Help Me Fix This Error! "No Object In This Control"

Jun 8, 2006

Problem: Error "There is no object in this control." needs to not come up.

I have made a database with a front and back end. All the files are in a folder on our server hard drive. When the user opens the front end and the switchboard is supposed to come up I get an error that says "There is no object in this control." I do not even get that working on my computer that I made the database on. :confused:

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to fix this. I know it is something simple but I am not sure where to even look to fix this problem.

Thanks. :)

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Error 2863 - There Is No Object In The Control

Aug 25, 2005

I created an application in access 97 under win2000 Pro. Some of the forms use a calendar button. The problem is that one of the users can not use the button, when trys to open it, the calendar is blank and the following msg appears:

ERROR 2863

thx for your hlp.

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Error: Member Already Exists In An Object Module From Which This Object Module Derive

Oct 1, 2004

I am creating an form in a database and whenever one of my procedure's run it creates this error message:

The expression ON Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:
Member already exists in an object module from which this object module derives.

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [event Procedure].
*There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro.

An ideas?

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Help With Tab Control Object

Sep 12, 2005

I want to run code when I change a page in the Tab Control object. The code I run depends on the page selected.

I tried the 'On Click' code of the page, but that didnt seem to run when I clicked on the pages.

The 'On Change' code of the Tab Control object seems to run whenever I change a page.

So the question is:

1/ Is it possible to run code when an individaul page is clicked on?


2/ What is the syntax of identifying which page is selected?

If TabControl = 1 then





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No Object In This Control

Jan 23, 2007

Hello everybody.
I have an Access application with a browse button that allows to search for files on computer. It does not work on all computers.
Computer A and computer B both are running XP Pro and Office Pro 2003.
Browse button works on A but throws ".. no object ..." error on B. It also works on a computer running Office 2002. Office was uninstalled [typical] and re-installed as full install on B and that did not fix the problem.

Here's my browse button code.

Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()
' Prompts user for back-end database file name.
On Error GoTo Err_cmdBrowse_Click
Dim strFileName As String
Dim oDialog As Object
Set oDialog = Me!Xdialog.Object
With oDialog ' Ask for new file location.
.DialogTitle = "Please Select New Data File"
.Filter = "Access Database(*.mdb;*.mda;*.mde;*.mdw)|" & _
"*.mdb; *.mda; *.mde; *.mdw|All(*.*)|*.*"
.FilterIndex = 1
' If user responded, put selection into textbox on form.
If Len(.FileName) > 0 Then Me![txtFileName] = .FileName
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdBrowse_Click
End Sub

So, what's the difference between my A and B? Does it have to do with Activex controls?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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Forms :: Unbound Object Frame Inside Tab Control

May 24, 2013

On a Tab Control inside a from, I've created an Unbound Object Frame, referring to an MS Excel Work Sheet. The goal here is to link that Unbound Object Frame residing on the Tab Control and save the form/link.

Now, when I execute the code, the Object Frame is linked and updated, but when I close the form, the link inside the Object Frame is not saved! However, when I do the exact same thing without placing the Object Frame on one of the pages of the tab, so as regular control inside the form, all works fine.

The code is as follows (performed when I click the button);"OLETest" refers to the UnBound Object Frame placed inside the first page of a Tab Control inside the form.

With OLETest
.Enabled = True
.Locked = False
.Class = "Excel.Sheet.12"


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Object Required Error

Nov 8, 2005

I was wondering if anyone can help with this code. I am sure it is something simple. It works fine until the last line the (x1down) line. I am not sure what I am missing there. I got that code by recording a macro in excel. It simulates the shift/end/down keystroke which will select all fields that are in the same condition (blank or containing data) as the cell you start at.

The error I get is runtime error '424' - object required

Anyway...hope you can help. Thanks.

