Getting The Properties Of The Record Last Updated/inserted

Apr 27, 2006

New here, looks like a great resource.

I have a question about a form which has several fields on it. What I need to do is to capture the ALL the fields of the record I just entered(updated or inserted)

So, for example, if my form has fields for

RepID, RepName, Company

After I edit or insert a new record, when I click to the next line, is there a way I can use AfterUpdate event to capture ALL the fields that were just updated on the form, and do whatever it is I need to do with them? I hope I am amking myself clear. Thanks for taking the time to look.

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Modules & VBA :: Running Update Query On Record And Have Form Show Updated Record

Jan 26, 2015

i want to be able to create an On Click Event when pushing a command button that will run an Update query to update a record and after it has been updated that specific record will pop up on a Form and be displayed. i know a different way is to run the Update query and then have it displayed in a Select query but i want it to be displayed on a Form instead. is it possible?

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Record Not Updated In Table

Jul 2, 2007

New member, so forgive me if this has been covered before:

Trying to build a Business database (more for the exercise than any desire to run a business) and have the following problem -

Have a Purchase Ordler Line table and an Item table - the item in the PO line is a lookup from the Item table - I want the PO line price to default in from the the item table.

Created the query and generated the form & subform - on screen, the substitution works, the PO line price does get picked up from the Item table, but the PO Line table does not update with this value.

Is there a soltion to this?

Any assistance gratefully accepted

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Updated Record Count

May 17, 2006

Cant find what I am looking for on the forum so if anyone can help me or tell me what to search for that would be great...

I need one of my forms to display a running total of updated records, but only those records that the user clicks a command button on. i.e if i have a recordset of n records each time I move to the next one (by clicking a command button) I want the control on the form to display the count of those records that have been updated only.

I am assuming I would need to add some code to the after update event of the form or on click event of the command button but cant really figure out what code to write.

Any pointers?

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Table Column Name Properties/Combo Box Head Properties

Dec 8, 2006

Hi, I would like to change the properties of either the column heads in a combo-box or the column names for tables. I don't think there's any way to adjust the column head properties, and I'm doubtful there's a way to change the column caption properties.

Some of my column titles are long, and I'd like to be able to word wrap them essentially. Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks.

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Forms :: Show Last Record Updated In Table

Jul 12, 2015

I have created a form with two subforms within it.

The TOP subform enables the user to view a specific record (not change it)

The BOTTOM subform enables users to view a datasheet form of all the records and amend them where necessary.

I want the TOP subform to automatically go to the last updated record, meaning that if the user changes the data of a record in the BOTTOM subform it will automatically display the last record on TOP that was updated in the table.

I've looked at the macros available and it only allows me to 'GoToRecord' to either Last, Previous, New etc... Is there any way to go to 'Last modified in the table'??

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Modules & VBA :: Form Not Updated After Adding A Record

Oct 31, 2013

In one form, I have to click on button that opens the other form. Each form is bound to its table and those two tables are linked by Primary [RaDAR_Id] and Foreign [radar_id] fields. I would like the code to:

* open the other form
* move to the first record that has [radar_id] = [RaDAR_Is] if exists

If there is no any record in the other form that contains [radar_id] = [RaDAR_Id] then I want to create such record. So I am using the code (below). The problem is that the other form is not being updated.


Private Sub cmd_edit_usage_Click()
' DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_edit_usage"
Dim lngRadarId As Long
Dim patientId As Long
Dim rsUsage As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsUsageWrite As DAO.Recordset


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Forms :: Adding New Record - Field Cannot Be Updated

Aug 31, 2013

I have a form based on a mysql table. There is a button in the footer to add a new record.

The pertinent vba code: DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

It adds the new record and properly places the cursor in the first field. Immediately after the first letter is typed, the error message "Field cannot be updated" pops up. I can click ok and the message goes away and I am able to continue filling in the fields. The same thing happens if I add the record by use of the record selectors.

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Forms :: Timestamp Record When Field In Subform Updated

Jun 16, 2014

I have a form and a subform based off a query, I am trying to run a SQL update statement from one of the fields in my subform. I know what fields in my table i want to update but the Where part of the statement is what i am having a issue with.

