General :: Toggle On / Off New Record Row

Sep 7, 2014

I have got a DB being used in the office, its a big one so obviously it has quite a large number of tables and forms, alotta the forms are either split forms or have related tables inside them (and in a few cases both)

Everything working fine but people in the office are getting confused, as there are many fields in some of these tables I've set default values to make things easier for everyone, however when people look at the info on the DB they sometimes see a new record, with some fields seemingly filled in (default values) and hence assume its a record that exists which caused confusion

I've attempted to explain that a star on the left hand side indicates a new record which doesnt exist, however this just adds to their confusion..... (seriously makes me wanna facepalm), anyways im thinking it might be simpler if there were a way to toggle on or off the new records row (or hide/unhide it)

of cuorse i know this may cause problems, as if im successful some people will go "hey what happened to the star in it?" or simply ignore the last row outta habit, however i figure ill cross that bridge when i come to it.....

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General :: Frames And Toggle Buttons For Criteria

Jun 17, 2014

I have a frame on a form with 2 toggle buttons in it - i want to be able to toggle the buttons to set criteria for a query which i can load as a report from clicking a button - is it possible to do with IFF? or is there an easier way - is it possible to have the report as a sub-report on the form and it to change when i toggle the buttons?

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Toggle Button Stuck (New Record Rather Than Specified Filter)

Feb 23, 2012

Access 2010 64bit

I have an issue with the Access "Toggle Filter Button" being ticked whenever I open a form from a listbox (dbl click)...

[tblOrders] - (Key) [ID] - [Date] - [Consignee] (Text) - [OrderComplete] (Yes/No)
[tblPurchaseOrders] - (Key) [ID] - (Key) [AssignedID] - [ProductName] - [Weight]

This is just an example and it is not exactly what my database looks like however it allows me to explain easier.

tblOrders and tblPurchaseOrders are related One-to-Many ( tblOrders.[ID]->tblPurchaseOrders.[AssignedID]).

Anyways, I have a listbox on my primary form that lists tblOrders by ID, Date, Consignee and OrderComplete. When I first built the form and I bound the listbox to column 0 ([ID]) and created the event on double-click which the code looked like this:

Private Sub listOrders_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim intLinkID As String
intLinkID = Me.tblOrders.Value
stLinkCriteria = "[ID] = " & intLinkID
Debug.Print stLinkCriteria
stDocName = "frmManageOrders"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub
End Sub

Now, for whatever reason - either something I've changed or a bug somewhere... when I double-click the list item, it opens as a new record rather than the corresponding record. I noticed that the "Toggle Filter" button on the access ribbon was ticked so I unchecked it and it immediately switched to the proper record. Why does this happen and what (if common) changes can make this appear or work this way? I am a novice with Access and I am still learning VBA. I struggle with not knowing parameters by heart, although the syntax seems to be similar to other languages I've worked with.

I had somehow enabled "Data Entry" which is located on the Property Sheet of a Form under the "Data" tab. Apparently this mode removes your ability to actually filter values properly and is intended for what you'd assume it means - Data Entry.

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General :: Toggle Option - Converting Values To Words

Oct 7, 2013

I have form using a toggle option with four buttons. The values are 1,2,3 & 4. How can I convert the values to read (in the table) as words instead of values.


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General :: Using A Toggle Button To Change A Label Colour?

Feb 27, 2014

Is it possible to use a toggle button to change the colour of a label?

I assume the code should be something like this:

If Me.ToggleButton = 1 Then
Label.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
ElseIf Me.ToggleButton = 0 Then
Label.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If

But I've tried it in the "On Click" sections and it doesn't work.

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General :: ControlTip Text On Command And Toggle Buttons

Dec 17, 2012

Just tried out ControlTip Text on some command and toggle buttons. The text pops up on some but not on others and I cannot determine what the difference is (the properties are essentially the same except for name, caption etc). What buttons work and what do not seems random but if I copy/paste a button that works, the copy always seems to work.

