I want to calculate the average of 16 anodes from text box into the "average drop" box and simultaneously want the data to be saved in the table too as one of the fields. Also, How to load form view while the database loads?
How does one cause certain data to appear in another field based upon the data entered in another field.
For example: I enter in the field the word "Carrot" in a field called food and the word "Orange" appears in the field color. And then if I enter the word "Beans" in the field food then the word "Green" appears in the field color.
Sorry guys, I thought this would be simpler than it was!
Basically I just want to update my "Resolution date" field with the date or time now (which I know how to do) but AFTER I input data in my "Resolution" field ie I want a field to automatically record what time I am entering the text in my "Resolution" field?
How do I do this, and can I do it without writing a macro? I thought it was along the lines of After Update, but now I am confused!
Hey guys im really stuck on this one and hope some one can help me out.
I have the following structure:
Table: Products ID Product Name
Table: Suppliers ID Supplier Name
Table: Prices ID Product Name Supplier Name Supplier Offer
Query: QrySuppliers Prices.ID Prices.Product Name Prices.Supplier Name Prices.Supplier Offer Percent Off Trade: IIf(IsNull([Products]![Trade Price Euros]),0,([Products]![Trade Price Euros]-Nz([Prices]![Supplier Price],0))/[Products]![Trade Price Euros])
Because the "Percent Off Trade" field is unbound to a table I cant get the data into a report, instead every time I open the report it asks me for Products!Trade Price Euros :(
I've never tried doing complicated calculations in Access and would reallly appreciate any suggestions you guys could give me.
I tried to attatch the database but its 508kb so if anyone has a spare second and wants to check it out heres the link http://www.jeron.co.uk/Products.zip
My table has 3 fields, Employee Number (text), Job Description (text) and Current (yes/no). The table keeps track of the Job Descriptions that an Employee has had along with his current Job Description (actually Title is more appropriate a word but client requested Description) So the table has records such as:
0001 - Floor Sweeping - no 0001 - Ceiling Cleaning - yes 0001 - Dumpster Turning - no
The yes signifies that that is the current Job Description for employee #0001 and the others with no are previous Job Descriptions that the employee #0001 has held.
Now - I created a form to add these records to the table and on that form I want a list box to show the records in the table for this employee but I want to sort it such that the current Job Description is listed first and the rest show up in alphabetical order following. I have the query to list all of the Description, but how can I get the current one to always appear on the top of the list?
I have a query in which some of the field names were assigned a while back and don't make a lot of sense to the person who gets the report so I give them new labels in the query...for example:
I pull in the field AE_resp_req and in front of that I type in RM Response: AE_resp_req and when I run the query, the name for the field is RM Response and it works great. I have another field called Category_Rating that I pull into this query and I did the same thing: Exam Rating: Category_Rating (field name) but when I run the query it still says Category_Rating and I get no errors or messages..
I have 2 databases with the same structure, but different data.
I want to put all the data in 1 database.
The problem is that the most important table (clients)has an autonumeric id field, that is used to link the records to the fields of many other tables; so, I cannot delete or change that field without losing connections.
I would like to display a graph in a form along with the fields from a table. The user will be allow to update the table and the graph will be updated. So far I am able to display the graph on the report but I cannot find a way to display the graph on the form. Can somebody help? Thanks in advance.
I would like to put a query or some look up device into my form so that a certain part number can be found and its form opened for changes. How should I do this?
Hello everyone, new member here. I am in charge of a student sign in sign out database at the college where I work. This database has two forms and one table. What I would like to do is include a text box on the first form, which is the sign in form that will display a running total of the students that are signed in. This text box should count 1, 2, 3 etc. each time a student clicks the sign in button. Thanks for the help
Hey there, Im currently making a form so users can enter project information. For this particular project, the user must choose from a variety of options, and each option has a number value assigned to it for a rating. Now at the end of this form, I want a sum of the ratings, and then entered into the table. I am using a text box for the sum of ratings, and can get the sum of ratings to work on the form, but this data is entered as a 0 in the table. If anyone could help me find a way to put the actual sum in the table, that would be excellent.. thx a lot.
If it would be any help, here are the names of text boxes that I'm adding:
Health and Safety Rating, Maintenance Rating, Equipment Rating, School Size Rating, Student Enrollment Rating, SD Priority Rating, Project Requested Previously Rating
I've created a frame but I'm not able to actually to put textboxes inside it, only radio buttons. Is there anyway to force textboxes inside the Frame? Thanks in advanced.
