Group By More Than One Field

Feb 4, 2008


I would like to know how GroupBy works. I have a 1-many relationship (invoice-products)

I have this query:


What I would like is to have a group by DESCRIPTION since some products may be repeated in a same OPERATION cuz they are from dif origin but in the invoice they gotta be merged.

So if I have:

1 | ONION RED | 20
2 | POTATOE RED | 20

The query should return

1 | ONION RED | 20
2 | POTATOE RED | 20

With this I mean: If DESCRIPTION (product and product type) are the same, group them Per OPERATION_ID and Sum QUANTITIES

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Group By Customer And List A Field

Apr 28, 2008

Hi all,

I have a data set such as:

4002Severn Trent Water LimitedFRANKLEY3~00074832
4003Severn Trent Water LimitedFRANKLEY3~00074831

I would like to only have 1 record of the Company name/ID with the RUIDs listed almost in one record something like...

4002Severn Trent Water LimitedFRANKLEY3~00074832, ~00074831

Can we do this in SQL? (Specifically and Append query)

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Reports :: Group By Status Field

Jul 11, 2013

I have a working report which groups by a status field. Let's say I have Status (AA, BB, CC, DD, EE). It is grouping and summarizing fine. I would like to be able to merge some groups. So I would like to be able to Group on (AA/CC, BB, DD/EE).

What would be the best way to approach this?

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Forms :: Subform - Group On Certain Field

Jul 17, 2013

Using access 2010. I created a subform but now I wish to group on a certain field. I looked and all gives me header and footer. Theres not a option to group. I tried putting the field I wanted in the header section and it still doesnt group.

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Concatenate Field Or Group By In Report

Dec 15, 2012

I'm looking for a way to summarize multiple fields of data from the same column in a single field. I've seen this page but have been unable to get it to work. I save the code listed but do not know which of the example fields would relate to my table.

SELECT CompanyName, ConcatRelated("OrderDate", "tblOrders", "CompanyID = " & [CompanyID])
FROM tblCompany;

I saw that I can create a report and select "group by," but then all the columns appear on different lines rather than summarized on one line. Here is an example of how I would like the data to appear, separated by commas or with specific dates within parentheses. The reason I want them all on one line is to provide an easier to read/more succinct summary.





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Sequential Number By Group In A Field?

Jul 19, 2015

I have a table like the one below. I need to Auto Sequence based on JobIDOne in the field that says sequence in the manner that I've typed. Hand typing is not an option because by table will be updated regularly. All other fields are updated via a form. I need a either a macro or VBA solution that can reconcile this, preferably through the table. Note, I do not want to use a query to create this sequencing or SQL language as I do not know how to write SQL commands.

I know it can be done but I've seen about a thousand ways to do it that I haven't been able to modify for my specific table.

Dates Worked One

6:45:10 PM


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Reports :: Sum Group Items By Specific Item And Hide Details Of Group Summing

May 29, 2015

Despite Google I can't seem to figure this out.

I have some data in a format similar to:

Name / Style / description / speed / distance
john / driver / careful / 80 / 5500
mary / driver / careful / 70 / 7000
pat / racer / reckless / 100 / 6000
anne / driver / careful / 75 / 1000
peter / racer / reckless / 110 / 6500
don / snail / slow / 60 / 6000

I want my report to total by style, without details and to look like:

driver careful 13500
racer reckless 12500
snail slow 6000

How do you get a report to sum the group items by a specific item and to hide the details of that group summing?

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Queries :: Group By Part Of Field In Query

Jun 26, 2015

I am trying to group records in a query and count them. I have records containing ABC12345


Basically the third letter is what I need to group on so that I can count the number of records with ABC, ABE and any other variant of the third letter but with the numbers all varying all over the place.In the example above I want to find ABC 2 and ABE 2.

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Queries :: MAX Date Of Records - Add Another Field But Don't Want It To Group On It

Oct 28, 2014

I have a query that feeds another query. The first query needs to carry the Primary key, a secondary key (grouped by) a date (Maxed on) and an operator key (to group on) ...

