Help Needed!! (Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument)

Apr 18, 2006

Hi, in need of some help I'm at my wits end!!

I'm getting "Invalid procedure call or argument" pop up whenever my database uses any of the code. Any form that uses code in the Form_Open section now won't open etc.

This now effects all my forms, i'm 99% sure that i haven't changed anything and have no idea why its happening.

It doesn't seem to matter whether its clicking a button or opening a form it happens for any piece of code.

Anyone have any ideas

Thanks in advance

Matt Collins

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Modules & VBA :: Shell And Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Feb 23, 2014

I have a form with a button to print preview a report. This report needs one input parameter before executing. The computer this will run on is a touch screen and does not have a keyboard. Windows 7 has a "on screen keyboard" program. I want this to run first so that my user can input the parameter.

I have the following which throws an "Invalid procedure Call or Argument"

Sub CallTeclado()
Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("c:windowssystem32osk.exe", vbNormalNoFocus)
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument Using Shell Command?

Feb 6, 2015

I'm developing an application where I want to call the keyboard up on the screen when a user enters a field. This is my setup:

Windows 8.1 32 Bit, Access Runtime 2010.
Exact lines of code are:

Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("C:Program FilesCommon Filesmicrosoft sharedinkTabTip.exe")

These lines of code work perfectly fine on my development PC which is running Windows 7 64 bit, Access/Office 32 bit.

I know the path to the exe is good. I can navigate and double click it and it works great. but the shell command is resulting in the invalid procedure.

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General :: Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument In Accde But Not In Accdb

Aug 6, 2012

I'm getting this error (invalid procedure call or argument - DLL error 0, number 5) on my accde file but not on the accdb.

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Invalid Procedure Call

Oct 14, 2005

why aint this working ?

Expr1: Mid([MinuteCode];1;InStr(1;[MinuteCode];".")-1)

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Queries :: Invalid Procedure Call

Dec 5, 2014

I've created a query to identify payees with only initial instead of first name for cheque payments.The query produces the correct results as far as I have seen so far.

SELECT Daily_Work_Allocation.contact_reference, Daily_Work_Allocation.Payee, Len(Mid([payee],InStr([payee]," ")+1,(InStr(InStr([payee]," ")+1,[payee]," ")-InStr([payee]," ")-1))) AS Expr1, Daily_Work_Allocation.payment_method, Left([contact_reference],5) AS Expr2, Mid([payee],InStr([payee]," ")+1,(InStr(InStr([payee]," ")+1,[payee]," ")-InStr([payee]," ")-1)) AS Expr3
FROM Daily_Work_Allocation
WHERE (((Daily_Work_Allocation.payment_method)="Cheque") AND ((Left([contact_reference],5))="PPI70"));

However I only wish to see those records that have a value of 1 for 3rd field (Expr1).When I enter 1 in criteria I get the IPC message?

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Invalid Procedure Call Error On Foreign Key Expression.

Oct 16, 2007


I'm attempting to create a foreign key field in a sub-query by using Left() and Instr() to parse the text of my key field and return the characters prior to the second "-".

Example: 002-C100-4569 ---> 002-C100

When I build a second query with a relationship between the foreign key field previously mentioned with the key field in an associated query, I get the error "Invalid Procedure Call"

Here is my foreign key generator string:

CirNo: Left([tbl_IntExt].[ASSETID],InStr(5,[tbl_IntExt].[ASSETID],"-",1)-1)

The query data breifly displays, followed by the error messge, then all query fields display "#Name":mad:

The overall goal is to create a query to update the values in 002-C100-4569 (Child) with values from 002-C100 (Parent).

Any help or advise is greatly appreciated.


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Reports :: Export To Excel - Invalid Procedure Call

Mar 25, 2013

When I try to do an export to excel for a report - it comes back with a message saying Invalid procedure call or argument .

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Queries :: Invalid Procedure Call When Running Query

Jul 4, 2013

I am trying to run a query in Access 2010 but I am getting an "Invalid Procedure Call" error. I searched online and found that this error can be caused by broken references.

I opened the VB editor (Alt F11) to search for "Missing" references but I do not see any. These are the 4 that are checked.

