General :: Way To Show All Database Elements Tables / Forms / Macros / Modules
Jun 7, 2013
I have a .mdb file (access 2003) which has ballooned in size to 1.2GB and I'm not sure why. I tried deleting some older tables (which were copies and had about 38,000 rows each) but it hasn't made a dent. Is there a way to show all the database elements tables, forms, macros, modules etc and list their sizes so I can see what has caused the size to increase?
There are 3 tables linked via ODBC which have tens of thousands of rows but as these are linked I wouldn't have thought they would have increased the size at all?
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Jun 25, 2014
I am currently exploring the possibility of adding another element to our Database.
Each of our courses has a scheme of work associated with it, and this is completed on a daily basis by the tutor for each student. These are currently just Word documents we print out.
Example : I already have provided provision for recording attendance in the database, see below, (it may look a bit strange, but our training is ad-hoc so slightly different requirements than a college for example).
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Jul 17, 2007
Hello everyone! I’m new at building databases; actually, I’m learning as I go as I’ve never had any formal training and this is my first significant attempt. So with that said, I’m hoping someone out there may be able to help me and I apologize in advance for how long this is. A little back round—I’m writing a database to create a report showing the loan history on an account—basically it shows how many loan payments came in with the dates they were processed and amounts of each payment. I created a table that is supposed to populate after entering the policy number, original loan amount and original loan date into a form. I have a macro that when a button is pushed on the form, should run a query (this query is made up of the table I created as well as tables from our data warehouse and when ran, gets the loan payments, dates processed, amounts, etc), opens a report in print preview (showing this loan info), and then deletes the record from the table that I created via a delete query (I do not want a history of each policy number that is entered into the form). Now to the issues—when I enter the info into the form, it does not automatically populate the table that I created, therefore the report does not show any loan data and obviously the delete query would not work. If I move to the next blank record, the table does populate with the info I just entered in the previous record, the report runs, but the delete query still does not work. I’m not understanding why my table won’t populate right away—the record source on the form is my table. I assume the delete query not working could have something to do with my macro? Here is how I have my macro set up:
Action: Echo Action Arguments: (Echo On) No (Status Bar Text) blank
Action: SelectObject Action Arguments: (Object Type) Query (Object Name) qryFormInfo (In Database Window) Yes
Action: OpenReport Action Arguments: (Report Name) rptFormInfo (View) Print Preview (Filter Name) blank (Where Condition) blank (Window Mode) Normal
Action: SelectObject Action Arguments: (Object Type) Query (Object Name) qryDeleteRecord (In Database Window) Yes
Action: Echo Action Arguments: (Echo On) Yes (Status Bar Text) blank
So if any of you made it this far, can anyone see anything obvious that I have wrong? Just a warning—I’m not good with VB code. I appreciate any input/suggestions you may have.
Thanks for your help!
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Feb 16, 2005
I have a list of objects (forms,queries,macros,reports the number varies but could be up to 100) that need to be deleted from several other databases (about 20).
I could do this by hand (go into each database and select and delete each object) but this is slow and error prone.
I could create a macro and import it into each database and then execute it (I know how to do this)
or (!!!!!!)
there should be some way to be in one database (HOME) and programatically (VBA) delete in the other database (OTHER).
I know how to
Dim db As Database
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("c:other.mdb")
What do I do next. I could use the db.execute command for tables (which I don't want to delete) but what about forms,queries,macros, and reports ???? I tried to modify the MsysObjects table but ran into permission problems.
Any Ideas
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Aug 25, 2004
Hello to all. The problem that I am faced with is that I have a master list with all the current users and an updated list with all the current users and new users. What I have been asked to do is to compare the information in these two tables and have been given the following steps.
1. If name (surname, first name) exists in both lists do nothing.
2. If name exists in Update list but not in Master list then insert a blank row in the Master list and add the following Update list fields to this row: ¨
3. If name does not exist in the Update list then remove the entire row that contains that name from the Master list.
4. If 2. condition ("name exists in Update list but not in Master list") below applies, then insert the blank row with some kind of marker (e.g. "*") in a column on the far left. This will allow us to distinguish between:
So that is what I have to do can someone please tell me what a quick to do this in access would be. Thanks
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Sep 10, 2013
I am trying to find a way execute various "like / is not like" commands on a field within a table. Rather than build 30-40 different "like / is not like" commands to execute on this specific field, I would prefer to have one "like" comand and have it's elements listed in a reference table that I can call into the "like" commend or function.
