Group By Time Error

Jun 21, 2007

I am attempting to set up a query which will perform aggregate functions on records from two fields (Speed, Volume) and group them by a time field (SensorTime). This should essentially result in several months of data being combined into a succint 24-hr time period, divided into 288 five-minute intervals.

The problem is that Access will group some of the time values together, but not others. After some detective work I discovered that many of the times that APPEAR to be equal are actually different values when carried out to the 15th decimal point. I learned that this is a result of rounding error within Excel, from whence I originally imported the data.

My question is: can I apply a ROUND function to times in the original table, thereby solving the problem in all the resulting queries (and if so, how)? Or will I need to round the time values in each individual query (this would take some time)? Or is there a better way to equalize these time values that I'm not aware of? I know Excel has a "Precision as displayed" option but I couldn't find anything similar in Access.

Eagerly awaiting advice!


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Running Sum For Time And Group?

Apr 11, 2007


I'm trying to calculate some running sum queries in preparation for some charts on a report.

I have:
tbl: Spencerdaily

I am trying to calculate the running sum of milesdriven for each year per vehicle. If I use the following I get the same set of sums repeated for each vehicle:

SELECT spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein]) AS [Year], DSum("milesdriven","spencerdaily","DatePart('yyyy', [datein])<=" & [Year]) AS Mileage
FROM spencerdaily
GROUP BY spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein])
HAVING (((DatePart("yyyy",[datein]))>2001))
ORDER BY spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein]);

I tried this but it didn't work:

SELECT spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily AS vehiclealias, DatePart("yyyy",[datein]) AS [Year], DSum("milesdriven","spencerdaily","DatePart('yyyy', [datein])<=" & [Year] & " AND [vehiclenumberdaily]<=" & [vehiclealias] & " ") AS Mileage
FROM spencerdaily
GROUP BY spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein])
HAVING (((DatePart("yyyy",[datein]))>2001))
ORDER BY spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein]);

What am I doing wrong?


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Problem With GROUP BY [Date Time]

Aug 30, 2007

Hi there,

I have a table called tblTransactions with columns called (among others) [Date Time], Ticker, Quantity, Price and Commission. Column [Date Time] contains both a date and a time.
I want to determine the commission paid per day. If I use the following code I still get all single trades on a day as the times at which the trades were exucuted are all different. Is it possible to group by full days only without having to change my database in order to determine the daily commission paid?

SELECT T.[Date Time], sum(Commission) AS TotalCommission
tblTransactions AS T
WHERE T.[Date Time]<=#04/17/07#
GROUP BY T.[Date Time];

Best regards,

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Group Data Into Arbitrary Time Periods

Oct 18, 2006

I am new to Access and would be very grateful for some adivce on setting up a query.
The data in the table below comes from a photon counter. Both fields are numbers although TIME actually represents seconds.
I need to be able to group the DATA field by arbitrary TIME periods. e.g. to divide the table up into bins of, say, 8.7 seconds length, showing the total accumulated in the DATA field for each successive period of 8.7 seconds.
The tables are about 300,000 records long.
Any help would be much appreciated.


285748175.864557 - 100
285748175.874556 - 100
285748175.884556 - 0
285748175.894557 - 100
285748175.904557 - 0
285748175.914556 - 200
285748175.924556 - 300
285748175.934556 - 0

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Queries :: Group Overnight Shift Time Together For One Date

Oct 24, 2014

I am collecting data every hour on the hour and I would like to group this data according to Shift (A, B and C) by Date. The only problem I am having is- how can I keep the overnight shift together as one date? 10pm - 6am

I was able to do a simple query where I was able to assign an A, B, or C depending on the field with the Short Time format using nested IIF statements. From there I was able to group by shift (A, B, or C) per date. However the C Shift is split up.

Example. Can Sunday October 5th 10pm to Monday October 6th 6am be grouped as one date.

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Queries :: Count Number Of Tasks - Group By Date / Time In A Query

Aug 14, 2013

I want to count the number of tasks by department by week. I need the time so my date the task was added is formated as a date/time.

I created a query and added the department (twice so that I can group and count), and transaction date. I clicked on totals and added the count function under the department. I added this criteria to the task date: between [start date] and [end date].

Problem is that it's grouping by day and each one is different because all times are different. How do I group these by day and not time?

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GROUP BY Function - Getting Aggregate Error

Nov 19, 2012

My query includes a few new columns I have added and I need to use GROUP BY so each new column is grouped per store.

When I try to use: GROUP BY newColumn1, newColumn2, newColumn3;

I get the following error: 'You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'Store Nbr' as part of an aggregate function'

All I want to do is have each new columns distinct value show up once for each particular store, not repeated multiple times. When it is repeated multiple times, it also shows for each store department which messes up the metrics of the report.

