Good Place To Share Database.

Dec 3, 2004

Can anyone recommend a good place to upload a database so others can access it.

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Can't Share Database Between PCs.

Mar 28, 2008

I have this database that's been on a server for awhile. I thought I could ditch the server because there are only two computers networked here at the office.

I have the database shared from one computer, but when I try to access it from the other computer, it's giving me a path name error. It seems that the database is linked to and uses several other databases, so, when I try to open the main one, it's trying to look for the other databases on the wrong computer.

Anyone know how I can fix this?

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Looking For Good Tutorial On Feeding A Site With A Database.

Oct 25, 2004

I am very new to ASP and Access. I need to learn how to create a database full of images and text to feed dozens of webpages for a new site I am doing. I have googled many times and can't really find what I am looking for. I've come across ADO several times. Is this similar to what I am looking for? Thanks.

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Share Problems With MS Access 2000 Database

May 16, 2007

I've been having some problems with sharing an MS Access 2000 database across a network.

The database is setup to open in shared mode and has been tried both with and without record locking, with the same issue occurring.

The main users are:
User 1 (Administrator) - MS Access 2000 Full Version (WinXP Professional)
User 2 - Access 2000 Runtime + Access 97 (Win XP Professional)
User 3 - Access 2000 Runtime + Access 97 (Win XP Professional)

The problem is occurring when User 3 opens the database. For some reason it opens in exclusive mode and locks out Users 1 & 2. This issue only happens with User 3, and does not happen with User 2 who has the same software setup.

The database was previously an Access 97 database (no problems) and has been converted to Access 2000, this share issue has been happening ever since the conversion.

Any ideas as to how this shared issue could be resolved? :confused:

BTW - I am familiar with FE/BE setups. This database is accessed by all from a network drive and not setup as FE/BE. This was never an issue, as shared access worked fine when the database was in Access 97 - the problem has only been since converting to Access 2000. I do not have access to the PC of User 2, and User 2 does not have any PC knowledge to install a FE, which means I would need to create an install package (which I'd rather not do). Are there any ways to resolve the shared access issue without changing to FE/BE?

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Moving Access Database To A Different Server / Share?

Jul 10, 2015

Currently I have an Access dB that was developed in A2003 but we are currently using A2010, it is accessed by multiple users that all have a frontend locally on there own networked PC's, with the backends etc on an old NT server, we are having problems with new technology accessing the NT server so it's well past time we got shut of it

We have a share on our network that has been made available to us to migrate all our NT server files to, Here's my problem, on testing the procedure I copied the database backend and .mdw file over to the share then tried to open the dB where upon i got the following error message

Cannot open microsoft Access database information file

On further investigation it seems that both the back end and the .mdw file have copied over with no content i.e filesize is 0kB, not only that the originals also seem to have had there content "deleted" a simple copy shouldn't have done this (I did have a backup btw)

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General :: How To Share Access Database On Company Intranet

Jan 14, 2015

I want to consider ways of sharing an Access database within our company. This could be web-based via our intranet or done some other way.

I understand that Microsoft's preferred way of sharing via an Intranet is to use SharePoint. However, as we don't use SharePoint (we use Atlassian Confluence) the cost of that route would be prohibitive.

Any methods of sharing an Access database across, say, 20 people? Simultaneous read/write access would be required but in reality the usage will be low, so performance is not really an issue. I would like to consider web-based or other methods.

I have chosen Access 2013 simply because we use Office Professional 2013 and Access will be familiar to some developers. We could use a different product. But I would certainly prefer a tool that supports RAD design of forms.

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How To Share Access Database Including Forms / Queries

Jun 9, 2015

I have an Acess database (2013). This will be used by several people within one company, they don't have their own server. I would use SharePoint Online, but it seems to me, that you only can "export" the tables. The database I have is quite a complicated system, and it is neccessary to use all the Access tools - forms, reports, queries. Not tables only.

