Graph That Has A Bar For Each Category Or Column That Has Dates
Mar 29, 2012
Question... i Wanted to create a Graph that has a bar for each category or column that has dates.. i want it to filter to show only the dates greater than 12-31-2011 so basically all dates in 2012.. i figured out how to do a query but i was only able to do a query for ONE column at a time so i'll have like 30 there a way to do this with one query and have each bar on the graph be for each column and have the graph showing how many people have completed these after 12-31-2011. URL...
Is it all possible to create the equivalent of a combo chart in Excel in Access?
What I need is a graph showing a certain dataset as columns but also a line showing the average for that set.
As an example lets take an exercise programme in a school, each child performs a series of exercises every week and data is recorded, to monitor their fitness progression.
Lets say I wanted to show a graph of one particular exercise, with the class students listed along the x axis, and then show the class average for that exercise dataset as a line on the same graph.
I have a database with 5000 entries, corresponding to about 10 entries for about 500 people. Each of the entries is dated, and I need to calculate the time intervals between each person's sequential entries in the table.
One way of doing this is to create another column that contains the date of the previous entry. I can then use DateDiff to subtract one date from the other and give me the difference in days.
This approach falls down if I then work with only a subset of the entries - I would have to re-enter the previous entry dates as the time intervals would have changed.
What I really need is a way of subtracting the date from the date in the cell directly above it. Will Access let me do this, or is there a better way?
So I have a report generated, listing all my companies personnel in one column and the next column has the expiration dates of a certian training certificate. My question i would like to add some statistics to the bottom of the report, mainly how many certificates are expired, which is the ones over a year.
I have attempted to use:
=Sum(IIf([AT_LEVEL 1]<"Now()-365",1,0))
previously in excel my spreadsheet counted it like this:
How to create a table in MS Office. Current table has name in first column and start & finish dates in other two columns. It is necessary to create a table in MS Access which has name in the first column and validation dates in the second column. For Example:
1. White 16 xxxx19 2. Black 1 xxxx 5
1. White 17 1. White 18 2. Black 2 2. Black 3 2. Black 4
I am trying to format an excel spreadsheet through access, specifically trying to convert a column from text to dates (I receive the data in text format and need to translate it to dates).
Code: Dim excelApp As Object Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") excelApp.screenupdating = False excelApp.Visible = False Set excelWB = excelApp.workbooks.Open("Z:DataBasicSMData.xlsx")
[Code] ....
I'm no longer getting an error, but it isn't actually modifying the spreadsheet...
I want a drop down box where you select the category Downtape or bonds, then another drop down box showing all the possible choices for bonds if you selected bonds, but wont show you any of the down tape options.
I have been trying to work out the relationships here and been getting in a muddle so any help would be much appreicated.
Hi, I am trying to set up a form so that i can view the employees at my workplace by the scheme they are in. I have tried a number of things with no luck. If anyone could help me i wold really appreciate it. An example would be a god send. Thanks alot.
I have a table of categories with the columns: CatID | CatName | CatParentID
This way I'd like the ability to have unlimited subcategories.
My question is, how do I create a form that will let me enter the CatName with an autogenerated CatID, then enter a subcategory and select the first category as it's parent?
In a form, I am using two comboboxes per record (i.e. when you add a new record, two more comboboxes for that record appear).
My goal is to have the second combobox show entries specific to what the first combobox was, with certain caveats (see below).
My current approach is using three tables - tblTypes, tblOptions, and tblEntries. tblTypes would store the different types of entries. Each of the types in tblTypes would contain options depending on its ID.
Basically, the first combobox will list the data in tblEntries and the second combobox will list the data in tblOptions, depending on what "Entry" was selected. New "Entry's" for the first combobox would be created in tblEntries, where the ID in this table would indicate what "Options" are available for that entry. As shown in the sample table below, I want to allow more than one entry with the same "ID" (i.e. there could be more than one entry with the same options, but the entry name would be different.)
A sample of what the tables would look like is below:
tblTypes --------- ID |Type 1 TypeA 2 TypeB 3 TypeC
Is this approach sound? If so, how would I create the comboboxes to use with this set of data? I tried doing so but ran into a certain problem - that is, the first combobox doesn't allow you to "select" entries with the same ID - it lets you select the first one, but no other... (using a query that simply selects all of the entries and its associated ID - I used the ID to populate the second textbox appropriately.
