General :: Import All Tables Into New Database

Oct 4, 2012

I had created a database a number of months back and received.After getting halfway through and seeing some requests come through from management on what they want to see or improvements, it looks as though there will have to be some retooling done to the database like moving some fields to different tables as there is duplicate entry fields.Would you import all the tables into a new database and then append the data to where it needs to go or keep working within the one I have?

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General :: Large Table Import / Way To Import Tables To Access

Sep 17, 2013

I want to make a database of diseases (need to learn them for school and would like a serchable database on my smart phone for future reference).
Unfortunately spent a lot of time making hundreds of pages of word tables before i realized a database would be better. See attached image or pdf. Is there a way to import the tables to Access?

I need to preserve the hierarchic info in the nested bullet point lists. E.g. under treatment i might have a point called Acute treatment, with sub-levels, Step 1, Step 2, etc. with their own sub-levels. I need to maintain this relational hierarchic info.

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General :: Import To One To Many Database

Mar 13, 2014

I want my access database to store information about "tests" and "products" that are in each "test". So "tests" is the "one" and "products" is the "many" (each test has many products).My client needs to routinely send me lists of tests and the products that are in each test. I then need to put this information in to my database

I don't want to type out the information they send me, instead I want to devise a simple form for them to complete and email to me (perhaps in excel) that they populate, and I then import/paste in to my database.How should the excel form be structured so that it is both easy for my client to populate and easy for me to import/paste in to my database. e.g. importing lots of test and product information, rather than type it in. Bearing in mind the 1:M structure.

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General :: Automate Import From Another Database

Nov 1, 2012

I have a database for when our people are out in the field. The people will fill out large questionnaires that I want to import into our main database. How can I automate this?

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Tables :: Import A Table From Another Database

Mar 20, 2013

All, using access 2010 but working on a 2003 database. Trying to import a table from another database. I made a copy of a database im trying to import from a database on a production server and placed it in my development folder. When I go to import the table; it throw an error:Reserved error (-1524); there is no message for this error.why I can't import a table especially if no one is using it?

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Tables :: Import Table From External Database

Apr 23, 2013

Using access 2010. Trying to set up an import table from an external database.

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", "Y:DevTestFolder2013 01 Some Data Name", acTable, "tblName", "tblName"

I get an error 3024 could not find the file Y"DevTestFolder2013....

The database I am importing from is a 2003 .mdb. I tried the brackets because the file has spaces in it but still get the same error.

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General :: Making Use Of Import Error Tables

Mar 27, 2013

I am attempting to set up a saved import procedure in an Access database that will be run programmatically using docmd.RunSavedImportExport. The source document is an Excel file.My goal is to trap any import errors caused by inconsistencies in the source data. I'd also like to provide the user with some small amount of feedback on what is causing these errors.

My initial thought was to make use of the "File_ImportErrors" table that is generated following an unsuccessful import. *Not once* has this import procedure consistently generated an error table - sometimes the table is created, sometimes it isn't.

I have tried changing the file format of the import file to comma- and tab-delimited files, respectively. Both of these formats do consistently generate an error table, however none of the error values in the table are accurate - it reports a slew of type conversion errors for fields that are completely consistent and unproblematic, whilst completely overlooking conspicuous errors from text strings in date fields.

I have tried the same import, both procedurally and manually, using all available Excel and text-delimited formats, with the same respective results.I notice that nearly every thread on AWF pertaining to error tables discusses how to delete them, rather than make effective use of them. I suspect this is perhaps why?

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How To Import Data From The Original Two Tables To New Updated Database

Apr 28, 2014

I've been making small changes here and there to my database in Access 2013. I have left the original database in place and it has acquired many new records from the last month. I'm ready to start using the newly updated design version of the database, but I do not want to have to type all those new records into the new database to get it up-to-date. There has to be a way to import the data from the original database to the newly updated one.

Most, If not all of the fields have the same names, but some of the fields have changed, like to Combo boxes. I removed two or three unneeded fields, and added two or three. I understand the new fields will need to have data enter to them, but the remaining would be redundant and inefficient if I have to reenter all the recent records again.

How do I import the data from the original two tables to the new updated database? I only have two tables and they use a One-to-One relationship in both databases. The table's names are different, but as I mentioned earlier, the fields are mostly the same. Do I need to import into Excel, and then modify the data slightly, and then import into my new database?

