General :: Save Button On Form With Subform

Oct 11, 2013

I have created a form with subform on it having one to many relation .

I have created a save button on main form and edited the before update property of main form to require the click on save button to update the record.

But when i enter the fields on form and click inside subform to enter child values , all the main form data is removed automatically .

What am I doing wrong i just wanted to save only when user clicks the save button. (see the image attached)

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Modules & VBA :: Save Button For Both Form And Its Subform

Apr 22, 2014

i have a form with subform in it, and when i press the save button in the main form it saves only the records in it but it wont save the records in the subform

i found on microsoft this code
DoCmd.Save acForm, "New Employees Form"

how can i use it to save both the main form and subform together

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Custom Save Button On Form Preventing Subform

Jun 21, 2005

I have a main form and a sub form. Tbhidden and tbpropersave are the text boxes that govern the update procedure. The main form has two text box that i use to prevent the user from modifying the information on the main form without clicking my custom save button. the problem is that the subform should be completed after the information on the main form has been filled in. The Update code i have refuses to allow me to complete the subform without first clicking the save button on the main form. Here is the code. I wana be able to fill in info in the main form, then the sub form then click save. The sub form is a table which relates to the main form table Many to One.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_BeforeUpdate


If Me.tbPropersave.Value = "No" Then
MsgBox "Please Save This Record!" & vbCrLf & vbLf & "You can not advance to another record until you either 'Save' the changes made to this record or 'Undo' your changes.", vbExclamation, "Save Required"
Exit Sub
End If

Exit Sub

If Err = 3020 Then 'Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate
End If

Please HELP

End Sub

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General :: Restrict Records To Update Until Save Button Is Pressed On Form

Jul 16, 2012

How to restrict the updation of a record while entering until a save button is pressed on the form ???????? is it possible without the vba ?

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"Save Record" Button In A Subform To Also Refresh The Data In The Main Form

Mar 26, 2005

I have a form which contains one subform. On the subform I have a command button which saves the record just entered. On the main form I have a "refresh form data" button which updates the main form so that the calculated controls can show the correct results based on the data just entered?

Can anyone tell me how I can get the "save record" button in the subform to subsequently refresh the data in the main form as well, thus saving a button???

Many thanks.


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General :: Using Command Button To Save New Record

Dec 7, 2012

I have have a form with 4 subforms in it, one of the subforms is based on a filtered query . For a reason I can not work out I cannot get it to requery when I add a new record.

To add a new record I select from a combo box and use a command button to save the record

I have tried using this in the buttons on click event


with no result, however it does kinda work in the combo's after update event, just not until I select another value.

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General :: Saving Report As PDF Without Save Button Showing

Nov 6, 2013

I have generated a report in acviewreport, after viewing the details I want to save the report as a pdf file with the client name, invoice number and date. In the report design view I added a cmd button and successfully coded it. However, it saves the report WITH the cmd button showing. I don't want this button saved. Is it possible to remove the button from the report AFTER I have clicked it?

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After Save Button .. Goto New Blank Form

Oct 19, 2006

Howdy all,

The other night I was playing around and deleted code from my database, which now seems to have stopped allowing me to continue to a blank form after I add a record....

It used to work, that once I pressed the save button it would then goto the same form but the form would have the same defaults as if id just opened the form.... now im getting #deleted

Is there any code I can put in the save button to get it back to the way it was before?

Cheers Ezy

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Save Record And Create Print Preview With Same Button On A Form?

Apr 8, 2014

In Access I have created a button to print a preview prior to printing document it is entitle "NoVeteranMain" which works fine. Except I want it to save my document prior to printing preview how would I do it. If not after I edit it I have to re-save it prior to hitting button which generates print preview.

This is code that is generate upon click

Private Sub NoVet_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "NoVeteranMain", acViewPreview, , "ClientID = " & Me.ClientID
End Sub

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DoCmd.Save - Form And Subform

Oct 7, 2006

Hi all,

I have a form (Record Source = Report_TBL). I've brought in a subform (Record Source = Patient_TBL). I linked the 2 on the field PID.
I've added a command button (Submit).
OnClick for the Submit button I've added in the Event Procedure

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()


End Sub

It only saves the data I've put in for the subform.

