Help! Database Doesnt Open And Comes Up With Error Message About Compacting And DAO!
Jan 23, 2008
the following error message appears when trying to access my database. I can't seem to get into it at all, not even by trying to import the data tables over into a new database. the following message appears:
"The database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft Access by using the DAO Compact Database method instead of Convert Database Command on the Tools Menu. This has left the database in a partially converted state. If you have a copy of the original format use the convert Database on the Tools menu to convert it. If the original database is no longer available, create a new database and import your tables and queries to preserve your data. Your other database applications can't be recorded''..
the copy and the back up wont let me in either, this just suddenly happened.
I am trying to make changes to a particular field in Access but whenever I try to do this, I get an error messsage saying that Microsoft Jet Database Engine Stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.
There is no once accessing the database at this time and this error message appears only when I go to that specific field. I've also tried to delete the whole row but it wouldn't allow me to do that saying the program has been locked.
please help I am working with access database I have limited experience with access. I am unable to figure this particular problem. Microsoft access can't append all the records in the append Query microsoft access set 0 field to null set to convertion failure and didn't add 2 to records to the table due key violation 0 record due to key lock violation
please help I am working with access database I have limited experience with access. I am unable to figure this particular problem. Microsoft access can't append all the records in the append Query microsoft access set 0 field to null set to convertion failure and didn't add 2 to records to the table due key violation 0 record due to key lock violation
After compacting my Access2000 database it usually is impossible to add new records. The automatic counter does not continue with a new value but seems to have "forgotten" some of the recently added records and tries to use a value that is already allocated. After pressing <ESC> the next value is applied and so - after adding and escaping the appropriate times - it finally reaches a valid new value and the record is accepted. Ugly workaround. Any known solution?
I have a live db running on a VPN network (FE/BE both centrally located on a main server , users 'view' their own personal front end through the VPN tunnel) ) and have recently provided a new updateto the FE. Until this time , most users were problem free but one persisted in getting the above error message. Now the new update is in place , they all get it, and this is when no one else is using the db and a single user logs in and tries to use the system. I guess it must be an internal fault ( ie my fault ) but then why does it work for some and not for others?. It also works no problem on my system at home. The user runs Access 2000 and the db was developed in 2003 ( default file format 2000) Any help most appreciated Thanks in advance.
I attempted to add new queries, reports, and a form to a shared database. It bombed out and I found that a user was changing data in the tables at the same time.
Now I cannot access the database at all (front or backend) and receive the error message: “The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time”. (I have verified that no users are currently logged in.)
Access to the data is critical to my department and I’m scrambling to fix this. Can anyone assist me? Thanks!
I built a form—frmDataEntry—whose Record Source is a query called qryEvent, which contains various fields from tblEvent. The primary key field is called EventID.
I also build a subform—sfmDataEntry—whose Record Source is a query called qryEventImages, which contains various fields from tblItem. One of those fields is ItemEventLink, which links records from tblItem to the EventID field in tblEvent. There is also an image box in this subform: filling in the field ImageFile with an image name (example: Logo.jpg) causes that image to display in the image box.
I’ve inserted the subform into the form using the Subform Wizard. Now I’m getting an error message that says "2450: Microsoft Access cannot find the reference form ‘sfmDataEntry’." Why this is popping up. The Link Master Fields and Link Child Fields sections of the property sheet are filled in correctly. Moreover, the subform records are still appearing, but the images linked to each record aren’t loading.
I routinely export queries etc from my development database to the 'live' master database used by users. Every so often I get the error message 'The database Mydatabase.accdb is read only'. Then I can't export anything to it. I don't know why it should suddenly become read only. How do I make the database changeable, and not read only?
I have a .mdb password protected with all types of objects (tables, queries, forms, reports, codes, functions, modules, etc) they too are password protected in VB, the .mdb works fine but when I tried to repair and compact the database from the menu tools option, very recently it started giving me the message of database has been corrupted and requires tobe backedup before proceeding with the repair options and the log report of this corrupted .mdb file is to be sent to microsoft for the review.
In short i am not able to compact the Database though it works fine - but the moment I try to compact it gives me this problem - I am worried and concerned as its looks good but what happening in the background can anyone in here sugguest the remedy or the precautionary measures.
This file is on the network shared by min 2 person at the same time.