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General :: Import Database Files From Ms Access To Visual Studio?

Jul 1, 2013

how i can import database files from ms access to visual studio?

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General :: Import Or Link Excel File On Access Database

Sep 17, 2013

I'd like to import an excel file but the data begin from cell "A10", above there is a "privacy text".Is it possibile import or link the excel data in an access table directly from the cell A10?

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Queries :: Unable To Import Tables From FoxPro Database Using VBA Code

Apr 22, 2013

I'm trying to import a few tables from a FoxPro database into an Access Database using VBA code. I know I have done it before and I remember struggling with the format last time.

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "ODBC Database", "ODBC;DSN=Hiremate;SourceDB=data-wwappshmfox32datahiremate.dbc;SourceType=DBC;E xclusive=No;BackgroundFetch=Yes;Collate=Machine;Nu ll=Yes;Deleted=Yes", acTable, "hires"

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Tables :: Import Some Information From Excel File Into Access Database

Feb 2, 2015

I'm trying import some information from excel file into Access Database but I need have imported information formatted in specific way.

Import file is looking like:

City - Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
London / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5/ 5/ 9/ 1/ 3/ 4
Chicago / 2 / 1 / 4/ 8/ 3/ 3/ 2/ 1 / 5
Paris / 9 / 4/ 1/ 7/ 8/ 9 / 1 / 1 / 2

And i need table in Access looking more like

City / Week / Value
London / 1 / 3
London / 2 / 1
London / 3/ 4
London / 4 / 5

and so on for each city.Is there any option that this can be done within DB or It would need be some kind of macro to transfer this into other format?

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General :: Unable To Import To Excel From Front End And Back End Using Database Connections

Aug 5, 2012

I have split my database in Front End och Back End, and both are password protected. The Front End has been converted to ACCDE.

When I try to import to Excel from Front End and/or Back End using database connections I receive a message telling me that I am using an invalid password (even though I use the same password when I encrypt/decrypt FE and BE). I've tried using Access import, ODBC and Microsoft Query. (In some cases I 'm also prompted to set a username, which I do not know which it should be since I haven't set one in my database (except the automatic "admin"))

How do I go about to make this work?

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General :: Connecting Access Database To Website To Import Data Automatically

Jun 30, 2015

I just created a database and need to connect it to the data source. The data comes from a http website (intranet from work). When I open the link using firefox, I can view the website with the data in it, but when I open it from Internet Explorer, I get a save as pop-up message to save a csv file which contains all the data. The extension of the http website ends with csv. So it is something like http (slash slash...) Intranetname/referral_dbase.csv

Currently, I am opening the file using firefox, copying all the data manually, and pasting it in a text file using notepad. After that, I import the file into access. The delimiter of the data is this symbol: |

I am trying to find a way to link my database to the website where the data is located so that I can skip the manual process of opening the website and copying the data and saving it into a text file and then importing that file into access. I was thinking to have like a form in access with a bottom that will automatically import that data from this link and paste it into a table in access using the delimiter symbol mentioned above.

Is this too complicated? Is it even possible in access 2010?

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General :: Prevent Autoupdate On Two Different Tables In Same Database

Dec 1, 2013

I have a table called tblDeliveryOverview and a table called tblPurchaseOverview in the relationship there is no link between each other but i've used a query to link the one field from tblDeliveryOverview to tblPurchaseOverview.

How can i prevent a record update from happening when i update a record in tbleDeliveryOverview and the same gets updated in tblPurchaseOverview, which i don't want to happen.

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General :: Transfer Tables Directly To Backend Database?

Mar 12, 2013

I'd like to to import some large oracle tables from a remote server using "DoCmd.TransferDatabase..." on a daily basis. Currently, the system works, but my database is getting quite large (800 Mb) and I'd like to split off the tables to a back end database.

Is there a way to import directly to the back end database? The postings that I've seen seem to imply that one must first import the tables into my front end, then export them into the back end. Does that sound correct?

I'm at home right now, but will give it a try when I get to work. It just seems like there's got to be a more direct way!

Jon Mulder
Department of Water Resources
Red Bluff, CA

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General :: Database Back End Keeps Hanging (Tables On Server)

Aug 10, 2012

I have a database with a front end and back end (tables on the server) that was recently converted from Access 2003 to Access 2010.

