General :: Possible To Permanently Display File Path In Access 2003 Main Title Bar?

Nov 22, 2012

Is it possible to permanently display the file path in Access 2003 main title bar? I.e. whatever object is open the filepath is shown.

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General :: Automatic Backup Of Access Database With Date Added To End Of File Path

Jul 28, 2014

Just wanted to confirm which is the best way to create an automatic back up of a access DB. (Split DB, backing up the BE - Access2010)

Firstly I was thinking of just creating a batch file to copy the file to a new source directly with a task scheduler set up.

Ideally I'd like it to run daily and have the date of the back up added to the end of the filepath.

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General :: Forms And Queries In One ACCDB File - Path Setting To Linked Table File

Oct 5, 2014

I've got the forms and queries in one .accdb file and my tables in a separate .accdb file. The forms file links to the tables in the tables file. The tables file resides in a folder called simply enough C:acc_tables and thats where i browsed to (obviously) when i set up the linkage.

One of the users does not wish (for whatever goddamn reason) to create a C:acc_tables file to stick the tables file in , and wants the tables file in some other folder.. Unfortunately this user does not have the skills to delete the existing links and re-link to the tables file after putting it in the folder he wants.

Where in the file that holds the forms and and queries do i find the path setting to the tables linked file? Can it be changed without deleting links and then re-linking?

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General :: Browse For A File To Import And Capture Its Path

Mar 12, 2013

I am creating a database where I want to be able to browse to a file, select it and import it into a table. I am able to do this. BUt what I want to do is create a log of these imports and haveit include the path of where the file was inported from.

The field I am having issues with is the capturing the path of the file.

Below is what I am using to browse and import a file.

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim dlg As FileDialog
Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With dlg
.Title = "Select the Excel file to import"

[Code] ....

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General :: Browse Button To Open File Path

Jul 22, 2012

I have a field on a form which the user currently has to manually type in the file path to a specific picture on a local drive. After the file path is entered, the path is linked and the picture is shown in an image box. I did this because I didnt want to bog the database down with attached files.

I wondered if I could have a browse button, which when pressed brought up the browse window to allow you to locate the image (using the standard windows browser). Then when you clicked ok, it writes the filename into the correct field on the form.

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General :: Hyperlink Location - Hide Entire Path In Backend And Show Only Name Of File

Sep 26, 2013

I have a field named Location of type Hyperlink. I have copied the respective filepaths in those location column.The location filed looks like


If the user clicks on this link then the respective file should be open..I don't want the front end users to see the entire path. So, I would like to have the names as 1234.pdf in the location column instead of M:New1234.pdf. Is it possible to hide the entire path in the backend and show only the name of the file. so that if users click on 1234.pdf then the file needs to open.

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MS Word File Path > Access Database, Possible?

Jun 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have been trying to figure this out for ages but I cant seem to get the code right or find any info on it.

In my database i have a mail merge on a button click which creates a new merged word document. I then need a way of when the user saves the document in word, bringing back the file path and putting it in a table called tblHistory with the correct customer ID in there too.

Any help appreciated



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Modules & VBA :: Path / File Access Error - Using Multipage

Jul 31, 2013

I've recently created a new Access 2010 Database which I'm developing an interface for in VBA. I've created a new Userform in the Visual Studio (this required me to add the Userform button). I'm finding that when I insert the Multipage object which I need to use on the form I can no longer run the Userform. When I attempt to run, I get the error 'Path/File Access Error' followed by 'Run time error 75 - Could not find the specified object'.

It's definitely linked to the Multipage which I've inserted from the toolbox (standard object) as the form runs fine when it is not there and with other objects (have tested all other toolbox items). There is currently no code in written in the project, no tables or queries set up in the database therefore nothing is running when the form loads.

I've successfully used Multipages in a number of other VBA interfaces both in Access and Excel so not sure why they are causing a problem here. I've also just created a userform in exactly the same way in a new Excel sheet and it runs fine with the multipage.

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General :: Main Form Which Display Results In Subform

Oct 14, 2013

I have a main form which displays the results in the subform.

My requirement :

I have 1 main form and 2 subforms in that form.

I just wanted to have a get focus function on my 1st subform and needs to display the focusing result in the next 2nd subform.

In Detail :

I had a main form of search boxes Author, Published, title

If you search for 1999 in published text box then it will display all the results whose published year is 1999 along with those respective Author and Title in the 1st subform

In the result 1st subform if an ID is selected by the cursor then that entire row needs to be displayed in the next 2nd subform (As of now I wanted only 2 column details of the focussed result).

1st subform needs to display all the searched results (It was done and it works fine)

2nd subform needs to display the selected results (On Focus) of 1st subform.

How to deal with the 2nd subform linking up with the 1st subform.

Attached is the file.

