Handling Errors In Subforms And Clearing Data

Jul 8, 2004

Picking up on some previous conversations with people, I have a form (Interconnect Register) within a database that I am trying to add a "cancel" button to which would close the form without saving. I can do this now, but the problem is there is a subform (Sheetsubfrom) within the main form. I have struggled to get the subform data to clear (was trying to use the DIRTY property but it wouldn't work - believe me, spent ages on it!) but have now got the following in place which I thought would work.

Private Sub Command41_Click()
Dim retval As Integer

'Check main form
On Error GoTo Sub_Form:
Forms![Interconnect Register].SetFocus
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70

On Error GoTo Error_Handle:

Forms![Interconnect Register]![SheetSubform].SetFocus
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70

End Sub

The problem has come full circle, in that when nothing has been changed ie nothing to cancel, an error occurs saying "nothing to undo". I believe this is something to do with having an error handling procedure nested within another error handling procedure, as from what I can make out from the help files Access backtracks to the level above. So when I have an error in the Sub_Form part, the whole thing crashes.

Any ideas guys and gals? I could try posting then DB on here if that would help, providing I can zip it up ok



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Forms :: Subforms Randomly Adding Blank Records Not Clearing Fields

Sep 18, 2013

My subforms are randomly adding blank records and one subform I would like to stay blank repopulates with data, though not necessarily the most recently added record. Both of these seem to happen when I navigate to other main records in the database and then return to this page.Using Access 2013, I have a large form with 10 pages. On one of the pages, I have two subforms. This is set up to gather many-to-one data. The top subform is my data entry form with three fields (two combo and a text) and a command button. The bottom subform is a datasheet displaying the three fields.

The two combo boxes are cascading, and they work great. The text box is there to collect additional info for each selection.
The command button works to

1) save the record,
2) requery both subforms in order to display the new data on the datasheet,
3) clear the combo and text boxes, and 4) set focus back to the initial combo box. It all works!

But then when I leave that main record, the horror begins: blank records (from the "many" table) show up on the datasheet and the data entry fields do not stay blank. I suspect my problem is in the command button. I added this code to the OnClick for the command button:


Private Sub addMinistryItems_Click()
'save record
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
'requery both subforms
Forms![BCD MAIN 2013]!Child572.Form.Requery
Forms![BCD MAIN 2013]!Ministries1.Form.Requery


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Clearing Up Data

Mar 21, 2006

Hi all

Im not sure what is the best way to go about this.

I have a table with 8000 records and on one of the fields the department name is wrong. eg should be "Marketing", but some records have the name "Marke" or "Marketi"

Is there an easy way to update this field to add on the missing characters ?

Thanks in advance

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Automatically Clearing Data

Feb 1, 2006

I have been tweaking my friend's database for him. I included some sample data in the main table (ficticious names and addresses etc.) and in a linked table.

I want to leave the sample data in so my friend understands how the database works. However, once he has tested it, he will want to blank those tables (not all tables, though), and reset the primary keys to start from 1 again.

Can I have a button on a form that will do this? Obviously with an OK/cancel message box. If so, how?

The tables are called Main and Workshops.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Date Data Handling

Nov 1, 2004

I have written the following Function as part of an Access program:

Public Function TotalWl() As Long
Dim sqlWL As String
Dim rsWL As Recordset
Dim dbWL As Database
Dim sendlDate As Date
Set dbWL = CurrentDb
sqlWL = "SELECT compul FROM qryStatisticsWL WHERE sendDate between 01/09/2004 and 30/10/2004 " 'this is all written on one line because I do not know how to split it in more than 'one lines
Set rsWL = dbWL.OpenRecordset(sqlWL, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rsWL.EOF Then
TotalWl = rsWL.RecordCount
End If
End Function

When I call this function the result is always 0. The program does not like :
WHERE sendDate between 01/09/2004 and 30/10/2004
I have tried: WHERE sendDate >= 01/09/2004 and sendDate <= 30/10/2004
also: WHERE sendDate >= 01/09/2004 and <= 30/10/2004
I also used single quotes, like '01/09/2004 '
But nothing solved the problem. By the way, thee are data between these two dates.
Any suggestions how to proceed?

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Modules & VBA :: Clearing Textbox After Inputting Wrong Data

Nov 5, 2013

I my form i have a textbox into which the user can enter a value that will serve as criteria in a query.

In the beforeupdate of this textbox there is a check about the validity of the input. If this input is wrong, a message tells the user what's wrong .

In such a case i like to cancel the event but in the same time clearing the textbox.

Canceling isn't a problem, but automatically clearing the wrong input seems not to be so evident.

How can i do that ?

