General :: Record Is Saved Without Navigating

Sep 19, 2013

When using Access 2007, I have a new record button, but that record is only written to the db once you navigate away from it. How do I write immediately to the DB, so that record is saved without navigating away from it. I believe I can use ADO or DAO but I'm having difficulties.

Private Sub Command71_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
MaxValue = DMax("[Record Num]", "Joblog")
Text64.Value = MaxValue + 1

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General :: State Of A Record Where Changes Made But Not Saved

Dec 8, 2012

i want to have a button where the operator can cancel when on a current record. i want an if. if form has changes made but not saved then undo else close.

is the record state 'dirty'?

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General :: Get Latest Record Added Of Item - Check Period Between Now And Date Saved

Sep 28, 2014

In my Access app I need to get the latest record added of an item from a MS Sql table and check the period between now and the date saved in the record.

So my guess is:
Select TOP 1 * from tbl_StockItems
Where StockId = Loc_StockId

I then need to check the days between tbl_StockItems.LastStockDate and Today.

How would I write an Access VBA query to give me the amount of days and put that number into a variable.

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Validate Form Before Navigating To Next Record

Dec 7, 2006


I was wondering if anybody could help with this. I have searched through this forum and there doesnt seem to be an answer to this.

I have a form that i would like to validate. At present i have put the data validation on the save button which triggers a script that checks to see if certain boxes have been filled in on the form. I can only get this to work be attaching it to the onclick event on a save button, however, what i really want is to be able to ditch the save button (since access writes to the DB as it goes along) and have this script triggered whenever the user tries to navigate to either a new record/ another existing record or close the form

I tried putting this on the beforer update event, but this does not work, additionally tried doing before update event with the code inside an if me.form.dirty = true statement
this did not work either, has anybody got any suggestions

Please see my code below



Dim sDeliveryto As String
Dim sDeliveryValid As String
Dim sDept As String
Dim sDeptValid As String
Dim sReq As String
Dim sReqValid As String
Dim sReqNo As String
Dim sReqNoValid As String
Dim sReqPoint As String
Dim sReqPointValid As String
Dim sOrderDetailsValid As String
Dim sQuantity1 As String
Dim sQuantity1Valid As String
Dim sDetails1 As String
Dim sDetails1Valid As String
Dim sPrice1 As String
Dim sPrice1Valid As String
Dim sSupplier1 As String
Dim sSupplier1Valid As String
Dim sCostCentre1 As String
Dim sCostCentre1Valid As String
Dim sAccountCode1 As String
Dim sAccountCode1Valid As String
Dim sAuth As String
Dim sAuthValid As String

sDeliveryto = Me.TBDeliveredTo & ""
sDept = Me.TBDept & ""
sReq = Me.tbrequisitioner & ""
sReqNo = Me.TBRequisitionNo & ""
sReqPoint = Me.TBReqPoint & ""
sQuantity1 = Me.TBQ1 & ""
sDetails1 = Me.TBD1 & ""
sPrice1 = Me.tbup1 & ""
sSupplier1 = Me.tbs1 & ""
sCostCentre1 = Me.ccc1 & ""
sAccountCode1 = Me.tbac1 & ""
sAuth = Me.TBAUTH & ""

Select Case sDeliveryto
Case Is = ""
Me.TBDeliveredTo.BackColor = "8421631"

sDeliveryValid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sDeliveryValid = "valid"
Me.TBDeliveredTo.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sDept
Case Is = ""
Me.TBDept.BackColor = "8421631"

sDeptValid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sDeptValid = "valid"
Me.TBDept.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sReq
Case Is = ""
Me.tbrequisitioner.BackColor = "8421631"

sReqValid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sReqValid = "valid"
Me.tbrequisitioner.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sReqNo
Case Is = ""
Me.TBRequisitionNo.BackColor = "8421631"

sReqNoValid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sReqNoValid = "valid"
Me.TBRequisitionNo.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sReqPoint
Case Is = ""
Me.TBReqPoint.BackColor = "8421631"

sReqPointValid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sReqPointValid = "valid"
Me.TBReqPoint.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

If Len(sReqPoint) < 6 Then
sReqPointValid = "Invalid"
Me.TBReqPoint.BackColor = "8421631"
Cancel = True
Me.lblReqPoint.Visible = True

sReqPointValid = "valid"
Me.TBReqPoint.BackColor = "16777215"
Me.lblReqPoint.Visible = False
End If

Select Case sQuantity1
Case Is = ""
Me.TBQ1.BackColor = "8421631"

sQuantity1Valid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sQuantity1Valid = "valid"
Me.TBQ1.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sDetails1
Case Is = ""
Me.TBD1.BackColor = "8421631"

sDetails1Valid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sDetails1Valid = "valid"
Me.TBD1.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sPrice1
Case Is = ""
Me.tbup1.BackColor = "8421631"

sPrice1Valid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sPrice1Valid = "valid"
Me.tbup1.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sSupplier1
Case Is = ""
Me.tbs1.BackColor = "8421631"

sSupplier1Valid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sSupplier1Valid = "valid"
Me.tbs1.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sCostCentre1
Case Is = ""
Me.ccc1.BackColor = "8421631"

sCostCentre1Valid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sCostCentre1Valid = "valid"
Me.ccc1.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sAccountCode1
Case Is = ""
Me.tbac1.BackColor = "8421631"

sAccountCode1Valid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sAccountCode1Valid = "valid"
Me.tbac1.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

