General :: Regularly Run Number Of Reports And Emails?

Oct 16, 2013

I want to regularly run a number of reports and emails. But I want them to run automatically at a certain time daily.

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Modules & VBA :: Number Of Unread Outlook Emails

Aug 4, 2014

I need to write a vba code that tells me number of unread and incoming emails in an inbox in outlook. I managed to link to inbox in outlook, but all I need now is to write the code to give me:

a) number of unread emails
b) fill some of unread emails details (like name, from) in a listbo

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General :: Managing Contact Emails

Sep 11, 2012

I work for a firm who have a few thousand clients and we are wanting to go through a process of checking with them that the data we send them is going to the email address they would like it to go to. However in some cases we don't currently hold an address so we are contacting them by phone to get the addresses over the next few weeks.

The way I've chosen to do this is to use the excellent link between Access and Outlook to send an email to the address we have on file (or have gotten) with a very light form they can optionally fill in to update the email address if desired.All seems well in testing this with 2 exceptions:

1) I have 2 email boxes in outlook, my "personal" one and a group mailbox. I'd like the emails access sends to come from the group mailbox but cannot see an option to control this.

2) We're likely to send the emails out in tranches - is there a way to have a single table the drives the email process but some how have it know that we have sent the emails out for certain clients such that when I send a second tranche, it doesn't re-send to clients that have already been contacted?

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General :: Storing Emails In Database

Mar 7, 2013

I have a need to store client emails in a database. In an ideal world the user would drag and drop the email over the attachment field and it would be attached. I've not been able to find any drag and drop features in Access 2013 so i am guessing this may not be possible?

It is possible to simply attach the email using the attachment field but i find this method slow as the user has to save the email to the drive and then attach it to the attachment field using the dialogue box.

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General :: Outlook Emails Fail To Be Sent

Sep 17, 2013

I have an Access database update process that is run from the Win7 scheduler. I have attempted to instantiate or reference Outlook and send an email indicating the status of the process.

Outlook fails for some reason, but it works fine interactively regardless of whether Outlook is running or not.

I am now thinking of trying SendObject instead.

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General :: How To Use SendObject To Send Emails

Aug 5, 2012

Where can I get a document that explains how to use SendObject to send emails from Access?

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General :: Creating Emails Through Word?

Jul 23, 2012

is there a way to create an email through word and say your current balance is £1000.

i thought that as this is an office app then it must be possible. could it be something like

=DLookUp("c:UsersChrysalisDesktopDatabase.accd b[LoyaltyPoints]","tblClientDetails","EmailAddress= " & Mail Recipient)

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Regularly Import / Export Different Records To Multiple Excel Worksheets

Mar 16, 2014

I'm building a data base for my company, which is composed of items we sell. I then need these records to populate our pricebooks, which are excel worksheets, under multiple workbooks.

So essentially, I would like to have all the fields separated by vendor, series and series items, then populate the proper Excel worksheet (within a supplier's workbook). I have the know how to build a query to narrow down a particular vendor/series/groupofitems, but I don't want to be creating an enormous list of queries which have to be run each time.

I also have the know how to create a joined table which pulls the item list into the proper group, creating one large table with every vendor, series, and items. But what I'm looking for is some type of hybrid, which will allow me to export all of the items to their corresponding worksheets in one fell swoop. This will be done regularly as prices from suppliers change, certain colors are discontinued, sizes added, etc.

I'm guessing when I use the query which creates the large table with all the product that it's indexed, and that I would be able to use this to then import the data into excel/export the data to excel. But I'm not sure about this.

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General :: Automatically Send Emails At The Beginning Of Every Month

Oct 25, 2013

I would like to send an email from Gmail server automatically at the end of every month. I'm currently sending email on button click. But is it possible to do this without user intervention.

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General :: Send Emails From Run Time Version With And Without Outlook?

Nov 14, 2012

Must Outlook be installed for Access to send emails?

Can I send emails from the Run-Time version of Access? (with and without outlook)

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General :: Import Error Using Collect Data Emails

Sep 10, 2014

I created a form for adding new data to an existing database and it worked just fine.

Today the form has decided to add time to the date field and this clashes with the table it import to.

Why/how it's changed the date format and how to change it back?

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General :: Data Collection Emails Based On A Form?

Nov 21, 2012

I am trying to send out data collection emails to fill in my records but it will only let me select fields from single access tables, I want to be able to get them to fill out all the fields as entered in my forms, which contain sub-forms and therefore links to multiple tables.

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General :: Can Access Generate Emails Based On Record Date

Mar 14, 2014

Using Access and Outlook 2010. I have a database that tracks Contracts for our University. One of the fields it tracks is Expiration Date.

Is there a way to have Access prompt Outlook to send an email to my boss when the contract is a month or within a month from expiring?I'm assuming when the database is opened it would have to run a query for expiration dates expiring within one month of today's date (which i know how to do).

I just don't know if it's possible to generate an email or some kind of message with those records/contract numbers displayed? I should also note my boss is the only one who uses this database so even if the email notice isn't possible, is there a way to show a message of what contracts are expiring soon when he opens the DB?

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General :: Automated Task - Send Email Address To All Emails In Query

Sep 30, 2013

I want to automate a task in access....

I have a query that may have 6 - 7 different records for example each record contains a different email address, i need to get the first email then send and email to that address then go to the next record get that email address send an email to that email address until its gone through all the records...

I use this code to send an email, dont know how to loop through records and get the email...

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

[Code] .....

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General :: Send Outlook Email Based On List Of Emails In Access Query?

Sep 15, 2014

I've setup a selection form that returns a specific list of email addresses in a query.