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Modules & VBA :: Clearing Worksheet Before Export Of Filtered Query Data

Jul 8, 2015

I am currently working on a form that exports a query that changes after a user set filter is applied, and am able to get the filter to apply and the query to export. The problem I am having is that the worksheet that the query is copied into retains all previous data, and if the earlier query export included more records, they remain as they were, is there any way of getting them to be blank.

I want to export my query onto a worksheet that has current data, need to delete current data or delete worksheet so that only the selected data is shown.

My code currently is:

Private Sub Command67_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strFile As String
Const strcStub = "SELECT NomT.shkFirstName, NomT.shkSurName, NomT.shkCompanyName, NomT.shkAdd1, NomT.shkAdd2, NomT.shkPostCode, NomT.shkRegion, NomT.shkCountry, NomT.shkAdd3" & " FROM NomT" & vbCrLf
With Me.FilterSub.Form

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Handling Large Amount Of Data In Memo Field

Jun 9, 2013

My DVD library database I have a memo field which has the description of the movies.

In some cases, like my tv show records, I have a lot of data because of the episodes and episode descriptions.

I'm currently displaying this data using a split form with the datasheet on the left

I must use a small font in the memo field in order to display all data.

I could use a larger font and simply scroll but I'm looking for an alternative.

I've even thought of creating a hyperlink filed and point to the movie on IMDB's web site. But when I click the link nothing happens even though I copied and pasted the link into the field.

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Field Data Type Errors.

Aug 22, 2005

Access 2002/2003. I have inherited an old Access 2000 database where one of the fields in the table had a Number data type with TEXT in it. I noticed the wrong data type and I change it to text. All appeared OK until I attached a combo box to this field. When clicking in or opening the combo box in any row in this table with the old text, I get an error message: "The value you entered isn't valid for this field. For example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is larger than the FieldSize setting permits." This field has about 3,000 records in it, and it appears to be corrupted and a permanent numeric field, I have tried everything to fix it: Compact and Repair; Import, append, and update this field into another table/field and I cannot get rid of the error message. How do I get that Number field finally and completely converted into a TEXT field? Anyone got any ideas? Thank-You! :o

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Errors Importing External Data

Sep 9, 2005

I have a table that needs to be refreshed with new data monthly. The table has extensive relationship links to other tables. The new data comes to me in a spreadsheet.

I am tying to import the data from the spreadsheet into this existing access table, but errors halt the import. The fields in the spreadsheet are the exact same as in the access table. I am trying to accomplish this task with the Get External Data, Import wizard.

The strange thing is I can import the excel data into a new table without any problems. I then override the old table with the newly created one. The problem with is I have to severe all the relationships before doing so which is a real pain and a cumbersome process

If you can offer any advice, it would really help out

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Sub Reports With No Data - How Do I Catch And Prevent Errors In Calculations

Jun 15, 2004

I have come across this problem several times. I have sub reports on a report and calculations are done using the data in the sub report. In many instances the subreport is empty. The calculated fields read #error. (otherwise the report runs well and records with data calculate fine) I would like to hide these errors and associated labels when the subreport is empty. Everything I have tried either does nothing (error still appears in text box - but runs ok otherwise) or I get a runtime error since it is trying to access "nothing" in the sub report.
How can I catch and therefore react on this empty sub report. (or subform too)

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Eliminating Keypunching Errors Through Redundant Data Entry?

Oct 15, 2007

I work with an Access database with about 20 tables that requires considerable manual data entry. Although it is time consuming, the bigger problem is the keypunching errors that inevitably occur. A colleague of mine said that some databases can be set up so that two (or more) individuals can enter the same data into the database (basically creating two separate, temporary databases). At the conclusion of this double data entry, the two databases can be compared to see where they differ so that corrections can be made...the logic being that it's extremely unlikely two people entering the same data independently will make the same keypunching error in the same field.

Just wondering if Access has this capability, or if a reasonable facsimile of this approach exists.


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Identify Errors Preventing Data From Importing From Access To Excel

May 1, 2014

I have been consistently getting an error almost every month when I try to load some data that has been input into access, then I have it linked to an excel sheet so that whenever I refresh, the access data imports into excel and updates my pivots, charts, etc.

When my data entry ppl enter data, sometime they forget to enter a code, or something, and when they forget to enter that, it creates some kind of error in the query. The query still runs in access, but shows something similar to " #ERROR#" in the field IF I ever do find it in the access query. The issue is that I cant filter to find that error. I literally have to scan and scroll through thousands of lines of data to try and find this error. When I try to refresh the data in excel, the following error message pops up;

"Data could not be retrieved from the database. Check the database server or contact your database administrator. Make Sure the external database is available, and then try the operation again."

In past months I can usually find the #ERROR# by scrolling through access and finding it. Some months I have EXTREME trouble finding the error. It can take hours out of my work day. Is there any way to more easily identify which line these errors are in rather than scrolling through thousands of lines of data? Is there a way to still export the data to excel with the errors still in them?