Select Case sAuth
Case Is = ""
Me.TBAUTH.BackColor = "8421631"

sAuthValid = "Invalid"

Cancel = True
Case Else
sAuthValid = "valid"
Me.TBAUTH.BackColor = "16777215"

End Select

' Display message box warning

If sDetails1Valid = "Invalid" Or sQuantity1Valid = "invalid" Or sReqPointValid = "Invalid" Or sReqNoValid = "Invalid" Or sReqValid = "Invalid" Or sDeptValid = "Invalid" Or sDeliveryValid = "Invalid" Or sPrice1Valid = "Invalid" Or sCostCentre1Valid = "Invalid" Or sAccountCode1Valid = "Invalid" Or sAuthValid = "Invalid" Then
MsgBox "Please fill all highlighted fields on the form!!!!!"

MsgBox "Is all the information Correct?", vbOKCancel

'open report

Me.btnClose.Visible = True
Me.btnInvoice.Visible = True
Me.btnDeleteClose.Visible = False

End If

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Record Navigating In The Form View Question

Oct 4, 2005

Hi, Sorry noob here with a noob question... I built my first database for my work, and I want buttons that can navigate through the records on the form view, but I want them to be like A,B,C,D etc... When I click the button I want it to go to the first last name in the record of that letter of alphabit.... I know it can be done because at my previous employment they had that feature. Please help... I can't figure this out... :confused: Also, how do I import IMT forms into an access database???

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Forms :: Navigating To A Record In Main Form

Aug 10, 2013

I have a form and a subform for data entry.It is often the case that not all the data may have been entered and so a user might need to go to recordID 24 in 30 already entered main records.However, he needs to get to that record via a (unique) 1-1 field. How do I create the form so that as well as being able to go to the first, the last, the next, the previous record, I can go to a record of my choice.

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Record Is Saved

Oct 30, 2005

When the user press 'tab' key the record is being saved. I would like to prevent it and enble record saving only when 'save' button is presed

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How Can I Stop The Same Record Being Saved Twice

Feb 25, 2006

Hi can anyone help please!

I'm writing a course registration Db. I have a have 3 tables at the moment tblContacts [ContactID], [FName], [SName], [Etc..] tblCourseRegistration[RegID] [ContactID][CourseID] and
tblCourses[CourseID] [CourseName] [Etc...]

These are all linked on a tabbed form. I have found that the same Contact can sign up for the same course twice. I need to stop this happening. Is there an easy way to prevent this or do I have to write a query that runs before the save command to prevent this?

Thanks in advance person with sore head!

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Alert When New Record Is Saved!!!!

Jul 28, 2004

I need to know how to send an email to myself when someone adds a new record
to my database. If someone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.


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General :: View Saved Import?

May 21, 2013

Is there any way to view a Saved Import to see what it is doing?

I just inherited a database from someone that has several saved imports. I need to be able to see where the data is coming from and where it is going to so that I can recreate it using VBA.

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Network Computer Name Saved In Record.

Jan 20, 2006

I have a split database (A2000) on a server; many people use the database at many different terminals. I would like to save the computers identification to the record being created. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

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Field Required Before Record Can Be Saved

Sep 4, 2006

What i want to do is if a user forgets to put lets say Address or Zip
Will not allow user to save record but instead will highlight the text boxs
that are required. Once data is put in will allow user to save record.

Any ideas

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Tables :: How To Confirm Record Has Been Saved

Jul 15, 2014

I have a Multi user Access Database which has been split into a Front and Back end. What I am noticing is sometimes when the user enters data into the Front end form, it is not being saved in the Backend tables....

How to confirm when the user clicks save that the data is actually being saved in the backend tables.

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General :: Copy Saved Imports From One Database To Another

Apr 2, 2013

I pasted the tables, modules, macros, etc. from one database to another and the only thing left is the Saved Import. How can I get that into another database? It is quite a large import, otherwise i would just recreate it.

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Forms :: How To Retrieve Value From Last Saved Record On Textbox

Aug 8, 2013

I'm working on a "Product Details" form somewhat similar to form in northwind, which the record source in "Products" table. what i'm trying to do is after clicking "save and new" command button to go to new record in form, i would like all text boxes to automatically retrieve the value from last saved record set as default value.

after google searching this subject i found the LastModified Syntax but i just don't understand whether i use it in VB or marco, or even how to implicate this. Should I make macro on each txtbox or should i create module? if i have to create either macro or module.

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General :: Viewing Data In Report Before Saved To Table?

Sep 20, 2012

need information in form to write to report before accepted and saved to separate table, so operators can read it. background:manifest information entered into form in receiving office, analysis ran in lab and then entered into form. When analysis is approved, Operators unload material then truck checks out in receiving office. Need to see analysis before it is written from load_temp table to Load table.

