week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 10
week 20

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Months Of The Year In Chronological Order

Sep 9, 2005

Hello All

Does any know how to index months of the year in chronological order, such as




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Week No. Chronological Order Problem

Mar 13, 2008

Please can anyone help, I have a query that gets its date field from a table that is set to short date.
I use this query to generate a graph in a report.
The problem i have is that i have formatted the short date to ww,yyyy and when i view the query the week No. does not follow chronological order.
ie, it sorts them as follows, 1`2008/10`2008/ 11`2008/3`2008/ 4`2008 etc...
I think a way to resolve this would be to get all the week No`s to 2 digits ie, 01`2008/ 02`2008/ 03`2008 etc....
I have tried everything but cannot get the week No. to format in this way.
Any advice would be much apprieciated.

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Enforce Chronological Order On Form

Sep 27, 2005


I have a form based on a query. In this query I sorted the columns year and month in a chronological order. However, on the form this does not appear that way on the form. How can I enforce this?
Thank you

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Order Than Information Is Displayed In.

Dec 2, 2004

New to Access - I have a database which currently has 200 records. When I run a query or report it's the 150th Record which comes up first. I do get all the information but would like to know how I set it up that it's the 1st record which is taken first and then so on.....

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Only Show The Report If There Is Information

Jan 18, 2006

I have a form with a list box that shows a number of reports that are ultimatly built from queries.
Depending on what information I have put in, some of the reports will not show any information, which is fine. Is there a why that I can tell the report to open only if there is information present or maybe change the colour of the name of the report in the list box.
This sounds a bit complicated but hopefully I have explained enough for someone to help, thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Getting Information To Show Up In Box

Jun 20, 2013

I am creating a new form and right now I only have 3 controls: Employee name, Employee ID, and Hire date.

How can I type in an Employee's Name and when I hit enter I get the info in the other boxes to show up?So what I am wanting is to be able to type in a name and hit enter and have all the other boxes populate in the form?

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Forms :: Subform To Show Latest Information

Sep 14, 2014

I created a vehicle database that includes a sevice subform to track service history. The main form is bound to the vehicle table that tracks the vehicles we have. (Vehicle_ID). The service history has its own table that stores its history and is link to the vehicles table. I created a report that shows my vehicle and its last history item. When i click on it, it will bring up the vehicle form where you can add information. Is there a way to create the form, so when i enter the latest information and i click on it, it will bring up my main form, and in my subform svc history, display the lastest information.

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Forms :: Pictures Show After Information In A Field

Jun 29, 2014

My idea is to have a field in my table that have ratings for example - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. How can i make one star.jpg image to appear when I've entered rating 1, two stars to appear when I've entered rating 2, 3 stars for rating 3 and etc.... Is that even possible? If it isn't is there any other way i can make this?

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Modules & VBA :: Save Input Into Array And Show This Information

Nov 23, 2013

I want to save input into an Array, and then show this information.To enter data I am using a textBox. After "Enter" it should save info into the Array.If textBox is empty, it should show information. I would like to use a textbox too, that shows all the Array after pressing Enter.

textbox on the Form: txtInput, txtOutput..I have the following code, but I am not able to get it work:


Option Compare Database
Public Sub Form_Load()
Dim Data(10) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer


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Should Be Easy For Someone - Show Only Last Customer Order, By Date?

Feb 22, 2006

Hi all, i have a query which will be used for reports, and only the last order placed by a customer is needed to be shown. Here's the table used in the query:-

PurchaseNumber - PK,Autonumber

So obviously for one customer there can be several orders, but i just want to show the latest one by the date field. I have tried grouping by the date field on both Last and Max, but with all the other fields from the table in the query (i need to have all the fields from the table for the report by the way) it still shows all the orders for a customer.

If i only include the customernumber field and dateofpurchase field and then group by date i have 4923 records, which is the correct amount, only one order per customer (the latest one) but adding any other fields to the query gives me the full 7000 odd orders (several per customer).

Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance.

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Sorting By Chronological Month

Nov 1, 2005

I have my query set up, but I want it to sort by chronolological month and not alphabetically. Below is the SQL statement.

GROUP BY [Implementation Pipeline].[Parent Company], PUR_OWN_ASC_11.CUST_ID, MonthName(PUR_OWN_ASC_11!PERIOD,False), [Implementation Pipeline].[Transition to FSCR/AM]
HAVING (((MonthName([PUR_OWN_ASC_11]![PERIOD],False))<"October"))

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Forms :: Show Picture When Hovering Over Product Name In Order Form

Mar 11, 2014

I'm creating a database for a flower shop for training purpose. I have a main form with a sub form that has the orders in it. when placing a new order for a client and selecting the product from the combo box, it would be great if the product could show up to the right in the form.

I have no clue if this is possible and how to get it working. I have included the database as an attachment, which way to follow. I remember that I could do this on a web page, but a web page is not the same as a database.

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Some General Information Needed Please

Jul 2, 2007

Hi I am in the process of designing a new database using Access 2003 for my company. I have very little knowledge of access and what knowledge I do have is self taught!

The database is to hold medical records about patients that we see (we run a small medical centre)

The information that we put on it will include the patients personal details (name address etc..) and also details about treatments given to them.

Could anyone give me some advice on what type of database sounds best for this type of information. At the moment the database will only be used in the medical centre but will be accessed by more than one person at a time (not sure if that is relevant !

I really would appriciate some advice as some of you guys have helped me before and i value your opinions.

