General :: Split Database - Unable To Find Table Location

Mar 24, 2014

I'm having a problem with a database that i had split. While creating teh database, i had it stored on my personal drive at work, but wanted to move it to the shared drive so the data could be stored there. this is to deal with cross site network connectivity issues that we encountered with another database here at work.

When splitting the database, i split it on my personal drive and then dragged the back end to the common drive. I realized my error, but when attempting to correct it, i somehow have two of the same file, and no back end?

I receive the error on the attached document when attempting to access any of the tables or information in either of the files, the "back end" that i placed on teh drive, and the "front end" that i have on my personal drive.

I also tried to relink the tables through the linked table manager, but receive the same error when attempting that.

Is there a way to recover from this? I had backed up my file by making a copy prior to splitting, but somewhere in this process, this became linked to these and is having the same issue. Is there a way to recover the old "unsplit" version? I cannot copy over all of teh tables, etc. because i get the same error as earlier.

I can attach a copy of my database for reference...

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General :: Database Design - Stock Tracking / Set Up Table For Each Location

Sep 10, 2012

I am planning my new DB and am contemplating the best design. It will be used for warehouse stock rotation and control of pallets. I want to track each pallet (product/time in/time out etc) to each pallet space within the warehouse. There are a total of 400 pallet spaces or 'locations' as i will refer to them as.

Now, would it be possible for me to have a table set up for each location? Will access object to having 400 tables in my data base?? Is there a limit?

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Unable To Find A Valid Switchboard In Database

Jan 10, 2014

Here's the issue:
Access 2010 Database with a Switchboard
SharePoint 2007

After I moved the tables to the SharePoint site everything is working correctly except the Switchboard Manager. When I try to the Switchboard manager i get error that is was unable to find a valid Switchboard in the database and asks me to create one. If I click Yes I get error that Table 'Switchboard Items already exists.

My Database has the following:
1. Switchboard Items Table
2. Switchboard form

I can access both of them and attached screenshots of the errors and tables in the database.

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General :: Lookup List In Table From Query In Split Database

Sep 14, 2012

i have developed an application in access 2010 . and split into front and back end . now i want to add more tables in back end and i need to define lookup list in table definition from the query presently in front end . when i get into lookup list and query builder doesnt show front end content ... how to solve this problem ?

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General :: Split Database - Cannot Edit Table Design Despite Snapshot Usage

May 27, 2014

I have a split database made in Access 2007. Each user gets their own copy of the frontend from a script. I wanted to be able to edit the design view of the backend tables even if people were using the database so I made all the forms use snapshot source and only allowed data updates through VBA macro update queries. Having any form open locks the backend source table from being edited. In fact, I've found that just having a normal snapshot query open causes the message "Either an object bound to table 'whatever' is open or another user has the table open. Do you want to open the table as read-only?"

Is there some way to have a table be the source for a form or query, but still have it designable under most circumstances?

Attempted to late-bind a recordset on form load; result was the same:

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select redacted as ft from tblRedacted ", dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly)
Set Me.Recordset = rs
Set rs = Nothing

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General :: Updating Front End After Adding New Table To Back End In Split Database

Sep 22, 2013

I have split the data base

Added a new table to the back end .But do not know how to update it to the front end

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General :: Changing Database Location For Sharing

Dec 29, 2014

In the past I have only done data input into Access databases that have already been created. They have been simple text fields only. I was hired on contract to finish data input for a database that serves to catalogue material resources. The database itself was supposed to have been completed by a former contractor but I'm discovering bits and pieces that weren't finished. I don't have any background in IT or coding.

So, this database eventually has to be shared in a "locked" format so that other entities can view our resources (like a catalogue) without changing them. My next step is to add images to each of the items being catalogued (there are about 100 images). The former contractor began a table labeled "Pictures" in which there are 2 columns: PictureID and PicturePath, the latter being a path starting with C:. The issue is, his picture paths include the hard drive name so that it looks like this:C:HardDrivePicturesPictureID.jpg

I need the database and its images to be share-able on other computers. And I need to use relative paths to connect the images to the database so I'm not tremendously increasing the size of the database.does the location/path of the database need to be changed so it can be shared, and if so how do I do that?

Second question: I have all the images I will be using in a folder on my desktop; how do I save them in a "fixed subdirectory" of the database so that they get moved with it whenever it is sent out to another user?

If I change the database name as I'm working on it (I've been saving a new database each day, so that if I screw up something I can go back to the most recent working one) will that mess up my picture paths?

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General :: Database Opens As Read Only When Opened From Shared Location

Jul 15, 2012

We have a database on a PC located on our network. The database is located in this computer's shared folder. Another database grabs data from this database occasionally. We're running into a problem where we cannot open the DB located in the shared folder (permissions granted) without it being a read only instance even with no users accessing the DB.

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General :: Split Database With Runtime?

May 21, 2013

I haven't done any testing yet on splitting the database I'm working on but a question came up today about networking.

This database is going to be used by a few equipment operators to record machine readings on the manufacturing floor. There is a wireless network and we are in the process of confirming that the wireless signal reaches all the areas. The users will be using ruggedized windows tablets to enter the data.

The BE of the split database will reside on a network drive to ensure everyone that needs it will have access and it will be regularly backed up. etc.

Since there is alot of heavy machinery, there may be some spots where connectivity will be weak or non-existent while they are entering their readings.

The question is how will the runtime FE handle it if connectivity is temporarily interrupted?

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General :: Deploy And Split Database

Apr 8, 2015

How to deploy a database project to others who are not in my organization and then have it split itself once it installs onto their network.

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General :: Use Feature To Split Database

Jan 22, 2014

i have created a database and just use the feature to split the database. i then set a password on the back end database. however now when i use a macro to open a form in the front end it won't open the form and just says incorrect password.