Another idea is to split the database and "store" the backend part (the tables) on Sharepoint (Office 365 online version). And all the users would have their own frontend (forms, queries...) on their own PC, linked to this backend. Would this work? Can everyone add some entries into the database this way? How does it "synchronize" then?

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General :: Cannot Share Back End Database Under Multi User Environment

Apr 2, 2015

I have a Access data base (2007) which i splitted and store the back end database in a file server where all users have full control and the individual copies of front end put in the users computers. Unfortunately when one user is using the programme, others can not use. Following error msg appears. Both back end and front end are running under shared mode ( not exclusive ).

"Could not use xxxxxx_Be.accdb; file already in use."

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Good Practice Or Bad?

Mar 9, 2006

A developer where I am contracted to constructs his If statements like this:
If Day(Now()) <> 1 Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_06c_Get_CurMon_Rebates"

Instead of like this:
If Day(Now()) <> 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_06c_Get_CurMon_Rebates"
End If

All on one line and no end if needed. I didn't even know that would work.
Is this good or bad practice from a coding standpoint? Any Pitfalls?

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Need A Good Tutorial

Jan 26, 2006

I have been selected to do a project by my department head. It involves programming an Access database to do various things. It has to have forms and all that good stuff. I'm trying to get the higher powers to get a web server for me to do this as a web application, but I may need to fall back on the Access idea. So I need a good tutorial on programming in an Access environment. I know it uses VB and I am pretty decent when it comes to programming with that language. What I need help with is how to do certain things like close a form using an onclick event or to print a report. There's a lot I need to be able to relearn so if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it much. I'm doing this for a Commander in the US Navy...(several ranks above me ) I need to be able to pull this off!!

Thanks much,


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Share DB's

Oct 26, 2005

Could someone please point me in the direction of some websites where people share their databases?

I have searched on the web and have not seen any other websites where there are just databases for download.

I am looking specifically for a Incident/Problem/Change mgmt database that conforms to ITIL methodologies.

or a Project managment database to track issues, actions and minute meetings.

It would really be very helpfull!!


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Can Not Share DB

Aug 31, 2006

Is anybody knows why Access 2003 can not share properly db file. When once the file is open nobody can open another session even the db is set "share" in options?
Thank you!

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Just Had To Share This!

May 27, 2005


Just had to share this...

Been reading Alison Balter's Mastering Access 2000 Development - fantastic book and highly recommended.

She shares a trick on how to give users access to fields within tables without giving them access to other confidential fields within tables.

User is not granted rights to a table.

A query is created by someone with access rights to the table.

The query uses the non confidential fields. At the very end of the query, in SQL, write:


This tells Access that whoever runs the query does so with the Query owners access rights!


If you want more detail, buy the book!

I got my name back!

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Good Access Book

Apr 3, 2006

I am looking for a good Access Book. At work, I have "Access for Dummies" and "Access2000 Step by Step". Are either of these good, bad, etc. What would you recommend. I am a begginner, but know some things, so I don't want something for real beginners.

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Can Anyone Recommend Me Some Good Books?

Dec 6, 2006

I don't want to buy something just because some guy on Amazon says it's so awesome that I have to buy this book!! :P

Anyway here are some things that I am looking at learning:

Visual Basic

Any GOOD book recommendations would be great, and much appreciated. Thank you!

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Access Good For A Project?

Mar 5, 2007

Hello for one of my System Development Methodiology classes I have to develop something that will keep track of several projects that a local hospital has going on. We are to develop this in access and it should be able to show how far till completion a project is and several people should be able to update the database.

I usually do not use access and do not know much about it but is an access database able to be updated simultaneously and remotely? If so were could I be directed to find out more about.

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Good VBA Book, Any Idea?

May 9, 2007

I really need to learn how to code in VBA for access. Can someone direct me to a good VBA Book?