I have On Load, Current, After Update events on a form, which all work fine. But, when I add a Before Update, I get the error: "Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name". Following is my code:
Private Sub Form_Load() If InStr(Me.Filter, "=") > 0 Then If IsNumeric(Mid$(Me.Filter, InStr(Me.Filter, "=") + 1, Len(Me.Filter) - InStr(Me.Filter, "="))) Then Me.Tag = (Mid$(Me.Filter, InStr(Me.Filter, "=") + 1, Len(Me.Filter) - InStr(Me.Filter, "="))) End If End If
i have a split form in ms access that has the data source of a linked table in sql server. this form has some fields those are bound to the columns of a table. I want to have a button that would appear in front of each rows. do you know how i can do this?
in a continius form when i will create a button it will be appeared continiously. how can i do this for split form in ms access
I want to build a form that allows a user to book an appointment.
I want them to be able to see a choice of their own or other people's appointments for the day so they can choose a time.
I'm told i can build a query to show the appointments and put that in a subform on the form.
My question is this: to select which person's appointment to display and which day, i need to give the query parameters. I don't really want to do it with the parameter query popups. What i'd like is a couple of pull down lists at the top of the timetable to select and display the person and date.
Is this possible? Should i put the pull down boxes on the form or in the query?
Hello, ...I'm not sure if I'm making this question more complex or not or if it's even possible? (I would think so) Anyway...What I am trying to do is create a form in which I can input more than one criteria into a field - We will cal it txtSetValues. Then via a button open a query that will use txtCode as the criteria for searching records in a table. The table is called: tblMASTERTABLE-EmpCount query is called: qryEmpCount
The table currently only has two field; ORG and Name. The criteria I have in ORG is: Like [Forms]![frmEmpCount]![txtCode] I currently can find any specific ORG just fine. I can also use the wildcard and that works fine. But how can I set it up so that I can enter in multiples... For example, I would like to find all employees that there org is either; AL001 OR AL010 OR AL100 - The wildcard will 'Almost' do it in some circumstances, but it may gather some orgs that I don't want in this list. I hope I am explaining this in an easily understood fashion?
Thanks, ---roystreet P.S. Now I know I could just make multiple fields in the form (ie; txtCode2, txtCode3,etc) and then just add those as criteria in the query, but I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do that.
Ok I have a simple problem. I want to entry value of a field as criteria of a query. Ie. I have a field on a form which is EmplyeeCategores. It's simple to use this as a a filter in a query by simply putting Forms![frmMailer2]![EmployeeCategories] in the criteria of the EmployeeCategories column in the query if there was only 1 criteria.
What I mean is, if the value of the field in form was A1 for example, it'll work and the query will bring up all emplyees who are categorised as A1. But I want users to be able to put multiple codes in the form, such as A1 or A2 or C4, and the query to bring up all the employees that fit into all 3 of these categories,
I hope this makes sense. Any help will be much appreciated.
I'm designing an access system in which I have many reports (Primary Key is reportNumber) I need a form with a field in which I can speicify a range of reportNumber to print them.
example I need to print reports from 1000 to 2000
please note than I'm a beginner in this so I need detaild steps.
I tried to word the title as accurately as possible. What I'm trying to build is a Form where they can select data in different fields to limit (filter) the list. In my query criteria I want to read the form, if there's a value use THAT in the criteria (for that field) otherwise ignore it.
I've tried isnulls etc. If I put a value (like City) it properly returns all the records with that city, however if I put nothing the "ISNULL" returns a value that the criteria doesn't match i.e. I get nothing.
There must be a way to tell a query to NOT use any criteria if an object (form!field) is blank...?
I have a form. On the form I have a button to run a report.The query associated with the report selects all records within a unit (field name (Unit) is used as the selection criteria).Rather than type in the unit name when the report is run, I want to select the unit that is currently shown on the form.
I've two tables, QA (Quality Assurance) and Instruments. I'm using form to add data to QA.
There's a field in QA, named InstrumentUsed. The criteria is that InstrmentUsed should only accept value when 'status' field in Instruments table shows 'working'. If status is 'faulty' or 'need repair', it should pop up the related error message and cursor stays on the same field.
I've not starting learning VBA yet, so I'm trying to make use of Macro's.
How to use data from another table as a validation criteria for a field in form?
Pops up a MessageBox and stays on the same field, on the form, unless error is resolved?
I have a form, which i use to book in products received. What i want to do is if the quantity received is equal to what was ordered then i'd like to update a yes/no field (Order Complete) on a separate table to true.
I created a form that allows the user to choose the criteria that they want to see on a report using =Forms!formname!controlname in my query. It works great but I want to also allow the user to choose nothing and return all records instead of limiting them to choose just one type of record. Is this possible? Before I created the form my query had the [Enter parameter] on one criteria line and [Enter parameter] Is Null on the next criteria line and that was working great for my use but I need to create a simple form for other users.