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Queries :: Running Count In A Query By Group - Error In Ranking Column Result

Mar 16, 2013

Query is based on 1 table" tblTimeCnv_AgeGroups

AgeGroup Time Ranking
30-& under 11.22 1
30-& under 10.41 2
30-& under 9.22 3
30-39 11.32 1
30-39 9.53 2
30-39 9.34 3
30-39 9.30 4

See attachment

My Ranking field is:
Ranking: DCount("*","[tblTimeCNV_AgeGroups]","[AgeGroup]=" & [AgeGroup] & " and time <= " & [time])

In the Ranking column the result is: #error in the first 3 rows then zeroes

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Run-time Error 13 Ctl.tag

Apr 17, 2006

I have this:

Private Sub GetTotal()

Dim ctl As Control, intScore As Integer

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
If ctl = True Then
intScore = intScore + ctl.Tag
End If
End If

Me.Points = intScore + Nz(Me.extra_points)

End Sub

which should and does take the tag element of a check box and add or subtract from intScore.

However upon making the form tabular it doesn't work...

any help here?

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Run Time Error '6'

Jul 14, 2005

run time error '6'

what is it????

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Run Time Error

Jun 2, 2006

I have the following code linked to an event. when I run this I am getting a run time error that says "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" Any ideas on what could be the problem?

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If IsNull(DLookup("[Acct#]", "qryTest", "[Acct#]=" & Forms![Form]![Account])) = True Then
If IsNull(DLookup("[Acct#]", "qryTest2", "[Acct#]=" & Forms![Form]![Account])) = False Then

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryTest2", acNormal
MsgBox "The Account Number was not found"
End If
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryTest", acNormal
End If

End Sub

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Run Time Error '13'

Nov 16, 2006

Dear All:


Private Sub Combo134_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[STUDENT_ID] = '" & Me![Combo134] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

If Me!MAJOR_CD = "616" Or "614" Or "176" Or "613" Or "F16" Or "612" Or "611" Or "650" Then
End If

End Sub

I am using Access 2000 with a search feature to find students by entering an ID_Number. It finds the person in the database and it is supposed to show a pop-up message if the person in the database has either one of MAJOR_CD on their records. It returns this error:Run Time Error '13': Type Mismatch.

Any ideas on how to solve this?

Many thanks,


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Mysterious Run-time Error

Jan 10, 2006

I have a simple note section on my form (data type set to memo). This is where my staff enters any notes when they speak to a student. For some reason, on a handful of records (3-5 of 3,000 records) a run-time error occurs when the user attempts to edit or add anything to the notes.

Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening? :confused:

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Run-time Error '2467':

Feb 2, 2006

I have an application which I did in 2003 version and then converted it for 2002 version.

Everything works fine in 2003 but when I open in Access XP 2002 version then I get the following error.

Run-time error '2467':
The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist.

I debuged the application and found the following cause.

I have two forms 'ManageCustomers' and 'AvailableIDs'. AvailableIDs is as subform of ManageCustomers and set to unbound.

Now in VBA of ManageCustomers I am doing the following:
Form_AvailableIDs.RecordSource = someSource

This statement is producing the above described error. It works fine in Access 2003 but in 2002 this error occures.

Thanks in advance for your time.

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Run-time Error 2046

Oct 3, 2006

I've been using this database now for a good few years without many problems but now that I upgraded from 2000 to 2003 It's been playing up on me :confused:

The problem only occurs on my PC & not anyone elses, so I don't think it's a database problem but maybe something on my machine. I have not upgraded any other PC's yet. Only mine as a test.

The database is split & shared on our sever with each user having a copy of the front end on their PC

I even copied a working front end from another PC to mine but it still fails.

I've installed/removed access 2000 & 2003 a couple of times now but nothing seems to help.:confused:

Oh...I have checked the references
the only difference I see is that 2000 has Microsoft Access 9 object library & 2003 has Microsoft Access 11 object library

Any ideas?


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Run Time Error 7: Out Of Memory

Apr 11, 2007

Im building a new database using Access 2003 SP2 on windows XP SP2 with 1 GB RAM.

When i try to execute the following line of VBA code I get an "out of memory" error:

Form_Confirmation.txtDept = cboDept.Text

Before this line of code I don't query any data or open any DAO connections, Im only checking the entered values in various text boxes and combo boxes on a form. I have also tried rebooting my computer and it still gets stuck at the same line.

What i basically want to do is just move data entered into text boxes on a shipping order form i created and present that data on another form to confirm the entered data. The error occurs when i try to move data from one form to another. The database is still only 1MB with only 5 tables, each with only a few records in them just for testing.

Do i need to install a service pack or download something to fix this error?