At work we have a database that is about 60mb and whenever we try to compact and repair it access crashes. Anyone know why it does this or whether it even matters?Thank you! tim
I am aware that there are a lot of existing threads relating to compacting and repairing but I cant seem to find what I am looking for. Basically, I developed a complaints database for my employers and it is used by around 45 people at any one time. The database was one of firt I built so it is not the best and is serious bloatware. Our server management team gave me an ear bashing the other day because the BE was 145MB. I did a compact and repair which took it to 45MB. The problem is that I need to do this daily but it involves kicking everyone out of their linked FE so the BE can be compacted/repaired. As an interim measure before I rebuild the whole thing I am going to schedule a database to open that will compact and repair the Complaints Database BE. Can anyone tell me the code to use to compact another database other than the one I am using. I have been looking at the code in other posts but I cant get it to work. The code I was looking at is the DBEngine.CompactDatabase... but I dont understand what comes after this and why??
I had someone write some code to access an Access database. The code works with the database as is, however if I choose to compact & repair the database to minimize its size, the code no longer works. What could be different about the database once it's been minimized using the database utilities?
Thanks, Rick
P.S. Does compacting the database make it more responsive to users on the web that query the database, or doesn't it much matter?
hi i get the error "The database is already opened exclisively by another user" after running the following code. i ran the same code under the same conditions on my home pc and it worked fine.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim dbs As Database Dim qdf As QueryDef Dim strSQL As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb strSQL = "update Emp set Salary = 786+ val(text2)- val(text3) where EmpID = '& val(text1) &'" Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef("", strSQL)
Lets say you have a table with an AutoNumber field.You populate it with 100 records.You delete the last 10 records (91-100)Now, I certainly know you can refresh the AutoNumber sequencing by compacting the database so the next record entered is 91.
My question is about NOT refreshing the AutoNumber sequencing.Lets say you DO NOT COMPACT and DO NOT refresh the AutoNumber Sequence.So, in that scenario, after deleting records 91-100 from the table, is there any programmatic way to determine that the next actual AutoNumber for that table will be 101?
I have a Ms Access split database where in the backend database grows up very fast and needs to be compressed everyday. I have written a batch script to compact the same and have scheduled it to be run every night. But the script is unable to compress the backend every time since the users tend to leave the application open at the end of the day. Ideally i am looking for a command line script to forcefully close the back end database if open before attempting to compact it.
I searched on web but could not find a command line script for forcefully closing the back end database.
Hi, I am not able to open database in access2003 because of error 3197. Everytime when trying to open ,the same message appears on the screen:
"The Microsoft Jet engine database stopped the process because you and another person are attempting to change the same data at the same time".
I have tried to import that file in the new database,but that doesn't work. Even when my copy the database on other machine, same error message come up. Some one suggested it might have to do with enabling the database for multiuser access but i can't even open the database.
Does anyone know how to open the database with error 3197?
I have a 2003 .mdb file and the associated Workgroup Information File which normally resides on a network in a folder V:V-Base-DatabaseDATA. I have the Workgroup Information File.
The database is unsupported and we need to migrate the data to a new web based database.
When I try to open the database with the shift key down I get the following message :
You do not have the necessary permission to use the V:V-Base-DatabaseDATAV-Basebe.mdb object.
What is the best way to access the data and do I need to do this on the server instead of a local drive off site?
Now he can get into the SFTP folder, but when he uses the shortcut, he gets an error stating Microsoft Access couldn't find the file reNameSFTPSFTPWorkgroup.mdw 1" "C:SFTP Database V2.1 FESFTP Database V2.1 FE.mdb" (Note the space and 1)
I created a new shortcut, and I was able to open the db using his target line, even though I can use the shorter one. For the new user, this still generates an error.
I linked table rawdata from a database called competitor from a ODBC Database. I run a query with to make a table with a criteria where it retrieves roughly 10 columns with 719,000 rows. And it gives me this error.
(Cannot open database". It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
I asked the creator of the database and they said the database grows automatically and it was created with the same Access version as i am using to run the query.
Also when I do a RUN without creating a table and just selecting and displaying the data it does not give me any issues.
Does anybody know what this error message refers to?
"Reserved Error (-1517); there is no message for this error."
It just started happening today, and I haven't even made any changes to the database. It occurs when I hit a button I have to run a macro.
the macro does the following: 1) Shows all records 2) Requery 3) ApplyFilter. The Where Condition for the filter is: Right([tblContracts].[JobNum],4)=Right([Forms]![FrmContProc].[txtFindJobNum],4)
The weird thing is that it only occurs if the Form window is taller than 1/2 of my viewable area. If the Form window is 1/2 the viewable area or shorter, it works OK. This was running fine earlier today, but about 4:00 pm (03/31/06) this started happening.
If anybody knows what this error means, or how to get rid of it (I really need to use this window in full-screen) then please let me know.