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Modules & VBA :: Errors With Custom Filter - Data Full Of Records With Multiple Columns

Sep 11, 2013

Custom filter I'm trying to set up. I have a data full of records with multiple columns and a form linked up to it. The form has a search box that works as well as navigation buttons.

Currently I am trying to get a filter to work. The filter will use up to five combo foxes to narrow down the fields, then return the filtered records after clicking a button. The button itself is where my code is. My issue now though is I cannot get the filter to work if I try to use more than one combo box.

The code I have at the moment is as follows:
' cmdApplyFilter_Click
Private Sub cmdApplyFilter_Click()

Me.Filter = "[Asset Group] = " & Me.cmbFilter1 & "" And "[Location] = " & Me.cmbFilter4 & ""
Me.FilterOn = True

End SubThe current error I am getting is Error 13: Type mismatch. I also know that the And might be the cause but I cannot change it to AND: it keeps changing back.

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Add Data From Two Subforms Into One Record.

Sep 9, 2005

I have two subforms on a tabbed page. Both subforms read/write data from the same table. The first subform is in dataset view and consists of 5-6 fields on the line containing class information. The second subform consists of two memo-type fields where users can enter comments. The fields from both subforms should be written to the same record in the table. The problem is that
the information from the second subform is being written to a different table record; it is creating a new autonumber. The data is being written to two separate records instead of being combined into one.

How do I link the two subforms so that the data gets written to the same record in the table so that the class information and it's related comments stay together?

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Tabs, Subforms And No Data!

Jul 5, 2006

I have a form with two tabs... Its record source is Person and Account.
The main tab has a load of fields relating to the person and the other tab is meant to show the bank accounts that the person has in a subform. However if there is no bank account for the person then nothing will show in either the subform or on the person tab.

I have checked throughly to see if there is anything saying
SELECT Person.*, Account.* WHERE PersonName = etc
which would only get the account and person details if personname was there.

The form is accessed by means of a search form which opens the form like so.
DoCmd.openForm "PersonAccount", , , "[PersonName] = '" & personName.Value & "'"

So any ideas why nothing at all shows not even the Person details?

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Forms :: Take Data From A Form With Many Subforms

Dec 6, 2013

I need to take data from a form with many sub-forms. The letter has to be in word to allow for edits. Its an appointment letter, however is has a table with 1-100 lines.I need to be able to add the name, address, date of appointment and table with however many lines are needed for that client.I can get the table to work by itself or the name, address and date of appointment but not both.

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Updating Subforms As Data Is Added/deleted

Sep 6, 2005

I'm new to form design and do not know any VBA (but that won't stop me from messing with the code when need be).

I'm creating a form that will serve as the user-interface for viewing, adding, and deleteing data.

The product I want is a form with 3 items: a subform that displays data in a table (so users can see all the data), a button that links to a second form for adding data, and a button that allows users to delete data.

I've gotten close to accomplishing this with the exception of the delete option. The hang-up is due to the fact that the subform that displays all the data is the output of a query (can't delete data through the query). A friend who used to work with Access years back was trying to solve this issue by writing code that would identify the primary key of the record selected in the subform/query and then adding code that would use this extracted primary key to delete the record in the original table.

This seems like a slightly convoluted approach. Any suggestions how I can get the product I'm looking for?


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Forms :: Subforms And Many To Many Relationships - Data Not Retained

Jun 4, 2013

I have created a form with two subforms. The context of this is a litigation database. The main form is for testimony. Among other things, it includes a field for a question and an answer. Any given piece of testimony may relate to one or more documents, and any document may be referenced in one or more pieces of testimony. So have two subforms, one for documents produced by the Plaintiff, and one for documents produced by the Defendant. It worked out easier that way because I originally created indices of those documents in separate Excel tables which I then imported to Access.

So the relationship for both document tables relative to the testimony table is many to many, which is established using two junction tables.

I also have a combo box in each subform where I can autofill fields based on selection of the document number.

My problem is that while the combo-box works great, once I select a document in the subform, that selection is carried over into the next entry of the master form, but also the selection is not retained in any of the master forms. So I can browse the document listing from any entry in the master form, but I can't get the document selection in the subform to stick and create a lasting relationship to a given record in the master form.

Is my problem that it is just impossible to have a subform based on a many to many relationship, or is it in the parent child relationship of the form and subform, or is it in the properties of the subform?

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Tables :: Corresponding Data In Combo Boxes And Subforms?