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Run Time Error 2107

Apr 7, 2008

I get the subject run time error when I try to past a record. The error reads:

"The value you entered doesn't meet the validation rule defined for the field or control."

Then it takes me here in the VBA:

Private Sub cboEmployee_AfterUpdate()
Me.RecordSource = "qryHours"
End Sub

More info:
The form I am using is a continuous form. The record source for the form is "qryHours". The combo box "cboEmployee" is a drop down they use to select their name, which updates the form with the hours they have logged into the system.

Because the projects they work on are the same from week to week they would like to copy and past records, making keeping track of their time less time intensive.

Any ideas?

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Run-time Error '3035'

Aug 3, 2006


Short Introduction.
Table 'People' - the table contains info about people. two of the fields are 'PersonalEmail' and 'ReferrerEmail'. It means, each person has it's referrer. Referrer is one of the existing persons in the table.
* I have some queries that calculate statistics for persons - No problem.
* I have queries that find 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation for defined person from table 'People' (it means i chose in form any person and want to see, what his 1st generation - where he is the referrer, 2nd generation - where his 1st generation is referrer and so on...) and combine this data with the person statistics, that calculated in the queries i've described above. - No problem.
* I'm trying to calculate total statistics for generations described above - query. I succeed to do it only for first 2 generations and get the error: Run-time error '3035' and the message is: System Resource Was Exceeded (it's my translation :) ), when i'm trying to run the 3 generation query.

Could you explain me what happened?

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VB Run-time Error 3211

Jul 11, 2005

I have 3 combo boxes on my form and I am trying to update the second by the choice made on the first. I have a query for each box that when a selection is made it makes a table of information I use in the next box, and after I select something from the first box I get this error, but it does populate the second list. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.


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Run-time Error 2455?

Aug 29, 2005

I have a Switchboard form that gives the visitor several options from which to choose. All work fine except one.

The one in question loads just fine. This form has an unbound combo box used to search the database. When the user selects an option from the combo box the subform is then populated with the information. All of this works fine. The problem arises if the user tries to close Access (not the form, but rather closing out Access). We get a "run-time error 2455: you entered an expression that has an invlid reference to the property form/report". I've tried clicking on Debug, but Access closes and I cannot see what is causing the error.

Like I said, the other forms work. If instead the user opens another form from the Switchboard and then closes Access, there are no problems - it closes like it should. The error only occurs for this form and only when Access is being closed, not the form.

Anyone have any ideas how I can trap this or how to stop it?


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Run-time Error 2448

Sep 1, 2005

Me.txtPerson1 = Me.cboNumber1.Column(1)
Me.txtEthnicOrigin1 = Me.cboNumber1.Column(42)

Bound to Column 1
table field 1 = Number
table field 2 = Person,
table field 43 = EthnicOrigin

I had this running ok until importing fresh table data now I get run-time error with:
*The object may be a control on a read-only form
*The object may be on a form that is open in design view
*The value may be too large for this field

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Run-time Error '7951'

Mar 3, 2006

Please Help,
The Error Message is :"'Run-time Error '7951':' 'You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the RecordsetClone property.'


Private Sub Combo2_AfterUpdate()

Dim rst As Recordset
'Dim rst As Recordset
Dim strCriteria As String

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
strCriteria = " NAME_PTYCODE = " & Me!Combo2
rst.FindFirst strCriteria
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

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Run Time Error 2465

Mar 11, 2006

one of my fields is called

partner road

in the class module when i enter me!partner_road I get a run time error 2465 cannot find field

what do I enter for the field name?


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Run-time Error 2105

Oct 6, 2004

When I try and open one of my forms it comes up with:

run-time error 2105
You can't go to the specified record

when I click to debug, the problem occurs when it tries to set focus on on of the fields in the form on the on open event of the form.

If anyone has any suggestions on why this error is occurring they would be greatly appreciated


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Run-time Error 2033

Feb 8, 2005

Hey Guys,

I have created a feild that automatically names an object using the sendobject command.
This is done by a copy and delete method. I can give more info on this if necessary.

My problem is that on occasion I get a Run-time error 2033. Name conflicts with existing module, project, or object library.

This error doesn't occur all the time, just on occasion, and doesn't always appear to be consistent each time it happens.

This is one of the last errors that need to be worked out prior to releasing this database to a number of users. Any help or explantion would be greatly appreciated.


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Run-Time Error '3134'

Jun 26, 2005

This is my code for the insert into command.
I can't seem to figure whats wrong.

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If Not IsNull(Text96) Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO walkers (Walker, Firstname, Lastname, Date, Visits) VALUES('" & Text96 & "', '" & Firstname & "', '" & Lastname & "', # & Date & #, " & Text98 & ");"
Text96.Value = Empty
Text98.Value = Empty
End If

I believe it has to with the date, if I take the date out it works...

thanks for any help...

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