Dim opensheet As Object

Set opensheet = GetObject("\Netstore rainingdocsRobDataopen.xls")

With opensheet
.Application.Visible = True
.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
.Application.activecell.NumberFormat = "0"
.Application.activecell = 1
.Application.range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

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Printer Object Error Need Some Help.thx

Sep 9, 2006

Hello, i develope with ACCESS2003, i used the printer object : dim xxxx as printer, it works fine but when i install my program on my client PC which doesn't have ACCESS2003 but only ACCESS RUNTIME2003 i have an error (error c++ ... run-time terminates abnormaly), this PC have ACCESS2000 and when i run my base through ACCESS2000 to debug it i have an error (undefined object) on the dim instruction. I was thinking all aplication developed with A2003 was running with run-time2003, apparently no, is something missing ?
Thanks in advance for any help.

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OLE Object Error (URGENT)

Mar 7, 2006

I am Embedding OLE objects (PDF files) into a table and am having errors that state

"A problem occoured while Microsoft Office Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control."

From what I can see there is not a problem with The OLE server, so the only thing I can think of is that I have hit my limit of OLE objects. I have only got 81 records but will need more like 400 - 1000.

can anyone help?

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Automation Object Not Available Error-

Jan 16, 2006

Need a second opinion on this one, if someone has the time.

The boss is asking me about this:
Small db to track keys issued to individuals.

2 tables:
#1. ID, (with auto numbering for ID,) and basic name, SS #, etc.
#2. ID and Key number, Date Issued, etc, without auto numbering.

1 to many relationship (#1 to #2).
Cascadeing Update and Delete, and referencial integrity.

He has a form and subform based on a query, wants to do basic info entry on main form (for table #1), then tab to subform to enter specific info for (for table #2).

Problem is, when he tabs to the subform, he gets "Automation Object "Keys Issued" Not Available" error message.

I've found that in his querry, he is pulling the ID from both tables.
I can stop the error by eliminating the the ID from Table #1, using only the one from Table #2.

Is this just a fluke, or do you think I may have hit on the root cause? Any suggestions for problems to watch out for?

Thanks in advance,


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Error - You Can't Assign A Value To This Object

Jul 7, 2006

I have searched the forums and I don't see this problem. I have a split database. When I test it it works fine. It resides on a network drives and permissions have been checked. When users try it they get an error message that says "you can't assign a value to this object". This occurs after they have selected a project and the user form opens. The user form appears blank.

I have gone to other offices and if I am signed on to their machines it works but if they are the message comes up. I'm at a complete loss and need some advice. It's probably as plain as the nose on my face but I've been struggling for days.

By the way - I used to be Mrs.Meeker...I haven't been around for a long time.

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Copy Object Error

Mar 15, 2005

I have a db that is in a multi-user environment. I have a problem that keeps occurring. The problem is that I designed a report that is programatically sent via an email from a button on a form. The problem is a copy object error (run-time error 2501)that is occurring. The object wasn't canceled, ie the email wasn't cancel (which produces the same run-time error). This error just occurs. Doesn't occur all the time. The same report will be able to be sent (emailed) by the inspector either by the end of the day or by the next morning. So the problem doesn't appear to with the code (even though it still may turn out to be), since it works. The report has a unique name which is done by the coping the object and then deleting the object.

This problem is completly frustrating me and my users as it appears that it just "hangs up" when it so desires.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Object Required Error

Apr 29, 2005

I am relatively new to Access and I am trying to update someone else's work so here goes. I have to revise a form to incorporate the new fiscal year. I have gotten variables named and feel comfortable that is correct. However, when I click on the "Run Query" button, I am getting the error "Object Required". I know this probably an easy fix but I can't seem to find it. I have attached the code for the form in a Word document. If anyone else needs additional information, please let me know.


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Run-time Error '424': Object Required.

Sep 7, 2006

I had this error occasionally popup whilst testing my code.

I thought it was strange, because it was in a Microsoft message box, with a Microsoft message, not one of my own messages from my own error routines. This made it very difficult to isolate, I didn't have a clue what was causing it.

However I decided to track it down and to cut a long story short this is what I found:

MsgBox "Error!"
MsgBox " Error From >>> EditDetail_Click() Error Number: " & Error.Number & " Error Description: " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_EditDetail_Click
End Sub ' EditDetail_Click()

Notice "& Error.Number" I don't know how this got changed from "& Err.Number" to "& Error.Number" but that was what was causing the Run-time error '424': Object required.

