Help Again With Custom Query

Aug 27, 2005

Hi all,

I cant make work, a query with creteria filled within controls of a form. I will be more specific to make u understand what i want to ask.
There are 2 text fields and 2 combo boxes. All of them call a report (by pressing a button) from the main table.
in the "totalquery" query i call each control this way:

select,,tblPeople.age,tblPeop le.Car from tblPeople where tblPeople.Name=[forms]![frmMyform]![combo1] OR[forms]![frmMyform]![text1field] OR tblPeople.age=[forms]![frmMyform]![text2field] OR tblPeople.Car=[forms]![frmMyform]![combo2]
GROUP BY,,tblPeople.age,tblPeop le.Car;

I want to make it display (the right) results if one of the text filed/combo is filled or with data, or all together or in combinations.
i use the OR statement,but it doesnt work if I fill in two fields/combos together and etc.
Anyone? :rolleyes:

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Unfilter A Query Using A Custom List Box Value

Jul 28, 2005


I've been trying to solve this problem for almost a full day now and i'm starting to get desperate.
Can't seem to find any help on the net, so i hope maybe one of you will be able to save me.

I have 2 list boxes :
1. MainBox - shows a list of records from one table.
2. FilterBox - this is actually a query that shows a list of records from another table, filtered by the record i choose in the MainBox.

I added the MainBox a custom line displaying "All" by adding this code to its RowSource :
UNION SELECT "(All)" from MainTbl
So now i see the list of records like before, with a "(All)" as the 1st line.

Now i want to set up the FilterBox query so that if i select the "(All)" line, it will not filter the table and just show me all records, so i entered this code as the appropriate column condition :
IIf(([Forms]![frmTest]![MainBox])="(All)",([tblFilter]![FilterColumn]) Is Not Null,[Forms]![frmTest]![MainBox])

That's supposed to check if i have selected the "(All)" line in the MainBox.
If i didn't - then the FilterBox gets filtered by the MainBox value - this is working fine.
If i did - then the column filter value should become "Is Not Null" which, according to my understanding, means that the column won't get filtered - that's not working! When i select the "(All)" line, i just don't get any records in the FilterBox.

Does anyone have any idea what i can do to fix this ?

Sorry for the long explanation.
Thank you very much!

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How Do I Make A Custom Field In A Query?

Aug 27, 2007

I have a query in my database, and I have recently added new possible entries for area. My report tells me how many male chickens vs. how many female chickens I have. Now with the new entries for area, I want my breakdown to EXCLUDE any chickens that live in a specific area.

For instance:

Pen A has 15 males & 15 females.
Pen B has 12 Males & 13 Females.
Pen C has 50 males & 50 females.

Pen C is the recent addition...

Right now my report shows: 77 Males & 78 Females...

I WANT it to EXCLUDE Pen C, so it would report: 27 Males & 28 Females.

Can anyone tell me how best to do this? I figured I would add a custom field to the query that the criteria for is "Pen = C" and then on my report I would change the data source from: =Count([Chicken Query]![Male] --- and make it =Count([Chicken Query]![Male] - Count([Pen="C"]) --- or something like that.

Can anyone help me? And if so could you help with the proper code for the second part that I am adding new? I know the Count([Pen="C"]) isn't right, but until I know exactly how to add a custom field to the current query, with the critieria of Pen="C", I don't know how to write the -Count([NewField]) code, if that would even work.


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Create Custom Box Before Executing Query

Jan 9, 2012

I am looking to check, whether i would be able to "add an Message box with a "Message : "Executes all queries all is well.mdb before executing this query ?" , if yes, continue executing the query, else, Exit out of the database?

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Crosstab Query - Custom Header Label

Jun 15, 2005

Is it possible to create a custom label for a column header in a crosstab query?

My crosstab query displays sales totals for a particular sales rep number (rep # 102 in this case), by month. For example:


I would like the column to be labeled "Sales" instead of "102" - is that possible?

Thanks for any help you can provide!!! :o

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Custom Order Rows In Crosstab Query

Jan 22, 2008

Hello, I have created a crosstab query where I specify the order of Column Headings, however, I can't figure out how to specify the order of Row Headings. I only see that Microsoft Access offers the option to sort ascending vs. descending. I'd like to customize my sort order such as "Under 18" row first followed by "18-29" row and then "30-39" etc.

Any help you may provide would be great.