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Problem Updating Main Form Control From Subform In Access 2003 Project (ADP)

Nov 30, 2005

I'm supporting some Access/VBA code which includes the following behavior:

When an update is made in a (linked) child form, the current date/time is written to a textbox on the main form via

Me.Parent!txtMod = Now

Likewise, the BeforeUpdate event of the main form updates the same field (and then does a bunch of form validity checks, possibly followed by a Save).

When we upgraded to Access 2003 from Access 2000, a problem erupted:

When the user returns to the main form (by clicking on any control outside the subform), the following message is issued: "This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it (etc.)..."

At this point the user must choose between "Save Record", "Copy to Clipboard" and "Drop Changes".

Conceptually, I see why this is happening (though I wonder why Access 2000 didn't flag it). The subform is the "other user". When the main form is returned to, it is "Dirty" (unsaved update), so the main form's BeforeUpdate event fires, and attempts to update the field again (Me.txtMod = Now). Since there is a pending change to the field, an error dialog pops up.

As a quick fix, I replaced the code in the subform with a flag ("Hey, I've been updated!"), which the main form checks on the Exit event of the subform control. But that seems a horrible solution. Surely there's a better way?


1. It would be preferable to have the timestamp updated right away by the subform, though having it updated when the subform loses focus is better than nothing.

2. Since a subform is a control from the main form's perspective, I'm surprised that a change to that control doesn't render the main form "Dirty". I guess from a database standpoint it makes sense (the form's table isn't getting updated at all; just the subform's). But then, how does the main form know that the subform has been updated?

3. I tried catching the error via Form_Error. I can make the dialog not appear via "Response = acDataErrContinue", but unfortunately it defaults to dropping the changes (old and new), rather than saving the new.

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Access 2003 File

Dec 27, 2005

I am wondering if someone could save the attached access 2003 file as an access 2000 file so I will be able to open it. Thank You


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Creating MDE File From Access 2003

May 26, 2005

I have an access 2003 application I have front end and back end separately. When I click "Make MDE File" from tools menu, nothing happens.
When checked the Windows Task manager(Windows 2000), CPU usage is 100% and MS ACCESS is not responding. There are no messages.

Anyone experienced this problem ?


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Importing XML File Into Access 2003

May 31, 2005

Hi, I have an xml which fields of text and some of numbers.

When I do: File --> Get External Data --> Import; I'm able to import the file.

The problem is that not all the data is entered in the fields. The colums containing the text are excluded.

While importing, I did choose the option "Structure and Data", so it should work.

Any suggestions on to why it is doing that?


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Workgroup File In MS Access 2003

Jun 29, 2005

I created a Workgroup file (Project.mdw), assigned different Permissions to different Groups, and put different Users in appropriate Groups.
The above setup is working fine and just as required. But, if I remove or rename the Workgroup file, MS Access does not look for it, creates in its own Workgroup file and starts just as usual - without asking for the Password, or caring about the Permissions and/or restrictions set.
How can I make the database file bound to the MDW file, so that it does not open without it.

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Dbf File Not Importing To Access 2003

Nov 3, 2005

I have a dbf file that I need to somehow get the table data out of, and into access, excel, or some other usable format. I searches the MS Knowledge Base and read several articles on updating the Jet 4.0 drivers (up to date) and updating Foxpro ODBC drivers, etc. I also searched these forums, and I have yet to find any solution that works.

I think this dbf file might be Foxpro, but I'm not sure. I don't know anything about Foxpro. I was getting an error message "unexpected error from external database driver (8961)", until I read an MS article stating that I should change the name of the Borland folder to BorlandOld and try re-importing. Now Access 2003 just says: "external table not in the specified format".

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Workgroup File In MS Access 2003

Jun 29, 2005

I created a Workgroup file (Project.mdw), assigned different Permissions to different Groups, and put different Users in appropriate Groups.
The above setup is working fine and just as required. But, if I remove or rename the Workgroup file, MS Access does not look for it, creates in its own Workgroup file and starts just as usual - without asking for the Password, or caring about the Permissions and/or restrictions set.
How can I make the database file bound to the MDW file, so that it does not open without it.

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Forms :: Access 2003 / Do Not Display Form Until Fully Loaded

Sep 23, 2013

Access 2003

I have a rather complex form with an ODBC connection to data that takes some time to load.

The Form has a continuous subform I am using in place of a listbox to select records (I need more functionality than a listbox)

The Form's Record Source is a query

When the form opens, I does so in pieces as it populates

I'd like to either keep the form hidden until it completely loads

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Converting Access 2003 File To Access 2002

Nov 19, 2006

I have created several files in Access 2003, and sent them to a collegue, but he is using Access 2002 and cannot open my files.

What do I need to do so he can access my files? My experience with Access is very limited.
Thank you in advance for your help.

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Permanently Deleting Entries In Access!

