General :: Synchronize 2 Or More Databases?

Jan 21, 2014

I want code to synchronize 2 or more databases. The databases are the same, but in different media,like in mobile flash drive,backup drive and main system

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General :: Synchronize 2 Or More Tables?

Jan 21, 2014

I have 2 or more identical tables in Access 2010.I need to synchronized both table at intervals automatically using code. how can this be done?

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General :: Synchronize Four Combo Boxes

Dec 26, 2012

I am new ussing access already with issues surprice no.I have four tables Section, Ducument, Description, Origin.I nees to Synchronize four Combo boxes, my first combo box code work fine

Private Sub cboSection_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboDocument.RowSource = "SELECT DocumentName FROM" & _
" [Document] WHERE SectionID = " & Me.cboSection & _
" ORDER BY DocumentName"
Me.cboDocument.Enabled = True
End Sub

When I select a category from my first combo box the secon combo box get populated with the correct Data.But when I select the second box the third combo does not get populated with any data here is my code for the second combo box.

Private Sub cboDocument_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboDescription.RowSource = "SELECT DescriptionName FROM" & _
" [Description] WHERE DocumentID = " & Me.cboDocument & _
" ORDER BY DescriptionName"

Me.cboDescription.Enabled = True
End Sub

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General :: Drag And Drop Between Databases

Sep 10, 2012

I've been developing several databases. Some elements that were experimental are now going "live". My development environment is Access 2010 on Windows 7 Pro. The "live" environment is also Access 2010 but running on Windows Vista SP2.

In development, I can drag tables, queries, etc. from one database to another by dropping them in the navigation column. When I try that on the "live" environment, it doesn't seem to work.

Is this a knownh difference between Windows 7 and Vista? Is this some sort of "trusted database" issue?

It is lots easier to drag and drop than using the Import External Data process so I'd like it to work.

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General :: Communicating Between Different Access Databases

Jul 31, 2014

I have an access db as the backend with the tables. Then multiple front end access dbs that link to the tables (as external sources). The front end dbs are setup with different forms on a per user basis, depending on their role. From my user db I want to be able to request information from another user. I want something in their db to pop-up and request the information.

I was thinking about approaching it using the datamacros. I thought maybe each front end db could have a messages table that the main db and other front ends link to. Then whenever they add data to your specific table it would respond and ask the user for the information. The info would then populate back into the message table where it could be retrieved by the requester.

Example: User A opens A.accdb and has a table called A_tbl. User B opens B.accdb and has a link to A.accdb.A_tbl. User B adds a record to A.accdb.A_tbl with Field1 = "what is your name". User A receives a pop-up with the info from Field1 and responds in a textbox for Field2. User B can then look at A.accdb.A_tbl and see the response as Field2.

Another option I thought of was simply trying to get one db to run a form/macro on another db remotely.

Example: User A opens A.accdb and User B opens B.accdb. User A clicks a button on one of his forms and it opens B.accdb.FORM in the session of User B. User B fills out the form and submits. User A retrieves data from shared tables as normal.

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General :: Proper Environment To Create Databases?

Jul 23, 2012

I would like to know in what type of working environment everyone works. i.e. an office with a closed door, a cubicle with high walls, shared cubicle, low-walled cubicle.

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General :: Database Which Serves As Platform To Launch 10 Databases

Apr 29, 2015

I have 10 small databases. At present, I have another database which serves as a platform to launch the 10 databases. I have a graphic for each database and posted an Event Procedure for each graphic to launch the respective database. For example ...

Dim accapp As Access.Application
Set accapp = New Access.Application
accapp.OpenCurrentDatabase ("M:MPFMPF_Mgmt_Info_SystemSignInPlusSignInPlu s.accdb")
accapp.Visible = True

Is this the best way to centrally locate and launch multiple databases or is there are smarter way?

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General :: List All Open Databases - Referring To Controls On A Form

Jul 17, 2013

Any way to list all currently opened Access databases? It feels like this must be possible by referring to the databases collection, but I just don't know how.

Also, is it possible to refer to controls on a form in one open database from code in another database? (and obviously if so, how?)

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General :: Merging Databases - Importing Saved Imports And Exports

Aug 22, 2013

I'm merging a few databases together. They're fairly simple on their own but I'd like them as one big database. I read that I should import each access database into a new, blank one.

It all works fine, but none of the saved imports and exports come with them. Unfortunately, these imports and exports are relied upon quite heavily.

