General :: Sort By 2 Columns

Aug 14, 2014

I am trying to sort by 2 columns

1st column by "type"
2cnd column by " stock number"

I have the query set to ascending in both fields but it will only do the type columnexample below shows 5096B00028 not together


requistion items stock number Material type: 5096B000335 9mm x 33.5mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00028 9mm x 28mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00114 9mm x 114mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Rynite 935 (to dwg 9020) Core 5096B000675 9mm x 67.5mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00057 9mm x 57mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B000355 9mm x 35.5mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00028 9mm x 28mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B000335 9mm x 33.5mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00049 9mm x 49mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core

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How Do You Sort Individual Columns?

Jul 6, 2005

Okay, my first problem is solved...Access now stops me from entering a phone number that is already I'm a happy camper...thanks again to those who helped :)

now I have my next problem, I have 8 columns, each column has phone numbers and I've separated them into what the first digit of the phone number starts columns 2 to 9...

now I'd like to sort each individual column so that it puts the phone numbers in numerical order...the only option I find for sort sorts all 9 columns as if they were one column and then everything is out of whack and mixed together...sorting like that works fine in excel...what's the trick to get Access to do the same thing?? Thanks a bunch :) Rosey :confused:

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Forms :: Set Initial Sort By Two Columns Keeping Highest Priority

Jun 3, 2015

I have a form presented in datasheet layout.

I set the initial sort by two columns, but I would like to keep highest priority for that initial sort, so when user wants to sort by some other columns that sort happens inside my initial sort.

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Queries :: Sort Crosstab Query Columns And Generate Report

Jul 28, 2015

This is a query, report and vba question. I'm using Ms Access 2007.

TABLE 1: projectname, activityname, totalhoursworked, employeename
TABLE 2: employeename, employeelevel
TABLE 3: employeelevel, rate

I created a select query to join the info that I need.

SELECT QUERY 1: projectname, activityname, employeename, totalhoursworked, rate, cost (calculated field (totalhoursworked*rate))

I have 2 crosstab queries.

CROSSTAB QRY 1: ROW (projectname, activityname) COLUMN (employeename) VALUE (totalhoursworked (summed))
CROSSTAB QRY 2: ROW (projectname, activityname) COLUMN (employeename) VALUE (cost (summed))

I then created a 2nd select query with inner joins to join both crosstab queries on similar fields (activity & projectname).

SELECT QUERY 2: projectname, activityname, employeename (totalhoursworked as value), employeename (calculatedcost as value)

It gives me this:

However, I want it like this:

Those employeename... refers to more employees being added after a period of time. Hence I want to know if I could use vba to generate a report every time a button is pressed on a form? I know how to link the form to the query.

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Book Collection Database - How To Sort Columns In Ascending Order

May 28, 2012

My question is simple: I've got a database of my book collection. If i view it in a style sheet, it is something like

Author Title etc.

A 0
C 1
B 3
F 2
D 5
D 4
A 8
F 9

I would like to order the Author and Title columns (permanently). Particularly, I would like to order in alphabetical order all the authors and, if I've got the same author, order his/her book alphabetically, something like:

Author Title etc.
A 0
A 8
B 3
C 1
D 4
D 5
F 9

How can I achieve this?

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Forms :: Sort Of Limit On Number Of Columns Contained In Data Source For Such A Box?

Jul 14, 2014

I have a form I created in the past that auto-fills some of its fields based on the user's selection of a record from a combo box linked to another table. The form has been working perfectly however I recently tried to add a couple of more fields to the form that need to be autofilled. I added the new fields to the source table and added columns to the combobox that should allow my VB code to fill those boxes. However only one of the new fields is filling correctly. After trying a few different things I notice that the problem seems to be with whatever data field becomes the 21st column in the combobox. Is there some sort of limit on the number of columns contained in the data source for such a box?

