Graph/Pie Chart Coloring

Jun 25, 2007

Hello :D I have an issue with Access I was hoping someone could help me on. So I have this pie chart graph with 3 sections, colored red for East, Green for West, and Blue for North. Now the problem is that sometimes, the data that I pull in doesn't have a "West" and therefor doesn't add it to the chart. This, however, throws the coloring scheme off as it assigns colors so that 1 is red, 2 is green, 3 is blue rather than East is red, West if Green, and North is Blue. I'll provide some images so it'll be easier to understand. (Clickable thumbnails) ( (

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Using The Chart Wizard To Create A Graph

Jun 20, 2005

When I use the Chart Wizard to create a chart it looks fine in the preview but when i change it to form design - to alter the fonts etc- it gives me a graph which looks as if it comes from the Northwest database. What on earth is going on???

PS Am i best using graphs in reports or Pivot charts

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Queries :: Store Results Of Counts And Create A Graph / Chart

Feb 9, 2014

I have a a table 'Orders' with fields (Order Number, Order Date, CD Number, Card Number).

I would like to produce a query in access 2010 that would allow me to count how many times the CD Number 'Diab190617' has been purchased.

I would like to store the results of this count and counts on other cds numbers somewhere so that I can produce a graph/chart of these counts. How can I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Update Data For A Chart Graph In Word Document From Access

Jul 29, 2013

Is it possible to update the data for a chart graph in a word document from Access using VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: Chart To Show Total Sales Ordered By Customers - Graph Method?

Sep 10, 2013

I've created an access chart to show total sales ordered by customers.

I'm using a form with 5 comboboxes to select 5 particular customers from a customer table and pass this information into a query.

This query is then used on a report to create the graph.

Finally there is a button on my form that prints this report.

My problem is that the chart displays the customers in alphabetical order and I would like to order the customers numerically based on total sales value.

If I change my query so that the total sales order by is ascending then when I run the query from the report I am asked to enter a parameter value for the total sales field. Entering nothing and pressing ok simply returns the same graph I would have got had I not changed the order option at all.

*The customer filed in the report is set to group by and my totals field is set to sum - but I need both of these set to produce the graph.

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Coloring List Box Rows

Feb 25, 2006

Is there a way to specifiy the background color of a row in a List Box based on the value of a field withing the table? For example, if a table has First_Name, Last Name, and Status (either a 1 or 0), I would like to set the background color based on the status.

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Coloring Certain Fields When Auditing?

Jun 16, 2014

I have a database were there is a field called Item on 2 different forms and want to color the field a dark gray color when the order is audited the actual form names are below.

Form 1 - frmProduction_Schedule_ByCPO
Form 2 - frmProduction_Schedule_BySalesOrder
Field name - Item

I was thinking about putting an on click event that would color the item field so that people knew not to mess with that order.

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Modules & VBA :: Coloring Textbox And Save It To Database?

Oct 21, 2013

here's the scenario

Name text
age numbers
sex text
date date
box1 text

now when i create form i want the "box1" change color when i triggered 1st click it turns blue then 2nd click it turns red then 3rd click white the it repeat the cycle.and after i choose a color i want to save it. along with my records.

how can i do this?


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Reports :: Formatting Report - Alternate Row Coloring

Sep 25, 2014

I am working on a report and I am having issues changing the coloring of the rows in the report. If possible, I would like the first column to be completely white with no alternating color because there is only data in one cell at the top of each grouping. So the column with "Aggregates", "Attachments", etc would have no alternating color rows below them.

In addition to this, I am having difficulty changing the alternating row color for the other columns. I'd like to use colors with more contrast. I have tried changing the color in both design and layout view, but the options for formatting row color is also greyed out, and not available for me to use. In other words, the alternate row color button on the home tab is unclickable, for lack of a better word.

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Can Form UseMicrosoft Excel Chart Instead Of Microsoft Chart Wizard

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a chart in a form, this is not a problem, however, the chart types available are a bit limited compared to if i inserted a Microsoft Excel Chart object.

I'd do that except I'm trying to create a chart based on a query.

