General :: Input Data Into Website Based On Selected Record

May 19, 2014

Is it possible, to input information from my continuous form into a web control form. at my job we a required to tract our jobs by equipmentid and job control number(jcn). When a job is done we have to upload the id and jcn into a website to tell it is cleared. I am looking for a way for that info to automatically be filled in when i load the website based on the job i have selected in my form?

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General :: Website To Get Data From MS Access Database?

Jan 10, 2013

Is it possible for a website to pull data from an Access database?

We have all our department's policies in a MS Access database on our server. Some of these policies need to be made available to the public on our website. I'm wondering if there's a way for the website to pull directly from the database rather than having to manually upload the policies to the site every time they change (annually, semi-annually).

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General :: Connecting Access Database To Website To Import Data Automatically

Jun 30, 2015

I just created a database and need to connect it to the data source. The data comes from a http website (intranet from work). When I open the link using firefox, I can view the website with the data in it, but when I open it from Internet Explorer, I get a save as pop-up message to save a csv file which contains all the data. The extension of the http website ends with csv. So it is something like http (slash slash...) Intranetname/referral_dbase.csv

Currently, I am opening the file using firefox, copying all the data manually, and pasting it in a text file using notepad. After that, I import the file into access. The delimiter of the data is this symbol: |

I am trying to find a way to link my database to the website where the data is located so that I can skip the manual process of opening the website and copying the data and saving it into a text file and then importing that file into access. I was thinking to have like a form in access with a bottom that will automatically import that data from this link and paste it into a table in access using the delimiter symbol mentioned above.

Is this too complicated? Is it even possible in access 2010?

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Modules & VBA :: Retrieve / Validate Data On 2nd Form Based On Record Selected On 1st Form

Jul 29, 2013

Can I look up and verify data on a "second" form based on a selected record from first (still open) form.

I am trying to allow users to select a User Name from a combo box list and then open "Change Password" form when they select "Change Password" for that selected user name.

My problem is that I can't figure out how to associate and verify the data tied to the user name selected on the previous (Login) form ( I am trying to validate the old password tied to that selected record).

I have the first login form created, and it's working just fine. I also have the change password form created (and it's displaying the user name selected from the first form using:

Private Sub Form_Load()
With Forms![frmLogin]![cboUserName]
Me.txtPwdChgUserID = .Column(2, .ListIndex)
End With

I also have the code written to validate and confirm old password, new password and validate new password (when the save button is clicked). I have yet to update the password with the new password (still trying to figure that out).

Attached zip file has screen shots of the two forms.

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General :: Pull Up A Window To Input Depending On Which Option Is Selected

Jul 30, 2015

I'm looking for VBA code.Basically I have a drop down with 3 options on a form but need it to pull up a window to input depending on which option is selected. One selection of the options if selected will not require the input of data, as it can just input a set value or be left blank (haven't totally figured how I want to display it). With all this I will need it to display on a form in a certain format, in which I would like the drop down value displayed with the data inputted, though with the one option without data just would display drop down value.

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Changing Display Based On Record Selected

Jan 26, 2006

I'm this is a simple issue. I have a combo box which can have the following status's: Not Started, In Progress, Complete. Depending on the value of the combo box i want a different image to show. So if not started is selected i want the user to see a red box. If Complete is chosen, a green box will show. i can do this easily enough but my problem comes in when i go to the next record. The boxes just stay visible regardless of what option is displayed. What event is triggered when you go to the next form?? Form Open / Load doesnt seem to work.

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General :: Getting Values From Table2 Based On Value Selected In Table1

Oct 3, 2014

I have a table named Product and Quotation.

This is what i want to achieve

In Table Quotation when i select product name from dropdown menu i want all the related information for that product to be visible in Quotation like product id, productdescription & productcost

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Forms :: Populate Listbox Based On Selected Record

Jul 15, 2013

I'm using a sub form to display data form a table. The users wanted it display like a spread sheet. In order to get all the data to display on the same page I am trying to break some of the longer feilds out (i.e. comment field) and display them in a list/text box and not in the table with the smaller fields.

Basically what will happen is when a record is selected in the sub form the comment field tied to each record will be displayed below. I've tried a few things but I keep getting errors displayed in my list/text box (#Name?)

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Find A Record On Form Based On Value Selected In Combo Box

Jun 2, 2014

I am trying to add a combo box into a form and when the Combo Box wizard pops up I only get two choices:

I want combo box to get values from another table or query. I will type in the values I want

I want the third option...

Find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo box.

Why am I not getting the third option??

