Get Directory Path

Jul 13, 2006

Anyone got any ideas how to get the directory path where the database is running?
Thx in advance

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Get Path (Directory)

Nov 15, 2005


In MS Access,

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Appr", acFormatRTF, "P:Appr.rtf", False

I want output the file in the current directory,
the above code is specific the path,
how can I edit the current path, so whereever the the database is either drive, they still can work.

The concept is like that
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Appr", acFormatRTF, currentdirectory:"Appr.rtg", False

Please let me know, thanks.

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General :: How To Determine A Directory With Given Path Which Is Empty

Jul 9, 2014

In Access, how to determine a directory with given path which is empty?

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Modules & VBA :: Replace Hard Code Directory Path With Textbox

Jun 17, 2013

How do I direct the ZipFilePath and ZipFolderPath to use a directory I define in a textbox in a form? Instead of hard code like it is now?

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub NewZip(ZipFilePath)
On Error GoTo Err_NewZip
Dim lngFile As Long
lngFile = FreeFile

[Code] ......

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Save Reports To Defined Path In Path Field

May 26, 2014

Till now I managed to publish and save all in C:Reports. What I'm trying to do is Save to path specified in Path. DB attached.

Private Sub PrintAll_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFileName As String

[Code] ....

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VB Directory Listbox

Apr 13, 2006

Can you use a VB6 directory listbox control on a MS Access form to display the directory structure? If so, how do you do it?

Or is there some other way to display a user selectable directory structure on an Access form?


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TreeView Of Directory

Feb 22, 2006

Hi All,

I've been trying to use TreeView control to display my computer's directories and folders just like Windows Explorer does.

Thanks to Popeye for reposting all the Treeview samples (samples posted before the site was hacked). Most or all of these samples, TreeView is used to display data out of tables. Mr. Ghuson posted a great example for browsing directory but it pops up a separate windows for browsing.

Now I'd like to somehow combine the two into one; browsing thru directories and folders using TreeView Control. Yes that I can browse and save all paths and directories to different tables and add them to the TreeView control but I'm trying to stay away from saving data to tables first.

Can this be accomplished? Can Windows Explorer be somehow embeded on an Access form or called? Any ideas, experts out there?

Thanks all in advance.

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Need Help Building A Directory.

May 8, 2006

I have made an Access database containing contract names and addresses. I need to have each of these contracts linked to another table which shows the allocated engineer for the particular contract. I used a "one 2 many" relationship using a field "LinkID" to do this. Each engineer has a unique "LinkID" in the engineer table but the engineer changes each day. The engineer for each particular day comes via an excel spreadsheet. The way it works at the moment is that the engineer name has to be manually changed each day, and this takes time. I have tried importing a linked excel table which looked like it would work, but was not able to use the linked table in the same "one 2 many" related table format as above.

What i need to do, is find a way for the fields containing the engineer name to be automatically updated somehow, possible by reading the values from the excel sheet.

Anybody know of any way for this to be done?

Thanks, and hope this makes sense got its got me baffled.

*** Edit **** Thinking about it, i could have an imported execl sheet which contains all of the engineers for each day. Would there be a way using a macro, to update the data in the engineers table that is related to the contracts, by overwriting it with the data from the linked spreadsheet?

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Viewing A Directory

Sep 6, 2006

Hello Access gurus
I hope I am in the right place to start this off
I had D/b all set up but i need to have on my form a view of directory(s)

I have button that creates the folder (many thanks to the person whom gave me this )
but what i want to be able to do is preview this witihn my form

so on my form I want a box that will show what i have stored in this folder (which could be word or pdf or xls)
my button will create C: empfiling filenumber & filename ( about 20 chars)
so my form need to be able to preview all files within this folder ( I hope that I have at least half way explained what I am after
Access 2000 - and reasonable expereince (not brillaint at advance VB )

any thoughts regards

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Directory Browse

Oct 5, 2006

I have a form where I want to browse for the directory path and display in a text box.I have done something similar to browse for file and display, but this time round I need only the directory path to be displayed .Need help on this.

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Directory List

Apr 18, 2007

Is there a way to make a directory box, like you can find invisual basic, that you can dynamically search folders for files?

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Directory Search

Jan 25, 2008

I'm hoping someone can help me with this.

I would like to be able to provide a directory search form in my database. This is to enable staff to locate files that they would like to attach to the report they are submitting.

I don't seam to be able to find a control to do this.

We have Access 2000

Any help sample code ect would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Way To Open Directory

Jan 29, 2013

We decrypt about 130 different files into an internal directory by using code that was created in Access 2010. I would like to open that directory with the files that were decrypted for that day so the user can confirm that the process was completed. I use the Shell command throughout the code but I cannot figure out a way to open the directory.