Option Compare Database
Private Sub EmpIDAutofill_Change()
Me.EmployerCatAutofill.Value = Me.EmpIDAutofill.Column(1)
Me.StreetNumAutofill.Value = Me.EmpIDAutofill.Column(2)
Me.JobCityAutofill.Value = Me.EmpIDAutofill.Column(3)


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General :: How To Sort Raw Data

Feb 21, 2013

I need to create a absenteeism database for work . I have attached a sample data for you to see how my table is in access.

so the fields that i have are name, team leader, date, code, department, minutes.

from this raw data I need:

1) a high level summary report that groups all ccps by team leader and how many hours the team leader has and each individual ccp.

2) summarize by code the hours each ccp has and also occurence. if the ccp has been sick 3 days in a row then it is considered 1 occurence. if they have been sick multiple days but are not concurrent then each one is an occurence so i need that info categorized by month and tl.

3) a form where the user can pick what codes they want to see from a check box / list box (which one would be better?) and group those codes by ccp and team leader month over month.

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General :: Updating Sort Order Of Records

Nov 10, 2014

I have a table with entries describing a sequence of Tasks (tblTask)

tskID TaskDescription
10 Clean Room
12 Wash Dishes

I have second table called Steps (tblSteps) that is related to tblTask via the field "StepNumber" which is a concatenation of [tskID] & "." & [StepOrder]
So if we look at washing dishes as a task then the steps are as follows:

StepID, StepDescription, StepOrder, StepNumber
202 Put plug in the sink , 1, 12.1
512 Turn on tap, 2, 12.2
205 Put in detergent, 3, 12.3
210 Place dishes in sink, 4, 12.4
435 Turn off tap, 5, 12.5

If I decide delete the third step I get the following:-

StepID, StepDescription, StepOrder, StepNumber
202 Put plug in the sink, 1, 12.1
512 Turn on tap, 2, 12.2
210 Place dishes in sink, 4, 12.4
435 Turn off tap, 5, 12.5

Is there a simple way renumbering the StepOrder entries when one step is totally removed to give me the following?

StepID, StepDescription, StepOrder, StepNumber
202 Put plug in the sink, 1, 12.1
512 Turn on tap, 2, 12.2
210 Place dishes in sink, 3, 12.3
435 Turn off tap, 4, 12.4

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General :: Sort Order For Topmost One-to-many Relationship

Dec 6, 2013

I am currently studying Robert Jennings book entitled Using Microsoft Access 2007 Special Edition. In reading about specifying of the sort order and top value limits established by inner joins (pg 455), the author makes this statement.Access displays query result sets in the order of the index on the primary key field of the table that represents the one side of the top most one-to-many relationship of query tables.An example of a query with Orders, Order Details, and Products tables displays rows in productID (the primary key field in the Products table) sequence. He says that it does so because the Products table has a one-to-many relationship with the Order Details table and indirectly with the Orders table. I do not understand why the Products one-to-many relationship with the Order Details table is ranked as the top most relationship in that the Orders table also has a one-to-many relationship (OrderID is the primary key field) with the Order Details table and an indirect relationship with the Products table. The Order Details table has two primary keys (ProductID and OrderID). My attempts to change the sequence in which the table relationships were formed as well as the location of the tables in the database had no effect on the result.

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General :: Access 2013 - Sort Database Window By Description?

Oct 10, 2013

Through a set of circumstances, I have had to quickly migrate a long-standing (and business critical) database from Access 2003 to Access 2013, without the sort of prepping and planning that I would normally do in such circumstances.

Most functionality appears to be working ok...

Many of my database objects, especially queries, were given meaningful descriptions.

For example, a number of queries might have been described as "Accounts Data Validation".

When I wanted to run validation of the Accounts data, I would simply sort the database queries window by description, then scroll to the relevant section and run all of the tagged queries in turn.

However, having migrated to Access 2013, although the descriptions are still shown, I can no longer sort by them !

