General :: Report That Displays Results Of A Query

Mar 16, 2013

I have a report that displays the results of a query. The query and the report are both run from a submit button on a form. I use DoCmd.OpenQuery "name", followed by DoCmd.OpenReport "name". Due to slow network connection the query shows up before the form is displayed. I would like the query to be hidden or minimised. In other words, I do not want the user to see the results of the query, only the report.

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Combo Box Selection Displays Results In Listbox

Jun 6, 2005

How do I get my combo box selection to display related results in a list box?
I have a many to many table structure for a contact list that relates many contacts to many costcenters. What I want is when the user selects a costcenter from the combobox the related contacts show in a list box.


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Creating A Query / Report That Displays Data From Two Tables And Total One Set Of Data

Aug 10, 2012

I want a Text Box Query on my form to display the Status, Workshop, Time, Enrolled and Limit. The problem is these values come from two different tables and the Enrolled value comes from a single field that contains the different workshops.

What I mean is: In Table[Attendees] a row contains a customer's Number, First Name, Last Name, Workshop and Phone Number. The workshops vary for each customer so one row on the table could have John Doe attending Cover Letter Writing and the next row could have John Smith attending Resume Writing. What I want is to be able to count the different workshops within the Field[Workshop] and total them and then display the total in a Text Box Query. I have a Text Box Query set up displaying Status, Workshop, Time and Limit as these values all come from Table[Workshops].

So basically I need to Query to also display a result that is the Total for each workshop from Table[Attendees] and display the total for each workshop in a Query with data from Table[Workshops].

Here is a link to an Example Database [URL] ....

I'm trying to avoid putting things on different reports and the like because the people using this are basically computer illiterate and if they have to click a button (no matter how well labeled) they won't do it and the information might as well not exist.

And if there's a better way to do it, I'm all ears. The only thing is, I have to update these workshops month by month. Since they are dynamic, I want to avoid creating separate tables for each workshop.

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Reports :: Report That Displays 3 Different Columns Of Numbers

Aug 22, 2013

I have a report that displays 3 different columns of numbers.. and when I try to do a total for any one of the columns the sum option is greyed out and I cannot total any of the columns at the bottom of the report. Everything I have read says I should be able to do that.

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General :: Results Of DLookup Not Showing In Report View But Are Visible In Print Preview

Jun 25, 2013

I have a report with quite a few subreports in it. There are a number of calculated fields on the form, most of which use Dlookup to retrieve at least one of the figures required for the calculation. The Dlookup runs fine and the report opens but the calculated fields are devoid of data in Report view. When I switch to Print Preview view the fields are now populated. Below are two variations of the DLookup syntax I have used to try and alleviate this issue.

=DLookUp("[8]","qry_MonthlyTotalsByYearFirstAid","[ActivityType] = 'First Aid Injury (FAC) Reported in Safeguard'")/[sub_AllHours].[Report].[8]

=DLookUp("[8]","qry_MonthlyTotalsByYearFirstAid","[ActivityType] = 'First Aid Injury (FAC) Reported in Safeguard'")/[Reports]![rpt_AllFigures]![sub_AllHours]![8]

Note that the field [8] specified here is simply a month number and forms a column in the crosstab query for the corresponding query name.

I would add the query referred to in the DLookup to the source query for the report but the source report's data is derived from a Crosstab query, which only accepts one data field (Access terms this as the value field.

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Reports :: Build Report That Only Displays Specific Data?

May 17, 2013

I have an excel spread sheet that is linked into access 2003 via a table. This spread sheet is updated by personnel in another location and I have to run a weekly report on engines stored in that table that are below a certain performance level. The column heading is MGT Margin and I have to list all of the engines that are below 20 degrees. Can I run a query that looks at this table and produces a report of all the engines that are only below 20 degrees? I currently have to cut and paste each engine from the updated spread sheet every week onto a separate spread sheet and import that into access to run the report. Can a query be used to run the required report? I have attached a screen shot of the query that I am putting together to try and run this report.

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General :: Field Displays Wrong Info

Sep 12, 2012

I use this to record piece counts and weight of items of freight that I pick up in Boston ( all seafood by the way) Anyhow here is the problem I'm having. Anytime I create a report one of my field names (RECIVER) keeps displaying as a unique number. Example, "New Enland Fish Market" display's as "14" which is its auto number assigned to it when I created the Table of recievers.