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Get "folder Path" From "file Path"

Jul 29, 2005

After some help from one of the threads here I managed to install a Browse button in a form that inserts a file path to a text box. What I need is the folder path from that file path in another text box. For example if the file path is
C:Documents and SettingsmixupSketchesowl.jpg

I would like to get either
C:Documents and SettingsmixupSketches
C:Documents and SettingsmixupSketches
in my second text box.

I do not have much experience with Access; therefore please give a little detail on how to accomplish this.


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Link With Active Directory

Apr 26, 2005

Hi All

I have a small Help Desk db with tables that contain computer spec and user information. But I already have all this information in Active Directory and it seems pointless entering the information twice.

Is there any way i can get the database to lookup the information from Active directory i have no idea where to start.


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Open A Directory From Access

Nov 30, 2005

Hi, I wish to open a folder/directory (not a file) using the onclick event of a cmdButton. Any ideas out there?


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Calling A VBScript In A Directory

Oct 21, 2006

Hello, I have a VBScript that when clicked on opens the command prompt and fires code to upload a query to my website.

What I would like to do is place a command button on my form that will call the script to run instead of having to go and click on it.

I have searched, maybe using wrong terms, but havent been able to get the right code to do this

any help to call this script from a command button would be appreciated.

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Importing Directory Listing

Mar 13, 2007


Having recently correlated the impossible pile of photos that I have on CD, including a lot of re-naming etc... I have now managed to get them down onto DVD.

I there an easy way to import a directory listing into an access database other than inputing the lot by hand? I don't wan't to add thumbnails just the file name and the directory it's in. I can embelish other details later via ASP, just need the bulk of the work done easily.

I have some experience of database design but not huge amounts of programming, other than the ASP side of things so if anyone has a complex answer please go gently with me!!!


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Add User And Create Directory

Feb 28, 2006

hello all and thanks in advance

here it what im trying to do

i have a client form to input client info

i want to take the address field and create a directory on a specified drive when i click a add record button and store that path in the table so i can call up files that will be scanned later.

been looking all over need help


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Check A Directory From Access

Aug 20, 2004

Hello creators,

I have a little problem and it is creating and checking directories.

In my database I have a form, on it you can see a record of a project. This project has a keyfield called projectno.
On this form there is a button to create a directory with the projectnumber. So far so good. (code example: MkDir ("C:projects444323")

My problem:
If the directory for some reason already exist the code stops and gives an error.

Now I want to create some code that checks if the directory already excist so than I can skip making the directory.

Thanks for the help!!!!!

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File Upload To A Directory

Nov 20, 2007

hello good day. hope im inthe right place.
can someone point out to me if there is a way to do a file upload using ms access 2003 and not just stor the file path...thanks

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List Files In A Directory

Feb 25, 2015

i am new to access. how to create a list of files in a directory outside of the access program C:UsersalDesktopMSACCESS PROGRAM is the location

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Access/Active Directory Relationships

Apr 29, 2005

I know the is probably wishful thinking, but is it possible, and if so how, to link or create groups from Active Directory for use in Access.

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Browse [Find A Directory Or File]

May 10, 2005

(Referring to this post ( by ghudson)


This post was very useful, it really helped me out, but I do have one question. My database will be used by multiple users and will be stored on a mapped network drive, just as the files that I want to link to. Now unfortunately not all machines are configured the same, so the same network drive can have different drive letters depending on the machine and this might cause problems. Is there a way to modify the code to get the absolute network path instead of the drive letter?


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Find Directory - Slight More Advanced Help

Sep 11, 2006

I have successfully found - find directory and its pretty good (awesome comes to mind) and many thanks to ghudson - now this does more that I wanted which is great and I can move my project along further that I had envisaged - now where I get stuck is i want the form to to open up at each folder I have set up
I have make directory button (forgotten where I got this from but many thanks again)
DirName = "C:Datafiling" & Left(Me!QteNo, 6) & " " & Left(Me!QteInsnme, 40)
I am now trying to get the open form to look at this location

i tried tweaking the code to the above - but It didn't work am I being a muppet
i attached a copy of ghudson zip file with this in (I've renamed so I have kept the orginal safe) the form I am trying to open and look at is the one that ends **table

If you have not had the chance to view these (highly recomemnd it)

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Creating A Directory Structure Using VBA And Form

Nov 9, 2006


Just want to know how to create a directory structure using VBA and a form in Windows explorer, thanks for any help...

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