Medium term, I could probably assign different database objects to "Groups", but we are talking hundreds, perhaps even thousands of different objects and that would be a laborious and extremely tedious process.

Any way of sorting the database window by description in Access 2013 ?

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General :: Comment History Field To Appear On A Form - Change Sort Order Of Results

Aug 28, 2013

I have after much stress gotten my comments history field to appear on a form.

The following code gives me what I needed

=ColumnHistory([RecordSource],"LastUpdateBy","[ID]=" & Nz([ID],0))

I have only one simple thing left, that is perplexing to say the least.

Some comment fields will be many short notes, spread over time.

My desire is to change the sort order of the results so the most recent (rather than the initial) comment is at the top.

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General :: Clearing Text In Specified Columns

Oct 31, 2013

I am creating a database that keeps track of everyone who is currently "In" at work. I am giving a set number of people "administrative" access to the backend where they can view the status of everyone. The plan is to have them export each daily report into an Excel document. Every morning when the administrator comes in, he/she will need to click a button that clears everyones status so they can start over. The employees names and payscale stays the same and does not clear.

I am all about automation! If there is a way where the specified fields automatically clear, say after midnight.

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General :: AUTOFIT Columns In Access?

Apr 7, 2014

How to AUTOFIT columns in Access (2013) ...

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General :: Display Sorted Data For Two Columns

Sep 23, 2013

I have written a query where it displays sorted data for two columns, but problem is its sorting on one column but not on another.

When checking the query separately its giving proper output, but in form view its sorting only on one column not on another.

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General :: Converting Rows To Columns VBA Access

Jul 31, 2013

I am trying to convert a table that looks like the following...

Customer Name SumofSum of Bill Rate Reviewer
000462 John 500 Mike
000224 Mike 900 Jeff

I would like to covert it to....

Customer 000462 000224
Name John Bill
SumOfSum.. 500 900
Reviewer Mike Jeff

I don't think Access has any functions for this but I am not 100% sure. I know this can be done in a Module but I am not sure of how to code it.

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General :: Distribute Field Value Into A Listbox In 2 Or 3 Columns

Sep 25, 2013

i want to display a single field values in list box with query as row source.the query will produce variable number of records or rows. sometime 1, sometimes 3 or 6 my thought is to distribute these records/row into list box column. for example:

if query = 1 then listbox column = 1

if query = 6 then listbox column = 3 (two rows per column).

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General :: Database That Searches Values Between Two Columns

Jun 26, 2012

I'm new to Access programming. I want to setup an Archiving/Storage Database which contains data of boxes with folders in it. The data would be the box number, begining folder, ending folder and box description (See Below).

[BoxNum] [FromRange] [ToRange] [BoxInfo]
123456 10000 10100 Case File
123457 10101 10954 Batch File
123458 11234 11545 Case File

I would like to setup a database that once the data is entered a user can open a form and search for a folder like 10054 by entering it in to a field like [SearchBox] and search the values between [FromRange] and [ToRange] and retrieve that boxes information 123456.

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General :: Query To Separate Columns In Table

Aug 14, 2014

I have a table tblItemSold

ItemNum Date Sold
1111 Aug-10-2014 25
1111 Aug-9-2014 24
1111 Aug-8-2014 23
2222 Aug-10-2014 11
2222 Aug-9-2014 12
2222 Aug-8-2014 13
3333 Aug-10-2014 5
3333 Aug-8-2014 3

I want to write a query and transform above into

ItemNum Aug-10-2014 Aug-9-2014 Aug-8-2014
1111 25 24 23
2222 11 12 13
3333 5 3

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General :: Manipulate Forms - Adding Two Columns

Jul 13, 2014

Access file attachment in the form below if you want to add two columns (like other columns with the capability to filter).

Link file attachment : [URL] ....

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General :: Change Formatting Of Number Columns?