If this approach sounds unreasonable, how would you approach it? And after creating the tables, how would you go about setting up the combo boxes?
I am tring to generate a report or form, its generated by a combo box, which list all the categories of the products, when the category is clicked on it will generate the report or form showing all the products for that particular category. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any help would be appreciated.
I am working on a small database for a school to track their live and silent auction. Currently I have a table set up as follows.
Silent Auction table : Item Number Short Item Description Long Item Description there are more fields that I am not interested in right now.
Mainly what I am after right now is to do some decent reporting for generating the catalog and posting the silent auction items on the web site for viewing before the night of the event.
I need to generate a report that contains the Item Number, short and long description. I need to group on Category which corresponds to the item numbers. Example:
Item Number 100 - 110 = Class Projects 110 -199 = Live Auction Items 200 - 299 = Sports and Recreation 300 - 349 = Entertainment and so on......
I realize that had they numbered them in the 100 range I could group in my report by 100's and everything would be pretty good however, I did not have the opportuinity to be involved in the numbering scheme.
Even if the numbers had been in the order of 100s I still would need a way to say that the 100 -110 range is Class Projects.
I think I need another table and link it but I am not sure how to set up the range of numbers for the category.
Hi all, I want to create a pivotchart from a query, embed it in a form and use a combobox in the main form to allow the user to select the x axis value. So in a query with fields city, state, country, etc the user would be able to chose one of those fields as the category(x axis across the bottom) to display data. Is this even possible? If it is, how do I do it? As it is now I can add multiple categories to my chart- but it just makes a big mess of the chart. I can embed a chart in a form and use a combobox- but it allows me to choose from within a field- but not from among fields. Also- how do I access the code to manipulate the chart? Thanx in advance
I am creating a report which is about 200 pages and would like to add a table of contents for each category i have with page numbers, however i have googled and tried many different things but to no avail and what it the correct way or even showing me on a sample database.
Basically trying to create a chart through a Query.
Table is as follow:
Applebrand Date Volume per week Category ------------ ------ -------------------- -----------
I am trying to display the aggregated volume in a chart. The volumes can change depending on the demand from the buyers and its always the latest volume for the specific applebrand that is in play.
Apple A 20150101 10 Retail Apple B 20150202 100 Restaurants Apple B 20150303 200 Retail Apple A 20150404 50 Retail
The chart i would like to see is a aggregated volume for category "Retail" displaying a line from 10 to 210 to 250.
Instead my chart displays 10 to 200 to 50
Is there a way a solve this or should i use a different approach?
I am just starting out in access. I have a table that has different vehicle models. There is a "category" field that has vehicles under boats, cars, planes, heli, etc... How do I make a query that will only show the different categories that are used? So I would just want the category field showing one of each category that exists and not multiple records with the same category.
I have a database with hundreds of records in a main table called tblPARTS which has three fields - Part Number, Part Description and Category. I have another table, tblKEYWORDS, with two fields; a field called KEYWORDS which has words like "cable", "bracket", and "relay". The table has a second field called CATEGORY. The CATEGORY field has either the word ELECTRICAL or MECHANICAL associated with each of the KEYWORDS. So, for example, "bracket" would have "MECHANICAL" as its associated category. There are dozens of these entries in the KEYWORD table.
The problem: I need to auto fill the parts table (tblPARTS) with the correct category by looking at the DESCRIPTION field in the PARTS table which is made of several words, e.g. "STAINLESS STEEL BRACKET - 3" X 2" ". I need to find the word BRACKET and fill in the CATEGORY field in the parts table automatically via a query. There are several hundred parts in the main table.
I can do this easily using a standard update query, but it is limited to 10 IFF statements and there will be many more than this. Can I do this in VBA and if so, where do I start? I am an intermediate user of ACCESS.
Table: Transactions: ID,Date,Title,Category,Value, Budget Name Table: Budget: Budget Name Budget Years: Budget Name, Date From, Date To
Form entitles Budget, Fields : Date From, Date To, Budget Name
So within the form budget I have a subform which I want to group the categories and get a total value. THE tricky part is, I only want it to include values from the budget specified in the form and the date range of the form.
And I can display any existing question and make updates to the question and answer, that works fine. BUT, what I want to do is update which category a question is in. If I change the Category in the form, it updates the 'Category' in the Category table. What I want it to do is update the CategoryID in the question table.