Help! With Relationship Diagram

Jun 20, 2007

Hi i'm building a database with access for a computer business which sells computer products. The database is going to be from the point of view of the business not the customer. I'm having some trouble with the Relationship diagram, so far i have done this

The aim of the database so for the customer to purchase product, and the business records this transaction. Its from the point of view of the business not the customer. The business uses a supplier for its products and has no physical stock on hand.

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Relationship Diagram

Sep 24, 2006

Hello I would like to make a table Relationships diagram to enforce referential integrity.

I wanted to make this diagram in the Back End container but I realized if I want to delete a corrupt table I have to delete the relationships as well.

(My clients might need to delete an individual corrupt table and replace it with a previous copy. This will cause the relationship to be removed and I don't expect my clients to re-establish this relationship.)

My question is: What if I put the relationship diagram in the Front End container? Will this enforce all the integrity rules? I assume if I put the diagram on the front end ... the user can replace tables in the Back End and the relationships diagram will be unaffected on the FE.

Any input on this topic would be appreciated thank you.

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Database Relationship Diagram

May 25, 2005

I need some help. I have to design a relational database for a small bookstore that operates 3 stores.Books are sold by a sales person to a customer through an order. A order may consist of one or more books but assume that for a given order, all the books sold are all from one store and are sold by one salesperson.

Field name
Author ID
Author Name
Book ID
Book Type
Book type description
City country
Cust ID
Cust name
Cust Type
Cust type descr
On hand
Order date
Order no
phone number
phone typr
phone type descr
publisher ID
Publisher name
salesperson ID
Salesperson name
Salesperson Phone
Selling Price
Store Address
Store City
Store email

How do I start the database

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Unable To See Relationship Diagram In Database After Upsizing From Access 2003 To SQL

Nov 9, 2011

I have upsized from Access 2003 to SQL Server 2008 R2 using upsizing wizard. Everything works fine. But I don't see relationship in SQL SErver 2008 R2 if I go to database. But I set relationship in Access 2003 before upsizing it.

Amso I don't see relationship (diagram) in Access 2003 , which I was able to see before.

So do I need to again recreate the relationship amongst the table in Access 2003 Or SQL SErver 2008 R2 ? I thought, if you link tables, everything should be taken care but i don't see relationship structure any more.

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Application Diagram

Aug 4, 2005

Can anyone point me in the right direction to produce an application diagram.

Sort of a map of an app, what data it hold in laymans terms rathers than table and field definitions. What forms do what, and how the whole application fits together.

Thanks for any assistance you can offer.

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Query Diagram

Nov 2, 2007

Is there an easy way to get an explanation of where each query within the Db gets it's data from?

I'd ideally like to get a hierachical model - be it as a diagram, text, or whatever - along the lines of

QueryABC gets data from QueryD and QueryE
QueryE gets data from Table1
QueryD gets data from QueryX
QueryX gets data from Table2

I've only just needed to look at the existing queries in this Db in any detail and I'm hoping there's some faster way to sort this out, rather than manually opening and listing each one.

Thanks for any ideas.

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Refining RSD Diagram

Dec 15, 2005

Hello forum,I am new to designing databases and am excited to learn everything I can. I have read about normalization and relational structures and just need some assurance that I’m on the right track. I’m not looking for someone to design this database for me but am looking for someone to help critique what I have so far which is some user requirements and a RSD. My RSD is attached below.What I am building is a database to track carpets that have been cleaned in rooms which are in buildings. Employees clean carpets in rooms in a building. Many employees can be assigned to a carpet cleaning project. Employee’s record which building they are in, what room's carpet they are cleaning, what day and time they started and ended cleaning, what materials and method of cleaning they used, and the reason for the cleaning. Depending on the reason, the customer is charged a certain rate per hour of carpet cleaning. I am hoping to be able to query from this database to be able to answer, when the last room was cleaned, how long did it take to clean a room, and how much did it cost to clean a room. Some questions I have are: What attributes should be included in the PROJECTDETAIL table and not in the PROJECT table? When should I create a table showing DETAILS of an entity? How do I know when I should have an associative table or correlation table? Am I on the right track in creating this database? Thanks for your help!

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Please Suggest How To Make Block Diagram

Feb 25, 2006

I am developing one software in access 2000. Now where i stuck up is ... Customer is asking for " process flow chart" (steps in block diagram). The requirement is as below..

For a pen there are below operations
1. moulding
2. cleaning
3. polishing

Now these flow of operation is to be presented in block diagram. Please suggest me how do I do this in accesss? (in form or report)...

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Logical Diagram - Plsssss Helpppppp

Jun 4, 2006

hi everyone, this is first post, i have this task and i think i have the solution but im not sure, so plsplsplspsssssssss someone help!!!!
its called class scheduling. below is the physical model. i need to make the logical, i have been told that course and section share a many to many relation as well as section and faculty and also bwee/ faculty and course, thus the creation of the intersection tbl, the OFFERINGS TABLE. i have inserted the foreign keys (FK's) into that table (which are the primary keys for the 3 main tables). what i need to know is that:
1. do i need anymore FK's?
2. wen i make my logical diagram, do i show it like the way i have shown it in the word file? i made it as such that course and section have the PK of the 2 tables and are now FK which allow duplication ie 1 course can have many sections etcc pls helpppppppppppp

Courses table
CourseID (PK)

Sections table
SectionsID (PK)

Faculty table
FacultyID (PK)
FullTime or partime

Offerings table (intersection table)
OfferingID (PK)
CourseID (FK)
SectionID (FK)
FacultyID (FK)

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Tables :: Creating Er Diagram From Existing Database?