Nov 21, 2014

Is there a way to change the formatting of a numbers column to the formatting :

1 = 0001

11 = 0011

111 = 0111

1111 = 1111

But that would have to apply to this also

1 - 2 = 0001 - 0002

11 - 22 = 0011 - 0022

111 - 222 = 0111 - 0222

1111 - 2222 = 1111 - 2222

If that makes sense ....

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General :: Names In Multiple Horizontal Columns

Dec 18, 2013

I have a database with employee folders containing various bits of information. My intent is to have a main page with a sub report or from containing employee names. Instead of the names being displayed in a single vertical column with a scroll bar, I would like to display multiple columns of say twelve names each with a horizontal scroll bar no information with be edited from the "main" page..

The information would be "last name, first name" from a query, you would select (highlight) the name and hit a button to bring up a different form with that employees information or double click for the same results.

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General :: Multiple Excel Columns To One Field

Apr 14, 2014

I have an excel sheet, sent to me by someone else. It contains a column of unique information (site IDs), followed by three columns which each contain either a unique value or a blank, something like this:

021| |2345B|3456C
041| | |7890E

The ID represents a particular business with which we interact, whilst the codes represent particular types of contract that we have with them.

This is then followed by a lot of columns containing information about each entry, name, address, post code, contract data etc.

I need to relate this to the employees at those businesses, whose data I have recorded in a separate spreadsheet, so that addresses and such are also related to people, not just the business unit.

This spreadsheet records each person by employee ID (a unique value for each entry) and Code, without taking account of whether it is a code of type 1, 2 or 3. Like this:


I figure the best way to create a relationship between these tables once imported into access is via a third table containing a column with all the Codes in a single field and a second field with the sID related to each code.


My question is, how do I get all the Codes from the three different fields into a single field and relate it to the relevant sID for each?

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General :: Address Label List Into Columns

Sep 25, 2013

I have a "Mailing Labels":

John Doe
100 NE Main Street
Portland, OR 97203

And I want to separate in columns:

Name | Address | City | State | Zip Code
John Doe | 100 NE Main Street | Portland | OR | 97203

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General :: How To Sum Multiple Columns In Access 2013

Nov 28, 2014

I made a new column in a table in access. The table is not linked and linking unfortunately is not an option. In the new column, I want to create a sum for 5 years of funding. There are multiple columns for a different fiscal year.

In excel, it is simply =sum(range), but I am drawing completely blank how to fill in the column with the sum data.

The end result is the data from 4 tables will be displayed in Forms and Reports.

Essentially what I need is an ability to bulk update a column in access table without a need to reupload the entire datasheet (over 100k rows with about 30 columns).

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General :: Table Import From Excel - Only 52 Columns?

Sep 5, 2012

I'm having problems importing a spreadsheet from Excel for a client.

They are using Access 2003 and Excel 2007, 3.5GB RAM

It works perfectly on my machine - Excel 2010 and Access 2007-2010, 4 GB RAM.

The file is imported in Excel 97-2003 format via a macro using the transferspreadsheet function.

It returns error 3274: "external table is not in the expected format."

There are 1488 rows and 71 columns in the spreadsheet and resulting table - in future additional columns may need to be added representing new critical data.

The interesting thing was that it worked fine on my machine. Then as a trial and error process I cut the file down to 26 columns and it worked fine. 52 columns also imported. But it gave up when there were 71 columns.

if 52 columns * 1488 rows =77,376 record worked, that's more than the magic number of 65,536. but it doesn't like 71*1488 = 105648 records. Is there a limit at 100,000, or some other number in between? I would have thought Access could hold/import much more than this.

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General :: Calculated Columns Based On Another Table

Aug 18, 2012

Is it possible to have a calculated column based on another table. i have a 1 to many table. the table that is the parent hold a start time. all of the 'many' have an individual time length. i would like a calculated column in the parent table showing the full length. is it possible or will i have to use an update query?

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