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General :: CheckBox On A SubForm Based On Query To Toggle Criteria

Aug 16, 2013

I have a SubForm "assignments" based on a Query, which has criteria to filter dates and also to filter 0 and 1 of the checkbox ...

The question is:

How do I put in that SubForm one or more Checkbox to "enable" and "disable", only the criteria of such query? So, toggle, for example, those jobs that are not completed (Checkbox of the query=0) and those that do ...

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Filter With Toggle

Oct 25, 2005

Hi !

I have in Form textBox and toggle button.

How could i Filter Form by Value in TextBox? (when toggle button is pressed, Form show records filtered by texbox, when unpressed - shows all records.)

Thank You in advance!

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Toggle An Option

Jun 21, 2007

Say I have two bubbles (options,buttons, whatever you know them as) I want the system to be set up so that only one of the two can be "true" at a time. Say they are titled Option1, and Option2. What code would I put on them so only one can be "true" at a time. If Option1 was true, and then someone clicked on option2, I want it to cause option 1 to go false.

Any help would be greatly appriciated. THANK!

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Mass Yes/no Toggle

Jun 13, 2007


I'm trying to update this movie database, and I need something to save me time, not to mention my finger.
One field in this db tracks if a movie is colour or black/white. In the old/existing db, that was done with text - "color" and "black & white". I want to replace that with a yes/no field [Color].
But the db has a few thousand entries.
What I would like to do is either change all of the [Color] fields in the new db to yes, and then manually uncheck the ones that are b/w. But I guess it should also be possible to do the whole operation automatically.
Any ideas as to how to accomplish either of these would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Toggle Button

Aug 18, 2006

Hi all,
I have a form with two subform on it and two toggle buttons.
Clicking each toggle button will open one of subform, and clicking it again will close that subform. But the problem is that I need to click the toogle button two time to open the sub form.
So, what is the problem??

This is the code under On Click event:
Private Sub Toggle0_Click()
If Me.TendComm_Label.Visible = False Then
Me.TendComm_Label.Visible = True
Me.TendComm.Visible = True
Me.TendComm_Label.Visible = False
Me.TendComm.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Toggle1_Click()
If Me.AuthorizedSignature_Label.Visible = False Then
Me.AuthorizedSignature_Label.Visible = True
Me.AuthorizedSignature.Visible = True
Me.AuthorizedSignature_Label.Visible = False
Me.AuthorizedSignature.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

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Toggle Box And Queries

Aug 22, 2006

I have never used a toggle button on a form before, and have searched the previous threads, with this one ( being the most relevant I think.

I need a toggle button, so that when it is pressed, it runs one query, and when depressed, it runs another. Basically, it is used as a add/Delete button sort of thing....but the add is an append query and the delete is a delete query.

I can't seem to change the code in the above sample, can anyone help?

Many Thanks.


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Toggle Button

May 12, 2005

how do these work syntactically? there's no wizard for them.

i want to create a button that displays a picture, then when you click it, it shrinks the form and changes the button picture, and when it is clicked again, the form goes back to the original size and picture. thanks

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Toggle Button Help

Jun 13, 2007

Hi, I'm very new to programming and i have very little knowledge about it. My problem is probably more simple than I may think, but for some reason I haven't been able to find a solution for it.

In MS Office, I'm making a form with a few toggle buttons which are linked to Yes/No fields on a seperate table. What I would like to do with the buttons is in their default state, which is "No", I want for the word "No" to appear on the top of the button. When the button is pressed, I need for the button to display the word "Yes". I know that it's possible to set the caption on the button to "No". Is there a way to have the caption change to display "Yes" with the press of the same button it's on? If so how? Also to have the fields reset to default with a new page on the form.
Please explain it to me as if I'm a 5 year old trying to learn programming.

Thanks in advance.

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Toggle MultiSelect Property

Mar 10, 2006

Does any one know of a way to toggle a multiselect listbox's property programmatically?
The One In The VBS Help doesn't work!

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Toggle Help Box Using Text Label?