At the moment I cant include the primary key because it groups on it and therefore every transaction is reports, my sql is -- How can I include the primary key MatterContactsMadeId and still get the max date for an operator within a matter


SELECT MatterContactsMade.MatterId, Max(MatterContactsMade.DueDate) AS MaxDueDate, MatterContactsMade.Operator
FROM MatterContactsMade
GROUP BY MatterContactsMade.MatterId, MatterContactsMade.Operator
HAVING (((Max(MatterContactsMade.DueDate))<=[Forms]![MattersBUpLogOptionsFrm]![txtBUpDate]) AND ((MatterContactsMade.Operator)=[Forms]![MattersBUpLogOptionsFrm]![txtOperator]))
ORDER BY MatterContactsMade.MatterId;

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Populate Option Group When Date Field Is Entered

May 24, 2005

I have a form where users fill in a date resolved and click complete in the Option Group, it's default value is incomplete. I have a problem with the users forgetting to change it to complete when the enter the date resolved. Is there a way to change the option group value when the date resolved is entered?

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Populate Option Group When Date Field Is Entered

May 24, 2005

I have a form where users fill in a date resolved and click complete in the Option Group, it's default value is incomplete. I have a problem with the users forgetting to change it to complete when the enter the date resolved. Is there a way to change the option group value when the date resolved is entered?

--- OR ---

Can it notify the user that they need to change the Option Group?

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Queries :: Accounts Package - Combine Sum And Group By One Field

Sep 6, 2013

I'm making an accounts package.

I've got a query that shows all individual invoices with their total amounts. This works.

But now I'm trying to make graphs so I want show just total amounts combined by customer, for each customer.

So for example if I had 8 customers and they each had 10 invoices each my current query would be returning 80 records.

What I want is 8 records, once for each customer with the summed total for each customer so that I can then graph this.

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General :: Check For Empty Option Group Field

Jul 28, 2012

I have an simple option group (3 options 1,2 and3!!)I am building a query where I need to display records whose option group field in the table is empty. I have tried:

field = Int(0)
field = ""
field = null

do not work.

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Reports :: Pull Information Based On Group Field?

Jul 21, 2014

My report is grouped by a Billing Group #...within each billing group there are sub invoice numbers that are tied to the main billing group # (they all have the same billing group # but different general invoice numbers). I need to pull data if one of the general invoice # invoice dates is greater than or equal to a specific date entered.

In other words: If a Billing Group # and one of the Invoice Dates is greater than or equal to a specific date entered then pull ALL GROUP data to report.

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Reports :: Control Group Expression For Group In Report?

Mar 28, 2013

Is there a way to have an expression in the control source of a text box in a report, that re-starts or is exclusive for every group within the report?

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Reports :: Hiding Field That Is Only For Sorting Purposes To Group Data

Sep 24, 2014

I have a table of about 250 items that are sorted based on two fields. I created a query of the table and hide one of the fields because it is only there for sorting purposes to group the data.

For example, I have a "Type" field. In the type field, I differentiate the items with different categories, such as "Materials", "Safety", etc. My next field is "subtype" which assists the "Type" field being sorted properly for my needs. In the "Materials" category, all of the items are either "Fencing", "Plastic", "Wire", or "Miscellaneous". I am sorting the "type" and "subtype" fields in ascending order so that all the "materials" are grouped together, and all of the "fencing, "plastic", etc are grouped together within the materials field.

I am creating a printable report and I do not want the "subtype" field to be on the report, but I need the "subtype" field's sort to be affecting my data so it is grouped properly. I'm having difficulty, is there a way to hide fields in reports?

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Reports :: Training Database - Group Report By Field List Row Source

Oct 30, 2014

I am in the process of creating a training database that includes levels of proficiency with certain tasks for employees.

In one of my reports I would like to appropriately display with tasks the employee "Cannot Perform";"Can Perform with Assistance";"Can Perform Alone";"Trainer" (straight from the field list of the task). But I can't seem to get the hierarchy correct. Tried it in a PivotTable too as I thought similar to PTs in Excel you could get some kind of "count" of values. Couldn't make that happen either.

Each employee has a proficiency rating on about 20 different tasks. Proficiency input is controlled by a field list. I would like to structure this part of the report like so:

--Cannot Perform Task
--Can Perform With Assistance

etc. etc. So in this case the Field itself would become the value being grouped. I know there has to be some logic either in a query or SQL.

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Calculating Account Revenue For Sales Reps - Group On Totals Field

Jul 9, 2013

I have a report that is calculating account revenue for my sales reps. I am able to generate the report, group by the sales rep and then total their total account revenue. Now I want to group on the total field that I just calculated. How do I do that?

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Forms :: Option Group - Warn User When Neither Of 2 In Option Group Not Ticked?

Jul 25, 2013

I stumbled upon the Option Group function just yesterday and, happy as a clam, I created a group with 2 options in radio button style. I assigned the values to a field called Registration_Type as the 2 options are "Confirmed Registrants" and "Prospective Attendees".

