Getting The Fiscal Month From Date Using DLookup?

Jun 27, 2007


I have a table named PO table...How do I get the fiscal month from the date column I dont want to search a particular date but the date field column and retrieve the fiscal month using DLookup function?....

Can anyone help me ASAP?....


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Queries :: Calculate Fiscal Year And Month From A Date

Jul 13, 2015

I want to build a query that calculates the fiscal year and the month from a date on-the-fly. I tried to do it in VBA, but it's more complicated than in query I guess. So this is my table:

The date is on the left, in the middle I want to have calculated Jan 14 and on the right I want 14/15.

In VBA I started with this: strMonth = MonthName(Month(A), True) & " " & Format(A, "YY") which gave me "Jan 08". But the date was hard-coded and not from my table. Then I tried to store the information by SQL statement into a string. But this also didn't work, the types were different.

SET sapOD_month = Year([sapOD_OrderDate])-IIf([sapOD_OrderDate]<
WHERE sapOD_OrderDate Like "*/*/94";

.. but I guess it's wrong, it gives me a syntax error.

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Queries :: Grab Custom Fiscal Year Count Based On System Clock Date

Aug 13, 2015

How do you grab a custom Fiscal Year's values based on the system clock's date?

I am building a query where I want to see the number of closed cases based on the current custom fiscal year with the system clocks date. The report that it feeds only cares about the current FY.

I need the System Clock's FY value in this query

SELECT shortname AS Station, NZ(TotalCount.TotalCases,0) AS [Cases Complete]
FROM StationList LEFT JOIN (SELECT station, count([Open Issues].ID) AS TotalCases FROM [Open Issues] WHERE [Status]="Closed" GROUP BY Station) AS TotalCount ON StationList.shortname =TotalCount.station;

Within the Query Open Issues I have the FY broken up

fiscalYear: IIf(Month([Issues].[Opened Date])>=10,"FY" & Year(DateAdd("yyyy",1,[Issues].[Opened Date])),"FY" & Year([Issues].[Opened Date]))

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Year To Date Totals, Month To Date, Week To Date

Oct 9, 2005

Can someone tell me how to get year to date totals, month to date totals, week to dates in a query? I need to get all three for three different fields.

I was not able to get the totals with the formulas given. I received the totals for each day instead. Are there any other suggestions? I am trying to different formulas, but they are not working either. I did try doing different queries with the formulas to see if that would work.

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HELP: Changing Dates To FY (fiscal Year) And YTD (year-to-date) Values

Apr 25, 2006

I have a huge table with transaction dates. I need to slice and dice
this data (sum, %'s, etc), but group by FY. Our fiscal year is from
7/1 thru 6/1.

For example:
1/8/2004 = FY 2004,
8/12/2004 = FY 2005,
2/3/2006 = FY 2006

THEN . . . . I need to also isolate certain periods, for example July-
March for YTD (year-to-date) analysis and compare YTD of 2006 with that
of 2005.

What do you suggest? Many thanks.


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Forms :: Date Format To Fiscal Week Format

Jul 30, 2013

I have a list of dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format and I am looking to get it into the fiscal format of yyyyww. I am able to do this with the datepart and format functions, but I need to make it so that the fiscal month begins in January but the first week starts if there are three or more days in the week. For instance if Jan 1st is a Friday then this stands as the first fiscal week, if it is a Saturday then it does not count as the first week.

datepart and format functions have the Use the first week in the year that has at least 4 days for the firstweekofyear option but I need it where it has at least three to make it work.

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Forms :: Date Format - Force User To Only Choose Month End Date?

Sep 20, 2013

Using access 2010; i have a form that includes a date field. Is there a way to force the user to only choose a month end date? When the user clicks the date from the popup, they may use 9/1/2013 when the mgr. want them to use only 8/31/2013. I am thinking validation field to put a msg but want to be able to force it not the option.

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Display Fields As Column Showing Date One Month After The Date In Field Above

Jun 2, 2015

I am creating a repayment schedule (as a report) and I want to display a series of fields as a column which return (show) a date one month after the date in the field above.

The first repayment date field (Line 1) will show a date one month after the loan was paid out. the Next field below will show the date one month later.

