Help!!! Calculating Times In A Database

Nov 9, 2005


I need to calculate to times in a data base

Table: Times

leaving time 07:30

Interval 02:30

I did this calculation in a query: Time: [Times]![leaving time] - [Times]![Interval]

Both fields are in SHORT TIME

When I run the query I get: Time = 0.208333333333333

What am I doing wrong????

Please help!


Ean James

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Queries :: Number Of Hours - Calculating Difference Between Times

Jun 23, 2014

I am starting to create a resourcing database that needs to be able to work with dates and times and perform calculations on them.

I need to work out the number of hours. I have two date/time fields Day_Start_Time and Day_End_Time. I want to calculate the difference between the two in hours and then multiply by the number of working days.

I tried this: Number_Of_Hours: DateDiff("hh",[Day_Start_Time],[Day_End_Time])*[Number_of_days]

But get #Func! when I run the query.

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Queries :: How To Input Race Times As Duration In Access Database

Aug 30, 2014

I am creating an access database for the results of my triathlon times and I am having trouble with the race results. Based on some information I found here, I am using number fields for the swim, bike and run times because I want to do calculations and also sort them and it doesn't sort properly if they are text.I have created separate fields for the hours, minutes and seconds for each of them.

Now I am trying to make a calculated field to convert the numbers to the following..For a swim time, I want to convert it to the time per 100m. I have the calculation for that, but the result gives me the decimal portion and not the actual seconds portion and I am stuck. Here is what I have so far :

Sw100m: (([SwMin]+([SwSec]/60)+[SwHr]/60)*100/750)

So as you can see I have added up all the number to get the total number of minutes and then converted to the minutes per 100m (the race is 750m). And the result gives me 3.31. But the .31 is a decimal and I want to have seconds which is 18 seconds. I know how to do the calculation on paper but I don't know how to change my formula to fix this. On paper I have to multiply .31 x 60. But how do I refer to the decimal portion of the number and modify my formula? how to input race times as duration in an access database.

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Forms :: Create A Counter To Log How Many Times A User Login To Database

May 22, 2013

I have made a very simple log on form that requires the user to type in a user name and password. The user name and passwords are stored in a table. New users are added to this table to allow access to the database.

Is there a way I can add a counter to see how many times a particular user has logged onto the database?

Is there a way to make the password expire every 365 days requiring the user to reactivate their account and log in details.

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Calculating New Fields In Access Database

Nov 20, 2007

I am working on a system to store financial information. I will be extracting our accounts payable journal entries on a monthly basis into Excel. I want to import that data into an Access table. I have several calculations to perform to create new datafields that I need to store in my Access table. Is it possible to perform these calculations as I load the data? If so what the best method to do this? Here is an example. I will be downloading our monthly hardware depreciation and need to split it among departments based on % stored in another Access Table.

Thank you for any help you can provide me.


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Queries :: Stock Database - Calculating Sum In Query?

Apr 17, 2015

I have been working on a stock database for my company. It needs to hold stock data, Any adjustments in the storesperson may do (QtyIn or Out). And allow Customer PO's to be raised (just to show prices and quantites sold to customers)

I have 4 Tables:

PartNumber (Primary Key)


I then want to create a query to work out the total stock.

At the moment i have two queries, one to Sum the adjustments and one to sum the PO's. (The stock is not removed from the Customer PO until invidual line is shipped)

I then need to combine both these queries to work out the total stock value.

There will always be a value in the Sum of Adjustments but not in the Customer PO. So when i run the query to =SumofAdjustments - SumofCustomerPO's, if there is no record in the SumOfCustomerPo's, no value will appear.

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Database Design - Calculating Profits / Earnings

Sep 2, 2011

My Database is for a service-based industry. I repair video game consoles.

Relevant Tables:

I'm not using Access' 'relationship' feature but rather am handlign my relationships manually through VisualBasic. For example, my ConsoleT has:

ConsoleID, CustomerID (to link), ConsoleType, SerialNumber, DVDserial, Model, Notes, IsActive

One Customer can have many Consoles. Each Console can have multiple WorkOrders for every time I do work on that particular Console.

I've designed my WorkOrderT to include all the same fields as both CustomerT and ConsoleT. That way all data is preserved in case the Customer say sells his/her console to somebody else. I don't want my database to Cascade change all the WorkOrder data associated with that previous customer. make sense? If not... example:

Peter buys xbox 360 and brings to me to get DVD fixed. I now have a Workorder entry that reflects work done.