Is there a way to make the chart wizard use the Microsoft Excel Chart object as its chart creator so I have access to the chart types available in that object?

any assistance much appreciated.

thanks all.



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Reports :: Coloring Records Based On Form Combobox Selections

Apr 12, 2014

Using Access 2007. I have a form (Broker), with a combobox (cboClassifier), that I use to select 1 of 4 phrases, display the selected phrase and color the field with a color that I've assigned to each phrase.

Next, I have a report that contains all of the Broker names, addresses, etc. based on a query (qryBroker). I need the vba or whatever that colors the matching records based on the phrase selected by the combobox on the form, when the report is opened.

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Limit Chart To Date Range / Chart Isn't Updating

Jun 28, 2015

I have a form with a chart , 2 textboxes for start date and end date and a button to filter the data( filter the data by date range) How do i continue from that? The chart isnt updating.

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Forms :: Coloring Form Field Based On Another Field Content

Jun 4, 2013

I am making a very simple 'registration' database for a children's event in a couple of weeks.I the table/form there is a checkbox field called 'consent' which, if checked, indicates that a child can leave the event without parental consent.

There is a report printed on each child (a registration page which the leaders get a copy of). I would like on this report a 'red box' to appear if the child cannot leave without permission (i.e. the consent box is not checked). I would also like this 'red box' to appear on the form. I had thought of doing it this way - but I'm not sure if it's the best, or if it's possible:

Have a field in my table called 'consentindicator'. When the 'consent' box is checked, there is a period ('.') placed into the 'consentindicator' field. It is set to turn red when a period is present. That way, when the consent box is checked, a get a red 'box'.

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Bar Graph

Jun 13, 2005

I came across this Time line db using a box that grows depending on timeline.

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to plot a value using a box that grows in accordance with the value?

This should serve as a replacement for bar graph or an alternative at that.

Please help.


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Graph Help

Apr 29, 2008

Hi there,

I need to create a graph containing monthly data for numbers of changes raised.

It needs to display the total amount of changes raised split into priority per month like this:


Do i need multiple queries for each month? How do I collate them all together to create the graph?

Thanks in advance

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Graph Slideshow

Aug 8, 2005

We have a daily task that generates a dozen graphs. Each day, we want to display the graphs on a large screen monitor for public viewing, preferably as a slideshow. Currently the graphs come from Access 2003. How can we automate getting the graphs in a format that will work with PowerPoint or some other slideshow software?

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Graph Cut In Report

Sep 29, 2004

I have tried to create graphs in my reports and when I try to resize it, the right side of the graph gets cut off. I am using Access 2000.

When I do the same exercise in Access XP Pro, it works. Can someone help me? I have downloaded the most updated service pack for it as well.

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HELP With Graph On Report

Jun 28, 2006

I am trying to change the fill colors on a bar graph based on the value the bar graph has.

the bar graph gives the percentages of tasks and I would like to have it so that the fill color of a bar is based on the a set of values for the percentage... so if the percentage of task A is between 0 and 25% it should be red, if percentage of task A is between 25% and 50% it should be yellow, and if the percentage of task A is between 50% and 100% it should be green.

this is the query that the graph is based off of
Code:SELECT TEST_RawData.DeliverableDesc, FormatPercent(Avg(PercentComplete)) AS CurrentProgressFROM TEST_RawDataGROUP BY TEST_RawData.DeliverableDesc;

This is the data table of the graph
DeliverableDesc | CurrentProgress
test 1 | 82.64%
test 2 | 55.75%
test 3 | 30.09%
test 4 | 13.00%