Aug 21, 2013

Using access 2010; anyway to create an er diagram from an existing database? I have inherited a fairly large database and need to make changes to some field properties and need to find out where these fields are located. I know I can go into tools and run the documenter but doesn't give me an easy format to look at.

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Tables :: What Means A Table To Appear As Entity On Diagram

Nov 16, 2013

what means a table to appear as an entity on the diagram? And how to identify the cardinality of a relationship and how to specify which is mandatory and which is optional.

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Queries :: Quickly Diagram A Query Like Flowchart

Jun 11, 2014

All I have taken over a database. It has dozens of queries. Is there a tool or code that I can use that would quickly diagram the querie like a flowchart telling me what queries are related and the steps and so on.

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Access 2013 Chart Diagram Modification With VBA

Oct 17, 2014

I would like to do two things

1.) pink arrow // I've changed the titel in a diagram with vba ... is there also a methode to move the position of the titel with vba ( left-center or rigth ? )

Private Sub Form_Current()
' KostenHinweis im Diagram
Me!Dia_WS.Object.ChartTitle.Text = _
"Preis: " & Me.[Roh-Preis] & "€/kg " & _
" Mindestbestand =" & Round(Me.MindestBestand * Me.[Roh-Preis], 0) & "€ ; " & _
" Maximalbestand =" & Round(Me.MindestBestand_Max * Me.[Roh-Preis], 0) & "€"
'Me!Dia_WS.Object.ChartTitle.Left ???
End Sub

2.) red arrow // maybe its because of the titel placement.I would like to change the size of a diagram with VBA code to have the diagram fit nicely to a given space best thing would be if there would be a possibility to resize the diagram in the given space

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Making Transactions With Multiple Products (Diagram Inside)

Mar 21, 2008

Hey people, hows it going? Quick question

I am creating an EPOS system for a bookstore and I have a many to many relationship between the transactions table (tbl_transactions) and the products table (tbl_products) using a link table (tbl_linktblproductstransac). The below diagram shows what i mean below:

I made it many to many because 1 transaction can have many products on it and 1 product can be on many transactions.

Now what I need to know is how will i make records with more than one product on one transaction (in the table itself or in a transaction form). I would really appreciate if someone could help. Thanks :) and have a good Easter

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Newbie Trying To Create A Dependency Diagram And Determine Relationships

Feb 9, 2006

Hello : )

I am currently taking a database design class using Access 2003 and am looking for some help. I am trying to draw a dependency diagram before I create the tables based on the following attributes / fields in one table named Student:

StudentNumber, StudentName, StudentMajor, student's AdvisorNumber, AdvisorName, AdvisorOfficeNumber, AdvisorPhone, student's NumberCredits and student's Class (freshman, sophomore, etc.)

So far I have identified the Primary Keys as StudentNumber and AdvisorNumber and this is what I have:

Table #1 - Student = Student Number functionally determines Student Name, StudentMajor (?) NumberCredits and Class
Table #2 - Advisor = Advisor number functionally determines Advisor name, office number and phone

The problem I run into is with the the StudentMajor / Advisor / StudentNumber relationship. Since one student can have many majors and therefore many advisors since there is only one advisor per major, and each advisor has many students I am assuming it is a many-to-many relationship.

The problem I am having is determining the third table (and fourth if there will be one) and the relationship between StudentMajor / Advisor / StudentNumber.

Should StudentMajor be included as functionally dependent on StudentNumber? If it is there would be redundancy due to multiple entries in that field for each row so I guess I can't include it actually. :confused:

Wouldn't there have to be another attribute named AdvisorDept for this to work properly....that way there is a relationship between Advisor and their department they work in so I can link the student's major to the advisor :confused:

Any pointers and suggestions would be greatly appreciated


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Jan 14, 2006

Hi All,
I am new to access and this forum, so hello all.

I am trying to build a database to keep records of my bird sightings. As you might have surmised; I am a birder.

I have come to a holt on creating a complex relationship between the Bird Entry From and the table that contains a list of British birds.

In Bird Entry From two of the fields are for entry of the bird name, one field being the Common Name and the other being the Latin Name. They are both drop down lists that contain all the birds from the table, this being done by import data. The table that holds the bird list has two fields One is called Common Name and the other is called Latin Name, this being the same as the filed names in question in the Bird Entry From

This is where I am coming unstuck. What I would like to happen is that when I enter a bird in the Common Name field (either by typing until the bird is auto entered from the drop down or using the drop down to find the bird) it automatically enters the Latin name in the Latin Name field and visa-versa, but I have become very frustrated with trying to do this.

