General :: Viewing Data In Report Before Saved To Table?
Sep 20, 2012
need information in form to write to report before accepted and saved to separate table, so operators can read it. background:manifest information entered into form in receiving office, analysis ran in lab and then entered into form. When analysis is approved, Operators unload material then truck checks out in receiving office. Need to see analysis before it is written from load_temp table to Load table.
I have a purchase order form that has a subform embedded. After users have filled up the form, they click on a button that will open up a print preview of a report. The report shows the details of the form they entered. However, all the fields on the parent form that are filled up after filling up the subform are not displayed on the report.
The reason is most probably that they have not been saved yet. How can I solve this problem?
I am working on converting someones Paradox Database to Access and making some modifications.
I have a table with people in it and they are linked to a number of interests. But i am struggling to create a query so that on each page of the form for the person i can call the interests and display them on the form as a list...
If anyone could point me in the right direction that woul dbe appreciated!
Give me mysql and a bit of php anyday!! hehe
I am using Access 2007 but i have used access before so i should be able to work my way through instructions for 2003.
Not all the choices (numeric codes) for my form's option box are being saved to the associated table.
I am using the options choices in the option group to enter data into a table and do additional things - clicking one option is supposed put a code in the table and then take you another form, while clicking a different option will make a new option box visible so I can collect additional data.
My option group has three options, only the data from the second option, which makes a second option group visible, is being saved in the table. If someone clicks on the first or thrid option, which takes them to another form, the data from that option choice does not get saved to the table.
On a Form I have a series of Listboxes, each drills down to a final piece of information. The Listboxes store a number_id which displays along with other information In this case the number_id is associated to a TEXT description. When I send the Listbox info to the Report it displays the info but the text doesn't wrap and it gets cut off. There is no "can grow" option on a list box.
So I need to create a Text Box in the Report but when I refrence the listbox in the control source only the number_id shows up. I need to see the associated text (field).
Viewing a report from an Access Webpage... I can not, unlike from a form, create a button to view a report. Is there anyway around this? Is there no functionality to display the report as an html page or so?
I have one more problem about the version 2000 since it was not happen in version 97. I have changed several report formats margin lots of times (for example .25" for left and right margin to fit on one page) and when I open the reports next time or other users access them from the server (since the application residing on the Novel server) the format keep changing back to the default (1" for all margins: top, bottom, left, right)!!
Please let me know if it is a "bug" in Access 2000 and HOW to fix it!!
I am having problem to keep the desired format for reports' margin (left, right, top, bottom) and paper size (letter, legal), and orientation (portrait, landscape) stay!!
Currently, I have one MS Access 2000 database application resides on Novel Netware server version 6.0, [B]although I open the Access database exclusively to change all my reports design to the way I like, and SAVED them properly; however, later when I and other users view those reports, the formats change back to default view, which are "letter size, portrait and all margin set to 1")??
It is very STRANGE and FRUSTRATING and incovenient since all users have to manually go to "Page Setup" of the report's design everytime to change margins to make the data display nicely on one page!! It has never happened like this in version '97!
Plllease let me know if ANYBODY has any SOLUTIONS to this bug of version 2000 of Access?? Or any UPDATE file released to help get rid of it??
Im not an Access wiz but have managed to build quiet a few different queries in Access which are from tables linked to the software that holds all our data.Im looking for some way to put all these queries in one please for all my colleagues to VIEW ONLY. I just want some sort of really simple dashboard for the person to pick a report they want from different categories and it will export it to Excel for them.I have thought of building this in Excel because I have some knowledge of VBA in Excel.
I have a button on my main form that allows me to view one of my reports. In order to view the report I have to close my main form. My problem is how do I reopen my main form when I close the report that I have viewed? Some code that would reopen my main form when clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the report to close it?
the following code saves my report in a folder called test as a pdf file with the name MyReport. I have a string variable called RepName. How can I make the report get saved under that name.
I tried DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Estimate", acFormatPDF, "c:Test&MyReport&.pdf" but it dosent work.
Is there any way to view a Saved Import to see what it is doing?
I just inherited a database from someone that has several saved imports. I need to be able to see where the data is coming from and where it is going to so that I can recreate it using VBA.
I used to have a handy tool called LDB Viewer or something like that with which I could see who is using my database. Now I've upgraded to MS 2010 is there a way to do the same?
When using Access 2007, I have a new record button, but that record is only written to the db once you navigate away from it. How do I write immediately to the DB, so that record is saved without navigating away from it. I believe I can use ADO or DAO but I'm having difficulties.
I am building a database in Access 2007 that needs currently includes images and excel files as embedded OLEs. I am aware this is not ideal, but I can't change my employer's mind.
I've been looking in to the Attachment data type but am having trouble deciding if it will work as a substitute for my purposes. I know a variety of image file types can be displayed inside Access on forms and reports, but I can't find anything about displaying the contents of an excel sheet. I read something about using Active X controls to display .pdf images - is there anything similar for Excel?
I want to develop my database and forms to fit a 1600 x 900 resolution screen and would like to know, whilst I am in the Developer mode of Access 2007, is there a key that I can press that will switch to display the database/forms so that I can see what the User will see?
i want to have a button where the operator can cancel when on a current record. i want an if. if form has changes made but not saved then undo else close.
I pasted the tables, modules, macros, etc. from one database to another and the only thing left is the Saved Import. How can I get that into another database? It is quite a large import, otherwise i would just recreate it.
I'm wondering how can I view only those query data with value in certain fields.
For example in a record of students with check marks, view only those students with check marks and leaving those having no check mark out.
I know it has something to do with the criteria but not sure what. I've already search the MS Access Help as well as this forum and have not found anything.
I have a piece of code that I'm using to display an image on a report based on a path saved to each record. the code is:
Code: Option Compare Database Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) If IsNull(Me.ImagePath) Then Me.ImgPic.Picture = "O:BellinghamIntranetProductionLabelsNo Label.bmp" Else Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath End If End Sub
It seems like every few months the code crashes access and then never works again. When I debug, the part that is highlighted is:
Code: Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath
The only way i've found to correct it is to delete the report and the module and copy them back in from a backup database. What could be causing this code to crash or how to stabalize my database to prevent this from happening again.
I have written a database in Access 2003, saved as an Access 2000 format. This runs fine on Windows XP workstations. When I install the same system on a Windows 7 system, my login screen launches, the user is able to enter in their name and password. Then nothing happens. What is supposed to happen is a form opens up after the password is entered that applies security written in code based on the user.
I'm merging a few databases together. They're fairly simple on their own but I'd like them as one big database. I read that I should import each access database into a new, blank one.
It all works fine, but none of the saved imports and exports come with them. Unfortunately, these imports and exports are relied upon quite heavily.
Is there a way to bring saved imports over from other databases, or will I have to rebuild each one?
I have a database with a form called "Main" where users input data and then print a report from it. "Main" has fields in it from another form "Members". This data (from "Members") is shown on "Main' by Dlookup coding, and therefore cannot be selected for input by the user. Now, lets say a user inputs data into "Main" and prints the report on 12/30/2012. On the next day, a member's name is changed and I update that data in the "Members" form. On 12/31, I would like to print the report again, but it shows the updated member's name instead of what is was like on 12/30. How can I keep the old data in case I want to print the report in the future like it was initially printed? What do I need to do to any form(s), report or what VBA code needs to be written?
I'm a bit new at all this but am trying to produce a query that filters on dates within the current week. Is there any way of doing this? I now how to do it for the day but at the moment I'm having to manually input 2 dates to get data in between them. Is there a command that will automatically detect the week and pull up dates within that?