I can't simply insert the "Date + 30" because that would get out of since over the year. If the loan was issued on say the 15th of January, I need the first field to display 15th February and the next would be .... 15th March.... Yes - You've got it!

Now I could do that in Excel, but I don't know how to get Access to do it.

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Queries :: Date Filter - If Date Is In A Future Month

Apr 20, 2015

I've two fields to work with:

[Date of Device]

If i was explaining it, it would be as follows:

If [DischDate] Is in the next month after [Date of Device] then Y else N.

to add for example if the [Date of Device] is April 2015, and the [DischDate] is also April then i'd expect a N answer

to add for example if the [Date of Device] is April 2015, and the [DischDate] is May then i'd expect a Y answer

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DLOOKUP Cost From Date Less Than Or Equal To Date 1?

Dec 12, 2014

Cost can fluctuate through the year on a month to month basis. I want to create a report January - Feb... that has the cost for each month Table CostChange has [Date] [Item] [Cost] with a record ONLY when there is a change so: Item X has a cost in Jan and a new cost in Mar

I want report:

Jan Dlookup([Cost],[CostChange],[Date]<=1/31/2104 (should return Jan Cost)
Feb Dlookup([Cost],[CostChange],[Date]<=2/28/2104 (should return Jan Cost)
Mar Dlookup([Cost],[CostChange],[Date]<=3/31/2104 (should return Mar Cost)

What am I missing?

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Dlookup Date

Jul 15, 2005

I'm trying to return records from an orders table where the date of the order is >= to the date created on parts in a parts table. The syntax I'm using now is: >=DLookUp("[Date created]","[Parts]","[date created]") in the order date criteria field. I don't get any errors but the data returned is not
Part number 802 was created on 07/10/2005 and there is an order with this part created on 07/04/2005, this order should not show but it does.
You probably need to know why this part is in the order but has been created after the order date....I'm adding inventory to an exsisting database and need to show parts on hand that are now in stock so I need to only do my calculations on parts sold that were created in the orders table with the date greater then the part created date.
Thanks for any help.

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Queries :: Dlookup Value From 1 Table With Date Ranges From Diff Table With A Single Date?

Mar 12, 2015

i have 2 tables.. 1 with bookings and 1 with a BonusPeriod range.

in the Bookings table there is a field called [ServiceDate]

in the bonus table i have a field called [Period] which is text i also have 2 dates, [StartDate] And [EndDate] i need to Dlookup the Bonus table to return the value of the period table based on where the [ServiceDate] falls.

i dont want to use VBA (i really need it to work within a query that inserts it's data into another table)

i've tried everything but had no joy

Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","[ServiceDate]" Between "#[StartDate]#" And "#[EndDate]#")

Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","[Staff_BookingsAndQuotes_Master].[ServiceDate]" Between "#[StartDate]#" And "#[EndDate]#")

Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","(FormatDateTime([ServiceDate]),"yyyy-mm-dd") Between (FormatDateTime([BonusPeriods]![StartDate]),"yyyy-mm-dd") and (FormatDateTime([BonusPeriods]![EndDate],"yyyy-mm-dd"))))

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DLookup Previous Date

Aug 12, 2005


I'm on the verge of successfully using a DLookup function (with the help of previous posts) in a query in order to obtain the value (volume1) of the previous record based on a primary field which happens to be a date (iddate).

The following results in sporadic success:

Expr1: (DLookUp("[volume1]","tbldailylog","[iddate]=#" & [iddate]-1 & "#"))

The iddate field is sorted and contains consecutive days.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Month To Date

Feb 24, 2006

I need a query to look between two dates. The first date needs to be the first of the month of date given in [forms]![frmflash]![enddate] and the last date needs to be [forms]![frmflash]![enddate]. How can I make a between statement that looks between these two dates?

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Jan 11, 2007

I have a column in a query set up as:

DateFormula: Month([Test Date])

Table and Sort are left blank

Criteria is Month(Date())

I was expecting to get records from the current month (Jan 2007).
What I'm actually getting are records from ANY January (2004, or 2006 etc).

Any idea what I need to do differently to get only current month records?



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Month To Date

Feb 11, 2008

Hello - I have a database which keeps track of the projects we do. As we complete the projects we change the status to complete and list a completion date. I now need to create a query that will show me all the projects complete in the current month. I tried using >=DateAdd("m",-1,Date()) but it gives me all the projects completed within the last 30 days. So if it is Feb 11 I only want to see projects completed in Feb not projects completed Jan 28.