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'object Required' Error Message??

Dec 22, 2004

i am trying to call another form's object event.. and i am receiving error mesage "object required". Any ideas anyone? here is my statement:Call frmMain.cmdOK_ClickI do have both subs, the one being called and the one that this statement is in, both as public.thanks in advance!

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Error # 5852. Requested Object Is Not Available

Dec 1, 2005

Using Access 2k and Word 2k on a WinXp Workstation.

The code that I'm using is MS standard and has never previously given me any problems (see below). I've searched the MS knowledge base and Googled the error but nothing I find seems to relevant to this situation.

Can someone help?




DoCmd.Hourglass True
If CreateWordObj() Then
With gobjWord
.Visible = True
.Documents.Open "c:hp_lettersdrugsranout.doc"
With gobjWord.ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.SuppressBlankLines = True
End With
.Visible = True
End With
End If

End If

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Run Error: 3027 Object Read-only

Apr 11, 2006


DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "GENMAT", "c:downloadgenmat.csv", True, ""

Run error: 3027
Cannot update. Database or object read-only.

This database is running on a local drive and I am the administer. Any one run into this problem before? Any fixes or ideas?

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Forms :: Error / You Can't Assign A Value To This Object

Dec 2, 2014

I'm building a simple database for storing records about books.

I'm currently working on one of the data entry forms. Part of this form is supposed to enable the user to add details about the book and the series that it belongs to (if it does belong to one).

The relationship is One-to-Many: One series can have many books. I've made the series part a sub form.

When I enter some data to test that it works, I get an error message when I try to add a new series using the sub form. It says:

"You can't assign a value to this object.
*The object may be a control on a read-only form.
*The object may be on a form that is open in Design view.
*The value may be too large for this field."

As far as I know there isn't anything wrong, so I'm not certain why this error message comes up. I think it may have something to do with the primary key being the AutoNumber data type, but I just click 'OK' and ignore it, and it works fine.

The database works as far as I can see, I just want the error message to stop appearing.

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Error - Object Invalid Or No Longer Set

Feb 24, 2015

I have been using this export function for the longest time and today it is giving me an error:

Object invalid or no longer set.

Export code:

On Error GoTo Err_cmdTest_Click
'Must 1st set a Reference to the Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim strExportPath As String
Const conOBJECT_TO_EXPORT As String = "EXPORT"


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ERROR [HY000] Object Invalid Or No Longer Set.

Sep 27, 2005

I have an application that inserts records to a database, and it works perfectly on mysql

when i try to insert the records on access after inserting 340 records i get this error message that says

ERROR [HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Object invalid or no longer set.

Is there any reason why i'm getting this message?

I'm connecting fine to the database because i'm inserting records, but it suddenly stops and i don't know why

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Adobe - Bound Object - OLE Server Error

Jul 13, 2006

I have the strangest error.

I have used a OLE Bound Object, so I could create a link to some .PDF files. Everything works great, and I was ready to roll it out to the users (boy will they be excited), when I noticed a silly error I could not get rid of.

After closing the .PDF file (which opened correctly) I get an error that reads:


The operationon on the Acrobat Document object failed.

The OLE server may not be registered

To Register the OLE server, reinstall it.

I have searched the internet, this message board and the Microsoft website, and have come up with little. I believe it might be a .dll error, but the only thing close I could find regarded MS Access 95/98. This is an MS Access 200 DB. I get the error on both a Microsoft 2000 machine AND a Microsoft XP machine.

I tried to use "On Error Resume Next" but to no luck.

If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate the help/suggestions.

Thank you,

TJ Bernard

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Error:429;ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Sep 28, 2006

I'm not sure if this is a Query problem or a Report problem, so I'm putting it in the General catagory. If I need to post it in one of the others, please point me the right direction.

I have set up the following:

Query A - Combines data from several tables
Query B - Prompts for a text string and places it in a table
Query C - Uses the text entered in Query B to select records from Query A. The field that is searched is a text field.
Report A – Has an Open procedure that executes a macro that runs Query A. I also have a Close procedure that executes a macro that runs a second report based on Query A against a different table.