In this way I can change the "Like" statement filtering criteria by simply adding or deleting filter elements from the reference table rather than have to modify the "like" command's hard coding.How to do something similar, perhaps using a different function or macro?
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Oct 4, 2012
I'm creating a catalog that shows all the equipment we use in our company. The problem is that most of these equipment don't have the same properties, or fields. For example, all of them have a code, model, supplier and price.
However, most of them have different properties like size, orientation, or material.My first attempt was using one-to-one tables.
My database is formed by a main table (catalog), a type table (which lists all the types of equipments the table has, e.g. control valves, tanks, field instruments, etc), and smaller tables for each type of equipment (the table for control valves has the size and material field; the table for tanks has connections and orientation field; and the table for field instruments has the fields of dial size and connections).
All of these small tables are connected to the main table using a one-to-one relationship.My question here, any better way to store and access these type of data.
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Jul 2, 2007
I have a 'legacy' Access DB which I need to get into.
Unfortunately there is a problem, whenever I try to open it (using MS Access 2003) there is an error (Disc/Network error 3043) and the database closes immediately.
How can you open an MS Access db with all macros/vba etc disabled, so that the code causing the error does not execute and I can find out what is going on ?
I have not been able to find any such options in the MS Access 2003 open dialog or menus.
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Aug 23, 2013
I am trying to improve my code by making it more readible. The following code works, but it is certainly not the most efficient way. I`m trying to write a loop to make certain elements in an Access report visible/invisible, but I can`t address the visibility property of these items while iterating over i.
DoCmd.OpenReport "tblInterval subreport", acViewDesign, , , acHidden
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp1.Visible = False
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp2.Visible = False
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp3.Visible = False
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Oct 23, 2012
I have a split database with multiple users. Since I split the database, it runs slower than the unsplit version. I understand this happens. I would like to have a message pop up when the database is loading. It takes approx 2 mins to load. Users get impatient and start clicking. So, I wanted to have a message pop up to let them know it is opening.
I have the same problem with forms loading, I have 5 forms and each takes about 4 secs to load, so thought about a loading message there too.
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Nov 11, 2014
I have an unbound listbox with 3 columns. Call it PeopleBx. How can I address the item in the first row and first column. How can I address the first column in the selected row and how can I address the item in row 3 and column 2. I tried with
and other possible variations but failed.
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Aug 26, 2013
Why does one have to enable all macros in the trust center in order for VBA to run? I'm making front end applications with Access and having to allow ALL macros to make them user friendly makes a huge hole in general security. I don't use any macros - it's all done by VBA.
Users are on a plethora of different platforms so changing reg keys is out of the question. Is there some way of self sign an Access accde? Is there some safe GENERAL approach (trusted sites is not good either) to allowing VBA from my applications ONLY?
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Jan 31, 2013
I have a small school with number of teachers, every teacher has a specific number of observations in the semester, i need a small project that when i query a bout a teacher, a form appearing with his name and the remaining hours of observation
what i did is i made two tables
teacher (id, name, total number of observations in semester)
observation( Oid, name of teacher, date and time of observation, remaining observations)
I dont know if i have to make a counter or what !!-- Now what i need to do is a form when i enter the id of the teacher, it shows automatically the name of the teacher, and the number of remaining observations
How can i join the two tables and show the results ?
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Jan 26, 2014
I have a table that is populated everyday, with following columns:
1. ward (linked to the wards table)
2. date
3. number of patients
We have a total of 18 wards, wherein the daily number of patient in each ward should be recorded. The problem we face is that we find it counter-productive if the data encoder selects a specific ward (dropdown list), then puts the number of patients, and then moves to another field repeating the process. (the date is pre-selected using a combo-box and this will fill the date fields, thus the encoder selects the date only once).
I was wondering if there is a way where we can just automatically show all the wards, so that the data encoder would just proceed on putting the figures.
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Jul 20, 2014
I'm getting sick of Access 2013 constantly doing this. I convert a macro to VBA form the ribbon menu then it doesn't run!
I've uploaded a screenshot of the latest error to irk me. This ran perfectly well as a macro but since i converted it to vba. (cos somethings i can do easier in vba than in macros) it doesnt run.
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Mar 21, 2014
I want to create either a Macro or VBA that will automatically create a report or a query.
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Apr 12, 2014
I wonder how MS Access manage to show long list of records when we want to browse them in Datasheet view.
1 - Does it load limited amount of records on start-up and then load the remainder upon user interaction (scrolling for example)?