now I have looked at this and tried to remodel it to my situation but have some concerns. This is what I have so far
vba Code: Original - vba Code Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer) Dim chtObj As Object, strRowSource As String Dim rsRowSourceFiltered As Recordset Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Dim strArrTaskPercents() As String Dim intArrTaskColors() As Integer ' The color integers are those that are used by the QBColor function to assign point colors. Const cBadProgress_Red = 4 Const cOkayProgress_Yellow = 6 Const cGoodProgress_Green = 2 ' Place all the task percents values into an array. ReDim strArrTaskPercents(3) strArrTaskPercents(1) = "10.00%" strArrTaskPercents(2) = "25.00%" strArrTaskPercents(3) = "50.00%" ' Place the task color values into an array. ReDim intArrShipperColors(3) intArrTaskColors(1) = cBadProgress_Red intArrTaskColors(2) = cOkayProgress_Yellow intArrTaskColors(3) = cGoodProgress_Green Set chtObj = Me!Graph10.Object strRowSource = "SELECT TEST_RawData.DeliverableDesc, FormatPercent(Avg(PercentComplete)) AS CurrentProgress FROM TEST_RawData GROUP BY TEST_RawData.DeliverableDesc;" Set rsRowSourceFiltered = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strRowSource, dbOpenSnapshot) ' Check to see if the filtered recordset has any records. If rsRowSourceFiltered.BOF And _ rsRowSourceFiltered.EOF Then MsgBox "There are no records to chart." Exit Sub End If ' Loop through the recordset containing the chart's filtered RowSource. rsRowSourceFiltered.MoveFirst i = 0 While Not rsRowSourceFiltered.EOF ' Index i synchronizes the Points collection index with the current recordset row. i = i + 1 ' Loop through the task percents array and look for a match with the field names of the chart's filtered RowSource. For j = 1 To UBound(strArrTaskPercents) ' 1-based ' The first field in the recordset contains the task percent. Some tasks may not be in the filtered recordset. If rsRowSourceFiltered.Fields(0).Value = strArrTaskPercents(j) Then ' Because every task has a corresponding color, the arrays strArrTaskPercents and intArrTaskColors always contain the same number of elements. Assign the color of the chart column, bar, slice etc. Graph10.SeriesCollection(1).Points(i). _ Interior.Color = QBColor(intArrTaskColors(j)) End If Next rsRowSourceFiltered.MoveNext WendEnd Sub Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)   Dim chtObj As Object, strRowSource As String   Dim rsRowSourceFiltered As Recordset   Dim i As Integer, j As Integer   Dim strArrTaskPercents() As String   Dim intArrTaskColors() As Integer   ' The color integers are those that are used by the QBColor function to assign point colors.   Const cBadProgress_Red = 4   Const cOkayProgress_Yellow = 6   Const cGoodProgress_Green = 2            ' Place all the task percents values into an array.   ReDim strArrTaskPercents(3)   strArrTaskPercents(1) = "10.00%"   strArrTaskPercents(2) = "25.00%"   strArrTaskPercents(3) = "50.00%"            ' Place the task color values into an array.   ReDim intArrShipperColors(3)   intArrTaskColors(1) = cBadProgress_Red   intArrTaskColors(2) = cOkayProgress_Yellow   intArrTaskColors(3) = cGoodProgress_Green      Set chtObj = Me!Graph10.Object      strRowSource = "SELECT TEST_RawData.DeliverableDesc, FormatPercent(Avg(PercentComplete)) AS CurrentProgress FROM TEST_RawData GROUP BY TEST_RawData.DeliverableDesc;"      Set rsRowSourceFiltered = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strRowSource, dbOpenSnapshot)     ' Check to see if the filtered recordset has any records.   If rsRowSourceFiltered.BOF And _      rsRowSourceFiltered.EOF Then         MsgBox "There are no records to chart."         Exit Sub   End If         ' Loop through the recordset containing the chart's filtered RowSource.      rsRowSourceFiltered.MoveFirst      i = 0      While Not rsRowSourceFiltered.EOF         ' Index i synchronizes the Points collection index with the current recordset row.         i = i + 1         ' Loop through the task percents array and look for a match with the field names of the chart's filtered RowSource.         For j = 1 To UBound(strArrTaskPercents) ' 1-based            ' The first field in the recordset contains the task percent. Some tasks may not be in the filtered recordset.            If rsRowSourceFiltered.Fields(0).Value = strArrTaskPercents(j) Then                  ' Because every task has a corresponding color, the arrays strArrTaskPercents and intArrTaskColors always contain the same number of elements. Assign the color of the chart column, bar, slice etc.                  Graph10.SeriesCollection(1).Points(i). _                     Interior.Color = QBColor(intArrTaskColors(j))            End If         Next         rsRowSourceFiltered.MoveNext   WendEnd Sub

these are my concerns
- first is the strucutre and syntax for the above Sub Report_Open good?
-second how do I match percents the query is outputting to the table to the percents I write in the strArrTaskPercents array
-third how would I change how it matches percents so that it matches a range of percentages, like the first example if something is between 50% and 100% it should be green.