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General :: Look Up Wizard Displays Numerical Value Instead Of Text

Mar 19, 2015

I am having some problem regarding the way the options in a lookup field is displayed. Currently the options are displayed numerically instead of displaying the actual text.

I have three tables which are ContactPersonnelT, OrganizationT and TrainingDonorT.

One of the fields in the ContactPersonnelT table is, Affiliation. This field is a lookup value (look up wizard) which comes from the OrganizationT table field, OrganizationName.

In the TrainingDonorT table I have a field called, ContactPersonnel. This field is a lookup value which comes from the ContactPersonnelT table field, ContactPersonName. In the drop down list of the ContactPersonnel, besides the ContactPersonName. I also want to display the Affiliation field. However, instead of displaying the text in the OrganizationName field, a numerical value is showing.

How to change the display to text instead of the numerical value.

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General :: Add New Records To A Table Depending On What Combo Box Displays

Jun 4, 2013

I need to add new records to a table depending on what the cbo box displays. I figure this is the way to do it but I it's not working, I have only writen the first select,

Private Sub Comando6_Click()
Dim dbPalavraChave As DAO.Database
Dim rstchaveCFEPC As DAO.Recordset
Set dbPalavraChave = CurrentDb
Set rstchaveCFEPC = dbPalavraChave.OpenRecordset("chaveCFEPC")


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Reports :: Run A Report From Query With Different Results

Jun 6, 2013

I am relatively new to writing databases in access, I did some a long time ago, but cant remember what on earth I used to do.

I have created a database with all the information I need it and have a query set up that gives different results depending on the information the user has entered

The user decides what the query will display though a form.

I want access to generate a report with the information in it that the query chucks out.

However the information the query gives changes every time depending on the user input.

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Looping Through Results Of A Query To Run A Report

May 29, 2013

I have a pretty complex database that uses several queries that all lead to a final query with a parameter (order number). I have a report linked to that query so every time I open the report it asks me for an order number. Once I enter the order number the query is run and I print the report. I am curious if I can create a query that pulls out order numbers (possibly for a date range) and then have a macro or something loop through that query and print a report for each order number. So if the query returned 50 order numbers then the report with the parameter (called Final results) would be printed 50 times.

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Use Query Results From Report To Make Table

Aug 2, 2006


I have a query that prompts the user for input to generate a report.
I would like to in essence copy that same record set and append it to a different table (archive table).

Not quite sure how to go about it.

Thank you

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Counting With A Query To Give Results On Report

Dec 18, 2007

I have a query that pulls up information on employees when they receive warning notices. I would like the query to give me some type of warning (report, email, etc.) when an employee has three or more notices.

Can someone help me with this?

- Thanks in advance!

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To Display Parameter Query Criteria On Report Even For Nil Results?

Nov 10, 2005


Need advise on how to display on my report the criteria that i had specified in the parameter query even if the result is nil.

How can this be done??


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Query Showing Different Results When Moved To Chart In Report

Dec 23, 2014

I am trying to use this query. It gives me correct results as query. However when I make chart with query on a report it doesn't show correct data and eventually stops making chart

SELECT qry.txtRC, Count(tbl.txtRC) AS CountOftxtRC
FROM tblMain AS tbl, qryRC AS qry
WHERE (((tbl.txtDepartment)=[Forms]![frmRC]![cboDepartment] Or [Forms]![frmRC]![cboDepartment] Is Null) AND ((tbl.txtZone)=[Forms]![frmRC]![cboZone] Or [Forms]![frmRC]![cboZone] Is Null) AND ((tbl.txtRC )=[qry].[atnRC ID]) AND (( Between [Forms]![frmRC]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmRC]![endDate]))
GROUP BY qry.txtRC , tbl.txtRC
HAVING (((Count(tbl.txtRC )) Is Not Null)) OR (((Count(tbl.txtRC )) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY Count(tbl.txtRC ) DESC;

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Multiple Query Results Not Populating Report Properly

Sep 29, 2011

I currently have a combo box (combo121) on a form. I select the "Company" which is connected to "Company" in the query via [Forms]![courseinfo].[combo121]..That is working. When I press the "query" button on the form the selected company in the combo box is updated in the query and it updates the report templates.I also want to use the same system to populate a different report, using the same query. This works a bit differently.