Many thanks in advance

Paul :)

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General :: Where / How To Store Reference Information

Nov 12, 2013

I have not developed a database application before. At my work I was seconded to fill in as a team lead for a change management team. We are in a production environment and need to track the progress of product improvements. The current system is very complicated using an enormous Excel spreadsheet and a very bid MSProject schedule. It is very handraulic in the way it is maintained.

Before I started I reviewed who inputs data, who uses the data, and what metrics are reported. I can reduce the amount of data that is recorded by only generating many of the existing Excel fields through calculation run when a report is generated or a chart populated.

I need to track the state of several hundred minor changes through the production run. The reference data I need to store is serial number against production batch. This is fixed data that is not changed, only used as to show the entry point of a change into the production line and which serial numbers the change is applied to.

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General :: Grabbing Web Information Into Database?

May 17, 2015

I have two third-party library programs that allow you to type in an ISBN and the software searches, say Amazon, and grabs particular missing data: author, cover jpg and summary etc, and imports the info to the program. I'd like to replicate this process with Access. If I can type in an author, title or ISBN to Access, I'd like it to search Amazon to gather and input the missing data to my assigned fields. Is this possible? Or am I stuck to typing in the information separately.

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General :: Form Not Displaying Information

Dec 11, 2012

I a a new user to Access having only every ceate a couple of small databases using the wizards. I have just started a database where I have created my tables and I am now creating a form to display information. The problem that I am having is that when in Design mode I can see all the information and fields that I have used to create the form, however when i save the form then opening in display mode I do not see any of the fields, revert back to design mode and hey are all there.

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General :: Loop Through Query For Information

Jun 18, 2014

I am using Access 2010. I have a database that on a form uses a multiselect listbox. That part works just fine. The list box is for selecting additional people to email. Now I have had no luck with returning just the email address that are in a hidden column (the persons actual name is seen and "selected"). The names come from a separate table and is used as a forgien key. On that same table are the indivuals email addresses. What I did was loop through to get all of the ID numbers I am getting from the list box (the ID numbers are stored in the table that the form is based on).

Once I have all of the ID Numbers I thought that maybe there was a way to retrieve all of the email address associated with the ID Numbers. This is what I have so far. I know that AllQuery returns the first email address from the list box. I just have no idea if the query is returning more than one record, or if it is how to then go to the next record. I have tried a few things with little to no success.

Dim ListItem As Variant
Dim AllItems As String
Dim AllQuery As String
For Each ListItem In Me.EmailAdditionEgineers.ItemsSelected
AllItems = AllItems & Me.EmailAdditionEgineers.ItemData(ListItem) & " or "
Next ListItem
AllItems = Left(AllItems, Len(AllItems) - 3)
AllQuery = DLookup("EmailAddress", "AdditionalEmailRequestQuery", "[ID] = " & AllItems) & ";"

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General :: Reading DB File Information?

Sep 29, 2013

I see a lot of requests for this operation, but apparently .DB files are so general that sometimes it's impossible? Any all-encompassing program that can read files like this? I believe they come in different formats and are produced by a variety of different programs. The only thing I ever see though are files with [.db] as the extension.

If I open the one I have with notepad on a windows machine I see some of the info but some of it is not there and is garbled.


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General :: First In First Out Order Shortage

Mar 25, 2013

I need to design a query in which order shortage is calculated with respect to fifo method for orders .

Attached is the logic

How to create it. and if i need to incorporate more than 10 orders , what is the best method for this ?

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General :: Saving Information From Form To A Different Table?

Nov 26, 2012

I have created a form and a subform within it, I have managed to populate all the dropdown boxes from the tables I need. but I need to save all the information in putted to a table called bookingstbl and I do not know where to begin?

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General :: Cannot See Where To Enter Emergency Contact Information

Sep 17, 2012

I downloaded a student template from microsoft and have been able to figure out most of it. I cannot see where to enter the emergency contact information. Also, when I try to see the student and guardian table/list, the guardian list comes up empty even though I entered this information when I entered the student info...

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General :: Automatically Add Information After Field Exceeds?

Sep 20, 2012

I have a field "Permit_Date_Expired" field automatically is created by adding one year to the "Permit_Date_Issued" field.

when the "Permit_Date_Expired" field exceeds TODAYS() date I want it to automatically change the field "Permit_Holder" to say Expired is this possible?

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General :: Collecting 2 Types Of Information From Combo Box

Mar 6, 2014

I have 2 tables

1. stocklist
2 product details

I created a form called " product details "

Using a combo box in the form "product details" I select a "part number " of which the part number and the associated description of the part comes into a fields called "part number " and "part description "

The part number selected then goes into a table called product details

Is it possible that when I select the part number , both the part number and the part description go into the table called product details.

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General :: Adding Two Numbers While Inputting The Information?

Apr 1, 2014

I have a database where on the form we are just put in total deductions. We want to make sure that the total deductions is correct so while we are entering this number we want to do an excel thing by hitting = 1 + 1. Anytime we do that we are getting an error message. I really didn't want to have to set up a table to store these different amounts because we really only need the total. Is there a way to do that? I changed the format from currency to general but I'm still getting the error.

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General :: Get ID Number And Update Record With New Information

Jul 25, 2014

I am having a problem with retrieving the information I am looking for. Basically I am checking to see if a user has selected a TRNumber from a drop down menu and if that TRNumber matches any other records in the table in that field. If it does, is that Number already associated with the user selecting it. If it is I want to get the ID number so I can simply update the record with new information. Here is what I have so far.

Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim Tech As String
Dim MsgStr As String
Dim IdMod As String
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("PrepStartDateBlankQuery")

[Code] .....

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