Nov 23, 2005

hi again,

i am making a form which has a help link on it;

the help link is basically a label using this code:

Private Sub help_Click()
Me.help_pop.Visible = True
End Sub

this makes the help_pop label appear visible (as it's visibility is false)

ok so i have that bit sorted, now i want to be able to click the help link agian to make the help_pop label disappear..

any help appreciated

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Toggle Button Assistance

Dec 8, 2005

Hi, I would like to have a toggle button on my form that when clicked it changes the button colour and the button text. The toggle button doesnt have to be bound.


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Toggle Form Between Queries

Jun 18, 2015

I have a form that is basically just a matrix/visual of a query. Is there a way to "toggle" between the use of queries/data?

i.e. have a drop down and select query, "SH-LS", "FPH-ENV" or "FPH-Asset" and it will show the corresponding data. The queries are all set up the same, just gathers/calculates different criteria.

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General :: Find Record From Field In Subform And Then Return Its Parent Record

Feb 6, 2014

I have a database which has a main form and subform built in linked by parent/child customerid, what i would like to do is search all the subform records from the whole DB and return its parent record on the main form?

Can this be done? because if i use find it will only search the filtered form i have onload of the form?

My onload event is based on fosusername()

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General :: Save Record On Data Entry And Generate ID For That Record

Feb 1, 2014

I am working on a database and i have notice after making a form that when i enter a record using a form if i enter incomplete data on the form access automatically save that record and generate a id for that record.

For example I have a table that contain


And I have created a form for that table that also containing these fields.

Here I want to do that on the form I want a "Save" button , and the purpose of this button that when I click on this button then MS Access Save the record and then generate the ID for that record and if i close my form without pressing "SAVE" button access do not save that incomplete record.

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Multiple Toggle Buttons Working Together

Jul 23, 2007

Hi - I have another problem. I hope you can help me out on this one.

Right now, I have 3 toggle buttons to control the visibility of 3 subforms. However, I only want a single subform to show at any given time. So, if I were to select toggle 1 it should give me subform 1, and afterwards if I select toggle 2 it should give me subform 2 WITHOUT showing me toggle 1.

Is there anyway to get the toggle buttons to work with each other?


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Very Simple Yet Cant Get It Working...toggle Box Switch

Mar 19, 2008


Using a toggle box to ask the following question, i have data that contains either OPEN or CLOSED against each record. I tried using the following in the criteria for the specific data to either select all the OPEN records when the box is clicked and i would like to select all records OPEN and CLOSED when it is nto clicked


This didn't work and a number of other attempts failed as well...

How do i do it in the criteria selection or is it not possible


Newbie Jasper

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Forms :: Toggle Box That Changes Color Font?

Aug 2, 2013

I created a form that has about 200 fields and all the fields are utilized at a point depending on the work order assigned to us. I wanted to know if it's possible to put like a toggle box or a check box etc. next to the field so if it is checked it would be in a Dark color and the ones not utilized are in a shade of gray. All the fields are coming from the same table. Another thing it's an estimate worksheet so a row would have something like, Labor, QTY, HRs, Overtime, total as columns, so I would want a check box to have control over those but one for each row, EX contractor, locksmith.

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Forms :: Toggle Button Display?

Aug 12, 2015

Is there a way to show the toggle buttons in an option group as NOT selected when the form first loads up? I've cleared all the default value properties in the table and the form but it always loads as showing one of the buttons pressed/selected. I want the form to load and both buttons in the group look the same.

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Forms :: Toggle Button With No Background

Nov 16, 2013

I am making a specialty form where it must toggle on or off when the user clicks on a boxed area. Since toggle backgrounds cannot be set to transparent, I need to do it some other way. I thought of either using a button to control a hidden checkbox, or just writing code altogether. The problem is that I don't know what code to use to programmatically change the state each time the box is clicked.

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How To Create A Datasheet Toggle Button

Feb 3, 2012

I have a contact list db that displays in datasheet view on startup. I also have an alternate form that displays in datasheet mode that i want to be able to toggle to with a click of a button. I would like the button to appear at the top of the default datasheet form, that will allow a user to toggle to the alternate form when they need to.

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