When I run the report on my desktop it works properly. I had a user try to run the report and she gets the following error immediately, prior to being prompted for the text.

Error:429;ActiveX component can't create object

I am running Office XP and she is running 2003 with SP2. She has not had problems with other Access reports in the same DB. Any ideas what is missing?


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Object Type Invalid Or Blank Error

Oct 7, 2004

I am getting the following error when I run my report:

"The Object type argument for the action or method is blank or invalid"

I am running the following code from a report.


Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim intRetValue As Integer
intRetValue = MsgBox("CREATE EXCEL SPREADSHEET?", vbYesNo)

MsgBox "cswSetReportOptions complete"
'mac - new record source to filter blank company name
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qry2 WHERE strCompanyName <> """" "

If intRetValue = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Creating excel spreadsheet"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, , acFormatXLS, "Book1.xls", True
End If
MsgBox "Creating Access Report"
End Sub

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Run Time Error 2448; You Can't Assign A Value To This Object

May 1, 2008

Hi all,

I have a form that runs from a query which combines data from 2 tables. I am trying to set up a filter on the form using a number of combo boxes and text boxes and a command button to fire it but I keep getting the above error (on the .Filter = strFilter line) and I can't see what the problem is with my code.

Private Sub cmdApplyFilter_Click()

Dim strSSType As String
Dim strArea As String
Dim strDepot As String
Dim strStatus As String
Dim strRisk As String
Dim strZone As String
Dim strContractor As String
Dim strFilter As String

If IsNull(Me.cboSSType.Value) Then
strSSType = "'Like '*'"
strSSType = "='" & Me.cboSSType.Value & "'"
End If

If IsNull(Me.cboArea.Value) Then
strArea = "'Like '*'"
strArea = "='" & Me.cboArea.Value & "'"
End If

If IsNull(Me.cboDepot.Value) Then
strDepot = "'Like '*'"
strDepot = "='" & Me.cboDepot.Value & "'"
End If

If IsNull(Me.cboStatus.Value) Then
strStatus = "'Like '*'"
strStatus = "='" & Me.cboStatus.Value & "'"
End If

If IsNull(Me.cboRisk.Value) Then
strRisk = "'Like '*'"
strRisk = "='" & Me.cboRisk.Value & "'"
End If

If IsNull(Me.cboZone.Value) Then
strZone = "'Like '*'"
strZone = "='" & Me.cboZone.Value & "'"
End If

If IsNull(Me.cboContractor.Value) Then
strContractor = "'Like '*'"
strContractor = "='" & Me.cboContractor.Value & "'"
End If

strFilter = "[subSubstationType] " & strSSType & "AND [subArea] " & strArea & "AND [subDepot] " & strDepot & "AND [subStatus] " & strStatus & "AND [subRiskLevel] " & strRisk & "AND [subZone] " & strZone & "AND [subContractor] " & strContractor

With Forms![frmSubInfo]
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With

End Sub

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

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Reports :: Graphic Object Display Error

Apr 4, 2015

We have a ms graph object in the report. All the programming code relating to it is perfect and the graph displays correct too. But in some circumstances, the graph displays with different mold than it should be.

When we preview it in a single base, it works fine. Sometimes, in this way too the graph has a display error.

I have used the maximum potential solution to this, but all failed in vain.

1. Setting delays and refreshing the form and re-querying the graph data
2. Created a new database and imported all the objects and tried to run
3. Compact and repair database
4. Tried with re-creating the report from scratch.

why this type of error display is coming up with the ms graph object.

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Modules & VBA :: RunTime Error 424 - Object Required

Aug 21, 2013

Basically I have a form where a user has selected a couple values from a dropdown element, and entered a few other text values into the form. I am then trying to grab the values and append them to a table.

Private Sub btnSubmitInputVendorPerformanceForm_Click() 'Button Is part of frmInputVendorPerformance
Dim ValueCheck As Integer 'Increments to make sure no errors in entry
Dim ErrorShow As String
Dim YesorNoAnswerToMessageBox As String
Dim QuestionToMessageBox As String
Dim DeliveryRate As String


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