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE [Daily Work] SET [Daily Work].QC_Start_Date = Date(),
[Daily Work].QC_Start_Time = Time() WHERE ((([Daily Work].CUS)=[Forms]![QC_Queue_Qry Subform]![CUS])
AND (([Daily Work].LN)=[Forms]![QC_Queue_Qry Subform]![LN]) AND (([Daily Work].Note_Date)=[Forms]!
[QC_Queue_Qry subform]![Note_Date])))"

What this is trying to do is once the the field is updated i want to set the date and time of that record in my table, basically I am trying to time stamp the record when the field in my subform in updated.

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Need Ideas: Alert User When Record Hasnt Been Updated In Over An Hour

Jul 22, 2007

I have a form in continuous forms mode...
Each entry is something the user is supposed to check on once and hour and update.
I have a "Last updated" field.
Now() goes into that field every time the record is updated.
I have a querry that will show the users records that are over an hour old.

How can I get Access to pop-up a window or something to alert the user they need to look at something? It would be really nice if Aspect would start blinking in the task bar or something.


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General :: Capturing And Saving User Name Who Created And Updated A Record

Jul 20, 2012

I have taken the Access Tasks template and modified a bit. It now captures and saves the time and date a record is modified. The database is on a network folder and is shared among our team users.What I would like to do next is make it,

1- capture and record on my Tasks table the user name of who created the record by using the fOSUserName() function. I have the table fields "Created by" and the VB code in a module. This would happen only once when the record is created.

I would also like to do this with the machine name for which I have the module too. fOSMachineName()


2- capture and record the user name of who modified a record. For this I also have a field in my task table "Last Modified By" and i hope i can use the same fOSUerNmae() function.

I got to the point where I put an unbounded text box with the =fOSUserName() in it and it does show the user name but how do i get to record to my task table?how the template removes the tasks that are completed from the task list as soon as it is updated to completed? how can I make this happen with a cancelled option after I add it to the drop down list?

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Combobox Value Inserted As ID#!!

Aug 23, 2005

I am just starting with access and I have a VERY stupid question. I made a combobox (it gets its values from a table with 2 colums the first the ID and the second is the products) when a user selects one of the products in the combobox the combobox is supposed to update another table with that value (and I mean the product name) yet what it updates is the ID # of the product that was selected!! How do i go around this.
I am new to access so i am not sure how things are done yet in access, i am pretty good in VBA in excel, but this is a new front for me that I am trying to learn. I did the above combobox using the wizard.


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Subform Inserted Into A Form

Jan 5, 2007

I have a subform generated by a query, I then have a double click function to run a further query this works when I open the subform separatly, but if I open the form and then double click on the field in the subform this will give me a error!

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Primary Key Inserted In Another Table

Feb 18, 2005

Hello I have another prob. I need to be able to take a new ID from the topics table and insert it into the messages table after a form has been posted. I haven't got a clue on how to do this.

Its for a message board where a new topic is inserted. Two tables need to have records inserted, the topics table and messages table. The Topic_ID from the topics table is an autonumber and needs to go into the TopicID field in the messages table. Here's my insert query:

sqlString = "Insert into Topics (Topic, BSection, Username, MesDate) values ('" &_
Topic & "', '" & BSection & "', '" & Username & "', '" & MesDate & "')"
sqlString2 = "Insert into Messages (Username, Member_ID, Topic, Message, MesDate, BSection) values ('" &_
Username & "', '" & UserID & "', '" & Topic & "', '" & Message & "', '" & MesDate & "', '" & BSection & "')"

I've tried using the identifier command but that didn't work so I haven't got a clue on what to do. Can anyone help?



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Retrieve A Value From A Previously Inserted Row

Feb 19, 2006

Im using a ASP and MS Access 2000 database. What im trying to do is: I insert a row into a table, in that table is a field that auto increments. after I insert this row I want to immediately after that be able to retrieve the value of the column containing the auto increment and hold it in a variable so i can use it for other things....

can anyone help me with this? I have been messing around with SQl cursors but cant seem to get it to work right..

Thank you very much
-Justin B.
Edit/Delete Message

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Last Inserted ID In A Table

Sep 10, 2013

I have this code in Access VBA and it is not working.