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Queries :: Criteria In Query Custom Field

Dec 16, 2014

I have made a function returning True/False values. I used this function in a query and now it return value Error as well...Is there a way to set criteria to values received in that field (0/-1/#Error). I've tried putting Like 0, Like True with or without quotation mark.Also every workaround comes into play as long as it works.

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Queries :: Custom Delete And Duplicate Query

Jun 12, 2013

I am trying to create a query to find duplicates and delete the duplicates. The result will eventually be used in another query (append query) to update a table.I have a table with 4 columns lets say for simplicity they are A, B, C, D

I want my query to find duplicates within B and deleting them. The catch is before deleting them I need to look into column A to ebsure they are actually duplicates. Example below

John Doe Tires
John Doe Wipers
Allison Doe Tires
Allison Doe Tires

As you can see from the above Tires is a duplicate and need to be deleted.

John Doe Tires
John Doe Wipers
Allison Doe Tires

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Queries :: Custom Field In A Query And Null To 0

Oct 30, 2013

Database query. I need the query to count the records of a field and display a number for the records of the field. For instance, one field is [Genre] and the other is [Show]. The query needs to list the Genres along with the number of shows for each genre. I've been able to just use the query design and add the genre field and I can add the show field, use totals count which gives me the genre counts the number of shows. My problem is the null. Some genres don't have a show listed so the genre doesn't even show up in the result. If I could get the the genres that have null shows to result a 0 it would be perfect.

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Queries :: Custom Search Form Query?

Jan 28, 2015

I have made a database for work and is fully functional, but theres one thing I want to add but cant get my head around how to do it.

I have created a Form called 'Filtered Search', on the form it has multiple combo boxes for 'Auditors' 'Area' 'Status' and 2 text boxes for date range.

I want to be able to set what filters I want, and for the query to ignore any fields with no information selected/inputted (i.e. I want to see all records raised by "Mr Smith" (Auditor) that are still 'Active' (Status) in all areas at any time).

Names of items;

Table = 'Incidents'
Form = 'Filtered Search'
Report = 'Filtered Report'
Auditor = 'Combo7'
Status = 'Combo156'
Area = 'Combo5'
Date Range From = 'Text161'
Date Range To = 'Text163'

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Standard Form Used To Display User-custom Query

Nov 15, 2006


I have generated a standard form for displaying/editing of data and I have also created a form for generating Sql query statements (The form builds a string but does not execute the query). Can I execute a query and use it with that form.

So when I generate the the SQL statement and execute the query it loads the form (With Data) instead of a query datasheet. Thank you.

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Queries :: Display A Custom Message Box When Open Query?

Jun 20, 2013

I want to display a custom message box when I open my query. how to do this?

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Forms :: Generate Custom Form Based On Query Results

Dec 11, 2013

I'm trying to track daily production at a manufacturing company running many different processes at different locations each running multiple parallel "lines." The tricky part is that the number of lines running and the shift schedules e.g. 2shifts 10hrs/day 4days/week or 3shifts 8hrs/day 5days/week change frequently for each process.

Right now I have a form for process data that specifies the schedule and number of lines running each day. Then I'm running an append query to a "production" table that generates blank production records associated with each item made in each process for the correct shift/line combinations.

Up to now I've been manually changing the date on the append query each time I run it. Then I have a seperate query for each process that pulls out the production records for each day. My problem is that the preferred interface for production data entry is a spreadsheet with the following layout:

ITEM 1 100
ITEM 2 2250

which changes each time the shift/line schedule changes for each process. The only way to achieve this layout I know of is a crosstab query which isn't updateable. Ideally, each day the manager will specify the shift schedules and forms will be automatically generated with the correct structure and sent to the process supervisors. I'm open to different form layouts and even redesigning the database completely.

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Custom Toolbar

Mar 29, 2006

HI all, I have recently created my own custom toolbar for my database which works fine on my computer, but when the database is transfered to another computer via a memory stick (needs to be done as it is going to be used on remote laptops away from the main network), the custom toolbar does not carry over. Instead of the custom toolbar being shown, the normal, main toolbars are reset to the default ones shown.

Is there a way of stopping the toolbars reseting when transfering the database so that my custom toolbar is the default toolbar?

Thanks for the help!

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Custom Toolbar

Jul 13, 2006

I have a custom toolbar in my application. However, it isn't visible at the top of the application window and when I try to make it so - via View - Toolbars - it doesn't appear on the list of available bars.