For some reason the back end keeps hanging and I have to constantly compact and repair and there has been major data loss on a regular basis.

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General :: Linked Pivot Tables Prevent Updates To Database

Jul 10, 2012

I have built a database and within it my queries I use for reporting make tables in a separate database. This allows me to work in my data base and update info as needed. My problem is that my make table queries wont run if anyone has one of the report pivot tables open. I have added macros to all the Excel files that pull from the reporting DB but I still have several times when I cannot update because someone is using the pivot table, Is there a way to allow me to update the report DB's while the pivot tables are open? I have tried using manual refresh methods and disabling auto update on open but the result is the same.

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General :: Way To Show All Database Elements Tables / Forms / Macros / Modules

Jun 7, 2013

I have a .mdb file (access 2003) which has ballooned in size to 1.2GB and I'm not sure why. I tried deleting some older tables (which were copies and had about 38,000 rows each) but it hasn't made a dent. Is there a way to show all the database elements tables, forms, macros, modules etc and list their sizes so I can see what has caused the size to increase?

There are 3 tables linked via ODBC which have tens of thousands of rows but as these are linked I wouldn't have thought they would have increased the size at all?

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Best Way To Import SQL Database To Local Access Database?

Dec 25, 2005

I'm new to Access and VBA, for the record. What I need to do is copy a SQL database (table structures and records) and save it as a local Access database, so that the user can query and make any changes on the local file without editting the SQL database.

Looking around, it seems like the best option would be to use the TransferDatabase method with the acImport option. Does this sound reasonable, or can someone with more experience suggest a better way to go about it? Thanks.

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Import From Another Database

Aug 15, 2005

Not sure where to post this question, so I put it in the general section,

I have an old db that i would like to import into a new be db of a newer version i wrote of this db. Is there any way something like an append query will add the records from one database to another?

or do i have to import then append then delete?

I have read several posts on this forum reference importing but all of them are from excel spreadsheets. Can this even be done??


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Unable To Import A From From Another Database

May 31, 2006

I have two databases. One is 'live', one is for development. Once i get something working in the latter, I import it into the former. This has been working fine for just over two months.

Today, however, i'm trying to import a form and get one of the following messages:

"The search key was not found in any Record"

"No current record"

I'm unable to import the form.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

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Access Import From DOS Database?

Nov 9, 2006

I am trying to help a person that has a 1980s DOS database called "SMART". The program "smart" will output the database in a format that Access should be able to read, but it can't read the full file.

Any obvious ideas about what might be the problem?

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Split Database / Import

Nov 24, 2004

Hi All,
I have a split database. One of the processes I've
created, copies a new table from a previously created
blank table. It then imports data from an Excel spreadsheet
into the newly created table. My problem is that now when
the import occurs, the data is getting imported into both
the new table as well as the blank table. For some reason,
this only occcurs after the database is split. I've tested on
a backup copy that is not split and everything works fine.

Any ideas please?

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Import Excell File Into Different Database

Sep 20, 2006

Hi all, I'm trying to get the following done:
I have code which import Excel files into my database with the "DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet". which works great.
But I'm now splitting the database and I want to have the Excel files which a user selects in his frontend database, imported in my backend database. I don't see the possibility in the TransferSpreadsheet as this is set to the CurrentDb.
My temporary solution is to import in the frontend and CopyObject to the Backend, but does anyone have a direct solution?

Thanks, Rob

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Unable To Import A Form From Another Database

May 31, 2006

I've posted this in the 'General' forum, but without success, so I'm trying here.

I have two databases. One is 'live', one is for development. Once I get something working in the latter, I manually import it into the former (File - Get External data - Import). This has been working fine for just over two months.

Today, however, i'm trying to import a form and get one of the following messages:

"The search key was not found in any Record"

"No current record"

I'm unable to import the form. I also get the same error messages if i try to copy and paste the form within its own database.

The form in question has a lot of lengthy code behind various combo boxes, text boxes, etc. When I attempt to look at this code (via right-clicking on a field and going to Properties and the Event tab), none of it is present any more.

What's going on? This form took weeks to get working and now it can't be copied, renamed or imported, plus it appears to have been 'wiped' of everything but the visual features.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Can one form become 'corrupt'? If so, please say that there's some way to remedy it?

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