Is there a way to bring saved imports over from other databases, or will I have to rebuild each one?

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General :: Merge Two Fields From Two Databases That Have Matching Two Data Ranges

Mar 25, 2014

I have two databases (files). Each file has a format like the one below.

File 1:
chr start end
chr1 1000 2000
chr2 3000 4000

File 2:
chr start end
chr1 1500 3000
chr2 3750 4000

I want to be able to merge the two records together if the field chr matches between the two files plus if there is an overlap between the start number and end number from each file. For instance the first record from each file would match because the range from 1000 to 2000 of file 1 has numbers consisting of 500 numbers (1500-2000) that are also present and overlap in file 2 (1500-3000). I possibly cannot use < or > since the ranges from each file will vary to different degrees. Perhaps there is a between function that might work...

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Oct 13, 2005

Hi all,

I want to make a synchronize function in access.
I have two methodes, and i dont know what is best, since i have no experinece with synchronize functions.

Its about meeting information.

An employee has a meeting. He creates his meeting in the database. This way his meeting id is reserved. The employee goes to a client. Takes his laptop with the program. Fills in the information. Goes back to his company. push the botton, and the files from his latop synchronize with the main database under the reserved meeting id.

for example:
meetingID 7 is reservated.


The employee comes back:

MeetinID and Action ID are PK.

Now the question. I can also create a unique field for the action table. So that actionID and MeetingID wil be no long PK, just one field that identifies. But for the synchronize function, is it harder to program? Or does it make no difference? can you simpy add them ? or is it better to keep using the 2 pks.

please help



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Synchronize To ALL Replicas

Jan 30, 2008


Is it possible to synchronize to ALL replicas using a command button in one shot from the Design Master?? I've read various posts, and it doesn't sound like anybody has found a solution for this. Found solutions for doing it one at a time, but was wondering if anybody has found a way to synchronize to all replicas without any user interaction other than hitting a button.


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Synchronize Splitted Database

Mar 23, 2007

Hello mates,

I was wondering (once again :D) is there a way to synchronize splitted and replicated database programmatically from users front end when they close database? I've "Data" & "Interface" databases both in users pc and in server as well.

If this sounds a bit odd, please correct me? Is there a point add back end database to users pc as well or only front end database, which is linked to back end database tables in server?

Thank you! :)

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Synchronize A Combo-box And A Text Box

Jan 27, 2005

I've a form with a combo box "OrderNumber" (to allow the user to select the correct order) and a text box "Date" which displays the date of the order selected.
The problem is that I don't know how to synchronize the boxes.
I know the procedure to do it with two combo-boxes (cmboDate=Null & cboDate.Requery in the after update property of the cbo "Order Number"), but is it possible that when I change the order selected in the combo-box, the text box shows the correct date?
Thanks for your help!

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Synchronize Three Combo Boxes

Dec 29, 2004

Ok, here's my dilemna. I'm new to Access and have been struggling to learn this all day long.

I have mastered how to syncrhonize 2 combo boxes, but am having trouble for 3. I would like to do it using Events/VB Code (I guess that's what you'd call it)

Say I have a Car Manufacturer, Model, and am looking for a particular part in the database.

I want a form with combo boxes that has a list for "Manufacturer" (Pkey = ManufacturerID) which is related to "Model" (PKey = ModelID) which is related to "Part" (Pkey = PartID).

The first combo box takes info from the Manufacturer table and gives me some choices, I want to pick one and have it restrict it to the available Models for that Manufacturer.
Then I choose the model and the last combo box restricts me to parts available for that Manufacturer/Model.

Is there a way to do this with the "AfterUpdate()" event? Need more details, or anything? Please help, this is making me go insane.

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Synchronize Three Combo Boxes

Mar 3, 2005

HELP PLEASE. I'm fairly new to access and would like to synchronize three combo boxes. My table are; tblDepartments, tblDivisions, tblTitles, tblDeptDiv, and tblDivClass. The last two tables are junction tables because I have many to many relationships one department can be related to many divisions or a division to many departments and the same goes for divisions and titles. I can manage to synchronize two combo boxes.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Synchronize To A Design Master With A Button

Aug 2, 2005

I appologise but I am useless with Access but am trying to learn.

I have a datababse that we use to log calls onto, There are five members of our team and each member has thier own replica of the datababse. At the end of each day we have to re-sync our replicas to the design master.

It would be nice if we could put a button on the form we use to do the synchronization for us. Is this possible and how do you do it? bearing in mind that I am not too good with access so I need laymans terms.

