Grouping / Categorizing And Organizing Access Objects?

Oct 30, 2014

If my database gets quite large is there a way to create various groups under the Queries object? What about Reports, etc?

For example, within Queries, have qryGroup1, qryGroup2, etc.

What about color coding queries?

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Grouping Objects

Mar 9, 2008


can form objects be grouped? i currently have numerous buttons on a form that are shown according to a button selection. my current code makes all buttons visible / invisible singularly but i wiondered if they could be grouped/ named and the get the code to make the group visible / invisible?

many thanks,


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Locking User Access To Database Objects (MS Access 2000 And 2003)

Apr 15, 2007

I have two database applications and they are:
- the (A) application is for administration use.
- the (B) application is for normal users use.

the idea is that: I made the (A) application for administrators who have full control over the database objects (tables, forms, queries, and so on ...).

the (B) application I have created for normal users who will have only to use forms to insert some data and display data only.

but the two applications has a respective table called "vacation request" table. where I linked them, so the both administrators and users can share the data.

The real question is that: How can I prevent the users from seeing the database objects in their application. I used the database options which have helped me in hidding the database objectives when the users open the application, but unfortunately they managed to access to the database objects by pressing the special keys.

I would like to have an access to the (B) application when I want to make some modifications to the forms and then lock it from users where they only have to use the forms for requesting vacations and view the vacations.

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Organizing 7 Tables--Perhaps I'm Going About This All Wrong...

Feb 4, 2005


I work in a library, and it's my job to keep track of information on thousands of journals.

I have seven sources of information--some of them were already on my computer in word or excel form and I converted them for access, and some of them I downloaded from various places we have subscriptions.
My approach so far has been to add the necessary fields to my SuperHoldings table and run updates and appends from the other tables to update and append that one SuperHoldings table. I chose the SuperHoldings table because, true to its name, it was the one with the most records. All of the tables can be related using the Title field.

I'm wondering if perhaps my approach is wrong. Making just one table to use seems like a waste of a database, but I'm not sure how to organize it otherwise. What I want is to be able to go to one central place and see all of this information for each record at once. (That makes 19 total unique fields, plus an optional "Subscription Info" link for EBSCO and Direct titles). (The Notes fields I would want to append into one field together, even though they all have different information--I asked how to do this is a previous post, so I can do it now.)

My problem is that often there are titles in one table that aren't in another table. Let's say that I use SuperHoldings as my primary table, and information about each record is filled in from the other six tables--well, the Project Muse table has some records that aren't in the SuperHoldings table--so if SuperHoldings is the control, then the Project Muse records won't come up unless they're in common with the SuperHoldings records.

I've looked at the way to relate tables, and there isn't an option for Show ALL records of BOTH Tables--combining like records when applicable.

So, that's why I've been adding all of the fields to SuperHoldings, appending whatever titles/records aren't in the Superholdings list, and updating information one table and one field at a time from the other six tables.

Actually, all of that work is pretty much done--but information is going to change on those six tables. I can either update my superholdings table from changes each source sends out and just forget about downloading new versions of the other 6 forever, or I can download new versions periodically and have it updated like that.

If you're confused... well, I'm sorry. I'm confused to.

I'm putting a list of my tables at the end of this. If you have suggestions on how I can organize this, please let me know.

I am on the lookout for workshops or training sessions that I can sign up for to be trained in Microsoft Access, but so far I haven't found any. I think I would prefer an actual classroom setting so I can ask these insane questions and use my hands to make gestures.


My Tables:

Title (Primary Key)
Former Titles
Title Changes
Paper Holdings
Microform Holdings
Closed (Yes/No Box)

TITLE (Primary Key)

Title (Primary Key)
Notes 1
Notes 2
Notes 3
Subscription Info (Group of Fields Only Applicable to EBSCO Titles and not repeated elsewhere.)

Title (Primary Key)
Subscription Info (Group of Fields Only Applicable to Direct Titles and not repeated elsewhere.)

Title (Primary Key)
JSTOR Holdings

Project Muse
Title (Primary Key)
PM Holdings

Title (Primary Key)
EJS Holdings

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General :: Organizing A Drop Down A To Z

May 11, 2015

I have a query that organizes a drop down A-Z. I am looking for a way to organize it A-Z AND Smallest to Largest.