Sep 27, 2013

I have a field showing who equipment is being distributed to pulling data from my US Employee table. If I make it to only the last name from my lookup

(SELECT [US Employees].[Last Name], [US Employees].[First Name], [US Employees].[Dept] FROM [US Employees] ORDER BY [Last Name], [First Name], [Dept])

I can also view the equipment listed under the individual it is assigned to on a subform on my US Employee table. If I try to have the first and last name displayed on my Equipment table, however,

(SELECT [US Employees].[Last Name]&", "& [US Employees].[First Name], [US Employees].[Dept] FROM [US Employees] ORDER BY [Last Name], [First Name], [Dept]; )

it will not display under the individual on the US Employee table. Is there a way around this without having to combine the fields on the employee table or separate them on the equipment table?

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Adding Data To Multiple Tables With Subforms

Mar 2, 2015

I am new to access but I am familiar with SQL databases. I have two tables: one for project data and another for project leader data. These tables are linked by a third table that relates projectIDs to leaderIDs. I am currently working on making a form that will go through each project and display the people involved in each project in a subform. I pulling the data from the the leader table that matches the the projectID with a query.

I would like to be able to update the information in this subform directly (which I can currently do) and be able to add new project leaders to a project. What is the best way to add the new leader to this? If a person is already in the database how do I add them with the form without re-adding new information to the table?

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Tearing Hair Out - Data Entry Forms/Subforms

Jun 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

The asset managment system I have been developing is due to go live next week and I am really struggling with the data entry and search forms.

I have attached a picture of the main form (and outlined each subform) to give you an idea of my project.
The attached form is actually a Main Equipment Type Detail form with a child subform AssetMain which has a number of child subforms i.e. Asset Details, Purchase Details etc.

When a user clicks to add a new asset a popup form asks them to select an equipment type i.e. PC. When they click it opens the attached form. Their selection filters the equipment type detail values in the combo i.e. Laptop, Tower, Server etc.
When a value is then selected in the combo you can then add an asset for that equipment type detail. (One Equip Type > Many Equip Type Detail > Many Assets)

1st Problem)
I have set the Asset Main subform to allow additions only. When the whole form opens, the Equipment Type combo (at the top) does not display a value but does actually contain the first value.
How do I force my user's to select a value in the combo before it actually filters the child subform?

2nd Problem) The Asset Main Subform (filtered by selected Equip Type) should only be used for data entry. I set the data entry property of the form to True but when the value in the Equip type combo changes, it displays all the relating records in the subform. My only solution so far is to stick

Subform.DataEntry = True
in the Equip Type combo's after update event. However, this doesnt look to good as it flashes up with the data and then displays a blank record.
Any ideas?

3rd problem) Due to the fact that I am using a number of subforms, my tab order is such that values are entered for the main form (i.e. ID, Condition) then subforms (i.e. manufacturer) then back to the main form (i.e. allocated to). This means that:
a) I am having problems validating the record beforeinsert as I have had to change the required property to "no"
b) Once the user has tabbed through all the forms what is the best way to go to a new record? Alternatively if I add a new record button I need to check that the necessary fields have been filled in (on all of the forms/subforms).

and finally the 4th)
I have a search form that queries the assets. The search results are displayed in a list box. When you dblclick the list box I need to show the asset details.
Question: Can I use the above form to do this? My only problem is that I need to open the AssetMain form which is a sub form in the above. If I try and use the existing form it will not open as many of the controls refer to the form as a subform. Do you think I need to create a separate form for showing the data to entering it?

Would really appreciate some help (not that you havent heard that before :) )
My head is going to pop in a minute!!!


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How To Link Subforms To Other Subforms On An Unbound Form

Feb 4, 2006

I forum could someone tell me:

I have an unbound form on that form I want to put three sub forms one on a products table the other on a course start dates table and the link table that joins the other two together. all three are related to each other with Pk/FK links.

When I try to link them it says you cannot link items on an unbound form.

regards in advance

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Forms :: Lock / Unlock Form AND Subforms From Editing Data

Mar 24, 2014

I have a form with several subforms within (tabbed subforms). I've used the code:

In the Current event of the parent form -

Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False
Me.AllowAdditions = False

In the Current event of each of the subforms -

Me.AllowEdits = Me.Parent.AllowEdits
Me.AllowDeletions = Me.Parent.AllowDeletions
Me.AllowAdditions = Me.Parent.AllowAdditions

In the Click event of the button -

Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True
Me.AllowAdditions = True

So the main form is locked upon opening and unlocked with the click of an unlock button. How to apply this to the subforms as well. They just stayed unlocked the whole time.

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General :: Make Mainform Field Required To Enter Data Into Subforms?

Aug 7, 2015

I need to make my mainform fields required before any data can be entered into subforms. Mainform and Subforms are linked with LinkMaster Child ID. This should only be applied in this form.

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Clearing A Field........

Apr 28, 2005

Hi All, I'm looking for a simple way to clear a all of a specific field in a table (check box). I've put a control on the form but I'm not sure what/how to make it work. Any ideas/suggestions welcome. Thanks, Tim

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