Peter sells xbox to Geoff.

Geoff bring same 360 to get Red Ring of Death reballed. I will enter Geoff as a new customer, and make new workorder associated with Geoff's name. The previous DVD drive repair WorkOrder will still stay associated with Peter.

Where should I put information like "Profits", "Income" i.e. Money related stuff. The way I currently have it is that I input the value paid on each invidivual Workorder. It calculates the cost and profit on each Workorder.

Accomplished by putting things like: =([subtotal])*([TaxRate]) in the control Source. Will this kind of thing bog down my database once it starts to get large?

Should ALL calculations stay in queries? I.e. Only do calculations when using a query. Is having a query that calculates things like profits a good way of storing that sort of data? Should I be storing profits/money data into a ProfitsTable separately.

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Queries :: Calculating And Returning Values From External Database?

Jan 2, 2014

I have created a link to a CRM system that we have, and am using access as an interface for a specific task with the data contained within this CRM.

I have written a query that pulls to fields of data together but cannot get the two to calculate.

Within SQL server management studio I use the following query to give me a numerical response.


Access doesn't appear to accept the cast functionality / how I can perform a similar functionality with access?

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Forms :: Attendance Tracking And Fees Calculating For Gym Database

Apr 11, 2013

I'm creating a Gym Database and need to be able to track attendance for specific classes. I need to have a system in place allowing me to do a register for attendance for each activity.

I also need to be able to calculate fees based on attendance. So if a person attended Gym 5 times in the month (£5 per session) and then Swimming 3 times in the month (£2 per session). My system should automatically calculate this based on the attendance tracking.

Also: In the booking stage, I need to have a field telling me how many spaces are left on each activity. Say for example I'm booking Person 99 in for Swimming and there is only 11 places left I need the field to display 11 places left. After that booking it should update saying 10 places left because Person 99 is booked in.

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Queries :: Utilization Database - Calculating Hours Minutes From Decimal

Apr 23, 2015

I'm working on a utilization database and pulling Excel data from Cognos 8. I use Access formulas to separate hours and minutes because I want to use time (.30, .45 (minutes)) instead of quarterly increments (.25, .50). I've successfully segregated hours, because I also have to turn days into hours. When I try to calculate out a column just for minutes, my formula keeps the number of days and I don't know how to fix it so the column just shows the minutes.

An example is a job has a decimal time of 2.02083333, which when done correctly is 48 hours and 30 minutes. I get the 48 hours correct, but the minutes shows as 2.30 instead of 0.30. That inflates the total job time to 50.30. This is the calculation currently in my database to pull out minutes:

Minutes: Int(([Min]60)24) & "." & Format([Min] Mod 60,"00").

How do I get rid of the '2' in the 2.30?

Access 2010

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Queries :: Time Sheet / Payroll Database - Calculating Total Daily Hours

Feb 18, 2014

Access Query. I am creating a time sheet / pay roll database and I want to be able to get a total of the daily hours in a query.

For example I have 'Mon Start' and 'Mon Finish' for Mondays in/out times and I have a 'Mon Total' which gives me the total hours worked for Monday.

The problem I have is that Mon Total only works if the hours are say between 07:00 and 17:00, anything after midnight (00:00) like 21:00 to 07:00 and 'Mon Total' goes crazy !!

At the moment 'Mon Total' is the result of CDate 'Mon Finish' - 'Mon Start' (bit rough I know).

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Changing Times???

Jan 5, 2006

We use a device called a site master to test frequency levels across a system. This device stores plots onto graphs which are then downloaded onto an Access (95) database. When the plots are captured before they are put into the database they are time and date stamped among other things. When I open the Database in access I can go into the fields and physically change each of the dates. Yet when I use the site master software to open the database the Time and Date stamp appear at the bottom as the original values and not the changed values that I have assigned. Also when you right click the plots table and go to the properties. The created and modified dates have stayed as the originals. What I would like to be able to do is adjust this date. And what I would like to know is this possible??? Is it like a Windows File 'System' that is giving this date or is it a function in Access that can be changed?

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Extracting Times

May 17, 2005

I've got a field in a table called GenTime. It is in a Date/Time format, like 5/16/2005 7:00:00 PM.

What I need to do is extract from this field the time, like 7:01:00 PM to 7:59:00 PM. I just can't seem to make it work?? :(


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Overlapping Times

May 10, 2007

Here's a good one for the experts...