SELECT tblPartNum.PartNumberID, PartNum & ' - ' & PartDesc AS Expr, tblPartNum.Deleted FROM tblPartNum WHERE (((tblPartNum.Deleted)=False)) ORDER BY PartNum & ' - ' & PartDesc;

I need it to sort it out like this

4 digit #'s Ascending
5 digit #'s Ascending
6 digit #'s Ascending
So the list would look like this

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Need Some Help With OLE Access Objects

Feb 13, 2004

I was wondering is anyone could help me with a problem thats been vexing me all day..

I have an Access database that has a number of Word documents stored as OLE objects. What I need to do now is create a macro within Word which, based on a few parameters, retreives these Word Docs from access and formats them into a completed document. The ordering and formating bits fine, where I'm stuck is getting at the OLE objects.

Can anyone give any advice on a possible solution?

Thanks, D

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Access Objects Within A 2nd Database

Jan 4, 2006

Any ideas on how I can get a list of the names of the queries and tables within a different database?

For example, from db1 I want to get a list of the names of the queries and tables within db2.


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Updating Objects In Another Access DB

Sep 25, 2004

I am doing bug and enhancement development for an existing Access Application.

Periodically (after testing) I need to take my changed objects and export them to the production database.

My problems are:
1. Is there any easy way to tell which objects have been changed (is there any flag I can set at the beginning of a development cycle and then check to see which objects have been changed)

2. When exporting these objects they don't replace the existing objects in the Production Database they add a new object with the number "1" appended. If there was a form called "fCustomer Input" I end up with a new form called "fCustomer Input1"

This problem must come up with other development efforts.



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General :: Organizing Import Data For Display?

Jul 7, 2014

I am receiving this file from a supplier to import as a table. The issue is I cant figure out a good way to display the info for each invoice because there are multiple rows corresponding to each invoice number. I wanted to build some type of form where I could search an invoice number and it would pull up the standard invoice format to print such as inv.#, mailing address, linedesc amount and costs of shipping each item. I cant figure out how to get the invoices that have multiple line items to display in a nice format though.,,

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Query Is Re-organizing Data In A Concatenated String

Jan 11, 2012

I'm putting together a shipping database. We scan in a string of barcodes, separate out the Serial Numbers from the Barcode Data, concatenate them together as a string with asterisks as a delimiter and join them together with a date code and manufacturing line identifier. Throughout all of the data manipulations I am able to maintain the Serial Numbers in my table in the order which they were scanned in. The very last function is to concatenate the Serial Numbers and Lot information together into one long string which will then be output to a label creation software. And up to that point, the Serial Numbers are still in the correct order (based on them being linked to an autonumber field in the initial table) Upon the final concatenation, the order of the Serial Numbers is being changed, sometimes 17 out of 18 Serial Numbers will be correctly ordered with just one being randomly placed in the string out of order. Here is the code in SQL that I use for concatenating.

INSERT INTO tempMotorPalletLabel ( PalletLabel )
SELECT DISTINCT tempMotors_to_Warehouse.PalletNumber&"*"&tempMotor s_to_Warehouse.Count&"*"&tempMotors_to_Warehouse.P artNumber + '*' + Replace(Replace(ConcatRelated("SerialNumber","temp Motors_to_Warehouse","PalletNumber='"&PalletNumber &"'"),' ',''),',','*')
FROM tempMotors_to_Warehouse;

And this SQL Query transfers the concatenated string to a table that my Label Software queries for data to create the label with.

INSERT INTO AccessMotorLabelData ( PalletNumber, [Count], PartNumber, PalletLabel )
SELECT DISTINCT tempMotors_to_Warehouse.PalletNumber, tempMotors_to_Warehouse.[Count], tempMotors_to_Warehouse.PartNumber, [tempMotorPalletLabel].PalletLabel
FROM tempMotors_to_Warehouse INNER JOIN tempMotorPalletLabel ON tempMotors_to_Warehouse.PalletLabel=[tempMotorPalletLabel].PalletLabel;

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Batch Deleating Of Access Objects

Nov 17, 2004

I need to update a number of copies of the same application in different locations.

To do this I need to import new objects (ie. 10 forms, 3 queries, 5 macros etc.).

This takes two steps:
1. Delete the objects in the old DB
2. Import the objects into the odl DB from a temp DB that contains the new objects.

Is there any way to batch delete a bunch of objects? Otherwise I have the chance of missing an object and have the import create a replacement object (ie. fUpdateForm1) with the numbver 1,2 3 etc appended.