What I can't work out is how to press a button and have the email addresses populate the To: field in a blank Outlook email - I don't need any bells or whistles.

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Reports :: Generate Number Of Rows In Report Depending On Number In Another Field

Nov 4, 2013

I have a form where we fill in information for supply of equipment to employees.

Each item must be signed for on a printed report.

I am encountering problems trying to create enough rows in my report detail for each signature of the items supplied.

For example, on the form I will select the "equipment" - 4 hats supplied and 3 boots. On the report I want the equipment set as the group and the detail to be a number or rows which equals the number of selected items. therefore under the Hats group heading I want 4 blank rows which are made up of 3 text boxes - Print Name, Signature & Date and another group heading for boots but with 3 lines.

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General :: Emailing From Access - Individual Records To Individual Emails

Jan 8, 2015

I have a database where I record grades for my students. I would like to create a macro so that every time I record a grade as an "F", the student will receive an email that will contain an attachment of their scores. A lot of the information I want to include in this email is in several different tables. So to make it easier, I have created a query that lists the following:

Students name (SName)
Student's email (SEmail)
ID# of the form I use to record their grades (ID)
ID# of the studen'ts work (WorkID)
Date of their work (CreatedDate)
Date I graded their work (AuditDate)
Grade="F" (Accuracy)

How can I create something that will automate emailing of this information--to the individual student with only their information? I am using Access 2010. If I can't automatically send the emails, I would like to create a button in my audit screen that will send a report containing that student's information to them.

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General :: Getting Invoice Number Field To Auto Generate Next Number

Jun 2, 2014

I'm trying to get an invoice number field to auto generate the next number, keeping the format as "00000"...this is what I have, which gets the next number but drops the leading 0


Private Sub Customer_AfterUpdate()
If Len(Me.[InvoiceNumber] & vbNullString) = 0 Then
Me.[InvoiceNumber] = (DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[tblInvoiceNumber]") + 1)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If
End Sub

invoice numbers are 04024, 04025 I keep the formatiing?

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General :: Auto Number PK Change Starting Number?

Dec 18, 2013

I have a table with an auto number PK. This table will contain orders. I'd like to use the PK from this table as the Invoice number on the invoice. I'd like to have it start at a number other than "1" just because it looks better on an invoice. I don't know how to do this. I looked at the table design to see if there were options available to me there but couldn't find anything. Is it possible? (I do not know how to use code.)

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Reports :: Loop That Goes To Next Number

Jul 15, 2014

I have created this simple SQL/Query that only show a table of students who passed the exams, but I have to do it manully, like I have to change the range or coordination for every class I have, I want the Query/SQL to loop by itself and goes to the next class/school and gives me the number of all the students who entered the exams and the one's who passed only sorted by school name and class, no more info is required like Student Name or something.this is a very very basic and simple code:


SELECT studt.schoolnm, studt.class, studt.fdor, studt.freslt
FROM studt
WHERE (((studt.schoolnm) Like "8") AND ((studt.class) Like "005") AND ((studt.fdor) Like "02") AND ((studt.freslt) Like "0100"));

in other words, I want the SQL/Query to loop by school ID (numbered from 1 to 198 schools) and classes (from 4th to 12th grade entered as 004/005/006/010/012 and so on), the "fdor/freslt" are standers so they must not be changed or looped (if this even possible).
and I want it to be printed like:

School Name | Class | Total Number of Students | Number of who Passed

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Reports :: How To Set Number Of Pages Within Report

Jul 10, 2013

I have already created a summary report that is one page long, however, every time I view my report in report view, export to PDF or print, the report has duplicate copies! Not blank pages. Just duplicate copies of my one page. The report is generating hundreds (about 700) of the same exact page. How do I force my report to have just one page.

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Reports :: Count Number Of Records Under Value Of 6

Jan 23, 2014

I am trying to get the number of records under the value of 6 ... E.g. On the report it looks like this

Date Result

1 5.6
3 8.2
4 6.6
5 4
7 10

And the code I am using is


The resulting answer is 5 , when the correct answer should be 2

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Reports :: Lookup A Number / ID And Output

Nov 12, 2014

I got a easy table with two columns. To make it easy say

1 20
2 40
3 30
4 78
5 60
6 85
7 20

I want to put the number 1 - 7 over a picture and get it to look up the value in the 2nd coloumn and replace the nr with the number in the 2nd column. Is this possible? I would have to manually put in where 1 - 7 is (this will be labeled ontop of a plot plan)...

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Reports :: Put Circle Around Text Box If Value Is Less Than Certain Number

Dec 8, 2013

I want to put circle around the text box of access report if the vale of the text is less than certain number say 10 or square bracket .

e.g. [8] or circle around 8

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Reports :: Selective Subform By Record Number?

Jul 2, 2013

I have a DB with 1000+Records. Each record has a "History" field showing the date I last visited (about 20+Visits each). When I re-visit I print Report (A4 size) which gives me the address and previous visits, however I only want my report to show the last 6 visits.

I have tried both a Query & Subform and changed the "Top Values" from ALL to 6, but this only gives the last 6 visits from all records. I need to see the last 6 visits for each record.

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Reports :: How To Keep Data Type In Number Format

Mar 7, 2013

In my report, I have combo boxes that display numbers (for example min_revenue and max_revenue).

In case of a "0" or "999.999", I would like to display "n/a" within the combo-boxes.

I would like to avoid doing this within the table, because I would like to keep the data type in number format.

Remark: I confused "combo-box" with "text box". I'm using text boxes, which are supplied with values from a table

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