TIA all

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Error On Synchronize Now For Replication Version: 2003 (11.0)

Nov 29, 2006

I am getting the following error when Synchronizing Now for Replicated database. The total database size is only 22 megs (contains reports and forms). This just started happening recently, otherwise it was fine before. My machine is running WinXP Pro SP2 (with latest service pacs) on an AMD DualCore 3800 with 1gig RAM. Once you hit the OK it continues and competes successfully (at least it look OK). Any ideas what this could be or to eliminate it popping up? I run the database with minimum of programs at the same time.


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Is There Any Method To Synchronize Two Access File Which In Desktop And Network Drive

Aug 14, 2007

Here are some background . My company got a access file in a network drive.The data entry simply open the file in the network drive.But once the data has increased (~400mb) sudddendly,all process slow down. Like search , using report etc.Is there any method to imporive the situation?Some guys suggest me to copy the data file to the desktop and sync them.Can it it work?IF works,how to do that?

thanks gratefully for any ans

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New To Databases: I Need Some Advice

Jun 2, 2005

I'm creating a database that keeps track of printing jobs at a printing company... I started my project by drawing out how I want the databases to be configured.

I was going through a book that was made for access 2000, but I need to create this in access 97 because that's what the company has on their computers. One of the features in Access 2000 thats not in 97 is subdatasheets...

Basically, what I want to do is for each printing job, there can be a bunch of different tasks that need to be completed and billed for. For example, on one printing job, they need to design a logo, and then they need to print it out and send samples across the globe, and then they need to create a pdf, etc. This is going to be different for each job.

What I figured I would do is create a separate table to take care of all of the different tasks that are related to each job. This table would have the primary key of the job from the main table for each individual job, and then they would be related in a one (MAIN entry) to many (tasks) relationship.

Is this correct in how I want to do that? How will I do this inside a form, I want them to enter the information in table that expands as they put more tasks in?

This might be a very simple question, I just want to know if I'm going in the right direction.

Thanks much!

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MDE/Splitting Databases

Jul 14, 2005


I have been reading a lot about splitting databases on this forum. I still have some questions.
1) Will the FE (Front End) still show the tables?
2) Will users still be able to edit the forms, reports, etc.?
3) Will my code be hidden
4) Will all the users have up to date data showing when they open the Database?
5) Can more than one person open and input data in the database at the same time?

I also want to make an MDE copy, do I split first or make the MDE and then split?

The whole point is the following: I want the people (maximum 10) that will be using this database to only be able to do enter and view data. They should be able to generate the reports but not create new reports. I only want ONE person to be able to edit the forms, code, and reports. How would I do this.

Your help is much appreciated

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Read Only Databases

Aug 9, 2005

Forgive me if this is in the wrong forum, so MODS, do what you will.

I'll come out and admit it right now, I'm a newbie here and have just started using Access2003. I'm in a city government so I need other users to be able to view and access my database, BUT I don't want them to be able to edit or change things. I want to be the Owner/Administrator of the database and no one else. I want to be the only person that can make changes.

Is this possible in Access 2003? Can other users only open it in Read-Only format but when I open it, it's editable?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. TIA!


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Merging Databases

Aug 24, 2005

I am new to Acess, I am trying to merge 2 Access DBs and am not sure of the steps to accomplish this, if it can be accomplished and/or are there any tools to reach the same goal.

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Distributed Databases

Nov 28, 2005


I have an MS Access database on a server which acts as a back end, with about 30 users using the data. They each have a copy of the MS Access front end located on their PC's.

Every time I make a change to the front end, I have to redistribute the new version to each PC.

What I am wanting to do is put a single copy of the front end on the server, and adding a shortcut to this front end on everyone's PC's. This would allow me to make changes to the front end without having to redistribute to all users.

What I was wondering is, if I put a single copy of the Front end on the server and simply shortcut to that front end, will it cause any problems, or are there any issues that I should look out for?

Any help or advice much appreciated!

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Linking Databases

Dec 15, 2005

I have a Form that refers to two Reports, both of which refer to two query's one for each. the whole lot(1 Form, 2 Reports, 2 Querys) is in one mdb file and the actual database is another mdb file. How do I get my objects to get their data from the main Data Base File? the 5 objects are acting as a small report making application.

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Linking Databases

Jan 11, 2006

:confused: Does anyone know if there is any way to link to seperate databases so that any information entered in one will update the same information in the other and visevirsa?


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