Can anyone give me any information on how to save all the information from both forms?

Thank you so much for your help!

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Forms :: Prevent Bound Form From Updating Records Before Clicking On Save Button

Oct 31, 2014

I am working on a web database with a form which is bound to an underlying web table where the submissions occur.My challenge is that the fields on the form get submitted to the table even before the submit button is clicked regardless of whether the form was completely filled.

My request is that I want the form to only submit to the submission table only when the submit button is clicked.When I searched on the net, the only solutions I got are VBA written code but my web database cannot use VBA code.

VBA code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private blnGood As Boolean
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
blnGood = True
Call DoCmd.RunCommand(acCmdSaveRecord)
blnGood = False
End Sub


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Forms :: Make Certain User Enter Records On Subform Before Attempting To Save Main Form

Dec 4, 2014

How can I make certain my user enters records on a subform before attempting to save the main form? Right now they can completely ignore the subform before saving the record.The Main form has business address, etc. on it. the subform is bound to a join table that lists the multiple categories, subcategories and sector the business is listed in for a directory.

I already have my fields set to required at the table level in the join table, and have some existing VBA in both my subform (to update edited date) and my form (to validate empty records where a certain condition is met) but that's not the issue...

How do I focus the user to enter a record on the subform to the point where they are forced to enter something and complete the subform before the record is updated.

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General :: Bound Form - Error No Current Record On Save

May 10, 2014

I have been working on a bound form that I can't seem to get working.

It records deliveries and what I am trying to achieve is after the form has been filled in the user will click a save button where the record will be added to the table and a record automatically printed via a report and emailed to the shop manager, but i keep getting the error "No Current record" no matter what way I try to do it, I have tried using to run the report. Is the best way for me to accomplish this o change it to an unbound for and run an insert query on click?

I have attached a copy of what I have been working on : DatabaseDelivery.accdb

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How To Save Data As General Date With Only Short Time Show On Form?

Aug 22, 2005

I have some project run on MS-Access as front-end with database linked to MS-SQL Server. I have some column of table contain Date-Time data that store data as General Date format (ie 01/01/2005 08:00:00). I create some form for my staff to key in a data of lab test that they will be key in only time with out date value. On form, I show this value as time only too. But I want to use this data with Date value for some calculate as backgroud process.


In case of new data, Database will be store my data as CurrentDate with Time that my staff key in.

In case of data update, Database will be store my data as ExistDate with Time that my staff may update.

What should I do for solve my problem?

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How To Save Data As General Date With Only Short Time Show On Form?

Aug 22, 2005

I have some project run on MS-Access as front-end with database linked to MS-SQL Server. I have some column of table contain Date-Time data that store data as General Date format (ie 01/01/2005 08:00:00). I create some form for my staff to key in a data of lab test that they will be key in only time with out date value. On form, I show this value as time only too. But I want to use this data with Date value for some calculate as backgroud process.


In case of new data, Database will be store my data as CurrentDate with Time that my staff key in.

In case of data update, Database will be store my data as ExistDate with Time that my staff may update.

What should I do for solve my problem?

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General :: Save Record Instantly When Text Entered Into Textbox In A Form

Aug 4, 2012

How do i save a record as soon as text is entered into the textbox in a form?I need it to save without moving on to the next form without having to click a button


If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

but it doesnt seem to work

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General :: Open Save File Dialog - Select File From Text Box And Save To Selected Location

Aug 8, 2013

I need code for save dialog file ,and select the file from textbox and save it to the selected location.i have only this code and i dont know what else i can do with this because it just opens the save file dialog !

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Cancel Record In Subform If Click Cancel On Parent Form Before Save

May 24, 2014

I have a form and a subform in it. I added New cancel button in the form so that the the user can cancel the record creation and no record will be inserted in the parent table.