I can't just swap out the old database and replace it with a new database, and I already have my data linked from anther DB.

Mike Lester

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Two Data Access Objects On Same Web Page

Jun 19, 2007

Is it possible to have a button on a data access web page that saves the record and then refreshes the screen? I have the data access page in data entry mode under page properties, and I want the person entering the data to press the save button, which saves the record and clears the screen for the next record.

I am running this in frames (I currently have 4 frames on the web page) and if you set the button as "add new record" which works for a regular page, with frames, it doesn't clear the screen, but rather puts the data entry form below the original.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

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General :: Creating Database For Indexing / Organizing PDF Documents

Mar 19, 2013

I would like to Create a database for indexing / organizing PDF documents. My Company currently use a 3rd party accounts program and we raise sales and purchases using numerical numbers ( but we can Jump to a new range of numbers within the program) for example if the purchase order numbers become simliar to the sales order numbers. But this 3rd party software does not let us scan documents into it hence the need for an alternative database.

For the data base I was thinking if only creating a index of the sales order numbers to start with. the first few question I have are.

1.) Should I Use the Autonumber as my first index column or should I replace it with our own sales order numbers in that column.

2.) is there a way to autopopulate the sales order numbers in a table for historical sales numbers.

3.) can you scan directly into Access

How to start planning the design off the database as I know this is almost the most important aspect of a database.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Access To Get Data From Excel Objects?

Aug 18, 2014

using VBA in Access and Excel. I have an Excel form that I am using to collect data as the front end and an Access database to house the data as the back end. In my Access database I want to create a module that will open the excel files and retrieve data from Active X combo boxes, option buttons and checkboxes that are on the Excel form. I have been searching for the VBA code to get data from these objects but have not been able to find any examples. How to reference these objects and get the values from the excel form

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Modules & VBA :: Export Different Objects From Another Ms Access Application?

Feb 10, 2015

I want to export different objects (i.e. modules, reports,tables, queries...) from another ms access application. How can I list the objects so I can pick from them and then import them. I know ms access has a wizard and I am looking to do the same but a little different because I have an application that I want to filter my objects by a criteria.

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General :: Is It Possible To Get File Size Of Access Objects

Feb 24, 2014

Is it possible (using the menu or VBA code) to find out the size of the objects in an Access database file?For example if the .accdb file is 300Mb, is there any way of comparing the size of the numerous tables/forms/reports/queries etc, that make up the database?(I know that if I created a new access file and imported the objects from the working database that could give an indication but that would be quite a repetitive process).

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How To Add Linked Tables Objects To This Access Query Output?

Jul 14, 2005

Hi everybody. I got a query that displays object name and object type of access 2000 db. Unfortuenly it dose not display the linked tables objects(linked to tables in acccess 2000 db). could an expert tell me how i can fix this query so it displays linked tables object as well.Thanks

SELECT MsysObjects.Name AS ObjectName, IIf([type]=1 Or [type]=6,"Table","Query") AS ObjectType
FROM MsysObjects
WHERE (((Left$([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left$([Name],4))<>"Msys") AND ((MsysObjects.Type)=1 Or (MsysObjects.Type)=5 Or (MsysObjects.Type)=6) AND ((MsysObjects.Flags)=2097152 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=128 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=0 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=16))
ORDER BY MsysObjects.Name;

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Control Array In Access / Text Boxes As Objects

Apr 13, 2005


Is it possible to simulate a control array in MS Access?

I’m using a restricted version of Access 2000. I can use all normal features but some Active X controls are not licensed and it will not be possible to licence them in time I have available for my project.

I have a form which has 14 combo boxes and 24 text boxes to allow user to choose shift type and enter start and end times of shift. I know in VB 6 I have used control arrays which has vastly simplified the whole code.

I have experimented with treating the text boxes as objects and trying to create a string with the first part of the name and using numbers to differentiate between the textboxes but Access does not seem to like this.

The code I have tried is below:

Dim obTextBox As TextBox
Dim str As String

str = "Forms!frm_Shift_Entry_3!txtFST2"

‘Set obTextBox = Forms!frm_Shift_Entry_3!txtFST
'Set obTextBox = str

obTextBox.Name = "txtFST2"
obTextBox.Value = Format("12:35", "Short Time")
'b = 7
'obTextBox.Name = "txtFST" & b
'obTextBox.Value = Format("17:12", "Short Time")

commented out sections are other options I have tried.