Once the company is selected in the first combo box(combo121). I have other combo boxes which bring up students attached to that company. I have multiple combo boxes because I need select multiple students for the one report. These students are in fields "First Name" and "Last Name". So in the query I can only have those fields once. I have several links to the several combo boxes under "Last Name" as that is the "bound" selection for the combo box:


Problem I am finding is this is bringing up several lines in the query. So when I try to populate the report with all of the different Students I have selected for the query, it won't work properly because I can only put "First Name" & 'Last Name" fields on the report once.

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General Question - Uneditable Query Results

Jun 4, 2007

This is a very general question, but a problem that I hit repeatedly in my low level database work - I am not trained in databases at all, but have to use them to get on.

I find that when basing forms on select queries that are stacked on each other - (ie one query shows the results of two tables, that query then is joined to another table in another query and so on) that at some stage the query results become uneditable.

I cannot see why this happens. Is there a simple database rule that I am not adhering to here? Is there a maximum number of tables that can be joined in queries and form the basis of editable datasets in form view.

Sorry for vagueness!


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General :: How To Create A Graph From Query Results

Feb 23, 2013

I have a query that pulls up the sum of records that holkd a date value between two dates, and groups them by the person that created them.

How can I show these results in a graph? that will update every time a user clicks a buttons (as they may wish to change the two dates to search between)...

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General :: How To Get A Text Box To Display Query Results

Feb 24, 2013

I have a text box, I have pasted this into the control source:


then on a button I have this code:


However, I get a Method or data member not found error when i click the button?

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General :: Select Query Producing Inaccurate Results

Mar 6, 2015

I have a query that is returning inaccurate "Date Completed" results. Here is the SQL:

PARAMETERS [Enter Start Date] Text ( 255 ), [Enter End Date] Text ( 255 );

[Code] .....

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Query Displays Blank Fields

May 19, 2006

I have a query that gets data from a table now not all fields are filled in, in this table, and the query only shows data that has all fields filled and i need it to show them all

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Total Time Query Displays Incorrect Value

Feb 16, 2007

I am using

Total_Time: Format([totaltime_mins]/60,"00") & ":" & Format([Totaltime_mins] Mod 60,"00")

To display the time as hours and minutes but this formula doesn't always work correctly.

for instance if the totaltime_mins = 90 then total_time is displayed as 2:30

also if totaltime_mins = 40 then thotal_time is displayed as 1:40

does anybody know why this is not working correctly ?

kind regards,

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A Query That Only Displays Each Item And The Cheapest Price

May 2, 2007

ok i have a table containg two columns. One column has a list of items and the second column has their respective prices. I wanna make a query that only displays each item and the cheapest price. Does anyone know how to do that?

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Reports :: Search Results Report Shows All Database Records / Not Just Search Results

Apr 29, 2014

I have built a custom search form in a MS Access 2010 database so that users can find specific records to edit. After entering the search criteria and hitting a Search button, another form opens up that shows the search results. This second form includes a command button for generating a report of the search results.

Right now, the custom search form and the search results form are both working properly, but the search results report is showing every record in the database instead of just the search results. This is true whether I access the report via the command button in the form or the navigation pane. I'm not sure if I need to correct my VBA code or the report's properties.

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General :: Search Query To A Report?

Jul 25, 2012

I was wondering how do you get the the search results of a query to display on a pre set report, by clicking on a button on a form?

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General :: Creating Report Or Query

Nov 9, 2014

I am quite new to MS access and started to develop a small database for my practice. I have made four tables that are for Patient details, their doctor detail, their problem and their treatment. I have successfully created form to enter the data.However I an unable to proceed, now I want to create a discharge letter which will be addressed to the doctor (based on the tables described above)

I want to make this in a way that if I enter the patient details i-e date of birth, ID and / or name a letter is created based on the tables above. I also want this letter to be saved for future use. how to design that letter and should it be a query or report.

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