But when details are entered in the subform (a datasheet) row records will be created in the subform table. what is the correct method or how to cancel these records if the user choose to click cancel button on the parent form.

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Save Button

Nov 1, 2005

Hey all I have added a yes no button to my save button, so users have the option to save the record or not. so the save yes works fine, but it is the save no I am having probelms with. I would like to click no, and have the changed not saved, clear that out and go back to the first record again kind of like undo. Thanks! Here is my current code:
On Error GoTo Err_savebtn_Click
'enable buttons
insbtn.Enabled = True
Command31.Enabled = True
Command63.Enabled = True

'Save the current record
Dim Answer As String
Let Answer = MsgBox("Would you like to save your changes?", vbYesNo, "Save record Confirmation")
If Answer = vbYes Then
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
Call firstbtn_Click
End If
Exit Sub

Resume Exit_savebtn_Click

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Save Button

Oct 4, 2006

Relatively new to databases. I have designed a few using tables, forms. reports etc and have a switchboard open up on start up. When entering details in the switchboard form I need to press enter to save the record.
I noticed that on some databases there is a button which you press to save the record.
Pardon me for being pretty dumb but how do I add this to my forms.

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Don't Save Cmd Button

Dec 12, 2013

Is it possible to create a save button or don't add button? In case the user enters partial data and decides exit the form they can hit a "Don't Save" button so it does not update the table with partial data.

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Accessing Subform Info From Form Button.

Jun 13, 2005

I have a form containing a subform.
Inside the form, i set up a button. Inside the OnClick code of this button, i need to access the information inside the subform.

To access the info inside the form, i know:

But inside the subform, i have tried:
And both did not work.

How can i?

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Forms :: Duplicate Button For Form / Subform

Sep 7, 2013

My programming abilities are mediocre, but not novice.I have a pretty large scale management system to build (more than 40 tables, lots of relationships, forms, etc). One of the structures in the database is the following:

+ Main table
++ Secondary table connected to Main table via FK1.
+++Tertiary table connected to Secondary table via FK2.

The above when making the user interface is expressed as a form (Main Table), a subform (Secondary table) and a subform within the subform (Tertiary table).

I need to create a button that duplicates the contents of the main table, the secondary table and the tertiary table. I have already been able to create a button that duplicates the contents of the main table and the secondary table by using Allen Browne's code found do I move forward to embedding in that method the ability to duplicate the contents of the Tertiary Table?

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Disable Textbox On Main Form From Button On Subform

Jun 23, 2005

My subform when i click the New record button on the subform i want it to disable a text box that is on the main form.

Me.Pensioners.Form!quicksearch.Enabled = False

where Pensioners is the name of the Parent Form. Thhis isnt working for one reason or another. Please advise.

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Save Record Button Needs A Hyperlink

Dec 2, 2006

Hey all,

I am embedding a MS Access 2003 Database form into web page (iframe) by creating a "Data Access" form.

I have created it all and it works fine. But there is one last thing i need to sort out.

When the user clicks the Submit button (Really a Save Record Button), i would like the button to also forward the visitor to a basic "Thank You" html page, in the actual iframe. At the moment the record saves, but it doesn't give the visitor any acknowledgement that they submitted successfully.

What code do i need to add to the <Button> code on the Data Access form, in order to create a hyperlink. I am not too familiar with VB.


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Forms :: Command Button In Subform Continuous Form Not Working

Mar 17, 2014

I have two command buttons in a subform "sbfScoutRegDetails", one that launches a report and the other attaches the report pdf to an email, associated with the record ID when clicked.

Both of these buttons work fine when just the subform itself is open, but when viewing it in its main form, I get a window saying 'enter parameter value' for "Forms!sbfScoutRegDetails!ID" (this is the WHERE condition in the macro).The report then opens with all the record information blank.The full WHERE condition



Not sure if it's because of using a continuous form as a subform? I need the user to be able to view/print or email a contract to each group/contact that signs up.

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