I had assumed that I had somehow deleted it, but I know it's still present somewhere, as when I try to recreate it, I get a message saying so.

How can I get the toolbar to be displayed? :confused:

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How Do I Create A Custom Msg Box

Jan 1, 2007

I have a database for call outs, i had a problem with double booking, but cured that, my problem now is every time my work mates try to book me in that go into the debug box (accidently) all i need is a ok button only msgbox to say the time is already booked. can anyone plaease help.

here is my db if any one want to have a look

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Custom Help File

Feb 13, 2007

Hi all. I have tried searches on here and via google but can't find a difinitive answer to my question. What i would like to do is create a custom help file that will run when the user requests it. I know there is a property option to set a custom help file within a form but i am unsure of the correct process to do this to get it working.

Could someone please help me understand what needs to be done.

Thanks in advance.

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Custom Toolbar

Mar 6, 2007

Hi folks:

when I create a custom toolbar on my db, would that custom toolbar be carried to other copies of my db? I'm hiding all toolbars using code and I need to display only one.


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Custom Menus

Oct 25, 2007

Since the introduction of 2003 when you create a custom menu you always get the 'Type in a question for help' tag and the min max close buttons. Is there any way of removing them or disabling them?

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Custom Autonumbers.

Jun 17, 2006

I would like to create a custom autonumber to use as my primary key in one of my tables in my database.

I would like my records to be displayed as such C000001 , C000002 and so forth. Does anyone know how todo this?

Thanks in advance.

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Custom Relationship - Need Help!

Jul 31, 2006

Hello, I am trying to set up a relatively simple relationship between numeric fields in two (already related) tables. The problem is Access doesn't really support this type of relationship... or in fact, doesn't have an interface for coding your own custom relationships (if it had one, this would be ridiculously easy).

But it doesn't. So I have to turn to you.

To explain my problem better, I'll use a visual aid.

My two tables are as follows, the master is called [Raw Materials] and details is called [Raw Materials Details] (the aptly named).

I guess I should rename the [Raw Materials].[Stock] to something else (as this isn't REALLY data redundancy). But anyway, what I want to do is have the [Raw Materials].[Stock] automatically equal to Sum(Stock) FROM [Raw Materials Details].[Stock]. To rephrase, I want the Total Stock field to be automatically equal the sum of corresponding stocks.

Either way, I have no idea how to go about doing this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Custom Queries

Sep 12, 2007

Hello all!

Basically what I am wanting to know is how difficult is it going to be to do the following.

I want to have 8 searchable fields, first name, last name, MO, Job code, etc etc. I want to be able to type somthing in any one of these fields and then when i hit a submit button I want to to return to me all the data that corresponds to what I am looking for. I know I could just create a simple query from the query wizard but i want everything in the program to look uniform as to not throw every one off. How difficult would this be and how should I go about doing it. If you need more information let me know.

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Custom Order By?

Oct 17, 2007

Wondering if it is possible to order by particular values??

That is I have a column (varchar) named "Status" with values such as; Entered, Active, Completed etc (I didnt design the DB).

What I need is to order by Entered, then by Active then Completed etc.. Is this possible??

Ive got this code for SQL; but it doesnt work in Access (03)..


CASE Status

WHEN 'Entered' THEN 0

WHEN 'Active' THEN 1

WHEN 'Completed' THEN 2

ELSE 3 END, Status

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Custom Tab Order

Oct 27, 2005

I have a form with tab pages which I can not change the tab order.
When I bring up the Tab Order box no fields are displayed only a Custom Tab Order! Never seen this before.
Question is how to get rid of this and be able to change tab orders.


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Custom Button

Jan 16, 2006

I'm just creating my first db. When I'm on a form looking at a previous record (in this case a transaction), I need to be able to make a minor change to that record (such as the date for a repeat transaction), and then save the record as a whole new record. The button commands I found in the wizards only let me save over the current recond after an edit. Anyone know the easiest way to creaet a command button that does this? Thanks for any insights.

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Custom Yes/no Textbox

Dec 22, 2006

I trying to setup a custom yes/no.

In the table I set the yes/no format "Made";"Recieved" » lookup 'text box'

I made the form and in the textbox and did value list with made and recieved. but it's giving me the could be text when number should be used and vise versa thing.

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