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Blank Record Saved When Click On Previous Button

Jul 29, 2005

Something stupid goes wrong here!

I have a form with my own navigation buttons. The problem is a AddNew button is clicked for a new record, but it automatically adds into the relevant table when I click on the MovePrevious and MoveFirst button without data entry.

Has anyone encountered such problem? Kindly help me.

Many Thanks

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Forms :: Force Update Of Field Before Record Is Saved

Aug 1, 2013

How can I force a field in a form to be updated before the record is saved / changed?

For instance I have a form with information on it and I want to ensure that any time the form is updated the user fills in a section providing the date and by who it has been updated by. I dont want the record to save unless that information has been filled out, and I also want it to take you to the field if you press save and it hasnt been filled out along with an error message.

To try and be a bit clearer. At current I have a Save and New button. This saves the form if dirty and opens a new record.

I want to add in the step that if record has been changed and FieldA has not just been updated then go to fieldA (Showing a message box). If FieldA has just been updated then save record and open new as normal.

My current save & new button properties are as follows (in Macro Editor)

On error Go To Next
If [form].[dirty]
RunMenuCommand Command SaveRecord
End If
If [MacroError].[Number}< >0
Message =[MacroError].[Description]
Beep Yes
Type None
Stop macro
On Error
Go To Fail
Go To Record
Record New
Go To Control
Control name Resort Code

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General :: Access 2003 Saved As 2000 Format On Windows 7

Aug 22, 2013

I have written a database in Access 2003, saved as an Access 2000 format. This runs fine on Windows XP workstations. When I install the same system on a Windows 7 system, my login screen launches, the user is able to enter in their name and password. Then nothing happens. What is supposed to happen is a form opens up after the password is entered that applies security written in code based on the user.

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General :: Merging Databases - Importing Saved Imports And Exports

Aug 22, 2013

I'm merging a few databases together. They're fairly simple on their own but I'd like them as one big database. I read that I should import each access database into a new, blank one.

It all works fine, but none of the saved imports and exports come with them. Unfortunately, these imports and exports are relied upon quite heavily.

Is there a way to bring saved imports over from other databases, or will I have to rebuild each one?

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Forms :: Disabling Command Button If Record / Records Not Saved?

Dec 19, 2013

Is there a way to disable my print report button if the user has not hit the save button ???? and maybe display a msg box?

attached a snippit of my form.

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Append From A Text Box To Only Blank Field In Saved Record In A Table

Mar 27, 2015

I have designed a database that has two forms as inputs to a table. The first form is a checklist and when it is completed it saves all fields except the ManagerID field. I then use the blank ManagerID, clientID and Date to pull onto a form for the manager to complete. On completion I want the ManagerID to save into the current records so they do not show up in the manager checklist forms and I then have a complete record. I have been searching online and cant seem to see how the best avenue is. I have an append query, see below

INSERT INTO ChecklistResults ( ManagerID )
SELECT ChecklistResults.ManagerID, ChecklistResults.ClientID, ChecklistResults.DateCompleted
FROM ChecklistResults
WHERE (((ChecklistResults.ClientID)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComClientNotFin]) AND ((ChecklistResults.DateCompleted)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComDateSelect]));

Private Sub CmdAppend_Click()
Dim dbsNorthwind As dao.Database
Dim rstAmend As dao.Recordset
Dim qdfAmend As dao.QueryDef


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Modules & VBA :: Display Image On A Report Based On Path Saved To Each Record

Jul 25, 2013

I have a piece of code that I'm using to display an image on a report based on a path saved to each record. the code is:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.ImagePath) Then
Me.ImgPic.Picture = "O:BellinghamIntranetProductionLabelsNo Label.bmp"
Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath
End If
End Sub

It seems like every few months the code crashes access and then never works again. When I debug, the part that is highlighted is:

Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath

The only way i've found to correct it is to delete the report and the module and copy them back in from a backup database. What could be causing this code to crash or how to stabalize my database to prevent this from happening again.

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"#Deleted" When Navigating To New Record

Jun 26, 2006


I have a data entry form/subform with an embedded graph allowing users to preview the data they input. When I navigate to a new record in this form the the fields in the form and subform echo "#Deleted". Yet the data is still there, it is just not shown in this form.

I have tried copying all the controls and code into a new form but the same error still occurs!

Any thoughts?


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Navigating Combo Box

May 8, 2006

If an answer to this is out there, sorry. I haven't had luck finding anything.
I have a form with an unbound combo box. When you select an item from the box, the objects on the form and subform fill in based on the selection. The person using this would like to click arrows to navigate through the combo box. How do I do this?:confused:

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Navigating A Filtered List

Jun 8, 2005

I have a form that contains a pretty large list of items and several columns and the list can be sorted by each of these columns. When a user double-clicks on a particular item, another form pops up that lets the user view/modify the item. The problem I'm having is that I still want to be able to use the navigation buttons in that second form, but right now its just saying 1 of 1 (Filtered).

The way I'm applying the sorting is by updating the Rowsource field of the list with an "Order By" statement

Any help would be appreciated


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