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Modules & VBA :: DLookup With Date In Form

Mar 5, 2014

At the moment I have a form (InputFrm) for operators to enter production processes into the system. Each one of these has a certain weight which the operators enter and it all stores in InputTbl, which works great.

However I am trying to have a running total of the kilograms inputted on each day displaying when a new record is opened. To do this I have created a query (DailyDataQry) which provides me a running sum of how much input has gone through the process, and I can clearly see the data in this query.

I am attempting to have a text box in the upper right of my form which displays this number as after a certain weight of input the operators are needed to perform checks.

This is the code I have at the moment in the control source of a text box (DailyInputTotalTxt), but it is just returning a blank:

=DLookUp("[Total Input]","DailyDataQry","[Work Date] = #" & [Forms]![InputFrm]![WorkDateAtxt] & "#")

The work date is generated automatically when the new record is created by having Date() in the default value of the work date (WorkDateAtxt) on the form.

Is there any way which I can use this value to lookup the current total of input contained within DailyDataQry?

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General :: DLookup With Date Criteria

Jun 29, 2012

I'm having trouble with DLookup() using dates as part of a multiple criteria. I'm using the following;

If IsNull(DLookup("ExchRate", "TBL_DDPExchRates", "CurID = " & Me.Combo4 & " AND ExchDate = #" & Me.ShipOBDate & "#")) And Me.Combo4 <> 2 Then

It seems that if ShipOBDate is any date between the first and tenth of the month the DLookup fails to locate the appropriate record. I can't understand why as ShipOBDate and ExchDate are both formatted as Short Date and ExchDate is being populated via an OpenArgs which is derived form the field ShipOBDate..Is the fact the the date is getting converted from a date to string and back to a date some how upsetting things

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Month And Date Only Field

Jun 29, 2005

Is there a way to create a field (Table or Query) that contains the Month and Date only and not the year?

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Date - Month And Year Only

Dec 18, 2005

can i change date format that contain day, month, and year to month and year only..
i try change at fromat at porperties, but it change back into dd/mm/yy at combo box..
this is bcoz i want to filter up my subform that contain parts that purchased by customer by month..


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Month End Date Format

Jul 15, 2006

Dear all,
Question for you all.
My Microsoft Access have:-
Contract start date
Contract end date
Status of combo box - Active, Expired

I would like the combo box can automate base on contract end date. Question here. The combo box only auto change to "Expired" once month end reached.

Contract start date 01 Jul 06, Contract end date 25 Jul 06. From here, I do not want the combo box base on system date to change it to "Expired". Only when the month end reached, system will auto change it. For your information, not only 1 record, I have 100++ of records & start from different contract date.

Appreciate your help.


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Extracting Month From A Date

Jun 15, 2005


I have a date field in one of my queries (01DEC2004). I have a pivot table linked to the query. I would like the users of the pivot table to be able to group the data by month. Currently the group feature will not work. Does anyone have a suggestion on the best way to extract the month from the date field?

Could I create a new column in the query called month and use an expression to extract the month?
If so can someone tell me how to key the expression to do this?

Thanks for any help.

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The First Of The Month Following A Specific Date

Jun 29, 2005

I need a query that calculates a date that is the first of the month following a specific date. Example: The first of the month following the 65th birthday.

Is there any way this can be done?

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Return 'month' For A Given Date

Sep 26, 2005

I have a table which has a column 'Date', which contains dates in the format dd/mm/yy. I wish to produce a quiery which will produce an extra column entitled 'month', which will match each date to the month of that date. I know there is a formula which does this (called 'month' i think), but i dont know how to use it to achieve what I want.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Calculating First Date Of The Month

Dec 16, 2005


i need a function to work out the first date of the month if i give it a date ...



returns 01/07/05

im sure this is simple let me know!! thanks!!

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Date Across Month Calculation

Jun 21, 2006

Good Morning,

I have a table where I record period of time:

ID1 from 25-apr-06 to 06-may-06 Holiday
ID1 from 06-may-06 to 02-jun-06 Work

How do I automatically calculate how many days ID1 was on Holiday and how many days was workign in may?

Any help appreciated


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