Am I wasting my time? Or is it possible? And if so would anyone be kind enough to tell me how?

Many thanks,


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Relationship Help Need

Feb 28, 2007

Hi i need help with one of my relationships

I need help with linking Member 1: N Reservations

the entites are

Video (Vcode, VTitle, Date Made, Director, Genre)
Copy (CopyNum, Vcode, Due Date)
Loan (LoanMemNum, CopyNum, Ldate, In, Out)
Member (MemNum, MName, MAddress)
Reservation (VCode, resMemNum, Resdate, CollectDate. Collected Not Collected)

The keys are underlined


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May 16, 2007

Hi there!

I've three tables in my database, tblInfo, tblSavedInfo & tblCountry.
for tblInfo I have this fields - Ref: Cost: RefCountry:
for tblSavedInfo I have this fields - Ref: Cost: Country:
for tblcountry I have this fields - RefCountry: Country:

My problem is when I save from tblinfo to tblSavedInfo I want it from RefCountry on tblInfo check wich country is on tblCountry and save on tblSavedRef the country instead the refCountry.

As tblInfo has about 200.000 rows I need something to make it quick. Is there anyone that can help me please.


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Many-to-many-to-many Relationship

Jul 25, 2005

Any advice? I've tried some things and no success with linkage

Rooms Table
Room No

Project Table
Project ID
Faculty Assignment
Project Grant No
Project End Date

Student Table
Student ID

Many rooms with many projects, many of those projects in many of those room, with many students working on those projects. Many rooms, many projects, many students. Argh...
I've already tried two junctions between rooms and projects // and projects and rooms

What is making this so difficult?

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Relationship Help Please

Aug 14, 2005

As you all know Im not a expert on databases but work in a volunteer basis in a small community area where we have no money for people to do anything for us.
Im proud because I did the other database and its up and working but this one has got me beat.
Im setting up one for the volunteers, which has computer knowledge, any basic training they need, when they are available and what tasks have been set for them.
I need to have a one form which has just their personal details but to be able to put in data on the other forms and it will link back to the volunteers name.
Ive attached what Ive done and Im sure your all going to laugh - but any help would be appreciated


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Many To One Relationship (I Think...)

Aug 19, 2005

Trying to set up a fairly simple DB. Here is the layout:

tblRoom(roomID, roomNumber, rackOne, rackTwo, rackThree)
tblStudent(studentID, name)

Each student will be assigned to one, and only one, rack. There will be 3 students to one room. One student can only have one room but a room can have many students... I store studentID in the rackOne, Two and Three fields. My problem is when I try and querry for the information so as to display actual names rather than ID's. I'm not sure If my querry is the problem or if I've set the tables up incorrectly. Any insight is much appreciated.

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Relationship Help

Aug 30, 2005


I'm having some problems setting this up right.

I have 3 databases.


LAST NAME both primary

Movie Data

DATEboth primary



USHER 1 First
Usher 1 LAST

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Relationship Help

Aug 30, 2005


I'm having some problems setting this up right.

I have 3 databases.


LAST NAME both primary

Movie Data

DATEboth primary



USHER 1 First
Usher 1 LAST



I have a one to many relationship between the movie and date between the attendance and movie data table. I have tried linking the name to the usher fields but I"m not getting the result I want. I want to be able to open up the volunteer table and have it show me the movies they have worked on. The movie data table will list who worked it, but the volunteer tables are not.

Any ideas?


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Relationship Help

Sep 11, 2005

I have to tbls which have indeterminate relationships and I'm told that ther is no unique index found why is this?

i am using emplyID on both tblCommission and tblSales both are number type.

I might not need the commission table as I'm using this is calculate commission as said im my previous post

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1 Or 0 Relationship

Nov 4, 2005

at one point in my database I have two tables and for everyone record in one table I may have either 1 or 0 records in the other. How do I express this in access design? Since it's an optional 1 to 1 relationship I guess?

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Relationship Help!

Mar 3, 2006

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a query. Basically I am doing (or trying to do) a small database to track childrens progress in my mums primary school. I'm doing this for free as the budget is rubbish for this type of thing and i dont have enough knowledge to ask for payment anyway! I want to get it right from the start and I think if I get the relationships right initially then I can complete the rest of it on my own. I did this at university (normalisation etc) but ive not used it since i left in 2002 and so have practically forgotten everything i ever did.

Basically, the child comes into the school and is predicted a level in maths, reading and writing. Then in the october, feb and july of each of the 2 years they are there, they are given actual assessment levels. They are also given a prediction level at the beginning of year 2.

So far I have one table with student no, surname, first name, gender, ethnicity, year group and SEN(special educational needs) - with the primary key being student no.

This is where I get stuck - do I go for a maths, reading and writing tables and split it that way - or on an assessment basis, so prediction yr1, october yr1, feb yr 1 etc etc. Or is this completely wrong? Am sooooo confused, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

The outcome I want is to be able to query a childs progress, so for example: show children who achieved a 1a in yr1 maths, and then out of those children, who achieved a 2a in y2 maths (as this is the required shift in progress set by government). I really hope that makes sense.

Thanks in advance

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