[Great. That part works well. When I look at the table, a 1 or a 2 is in that field so it's great to know how to control accidental ticking of radio buttons (previous 450 records or so didn't have this option group functionality so one might easily tick one of the buttons. So one part of controlling option group I know I can handle via the table itself for now.]

The challenge is how to ensure the user always ticks one or the other ... I went back to the main table and tested the 'required entry' option for the Registration_Type field but forcing an action like this is not ideal in my mind. The usual error message vagueness for the average user is no good and I don't want to limit the user so much.

Is there a way to simply have a popup come up warning that neither radio button was ticked? Perhaps something linked to the form - i.e., maybe "after update"?? I only learned about attaching code to before and after update on controls a couple of days ago, so not sure if this would be best approach.

Just something to let the user know that nothing has been ticked in the option group as that controls in which of 2 reports the data will show up in so any record not ticked might mean a registrant being left out, which would be rather disastrous <g>.

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Mar 12, 2007

I'm trying to create a Query. I have a field "Name" from the table "Products" and the field "Quantity" from the table "Deliveries". Currently, The same product name will appear several times with their quantities. I want to SUM all of those quantities together and only have the Product name appear once. If it's a diffrent product name, then sum all of it's quantities together etc. I'm having a tough time writing a proper formula, It either has syntax errors or produces more than one field, which I don't understand. I need a formula that I can insert into the design view of the query. This formula will also create a new data field to hold the information. Can anyone help?

p.s. Do I have to use SELECT for both Name and Quantity? Where do I insert GROUP BY? I'm so confused!! I've tried things like (SELECT Name, (SELECT SUM(Quantity) FROM Deliveries) FROM now where am I supposed to write GROUP BY???

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Top N Per Group

Mar 22, 2008

I know you have probably seen this a trillion times, but being new to all this, it is discouraging to say the least! Please help...

I think maybe I should upload the database, let me know.

Here are the names:

Table name: PPM Data

PPM Month
PPM Amount

There are 10 different companies, and I need top 6 months data per each Company, to eventually only show the 6 amounts. I have tried all the equations I can find. But I don't think I am doing it right. I have tried to make 10 different queries for each company and than tried to join those queries, and that just didn't work.

I have tried Allen Browne, confusing, and I have tried Acc2002 for their equations for Top N per group, I still can't make out what they are saying without the actual database to look at.

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Sep 13, 2005

i have a combo box that query a tabel to get the date's i chose from but she repeat the samedate if i have a 2 records with date 12-9-2005 i see 2 in the combo box ho i can join them to see only one date fron them

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Can't Group On Memo

Jan 18, 2006

I have a field on a table that is a memo field. I am trying to write a query to include this field but get the "Can't group on memo or OLE object. Any ideas on why and how can I query with this memo field included?

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Show Top 2 By Group

Feb 11, 2006

I'm trying to view the last two valuations for each property so that they can be compared. I can pull out the last valuation for each property and can pull out the top two records but not for each property, just shows me the top 2 of all records.

Any suggestions?

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Group Permissions

Feb 28, 2005

Hi, I have just made my maiden voyage on the good ship "Security Wizard" and the water has been a little rough but as yet I still have my sea-legs intact!

Slight problem though... I want users to be able to add data to a table but not to be able to view the whole table if they try and open it in the database window. Now I know reasonable measures would just hide the DB window but I have the threat of Data Protection Auditors looming over me becuase management "forgot" to tell me security was required and it has already been breached before I used the wizard.

Anyway, I did some research on here and I found a method whereby I can set the table so only I have permission to view/add data, then I can get users to add data via a query with permissions set to Owners.

I'm really hoping that someone will come to my rescue and tell me that there's a much easier way than that...



Thanks, Tom.

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GROUP BY Just One Criterion

Jun 11, 2005

I need to execute this query from an ASP . Net page. I'm connected to an Access 2002 DB.

SELECT tblBudget.GroupCode, tblBudget.GCDescriptioon, tblBudget.Amount
FROM tblBudget
GROUP BY tblBudget.GroupCode, tblBudget.GCDescription, tblBudget.Amount
ORDER BY tblBudget.GroupCode;

If I delete tblBudget.GCDescription and tblBudget.Amount from the "GROUP BY" instruction it does not work.

What I want to do is that in case tblBudget.GroupCode is repeated (e.g. several records with the same group code) I want to display only one line summarizing all info for the given group code.

Thank you

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