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General :: How To Make Reminder Pop Up Based On Selected Time And Date

Oct 12, 2014

I want to make an application that reminder Radio Broadcaster to read ads based on airing hour.

I have a question , how to make reminder pop up based on selected hour or time and date of that advertisement.

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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Reporting Based On Value Of A Field In Selected Record

Mar 27, 2014

I have the following code that I need to modify:


Private Sub ChargeReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_ChargeReport_Click
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Charges_Report"
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, acFormatPDF, , , , "Charge Sheet"

[Code] ....

Currently, this code opens an input box that accepts the ID number for a particular record. Then it attaches a specific report for the selected record to an email. It works fine for this purpose.

I want to modify it so that it attaches one of several different reports depending upon the value of a [Staff_ID] field in the selected record.

I've tried a number of different solutions using an InputBox to get the record ID along with an If/ElseIf/Else construct that evaluates the [Staff_ID] field in order to determine which report to attach to the email, but I cannot find my error.

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Pre-Define Query Based On Input Data?

Apr 21, 2014

I am looking to find out if I can build a "on the fly" pass-through query based on user predefined data.

Basically I am linking to a massive database. Access link to DB2 table. In order to make the system useable for the users they need to edit the query before it's ran. If not the query over the network takes around 5 minutes every time it's accessed and options such as filters and sorting are chosen. So if a user sorts one column and filters on another the query has now ran 3 times. Once to open, once to filter, and once to sort. That just took 15 minutes.

So If there is a way to build macro or form that asks them for specific information first and then modify's the query so that it only gets ran once that would be fantastic.

Example:Table has 7 fields/columns. Usually they will do 3 things. Pull back data from either a month or quarter. Then filter a column by it's content. Then sort by date of another date/timestamp column.

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General :: Import Selected Data From CSV

Feb 6, 2013

I am trying to import my data from a csv file, but I don't need all the data and the format of the csv is not very straightforward.

For some background information, the csv file contains bucket weights from a mining loader which are recorded with the corresponding timestamp, which is in a binary format. The file also contains a marker to tell me which loading unit it came from as the name of the file is the same regardless of which machine it comes from. The format of the file is out of my control. The file is a standard weekly download and I would expect to see the same type of file from at least another 5 machines.

If you look at the attached example csv in Excel, I need to pull out the information in columns B and C but only from row 29 down. The rest of the information above this is machine information only. What I also need to do is associate these records so I know that they came from the unit number which is shown in cell B5.

Also, how can I then convert the binary time to standard date/time format? This is the formula I use through Excel to convert it "= ((LEFT (D29, 10)/86400) +25569+8/24)"

My end result is to be able to run a report which shows the bucket weights for a particular unit in a user selectable time frame.

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Queries :: Show Data - Query Based On User Selected Time And Date Range

May 17, 2013

I have a form that request information from the user (StartDate, StartTime, EndDate and EndTime) the problem is that it's not working. The only way I can get any data to show is when I remove the StartTime and EndTime. Only then will it pull the items from the StartDate and EndDate.

Here is what I have as my criteria: Between [Forms]![OpPROD_ALL]![StartTime] And [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![EndTime] And Between [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![StartDate] And [Forms]![ OpPROD_ALL]![EndDate]

The users will be able to request a report based on a start and end date along with a start time and end time.

Side note: this is to pull date for 3rd shift (Example) 4/14/2013 10:00PM - 4/15/2013 10PM

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Delete Certain Records Based On Selected Date - Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Aug 24, 2015

I want to delete certain records based on the selected date. However, I come across with this is error - Run time error '3464' (Data type mismatch in criteria expression).This part is highlighted in yellow. I even used the debug.print to test out if the sql statement is executed properly.

DoCmd.RunSQL DelSummarySQL

Here is my full code

Private Sub cmd_Delete_Click()
Dim DelSummarySQL As String
Dim StartRange As Date


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General :: Sending PDF To A Website

May 5, 2013

I have a DB that runs on a user's pc. It creates a pdf from a report automatically at a specific time of day. The user now wants me to automatically send this pdf to his web site so that his customers can view the report over the internet. The pc that the db runs on has an internet connection but no email system (they do not want email on this pc).

I have not been able to find code to do this. I can find code for sending email but this is not what I want to do. I'm sure it must be possible but I've never done anything like this before.

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Tables :: Limit Data Input Based On Another Fields Criteria?

Dec 22, 2014

I have two tables linked by ID (Table1,Table2)

The Table1 holds data that is a request for a task.

ID, Request, Task_tms (the number of times the task is required to be done)

1, Make a cup of coffee,15

Table2 is my allocation of people to the tasks.