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General :: Move A Split Database

Aug 7, 2013

I tried saving my split database to a flash drive so I could move it to a computer that is connected to the shared server but it did not go as I planned. The back end with the tables works fine, but when I try to open the Form on the front end it says it cannot be located. I just want to take all the files I have (Should only be 2 front/back ends) and move them onto a new computer.

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General :: Table Structure For Multi Location Warehouse

Apr 30, 2015

I am working with Access 2007. I have a pretty good working knowledge of access. Here is my problem. I have a warehouse which supports four departments. The warehouse floor area is segragated into four areas. Area 1 department 1, area 2 department 2, and so on. Each department uses the same commodity, so I will have four of each item, belonging to each department. The storage locations will be unique and not repeated anywhere in any department. I receive and issue items for all departments.

The problem is how do I structure the tables and queries to receive an item for department 1 adding it to department 1 only and not have the item added to another department with the same item. Also to issue the item from a department 1 without effecting the on hand balance of any other department. I am too the point of creating 4 separate databases one for each department.

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General :: Split Database With Not Valid Path

Nov 6, 2013

I am attempting to split an Access 2007 database. My company has two locations. From my location we are remote connecting into the server. While down there they are connecting directly. When I split the database, people in my location can use it fine. When people down there use it, they get a not valid path error.

This is because the network drives are mapped differently. I have been reading that the solution is to use the UNC for the back end file path.

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General :: How To Split Database And Upload To Server

Dec 11, 2012

I am new in database design . I did a database by access 2010 which contain form and tables and i want to split it to backend and frontend and then make then in website

I need step in detalis to do that

How to split

How to put the backend on my site

How to make frontend in site

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General :: Split Database Access FE And SQL Server BE

Mar 4, 2014

I am currently working on an application where I am using MS access as my FE and working with linked tables to SQL server BE. I also have a few temp tables within Access that are not linked but needed.

1. What are my steps into making this into a SPLIT DB? I am assume the BE will have my linked tables from SQL and the FE will have my temp tables and forms. Is this correct?
2. Once I split it, then I can make an .ACCDE file for a Mulit User environment, is this correct?

What other steps should I be made aware of?

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General :: Backup BACK-END Of A Split Database

Jan 24, 2014

I am trying to use VBA to backup the BACK-END of a split database (so I can automatically archive selected data). If I use FileCopy I get a message that the BACK-END database has not been found.Obviously I could 'unlink' the BACK-END, copy it and 're-link' it..Is it possible to copy the BACK-END tables(not just the links) into the FRONT-END and get at them that way?

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General :: Unable To Import To Excel From Front End And Back End Using Database Connections

Aug 5, 2012

I have split my database in Front End och Back End, and both are password protected. The Front End has been converted to ACCDE.

When I try to import to Excel from Front End and/or Back End using database connections I receive a message telling me that I am using an invalid password (even though I use the same password when I encrypt/decrypt FE and BE). I've tried using Access import, ODBC and Microsoft Query. (In some cases I 'm also prompted to set a username, which I do not know which it should be since I haven't set one in my database (except the automatic "admin"))

How do I go about to make this work?

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General :: Split Database - Multiple Open Backends

Sep 20, 2013

I have a split database with the backend on our server. When I go to my server and look at all the open files on the network everyone who is in the backend shows up twice. One has zero locks and the other has multiple locks.

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General :: Split Database Sharing And Remote Access?

Aug 4, 2013

I've just split a database into the front-end and back end components. But how to distribute it further.

Additionally, I need people who have the front end to access the database from their homes, not just from work.

What would I need to use?

Is there anything available for free?

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General :: Split Database - Users Seeing Blank Forms

Apr 10, 2013

I have a split database consisting of an ACCDB backend helf on a shared drive, and a local ACCDR frontend distributed through email. I recently distributed a copy of the ACCDR to a user, and she says that the main menu opens fine, but when she clicks a button to open a form, the form opens but is completely blank. I've googled some possible causes for this (e.g. on Allen Brown's website) and none seem to be relevant, or would explain why this started happening all of a sudden. I can't reproduce this bug at all.

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General :: Split Database - Inconsistent Number Of Records

Nov 8, 2012

I have split the database, with the back-end residing on the server. Only 1 other person is working in Access right now; she's verifying the data. Today she's working directly in the back-end, could this be the problem. If it is, I'm going to have to create a front-end for her quickly.

My problem is this...I'm working on queries and forms so that the scientists who will ultimately be using this application, won't be able to go in and inadvertently change something in the tables set-up. When I'm in the back-end main data table, it says I have 2723 records.

When I create a front-end query to query all the records in that table, it says I have 2160 records.

The input form that I created with most of the same fields as the query (created BEFORE I created the query...I'll have it pull from the query now instead of directly from the table) also says we only have 2160 records.

Using Access 2010

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General :: Split Database - Prevent Linking To Back End

Jun 25, 2015

I have a split database. I have secured the mde sufficiently but I need to secure the back end so that no one could link to tables in it. If I introduce a password to the back end is this going to require those using front end to supply the password? If not then this could be good solution.

As the database is on the network drive, is there any other way to prevent people to link to the db? Can I hide the db in the network drive? Or should I hide tables in the BE. Should these still be available to be linked?

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General :: How To Split A Database For Uploading To Sharepoint Site

Dec 14, 2012

Is there a tutorial on how to split a database so that it can be uploaded to a sharepoint site and one part of it allows updates and the other part only viewing?

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General :: Can Create A Navigation Form After Have Split Database

Jan 14, 2013

Can I create a navigation form after i have split my database and moved the background to my network

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General :: Work Offline Feature In Split Database?

Feb 20, 2013

Any way to "work-off-line" in a split database, and then sync the data when one is done working?

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