I have a query that sums downtime on equipment. The problem that I came across is that there can be multiple status items open up on the same piece of equipment. When the restored time on one status item occurs after the down time of another, the query still adds the total down time of both status items which is giving me greater downtime than there actually is.

Is there a workaround for this?


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Queries :: Sum Between Two Times

Nov 22, 2013

I work for a chemical company, over the course of the day there are 2 shifts, one from 07:00 - 19:00 and the other from 19:00 - 07:00. I want to measure the amount of time a piece of equipment has been offline for, and Sum these times for each shift, these pieces of equipment can go offline multiple times per day which is why I need the sum function. The fields I currently have are:

[Date1] : The date at which it went offline
[Time] : The time at which the piece of equipment went offline
[Duration] : The length of time it was offline for

For each day I wish to sum the offline time in two fields called:

[Shift 1]: The previous nights shift (between 7pm the day before and 7am that day).
[Shift 2]: The days shift (between 7am and 7pm that day).

Where to begin but the logic should be something like:

[Shift 1] = Sum of [Duration] For(([Date1]-1 and [Time] between 19:00 and 23:59) And ([Date1] and Time between 00:00 and 07:00))

[Shift 2] = Sum of [Duration] For([Date1] and [Time] between 07:00 and 19:00)

I currently have two tables storing all this data, one containing [Date1], and another containing the breakdown information such as [Duration], [Time] etc. They are linked by the [Date1] relationship. The reason for the first table only having the [Date1] field is because it is a Main Form which contains various sub-forms.

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Queries :: Between Two Times Within IF

Mar 29, 2014

I am trying to build a query that depending on the value stored in a combo box called SHIFT, either lists all the entries that have been made by our dayshift (07:00-19:00) or our night shift (19:00-07:00)

Each of these components work if I seperate them out

IIf([forms]![FRMFRame74]![SHIFT]=1,Between #07:00:00# And #19:00:00#,Between #19:00:01# And #23:59:59# And Between #00:00:00# And #06:59:59#)

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Midpoint Of Two Times?

Jun 21, 2014

A function I can use to calculate the midpoint between two times? (i.e. starting point, plus the total hours divided by 2)

11PM to 4AM = 1:30AM

4PM to 5PM = 4:30 PM

7PM to 9:30PM = 8:15PM

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Dealing With Large Times

Oct 12, 2005

I have a database that keeps track of training hours for each employee. The Training Length is formated as Short Time. I just figured out that short time can only go up to 23:59:59. Some of my trainings will be over that. Does anyone know a way to get around other than splitting up my hours and Mins in the table?

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Need To Loop .wav File Three Times

May 19, 2006

Need to loop .wav file three times. (See "Sound") (Not tagged in origional code.)

Private Sub Address_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Address.BackColor = 16777215
On Error Resume Next

'If there is no matching record in communications do nothing.
If IsNull(DLookup("[address]", "communications", "[address]='" & replacequote(Me![Address]) & "'")) Then
Exit Sub
End If

'Make button visable and activate alert beep.
Command1796.Visible = True

PlaySound "H:GeneraldmediaBEEP_FM.wav", ByVal 0&, SND_FILENAME Or SND_ASYNC

End Sub

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Calculations Between Date And Times

Mar 8, 2007


In MS Access i'm trying to calculate the difference between one date time to another. for example

26/04/2007 09:00 am
07/03/2007 10:30 am (Current date time)

This should work out the:


I did want this to be shown on a form


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Adding Times To Get A Total.

Apr 4, 2006

Just practicing at the moment, but i have a query that stores durations in hoursminutesseconds

Anyway i want the query to add these times up and give me a total. For example 01:00:00 and 01:00:00 would total up to 02:00:00. Hoever when i use the sum function within the query, i get 0.0833333333333333.

Any idea why and do i have to format the field within the query to recognise it as a Time and not a number?

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How Do I Find The Difference Between 2 Times

May 12, 2006

Hi, I have the following expression in my query;

Worked Hours: DateDiff("h",[Start Time],[Finish Time])-[Breaks]

Start time and finish time appear as hh:mm and breaks is stored as a decimal i.e. 15min is 0.25, 30min is 0.5, 1 hour is 1.