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How To Share Access

Jan 14, 2008

I have created database and i would like to share it with multiple users and also i want them to make changes and update it as they go. My questions is:
how do i do that?
Can this be done?
Can several users be on the database at the sametime and make changes?

Pls. help..and also if you can tell me a link where i can find more info about this.. i would really appreciate. Thanks.

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Know A Good Guide To Query Syntax?

Sep 12, 2006

I'm new to Access and have been learning how to use it for the better part of a year. I've done all the Microsoft online tutorials relevant to the work I need to do with it, and gotten a few books out of the library besides. In general, I self-teach very well given a good resource.

Here's my problem: the main area in which I need to be proficient is running queries, and I cannot find a good, comprehensive explanation of how to construct expressions or set up calculated fields.

In case I'm not clear (I've had quite a time just figuring out what to call what I need), I'll give you an example. I was able to arrange a short tutorial with someone in another department. As part of a query, she used the following statement in the "Field" section to convert date information stored as mm/dd/yyyy into just the year:

Year: IIf([referraldate]<#1/1/2003#,"2002",IIf([referraldate] Between #12/31/2002# And #1/1/2004#,"2003",IIf([referraldate] Between #12/31/2003# And #1/1/2005#,"2004",IIf([referraldate] Between #12/31/2004# And #1/1/2006#,"2005",IIf([referraldate] Between #12/31/2005# And #1/1/2007#,"2006")))))

This is the kind of thing I want to learn how to do. Unfortunately, the Microsoft tutorials don't do much more that give examples of different expressions and functions; I feel like I've been given a handful of sample sentences, a few nouns, and a few verbs--and then told to go speak English.

What I need is a comprehensive guide that not only gives me the building blocks of expressions, but tells me how to combine them into a syntactically meaningful statement--so I know what order things go in, where commas and parentheses should be, etc. Both online or print materials are fine--I've been looking on my own, but with no luck.

Thanks for your help!

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Is Access A Good Idea For My Project?

Feb 13, 2007

Hi! I have a client who wants a training tracking software built that will allow for simultaneous use by up to 850 users. Is Access a good idea, or should I use SQL, and if yes to SQL, can you point me to some great documentation supporting this? Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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Tracking Share Of Cost

Nov 8, 2006

Hello fellow developers.

I need a query to help me track share of cost for clients. Anyone have any ideas? This is what I am working with. sorry it didn't paste very well. My problem is that my query keeps subtracking the share of cost and I want it to stop subtracking the share of cost once the share of cost has been met. HOpe that makes sense. Thanks in advance for your help in this matter. Angelflower.


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Share Data Between Tables

May 30, 2005

Newbie stuff I'm afraid;
is it possible for the following to be achieved in Access;
When a user inputs data into a Form in order to add data to
an underlying table, can this same data populate another table
that has the same field? If so, how is it done?
Thank You

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Any Good Links For An Auto DB Admin Prog

Jun 9, 2006

Does anyone have an updated link to a free utility download that will auto create a backup of my database as well as do a compact and repair at a scheduled time each week. Maybe twice a week if possible! :p

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Can Anyone Suggest Some Good Access Aptitude Tests

Jul 19, 2007

In my current, new position, I have been asked to look into the possibility of finding out if there exists some good tests available to test how much skill someone has with Access.

Do you know of any existing tests or websites that do testing like that? If not, I may have to create one for us, but I didn't want to have to totally reinvent things if something good already exists.

Also, if something doesn't already exist, maybe we could get some people here to contribute to a thread with potential questions to ask.

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Any Good Book That Have Examples Of Code, Function, Etc

Feb 15, 2008

Just wondering if anyone new of any books that contain examples of code, functions, syntax, etc. I would like to have a good reference that I could go to instead of searching the internet everytime I need to try something new.

Thanks in advance.

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Good Sights For Command Buttons And Other Images

Feb 25, 2005

Just looking for any good places to find unique command buttons i could use in my application.

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