Can anyone point out any mistakes I’m making or advise whether this is possible in Access?



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How To Add Linked Tables Objects To This Access Query Output?

Jul 14, 2005

Hi everybody. I got a query that displays object name and object type of access 2000 db. Unfortuenly it dose not display the linked tables objects(linked to tables in acccess 2000 db). could an expert tell me how i can fix this query so it displays linked tables object as well.Thanks

Code:SELECT MsysObjects.Name AS ObjectName, IIf([type]=1 Or [type]=6,"Table","Query") AS ObjectTypeFROM MsysObjectsWHERE (((Left$([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left$([Name],4))<>"Msys") AND ((MsysObjects.Type)=1 Or (MsysObjects.Type)=5 Or (MsysObjects.Type)=6) AND ((MsysObjects.Flags)=2097152 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=128 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=0 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=16))ORDER BY MsysObjects.Name;

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All Access Objects Tool Bar Opens When Try To Print Form

Jan 30, 2013

Using Access 2010.I purposely disabled the Access Objects to open when the database opens of fear of someone messing with my data. This works. The problem I'm having is when I use the print button (access macro) on one of my forms, as soon as i click the button, the "all access objects" window opens on the left side navigation.Is there a setting that will permanately stop this from opening?

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Navigation Pane / Unrelated Objects - Access 2007

Feb 17, 2013

My Access 2007 database with one main table. There are associated queries and reports that sort under that table when I have tables and related views checked. The problem I am seeing is some clearly related objects fall under unrelated objects and not with the table.

Short of using a custom group and sorting them manually?

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Grouping In Reports In Access

Aug 19, 2004


This is a bit of a stupid problem but I've been trying to get a report in Access that will display data in a certain format but have been having real difficultly getting the grouping right.

This is the SQL query that I've got which gets all the results

SELECT Student.Surname, Student.Forename, Student.Admission_No, Student.Year, Course.Course_Title, Student_Course.Grade, Student_Course.Points, Student_TotalPoints.Total_Points, Student_TotalPoints.Mean_Points, SchoolTotal.School_Total FROM ((SchoolTotal INNER JOIN Student ON SchoolTotal.Year=Student.Year) INNER JOIN (Course INNER JOIN Student_Course ON Course.Course_Id=Student_Course.Course_id) ON Student.Student_id=Student_Course.Student_id) INNER JOIN Student_TotalPoints ON Student_Course.Student_id=Student_TotalPoints.Stud ent_id;

See attachment for results this produces...

I would like to get these results to be displayed like this:

Name Admission No Year Course Grade Points
Dave Jones 1856 2004 Business D 60
RE C 80
Total Points 140
Mean Points 70
Becky Smith 1974 2004 Chemistry A 120
Physics B 100
Total Points 220
Mean Points 110

I know I could do this for a webpage using ASP so there must be somewhere to get the report looking like this in Access....

Any help would be much appreciated...


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Grouping: Data Access Pages

Dec 18, 2007


Putting together some data access pages to display data from tables.

All is good except a property that I do not like, when there are multiple records in the returned recordset from the query to the page, I have grouped these by ID (for example).

Each time you move to next record the display contracts back to just the top level of display, that is with the the ID number displayed in a text box and a "+" to expand it out to see the details of the record under that group.

I would like have it always expanded to show the details of the records as I scroll though the ID numbers (the top level of grouping), rather than having to expand for each ID number to see the details.

Not sure that is clear, but any ideas..........

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Reports :: Access 2007 / Grand Total Field Outside Of Column Grouping?

Sep 19, 2013

I have a report (Access 2007) with multiple totals and subtotals. However, one field, whenever I click "show Grand Total," always shows up all akimbo (out of line with the other grand totals), unbound and without the nifty little blue "grand total bar" above it.

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OLE Objects

Jun 29, 2007


I was wondering...i put a microsoft doc in an OLE Object and in Pages or Form, i'd like to call the object to open up. So if i have a word doc stored in the OLE, i want that word doc opened up using a hyperlink or command button of some sorts, is there a way to do it????

Please help,

Thank you in advance!

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Form Objects...

Jan 28, 2005

Is there a function that allows you to select all of the form objects.

What I want to do is to select all the form objects...have the user select a # from a drop-down list. Then set the font-size property to all of the form objects to that #. Does that make since?

Is this possible?

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