General :: Way To Create A Audit Log In Access?

Dec 14, 2012

Is their a way to create a audit log in access?I have a log-in screen on my db and every time a user logs in i want it to be recorded. is their away to do it?

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General :: Create Simple Audit Trail In Database

Sep 2, 2013

I am trying to create a simple audit trail (which I got directions online) in my Database (and have posted a copy here) but am getting an error on the second form (and this will be a subform eventually) -The Audit Trail instructions say to put four fields in my table which feeds the form - CreateBy=Text, CreateDate=Date/Time and default to =now(), ModBy=text, and ModDate=Date/Time.

Then to add code to the Current and BeforeUpdate events on the form as you will see in my forms attached. I created a test database with very little data (called AuditTrackingTest2DBLp-attached). I created the first table (tblCustomers) and then created the form (FormCustomerInput) and then I added code to this form on the Current and BeforeUpdate as I was instructed in my notes and it recorded my changes perfectly in the tblCustomers.

I then created a new table called tblCustomerOrders and then a form (FormCustomerSubOrders) based on this table and added the same code to this form and it is giving me an error message in the code Compile Error: Variable not defined.

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General :: Audit Trail Into Subform

Feb 4, 2014

I have a form with a few tabs and 3 subforms. I used the following Audit Trail [URL] .... to complete what I have so far and it's been really great. Simple, easy to use and works well. The only issue that I have is it doesn't read the edits from the sub forms. It tells me when a new record is created or deleted but I can't see if anything was changed or what was input into the new record.

I believe it's something to do with Screen.ActiveForm but I can't be certain.

Below is the code that I use in a module and the code on the event section of the forms and the module that I use. Also all the controls I want audited have Audit in the tag of the Other menu.

BadAudit Module

Sub AuditChanges(IDField As String, UserAction As String)
On Error GoTo AuditChanges_Err
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control

[Code] ....

The After Del and Before Up are also on the forms SuspensionsSubFrm, ReviewsSubFrm and Framework which are all subforms.

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General :: Audit Trail Of Attachment Field?

Nov 27, 2013

I have been using Access for quite some time now and I am able to usually work around many of the issues that come with being a small timer, like me, taking his best shot at Access; however one issue I have had absolutely no luck with is auditing a new and/or change made to an "Attachment Field". I have successfully been able to audit every type of field with the exception of the "Attachment Field".

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General :: Simple Audit By Posting Whole Record To Separate Table?

Jul 30, 2014

I need a simple audit capability

I have a table (Called Master Active List)

I have an empty duplicate of it called History of Master Active List. (Identical fields, with the addition of a distinct ID (primary key)

I have a form where the master can be changed (Called customer details)

When any change is made I want to post the whole record to the history table

1 - Am I correct I no longer need a form based one,(office 2013) and can do one on the data table itself?

I want to capture everything, can this be done with a wildcard, or do I need to go line by line?

The master table has a ton of fields.

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General :: Audit Trail - Capture Occurrences When Multiple Records Selected To Be Deleted

Jan 15, 2013

I've always used an audit trail for tracking changes of records that already exist but I have had a situation come up where I now need to track records that have been deleted. For example, if I delete a record in the datasheet view.

I've seen several examples how to do this, with the most common seeming to store the data into a temporary table while waiting for the delete confirmation. If I am reading the notes correctly, it's done this way to capture occurrences when multiple records are selected to be deleted. Is this the best approach for this type of task?

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Audit Tabe For Access Databse

Jun 22, 2007

well i have a scenario like this,

there is a standalone msaccess database(*.mdb)...
i want to create an audit table cantainig the respective detaill(created or update by,time stamp.n the data that is update or created)...

the challenge is there is no form ....the database is manully updated...i mean anybody can opne the databse n alter the existing table inside the databse....

its just a standalone database..

is it possible to achieve???
if yes...
how can this be achieved???????

if not is there any other approach that i can follw????
will really appreciate for ur feedbacks...

thanks in advance.......

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General :: How To Create Web Application Using Access 2003

May 16, 2013

how to create web application using ms access. my requirement is i have an inhouse developed retail invoice application ( ms access 2003) which i need to move to web based.

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General :: Create A Check List In Access Database

Jun 12, 2015

I'm trying to create a checklist in my access database that can be assigned to different companies. Is there a way to maintain a blank checklist so that we don't have to recreate it every time we start working with a new company?

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General :: Create MDE With All Menus And Shift Key Access Disabled

Jul 18, 2014

How I can create an MDE with all options disabled including shift key bypass.

I want to remove all options in Tools>Startup except for the status bar.

I have tried using this code but am not getting anywhere with it

CurrentDb.Properties("AllowByPassKey") = 0

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General :: How To Create Colored Fields In Access Table

Jan 3, 2013

I am creating a table in access and I would like to color code some of the fields if it is possible. There would be multiple green fields to represent it has usable data, Yellow to represent the data is in process and Red to represent bad data. I do not want to color code fields using queries, forms or reports I want to color code the fields in the tables only.

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General :: Create A Front End Application For Access Database

Apr 10, 2013

I was looking to see if there was an easy way to create a user front end desktop application for a small access database.I have three users on different computers i would like them to input or amend data within one table of the access database.