Dec 6, 2005

When i enter entries into Access, and then they are deleted, for some reason the size of the Access Database doesn't reduce in size. I've only just noticed this as i accidently entered over 65000 entries in and then had to delete them now the database is twice it's usual size.

Can someone please tell me how to reduce the size of the database and explain why when you select delete record it doesn't actually delete the record.




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Opening Different File Types With Ms Access 2003

Jan 15, 2008

hello good afternoon.
i am trying to open different file types using ms access. the following piece of code i found would only open 'word' documents. how do i make this piece of code more flexible to open pdf documents and excel as well. as it is currently i have a txt field on my form and if the path in the txt fiels leads to a word document when i click a button the word file opens. i want it to open a pdf or excel doc if it was in the txt field

Sub OpenWordDoc(strDocName As String)
Dim objApp As Object

'Opens the document

Set objApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objApp.Visible = True
objApp.Documents.Open strDocName

End Sub

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Minimise Access Main Window/Outlook Contacts Display

Oct 4, 2004

Two questions:
1.I have disabled all menus and assigned a custom form to load when the database is launched.
The form launches with the Main Access window in the background.
Is it possible to have this main window invisible; either minimised or absent?

2.I have created a linked outlook contacts table in my database. I have a feature in one of my forms which searches for contacts based on certain selections.
When a contact is found, it needs to be displayed. I will like to use the existing Outlook contact detail forms to pop up. I can make a custom form to display this info, but it seems a waste of time to code what outlook already has.
Can someone give any ideas? or, direct me to some reference material?

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Display Value Of Parameter Query In Report Title

Nov 21, 2011

I would like to display the value of my parameter query into the title of the report.How could I do this on Access 2007?So far I have made another field in the query and called it ParaDate: [JobDate]

Then in the report title I wrote:

=Limousines booked for&" "&[JobDate]

But it's not working.

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Importing Fixed Length File Into Access 2003

Sep 6, 2006

I want to import a fixed length file into access 2003, it can only be imported directly into access 97/2000. This site, link
has the idea, but the problem is I can find the "2003 Data zip file" which this
site is refering to. - I have looked for it on the ms office 2003 cd,but I still
can find it.
Please can someone tell me where I can find de "2003 Data zip file"?

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Window Title Vs. File Name?

May 30, 2007

I have an *.mdb file with a bunch of tables, queries, forms, macro's etc. The file is named "xxx" but the display in the top left hand corner of the access window (next to the red key) is "yyy". I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find where this information is stored - as I need to change the "yyy" to match the filename "xxx" (the *.mdb was originally used for something else). Anyone know where this info is stored or how to change it?

Thanks in advance to those who respond!

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Txt File Field DDMMYYYY Fails To Import Into Access'07, But OK In 2003

Apr 1, 2008

Hi there anyone and everyone.

My problem concerns importing a date from a txt file. I've been doing this for years with '97 and 2003 with no problem, but with 2007 I am now getting import errors which I can't resolve. The files, either fixed width or delimited, contain date information in the format ddmmyyyy (without any date separators). After importing I receive an import error message, and the relevant field in the table is blank.

In Access '97 or 2003 I can import date information directly into an Access date/time field by using an import specification where I have set the date delimiter to blank (by default this is set to "/" , so I simply delete this to leave the box empty). Using this method a file containing "25122007" (without the inverted commas) will be imported into Access as a date, and can be subsequently manipulated as date without having to resort to any fancy reformatting tricks. Obviously the import will not be sucessful if the date delimiter in the import spec is left as "/", or set to anything else, eg "." or ":".

But now that I've updated to Access 2007 this is just not possible no matter what I do or try. I can only import a date if the txt data has a separator, and that the same separator is set in the import specification.

In some new databases I have done a couple of workarounds, importing it as text into a text field, then using a CDate(Format(CLng([date]),"00/00/0000")) type expression in a subsequent query, but this is a pain having to do it, a really backward step.

But the real pain is older databases ('97 or 2003) which have been converted up to '07; they no longer work, and there is a lot of redesign to be done unless somone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Unfortunately I am not able to change the format of the dates in the data I receive, so the solution has to come from my end (ie Access). Surely Access 2007 should be able to recognise 25122007 as a date? All ideas gratefully received.

I've been happily using various versions of Access since 1994 and I've learnt lots along the way, and have always previously been able to sort out problems that I've come across without resorting to a forum, but I'm now really puzzled by a problem that I have come across in Access 2007. So although this is my first post I certainly wouldn't call myself a newbie. Hopefully I have described the problem accurately (it is realy simple in fact), but very happy to provide more information if required.

Many thanks (in anticipation)


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Forms :: Display Definite Title For The Form In Unbound Textbox

Jan 19, 2015

I need to open form1 from form2 and display in unbound textbox a definite title for the form.

According to the title i want to hide some fields and unhide others.

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