Private Sub btnAddWorkingday_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDate As Integer
Dim lastID As Integer

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblSchoolWorkingDays (CALENDAR_DATE) VALUES ('" & tBoxDateToAdd.Value & "'); SELECT @@IDENTITY AS LastID;"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End Sub

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Unexpected Row Inserted In A Code Table

Jun 22, 2005

I have the following tables, tblAudit and tblCriteria. The first records companies and period of audit, the second contains the criteria against which they will be audited. The audit period determines which criteria apply.
Results are recorded in a third table, tblAuditResults.

tblAudit 1:M tblAuditResults M:1 tblCriteria

My problem is when I try to add a new result by selecting a criteria via a combo box a new row is inserted in the criteria table as well as in the result table. Inserting a row in the criteria table is wrong.

I have attached the database for you to look at.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

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Queries :: Use Inserted Value Dynamically At Run Time

Oct 16, 2013

I am inserting a new record into a 'master' table. Primary key is generated using a sequence. Now using that newly inserted primary key value, I need to insert a new record in child table. These 2 insert queries need to run at the time of deployment. how shall I store that primary key in a variable so that I can use it immediately in next insert statement?Can I use a returning into clause?

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Tables :: Text Automatically Inserted?

Apr 24, 2013

I have a table of nursery school children, names, addresses etc etc. One field is Under 2? Is there a validation rule (or something like) that will automatically put Yes (or No) depending on today's date and the child's date of birth?

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General :: VBA Select Query With Inserted Value

Feb 13, 2013

With the following VBA code, I'm trying to select the text value from a textbox and fill that in a query to select the code from a person. (a password only login).

However, I'm getting a run time error 3078 at the '' Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("strSQL")'' line.

Private Sub Tekst6_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strBarcode As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
'strBarcode = Me.Tekst6
'MsgBox strBarcode

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Tax Calculation Cannot Be Inserted In Database

Oct 17, 2014

I have created a From with some Fields: Name, Surname, Netto Price, Tax (%) and Gross Price..... to make a invoice.

The Problem is that i cant insert the data from: Tax and Gross Price in to the DB.I have tried this:

select Tax Field--> Property Sheet -> Control Source: =[Price]*0,19

Netto Price: 100
Tax 19%-- =[Price]*0,19 = 19

Now I get the correct values ​​displayed in Field Taxes.But this this sum cant not insert in to the Database.I use MS Office 2013.

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Text Box Expression Inserted To Table?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a text box on my table form with the expression =([LINES]-[MISSED LINES])/[LINES] which gives me the results I want but I also want this total to go to the "On time %" column in my table.

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Wrong Year Inserted From Calendar Control

May 31, 2006

Hi there,

I have used Calendar controls before but this is a new one on me?!
When i click on the Calendar, what i am doing is inserting the date clicked into a textbox on another form.
The Calendar is set to todays date the system date is also correct and although i click on 31/05/06, what is being inserted is 31/05/20 ?????

Any ideas, because i dont?

Thanks in advance

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General :: Why Space Inserted When Export Report To RTF

Oct 22, 2012

I am exporting a report from access. The problem is after export to .rtf, all fields appears correct except a bar code field (CCode39). It adds a space after the text which makes text non-recognizable by bar code scanner.If I use other formats, then there is no problem. I tried by using plain text as well rich text format for that particular field.

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Modules & VBA :: Email Address Inserted From Non Related Table

Sep 4, 2013

I have a table that holds company information for the user - eg farm name, company name, manager, phone number and email address etc. Its simply used to provide headers for reports, so that the same generic database can be used on several farms. There is only one record in this table tblfarmdetails.The second table tblorder is for orders and receipts - I currently have code that allows the user to send an order request by email to the manager, and to also send notice of receipt of goods through to the manager. I would like the code to get the email address from the unrelated table.Can I reference this field in the vba?

Private Sub cmdemailorder_Click()
Dim orderdate As String
Dim stafford As String
Dim item As String
Dim itemamnt As String


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Tables :: Calculated Form Field To Be Inserted Into Table

Jan 3, 2013

i want to insert a calculated value of a e.g field6 (field4 * field5) in forms into the database table. by using expression builders in my forms. i have made that feild and on click it shows the calculated value but on filling in the rest of the form and clicking on Insert button does not update this calculated field but iserts all other fields.

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