2 - Does it care about such things automatically or natively?
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May 6, 2015
I created a database which when macros are enabled the only thing visible on the screen is the forum. All tables as well as the ribbon bar is disabled. I also disabled right-clicking.
My issue is, for those who do not have macro's enabled, it opens up in design view and allows access to the left-hand tables until the user clicks the trust button at the top. Once trust is clicked, everything hides as expected.Is there a way to restrict access if they do not have their macros enabled?
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Aug 4, 2013
I have multiple tables (Desktops and Telephones)
A search form, to search into those tables (It searches by "User")
The search form contains a listbox that shows results (listPC)
And the following code:
Option Compare Database
Dim strUserPC As String, strUserTel As String
Dim db As DAO.Database, rsUserPC As DAO.Recordset ', rsUserTel As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub txtSearch_LostFocus()
strUserPC = ""
strUserTel = ""
[Code] .....
It works, but I have one problem. It only shows telephones or desktop, not both. It deppends on which line inside UpdateList is first.
That example searches into 2 tables:
And searches by "user".
I want to list all telephones and desktops that a user has assigned.
What should I change to show both results?
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Nov 11, 2013
Is there a way to review / edit the actual SharePoint workflows in SharePoint created by Access Services after a web database has been published?
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May 3, 2015
I would like to create a form that will show the users connected to the database. It would be kind of a tracker who opened the database to work on some cases. The form could show all users from the datbase from top to bottom and to the right a green or red round dot that she/he is active opened the database or not active (closed the database or did not open it still)
I was thinking that it could be applied when the main form opens and that form captures the login from windows into the "tracker" form.
I guess it will only work when the "tracker" form is first open. If the "tracker" form is open later, how to capture those logged in earlier?
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Jan 5, 2014
I have a database with a main menu which opens up on start-up it works fine and all but I want to go the extra step, I wish to disable / hide the ribbons (Top and Bottom) - Or Hide the whole Microsoft Access Window and display my form with the desktop behind it.
The next thing is once I click the X or the button to close the form I want Microsoft Access to appear again as in everything to show itself again.
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Jul 27, 2012
I have a question that i have implemented database with access runtime 2010
I have a navigation form opens up which provides buttons to open different forms & reports .
But I cannot open some of the forms in runtime although title heading apears but other content just goes blank , it has subforms in it . . some forms opens and some reports as well but some form just doesn't.
And on the notification bar it asks for a save as ??? why is that ...
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Feb 3, 2015
I've been developing a new db and have been adding buttons to forms all along without any issue.
I would create a button and under the event tab in the properties sheet all the buttons used to indicate "On Click" would produce an [Event Procedure]. Suddenly the "On Click" now indicates an [Embedded Macro] is going to run, which is not what I really want to have happen......
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Jul 5, 2007
Is there a place I can insert a snippet of code to have all the forms come up full screen. Some users think it is annoying that they dont always come up maximized. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Mar 31, 2008
Okay, so I just got a big project dumped into my lap to rebuild a database that was lost. This DB would import data from a couple excel spreadsheets and a text file, compare them to find any records that are missing from one or the other then spit that information back out in two reports. To make things harder, the person who uses this DB isn't the most computer literate and needs to be able to do everything with the push of a button. For this project I'm using Access 2003 with a possible need for 2000 backwards compatibility
First Issue: Importing. Is there ANY way to save an import so a macro could run it without the user doing anything? The other option is linked tables, but is there any way to update the data in those links because some of it needs to be changed. Also, can linking combine two excel spreadsheets into one linked table?
Second Issue: Information updating. As I mentioned before there is some information that needs to be updated before we can do comparisons. There is a field in both record sets that could be used for comparisons except for the fact it is formated all wrong.
In the excel spreadsheet it is set up as just a string of numbers like "3125" or "55879", but in the text file they added some preceding digits to this number code. The text file adds "HM" and a number of 0s to each number so that the field is a uniform 10 digits long. Like "3125" would become "HM00003125" and "55879" would be "HM00055879". So each record needs to have this data either added to it or trimmed off. The problem here is the variable number of 0s. I created a macro that would use the Len function to test how many zeros need to be added and update the field, but it can only run on one record at a time.
What I need to do is have either a trimming or adding updater for that field that runs in the background (either through the macro button or when loading a query) to make those fields compatible. It also would be preferable to work through linked tables.
Thankfully, there isn't any sort of rush on this paticular project. If you have any advice on any part of this project, please post
Thanks in advance
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