General :: When Enter A New Record / Combobox Is Not Being Cleared

Sep 30, 2013

I have a problem with a DB I just designed. It has a combobox that is populated from a query, and it works great. However, the problem is that when I enter a new record the combobox is not being cleared, and is "holding" the data from the previous record. How can I get it to "reset"?

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General :: Create Combobox On Form To Enter Record Not On List

Jul 22, 2012

I'm creating a simple database to document our supplier's contact information, addresses etc. However, when I create a combo box on the form and try to enter a record not on the list it gives the message "The Text You Entered Isn't an Item in the List".

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Forms :: Allow User To Enter In Text Into Combobox So That It Saves To That Record?

Aug 5, 2014

How do I allow a user the ability to enter in text into a combo-box so that it saves to that record?

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General :: Sum On Subform Datasheet - Enter Result To Table Record

Aug 20, 2012

I already make textbox name: TbBanyak on subform footer with control source =sum([Jumlah])

I success display it on mainform with texbox control source =[Jualsubform].[Form]![TbBanyak]

how to enter/record the result to table record??

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Forms :: How To Auto Enter Date Of Previous Record Into New Record

Aug 26, 2013

I need to know how to auto enter the date of the previous record into a new record. I have this db for my vehicle log sheets and I submit monthly a claim for the business km from my company. I usually cant remember the date of the previous claim and have to scroll back until I find the field with a date. It will be useful if the date was copied into every new record until I edit the date when I submit the claim. What I ask is during the new month all the dates will be the same until I submit the claim. I do not know how to do this, and yes I have done a search.

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Fields Get Cleared Out When Specific Criteria Has Been Met

Oct 1, 2012

We have a PHP website that utilizes an Access 2003 SP3 database. This website is used as an authorization process for a business process in our company. On the website, 8 different people must "sign off" on the process. This sign off process simply consists of typing your name and date into two different text boxes, as well as a third drop-down menu for "APPROVED" or "DENIED". These, of course, correlate to their respective fields in the Access database.

Within the past year or so, the 8th approval section was added. Since then, there have been sporadic issues where all of the approval fields would simply be erased and everyone has to go back to the form and "re-approve" their fields. I believe we have narrowed the issue to when the 8th person signs off before the 7th person. However, the approvals are not cleared every single time this happens, but this condition exists every time data is cleared. So my question is, would this be an issue related to access, or with the coding of the website?

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Setting Checkboxes Back To A Cleared State

Jul 13, 2005

Apologies first if there is an easy answer to my problem.

I have set up an option group with 3 checkboxes with choices Yes, No, Maybe. On data entry you can click any of the three boxes but after clicking one how do you revert to a situation with all 3 checkboxes cleared.
I don't want to use a default checkbox as that would add another row but I just want to clear out the boxes so it looks as though none of them have been ticked.

I hope somebody understands my problem.

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Modules & VBA :: Working With Recordset - Is There A Cache That Needs To Be Cleared?

Nov 4, 2014

I have a Public Function that is being auto executed when my database opens. It is designed to change the value of a record from "Trailing" to "Critical" when the record is older than 90 days. Everything works as expected initially by changing the status and adding some text to a comment field for tracking purposes. However, I manually flipped the status of those records back to "Trailing" for continued testing purposes and they are no longer being included in the code execution. Do recordsets have a cache that is identifying these records as already having been updated and is, therefore, excluding them for all future executions of this module? Code is below. I added a counter just for the purposes of testing and it's counting zero records, even though there are several records that meet the necessary criteria.

Public Function Trailing()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim ND As Date
Dim CT As Integer


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Modules & VBA :: Hide Fields When Field Is Cleared While Typing?

Jul 13, 2015

I am working on a database. I created a list box (ListBox) that filters record for a form. This list box is controlled by another field (SearchBox) where I type search string.

The ListBox visibility is hidden when the form loads. It only becomes visible when the user starts to type in the SearchBox. The records gets filtered and when the user clicks on the selection, the form goes to the record and the ListBox becomes hidden again. All this works fine. My problem is for some technical reasons I want the ListBox to show only when there is character in the the SearchBox. When I try to type in the SearchBox the ListBox shows but when I try to clear the SearchBox with backspace the ListBox is still visible

I tried:

If me.SearchBox = Null Then
me.ListBox.Visible = False
me.ListBox.Visible = True

I also tried

If IsNull (SearchBox) Then

Still when I type backspace the ListBox remains visible.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I put this code on the current event of the SearchBox Field.

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Queries :: Yes / No Field Named Cleared For Checks In Table

Jun 6, 2014

I have a table with yes / no field named cleared for checks.

I want to make a search form with combo box to query for cleared (yes) and not cleared (no) checks.

I tried combo box with values set in it, yes and no.

But it didn't work.

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Forms :: Select Record From Combobox List And Have Record Populate In Subform

Sep 16, 2013

I would like to select a record from my combobox dropdown list and have that record populate in my subform. Currently, I am only able to select the 1st record at the top of the dropdown list to appear in my subform. But I would like to select any record from the dropdown list and have it populate my subform.

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Forms :: Click Record In Listbox And Combobox Jumps To Same Record?

Aug 25, 2014

I have been looking for days on the net for my listbox problem. It is there and found a few, even on this forum. but when i try the solutions mentioned i am in a total loss and do not know what to change to make it work for me.