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General :: Possible To Create Custom Security Permissions In Access

Nov 27, 2012

I was wondering if it is possible to create custom security permissions in access. For example I have created an employee database, with security. I would like to have it when a manager logs on, it will only display his employee's information and no other departments. Is this possible?? In one of the tables is a field for the department the employee works on, can it based off of a table field?

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General :: Create File Explorer Functionality In Access

Jan 31, 2013

how to create file explorer like functionality in ms access.

1 -I need to be able to browse files within specified directory and only. I can't alow users to browse any other directories.
2- I also need to be able upload (copy/paste) folders and files in that directory

I looked at different solutions and found a solution which might work on this foum link below.

The treeview working for browsing specific directory, but i need to enhance it to allow to copy files and folders in that directory.I use MS ACCESS 2010 and not very proficient in programming.

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General :: How To Create Forms In Access DB Which Uses Links From Source Files As Its Tables

Sep 7, 2012

I have a client who needs a Database created in Access for him. he would like to regularly auto-populate this Access DB from an Excel file - like twice a week.In addition, he wants me to create Forms, Queries, reports and Macros for him in the Access, which will have 2 Tables from Excel files and about 3 Tables created in Access.I figured that I could do that if I gave him a link to the Tables he needed from the Excel file(s). But how do I work remotely for him- the path to those files is on his computer. I can load them to mine, but then he can't open the files.How can I create Forms etc. in an Access DB which uses links from source files as its Tables?

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General :: Access 2003 Create Multi Column Filtered Table

Jan 4, 2013

create a datasheet from 2 odbc linked tables which I will be exporting to Excel. The resulting datasheet will have four columns, 'Purchase Order Number' 'Stock Code' 'Delivery Date' 'Unit Price'. The information I require in the datasheet is a unique stock code (one occurrence of each stock code) with the most recent unit price based on the last delivery date for each product. The linked tables contain many Purchase Orders for the same stock codes over a time period of a number of years where the unit price has varied.

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General :: Create Database In Access That Links To Contacts In Outlook Pst File

Nov 21, 2013

I have limited programming skills but a basic understanding of databases.I want to create a database in Access that links to contacts in an Outlook pst file, and in the Access database I want to create a series of date dependant tasks or processes that I can apply to the relevant contact.The object being to to save that collection of tasks to apply to different contacts within Access.

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General :: Create Multi-select List Box For All Records In Access 2010 Form?

Jun 3, 2013

I would like to create a multi-select list box for all the records in an access 2010 form.

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General :: Create A Button That Will Create A New Empty Backend

Oct 31, 2013

I created a database and I manage to split it into front end and backend. now I'm going to make an EXE of the front end.My question is when I open the front end, I need the database to be empty, and them create a button that will make the user select which project he wants to open (backend).I also need to create a button that will create a new empty backend and save it as a new project.

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General :: Create Check On A Field (customer ID) Of Customer Table In MS Access?

Sep 7, 2012

create a check on a feild(customer id) of customer table in MS Access , as "Customer ID is of 8 characters, the first 4 are alphabets and the last 4 are digits"

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General :: Any Way That Access Could Create A Drop Down Box Within A Drop Down Box?

Jul 24, 2012

Is there anyway that access could create a drop down box within a drop down box? For instance, when a selection is made in a drop down box, it opens another drop down box with choices.And is it possible to link an inserted image from a form to open in MSPaint that when it opens, the image is already there?

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Audit Trail

May 12, 2005

I have a database on a network which is shared by other users.

These users are supposed to use this database monthly to montitor there budgets.

I want to be able to create an audit trail on each time they open the database. I am using the OSUserName function to get there netwotk login id.

Can someone give me some code to put in the db so that when it opens, it inserts the user,date,time in and audit table.

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Audit Trail...

Sep 26, 2005

I have searched this subject out and tried some of the solutions but have more questions.

All I really need is a table with the username, date/timeIn and date/timeOut of the "database" forms, reports and all that don't matter...yet.

I am able to get the user info to show on a form (that comes up on startup) but can't get the info from the form into a table. I have tried an append query but no luck.
If I see it on a form shouldn't I be able to "grab" it? I have used all kinds of code found here to "get" the info and same problem, I can see but I can't touch.

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Audit Trial

Nov 29, 2005

Is there a way to keep track of the users and which form they updated and when? and to be able to view/print reports of it?

this is provided tt i use the group security feature with User ID and password.

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Audit Trail

Nov 2, 2006

I have created the following code to put the date and username into a table to track any changes made to a record. All I am interested is when the change was made and by who.

When I change a record the Now() command works fine and puts the date and time but the Username = User_FX does not grab the logged in to win nt domain user any Ideas

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
' Log the user details to the table
Me!SystemUsername = User_FX
Me!RecordChanged = Now()
End Sub

Thanks for the hlep

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Audit Trail V2, Help!

Jun 12, 2007

My audit trail is doing fine, but now my boss needed the "memo" to be highlighted or numbered so its easier to see whether the record was updated. (And the date wasn't enough:mad: ) So is there any possible way to have it highlighted/numbered after edited??

Help me, Thanks!

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