if anyone can directly help with the code, or indirectly point me to some examples, articles, etc. that might help me it would be greatly appreciated.

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Northwind Database With Graph Example

Jul 3, 2005

A while back a colleague at work (who has since left my company) showed me an example of a graph within a Data Access Page in the Microsoft Northwind database. The Northwind database that I've downloaded doesn't contain such an example. Does anyone know of a Northwind DB with an exmaple of a graph embedded into a Data Access Page?

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Export To Excel And Graph

Jan 4, 2006

I am trying to export the result of a query to a specific Excel sheet where I have a dynamic graph. The results are exported on a monthly basis, so I am just adding the data, and the graph reflects that. Now, I can export to excel easily enough by using the Transfer Spreadsheet method, but this creates a new worksheet, thus destroying my lovely graph. I have even tried the Output Query method, but to no avail. Is there any way I can export to excel and keep the graph intact?


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Questions About My Simple Graph

Nov 16, 2006


I got a simple graph on my form based on the following query:

date | ordercount:
16/11/06 20
15/11/06 18
14/11/06 19
13/11/06 18
10/11/06 19
09/11/06 18

My graph is leaving out the TOP record and my datasheet I get this result:

16/11/06 | 20
15/11/06 18
14/11/06 19
13/11/06 18
10/11/06 19
09/11/06 18

So as you can see, my graph is actually confusing my TOP record with the title and that's why it's not showing. So how can I fix this?

On a sidenote:
As you can see, I didn't work on 11/11 & 12/11 but my graph is still showing those dates but of course with value 0. How can I leave out dates where I created no orders?

Kind regards,

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Graph In Outlook Message

Jan 31, 2008

Is it possible to put a graph in an graph in an outlook message? I realize I will need to use an outlook object but not sure how to start off - ?

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Putting A Graph In Form

Apr 14, 2005


I would like to display a graph in a form along with the fields from a table. The user will be allow to update the table and the graph will be updated. So far I am able to display the graph on the report but I cannot find a way to display the graph on the form. Can somebody help? Thanks in advance.

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Graph Problem In Access

Sep 5, 2005

I have an x-y graph on a form that gets its data from a query. The query pulls five records of data from a table. So there are five data points I want to have displayd on the graph. I got the graph to work properly except it only displays four points! The first data point is not displaying.
I tried to set the datasheet in the graph to "ignore" the first row, as I noticed immediately that it does not have a number reference....I am assuming that is the problem.
Is there a method to resolve this easily? I assume that it must be done with vba. My data is used by the graph in two columns...first column is the X value, second column is the Y value.

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Code Placement For A Graph

May 7, 2006

My problems is a difficult one.

Here is the breakdown. I have a number of tables within a database, I have a main screen as to pick the required table I want to display in either tabular or graph format, the table works. I have created a graph and am trying to get the code or row source in the properties to look at the VBA I have written.

Any ideas please?

It’s something to do with the row source type. If it were a function, I would just put the function name there. It’s a private sub.

Private Sub ListMonkey()

Dim TableName As String
Dim strSQL As String

TableName = Me.Graph_Selected_Table
strSQL = "SELECT [LOAD], [Displacement] FROM " & TableName

End Sub

This is the last little thing, and I have no idea how to solve it.

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Reports :: Graph In A Report

Apr 14, 2015

I currently have a form from which users can select their name and it will open a report listing events they have attended. It does this through a macro running a filter. What I would like to happen is the same criteria that is being used to filter the report be used as criteria for a different (unfortunately) query that can then generate a graph in the report as to get the criteria into the second query for the graph.

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