ID, Person, Task_done (the number of times this person has done the task)


What I want to do is to limit the amounts of allocation in some way (ie in this case if I have already put 10 for Sally then I would be unable to put anymore than 5 when entering the amount for Eddie.

Additionally if I were to allocate all 15 to Sally then no additional people would be able to be allocated to this task (ID 1)

The two table are in datasheet format linked on a form.

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Modules & VBA :: Use Different Column Based On User Input To Update Data

Jun 29, 2015

I'm attempting to build an import module so that my users can take data from different walks of life and import it into my tables. I'm doing this by setting up a module and allowing the user to specify which column data will come from when importing data. So lets say I have a field that is CustomerID in my table and user one pulls data from 1 place and in his excel or csv file, customerid is in field 1. Another user does the same thing and its in field 2.

How can i make some form of a loop that when I'm attempting to update data, i pull the correct column?

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblImportTable"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
With rst
Do While .EOF = False
If IsNull(DLookup("DefaultValue", "dbo_tblImportTemplateDetails", "Template_ID=" & Forms!frmImport!TemplateName & " AND FieldName='CustomerID'")) Then


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Forms :: Define A Form Based On Relationships To Input The Data

May 3, 2013

I am a novice to access. I am building a database in an effort to learn in the process. I wished to enquire about the possible issues that could be with defining the relationships that i have created in the project. (attached img).

I cannot seem to define a form based on these relationships to input the data.

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General :: How To Open A Specific Record From Given Value Of Input Box

Oct 22, 2014

I want to ask what is the code for Macro Builder in a command button if I want to open a report from the given value of inputbox. I made a command button to open a report but it will ask first the required value from inputbox I put. then it will open the report of specific record from the value I input in the inputbox.

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General :: Upload Selected Data To Access From Excel

Sep 9, 2014

I am working on a project where I need to upload selected data from multiple sheets of an excel file. Here is an example of what I want.

1. I want to create a table in Access with around 10 columns
2. Column 1 should be populated with the date field found in A2 cell of sheet 1 of the excel file
3. Column 2-5 should be populated with the columns B2-E200 in sheet 2 of the excel file.
4. Columns 6-7 would be populated based on values from columns 1-2 of the table. Basically Column 6 should be Column 1 date plus 60 days.
5. Column 8-10 would be user generated after the excel is imported and the user should have the ability to attach around 5 files to each row.

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Remember The Selected Record - Requery - Then Go Back To Selected Record...

Jun 28, 2005

Hi guys,

Bit of a problem I'm hoping someone can help with. I have a telephone call logging system. The system is a tabbed form with each tab representing a person's Telephone Call Inbox. As new calls are entered into the database, they appear in each person's inbox until they are marked as dealt with.

This all works fine and there are no problems with the basics of it, but the problem I do have is that after I have split the database into a Back end and a Front end and distributed the Front ends to each user, when a new call is entered it doesn't appear in the persons inbox until they do a requery.

At first I sent the form to requery using the ontimer event, but the problem I have is that after every reqery the form goes back to the first record. A user on the office forum suggested I use the following code:

vCurrent = Me.Bookmark
Me.Bookmark = vCurrent

But this gives me invalid bookmark errors, so I was then told to add

On Error Resume Next

But this stops the bookmark function working and instead the first record is loaded every 1 minute (as set by my timer).

Can anyone recommend a better way that actually works without invalid bookmark errors?

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Forms :: Sourcing Data From Subform Selected Record

Apr 24, 2013

I have a main form (frmMain) and a sub form (frmChild), set as datasheet. The first field in the datasheet is set as a hyperlink and opens another form correctly. What I would like is if the user selects a record on frmChild, then a textbox on frmMain is populated by the corresponding value in the second column of the datasheet. Is it possible to do this via vba, and if so, how? I've read about solutions by using continous forms, but I'd like to stay with datasheet format if possible.

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General :: Open Certain Website After Checkbox Is Checked?

Jul 17, 2013

is there any way to open a certain website after checkbox is checked?

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Modules & VBA :: Insert A Record With Selected Data Into A Temp Table

Jun 29, 2013

I am attempting to insert a record with selected data into a temp table and I am getting "Run-time error '3075': Syntax error in (comma)...". Here is the code:

Private Sub XferDataToTempTable()
Dim db As Database
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb


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General :: How To Check Numeric Input Data

Jul 17, 2015

I have an input box and wanted user just to input 7 digital data. However, I am afraid user may enter string data. Is there any way to check and ensure user can only input 7 digital data to that input box?

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