I have a form named A/B Retriever with a record source qry input AB Bins Than i have a unbound combobox with row source qry input AB Bins. This populates 8 textboxes with B through I carton boxes, stored in a bin. The user selects a Bin location from the combobox and can put a "x" in a textbox to illustrate that the box is empty. This works perfect.

Underneath the input bin and box part i have 8 listboxes that shows a query that has counted the empty boxes with the corresponding bin location. this also works. but the question from users where, If i click on a, lets say empty B-box at Bin location 12A20, they want the combobox automatically focus on the combobox with the corresponding Bin location. This is a quick way for them to delete a empty box (remove the X).

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General :: Enter Parameter Value

Feb 23, 2015

why I get a pop up asking for parameter value of fields I no longer have in my table? It says this when I open my form. I deleted the fields from my form but it's still asking for it.

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General :: Hide Pop-up To Enter Parameter Value

Jan 22, 2014

I am having some problem with the Microsoft Access. I want to preview the report but it always show the popup asking me to enter the parameter value after I clicked the button. For your information, this problem doesn't occur in the subform. But when I try to test it with my main page, the problem is occur. Need to remove the popup.

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General :: Pressing Enter Instead Of Button

Jul 25, 2013

i have a password logon form, after the user enters his password he then has to click on the button to validate and move to the next form.i have been asked to set this so that the user only has to hit enter on the keyboard to do this.

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General :: Cannot See Where To Enter Emergency Contact Information

Sep 17, 2012

I downloaded a student template from microsoft and have been able to figure out most of it. I cannot see where to enter the emergency contact information. Also, when I try to see the student and guardian table/list, the guardian list comes up empty even though I entered this information when I entered the student info...

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General :: Unable To Enter Data In Form?

Mar 10, 2014

it is zip file unable to get the size lower yet minimal amount in database I have 2 tables and one form when I create an query on the form the form then becomes that I cannot enter data in it or edit etc

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General :: Run Code In A Field When Enter Key Is Pressed?

Jan 7, 2014

Right now on a form I have code that runs when the used DoubleClick on that field. Users want to have the code run when the EnterKey is pressed as well but when putting the code in the onEnter command line it would run the code when you tab thru the field.

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General :: Enter Data From A Form Onto Two Tables?

Jul 6, 2013

I created a form that allows users to enter data into the fields and populates the table.But can I have it do that and populate instead of one table, two tables?

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General :: Subform Enter Parameter Value Error

Aug 11, 2012

I have 2 form

main form = "TanggalF"
subform = "MerkFsubform"

I have a query with 2 field "Combo28" and "Combo30"

I use it in subform with query [Forms]![MerkFsubform]![Combo30]

Combo30 is combo box on MerkFsubform

If I open in subform "MerkFsubform" work, no problem

but if i open on main form "TanggalF" it get errror "Enter Parameter Value" Form!Merksubform!Combo30

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General :: Enter Data Into Invoice Template

Jan 22, 2014

i have to write a result of the query to the excel, which is a invoice template where i need to enter the data.

Depend on the result the template can grow in size also, here if the size grows there needs to be informatin coming on first page for eg: address in first page should not repeat in second page, second page have purly order details and footer at the end which have signatue and attestation.

Problem is data can be in 1 page, 2 pages, 3 pages ..or more

How can i achieve this task as all pages have water mark as page 1, page 2...sand so on...?

(A Sample i have attached)

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Enter New Record In A Filtered Form

Jan 25, 2005


I want a filtered pop up form to accept new records.

The archive posting that I found suggested that I insert

[MyForm]![LinkedField] as the default value of the linked field.

Any suggestions gratefully accepted.


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Enter Or Update Child Record?

May 30, 2012

I have a Parent Record "Events" which has data already entered into it. I now want to assign workers to work the "event". The child table is "Assigned Officer". They have a one (event) to many(employees) relationship. Both the parent and the child have the key "Event ID". Of course Event ID is a subkey in the employee's table.

Every time I enter an employee it creates a new blank event.

My query looks like:

UPDATE Event INNER JOIN [Assigned Officer] ON Event.[Event ID] = [Assigned Officer].[Event ID] SET [Assigned Officer].[Name Assigned] = [Assigned Officer].[forms]![Assigned Officer Subform].[name assigned], [Assigned Officer].[Employee ID] = [Assigned Officer].[forms]![Assigned Officer Subform].[Employee ID];

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General :: Open Form And Auto Enter Data

Jun 22, 2014

So, I've got a frmCustomer and want to link the form to frmNewWorkOrder using a button.

More precisely when I choose/scroll to a customer and click the button "New work order" to autofill data from selected client from frmCustomerto frmNewWorkOrder (First and Last name, telephone number and client ID).

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General :: Enter Parameter Value Error On Access 2010

Jul 20, 2012

I continue to get this "Enter Parameter Value" on my access and I can't figure out how to fix it. I have access 2010..

"Field1. Filename"

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General :: Enter Single Variable As Criteria For A Query?

Oct 10, 2014

I have a database structure with a series of queries which are all inter-linked.

I want my database to be user friendly, what is the cleanest way to be able to enter a single variable eg as a criteria for a query - say the date, rather than having to change it in a series of queries manually, can I call it from somewhere?

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