The expression works fine when e.g Start 07:00 Finish 17:00 with breaks as 30min(0.5) gives the correct value of 9.5 hours worked but if the finish time was say 17:30, rather then show the correct value of 10 hours worked, it shows the wrong value of 9.5.

Could someone please tell me where I have one wrong and how to sort the problem, or offer me a different solution.


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How To Calculate Times Across Midnight.

Jan 15, 2007

Calculate time across midnight in ms access


I have created a database to store patient arrival date, arrival time and departure time.

I am trying to set up a query to calculate the total waiting time for each patient from arrival time to departure time.

At the minute I can calculate the total waiting time in minutes by:

Minutes: DateDiff("n",[Time Arrived],[Time Left Department])

and the total waiting time in hours and minutes by the following:

Waiting Time: [Minutes]60 & Format([Minutes] Mod 60,":00")

But this does not work accross midnight, as it gives a negative time for anyone seen before midnight and discharged after midnight.

Any help much appreciated.

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Asking Me For The Same Info Multiple Times

Feb 9, 2007

I am really new at access 2003 and queries s forgive me if this question is really dumb/simple/ goes

I created a query where I ask the user to provide the info for the date range..<[Before date]

it worked fine.

I then added something to the database and ran it again and it now asks me for my date not once, but twice..i then copy and paste query with a new name and it asks me for the same info 4 times

Help me please..Thanks

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Sorting Records By Times

Jan 23, 2008

ok so im not sure how to explain this but ill give it my best shot.

I have an excel sheet that has a list of order info. heres a sample of what it looks like:

70144:37.0Starting order split <34010993;01>gregory_pm34010993
70245:16.0Script complete for <34010993;0106>Rx <24073318>gregory_pm34010993
70103:37.0Starting order split <34010995;01>knox_br34010995
70204:26.0Script complete for <34010995;0101>Rx <24239630>knox_br34010995
70126:49.0Starting order split <34011015;01>flander_ar34011015
70232:09.0Script complete for <34011015;0101>Rx <24008174>flander_ar34011015
70134:01.0Starting order split <34011015;01>flander_ar34011015
70127:08.0Starting order split <34011061;01>flander_ar34011061
70227:26.0Script complete for <34011061;0105>Rx <24240139>flander_ar34011061
70227:55.0Script complete for <34011061;0103>Rx <24240083>flander_ar34011061
70152:00.0Starting order split <34011173;01>parker_tp34011173
70252:46.0Script complete for <34011173;0101>Rx <24071140>parker_tp34011173
70103:35.0Starting order split <34011369;01>sexton_pa34011369
70204:00.0Script complete for <34011369;0101>Rx <24240569>sexton_pa34011369
70149:02.0Starting order split <34011668;01>knox_br34011668
70250:59.0Script complete for <34011668;0104>Rx <21441348>knox_br34011668
70134:20.0Starting order split <34011764;01>hicks_jo34011764
70234:44.0Script complete for <34011764;0102>Rx <22787965>hicks_jo34011764
70235:06.0Script complete for <34011764;0101>Rx <22787933>hicks_jo34011764
70236:11.0Script complete for <34011764;0103>Rx <22788283>hicks_jo34011764
70156:45.0Starting order split <34011855;01>knox_br34011855
______^this line is the time

ok so here is my problem. I need two records, one for the start of the order(the earilest time) and one for the closing of the order(the latest time). I also need the time inbetween the two.


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Combo Box - Using Multiple Times

Sep 7, 2006

Hi again everyone,
With help on my first question Ive now got my cascading combo boxes working to a stage that shows all the information I need,

Currently Ive got 4 cbs and they work bring in and updating depending on what is selected in the previous etc etc.

combo1 = 2
combo2 = 5
combo3 = null
combo4 = null

how can I tell it to use combo2 since there is no values selected in 3 and 4

Ive currently got the combo boxes in a form of their own, basically in my main form Id like to be able to click on a button to update a value, and then it will bring up the form for the combo boxes, then id select the values till I had what i needed, and then it would fill in the value on the main form with my selection from the combo boxes,

to make it abit harder, on the main page, there is 3 values that will need to get their value from the combo boxes, will that just mean I have to make 3 forms with the combo boxes in them, one for each of the values on the main page, or could I just have one form and maybe put a button saying (Use this Selection for Value 1)(Use this Selection for Value 2) etc etc.

Ive looked through the net alot and cant seem to find any examples that suit my question... but if anyone knows of a good example that would be awesome.

Cheer Ezy

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