1. Visual Basic for Applications
2. Microsoft Access 14.0 Object Library
3. OLE Automation
4. Microsoft Office 14.0 Access database engine Object Library

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"Invalid Procedure Call" Error

Sep 20, 2007

I am getting an "Invalid procedure call" error when trying to run this query in Access. If I remove the Distinct it runs fine, but I need it in there to remove duplicates. Also, When I remove the expression Mid([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],(InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"("))+1,InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],")")-InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"(")-1) AS ParseTxt with Distinct in place it runs, but I need the parsed text in the query. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

WHERE (((InStr([SIDE_DRUG_DESC],"("))>"0"));

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Invalid Argument

Jul 25, 2005

Hi All,

I have 2 errored records in my large access database which I am unable to delete. As I scroll over either of these records I get the error "Invalid Argument" but the database is functional otherwise... Until Today!

Other users can get into the database but I get the "Invalid Argument" error before it even loads the main form.

Can anyone help please?

Many Thanks

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Invalid Argument

Jul 27, 2005

Every now and again (for no apparant reason) a record in my table becomes corrupted (the fields all change to #Error, Error etc) Also, the relationship between that and another table breaks and when I try to go into the forms I get the "Invalid Argumnent" message

I am running Win XP Pro, with Office 2003 accross a network, with a FE/BE split

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated



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Invalid Argument

Sep 17, 2007

I have a database that uses quite a lot of outside sources. There are multiple users and each one of us now are getting the invalid argument error. When we received it before it was because the DB was huge. It has since been made smaller. What are other reasons as to why we are getting this error again? We have to get out of the database, compact it and then go back in in order to do anything with it.

Please help! Thank you.

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Two Gig Limit - Invalid Argument On EVERYTHING

May 15, 2006

I've apparently hit the two gig limit in access. The database won't let me compact/repair. it wont let me save changes to tables. I can't open access by itself and repair the external table. I'm sure that the database could be shrunk down if I could get it to do the repair! I get an "Invalid Argument" error on everything I try to do.

Anyone experience this? Anyone have any suggestions?


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Invalid Argument Message

Apr 6, 2007

I seem to be having some major problems with one of our tables.

Recently a table that has been fine for a long time has developed something corrupt, so it seems.

I found that the LAST entry in the table is nothing but #Error in every single field. When I open the table, I get 'Invalid Entry'. Clicking the 'Help' brings me to a page about 'Invalid Argument (Error 3001)'.

I have tried recreating the table, and copying back ALL the entries except for the #Error one... but the new table ALSO gives me the same message.

Has anyone seen this before? Is it corrupt data? Is it a corrupt table structure? What would be the best course of action to save the remaining data and get this table back to up and running?

Thank you all for your help,

- arm1

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Invalid Argument Error

Nov 11, 2005

I have a Form based on a Table of Clients, names and addresses etc. One of the records appears to be corrupt in some way because any time I attempt to access this record, either on the Table or in the Form, I receive an error message "Invalid Argument". The database then shows #Error in every Text Field and I am forced to CTRL Alt Del to close the Database. I cannot even access the record in order to delete it. Any ideas anyone? Thanks.

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MakeTableQuery - Invalid Argument HELP!!!

Nov 13, 2006

As soon as I run a Make Table Query I get an "Invalid Argument" message and then I am unable to do anything. I can't even import a .txt file, I get "Invalid Argument" when I do anything.
Is my file corrupt or is there something wrong when I select the query as "Make Table Query"
I keep having to create a new database.....My database is 2G - could it be that it's too large?

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Access Issue, 'Invalid Argument'

Jan 14, 2008

This is my first time on this site. It seems everyone is very helpful here, and I thank you in advance for any advice you give me.

I am a sales manager of a small company and also provide as much IT support as possible. (and by as much as possible, it really isn't much) - We have been receiving an 'Invalid Argument' response each time we search for a new field in any Form or try to pull any Reports. The error message appears twice when running a search in the Forms, then the searched for account appears. When attempting to pull as specific Report, the error message is given, then nothing happens. At this time, we are unable to run any Reports.

I have read that this can happen when your Access database is too large. I don't think that is the issue, it is 1.33KB.
Also - I cannot compact and repair the database.

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!

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Invalid Argument Error Message

Mar 3, 2006

I have a Access 2000 database that occasionally has a popup message "Invalid Argument", which prevents me from running any action queries or codes. Also another Access 2000 database that has the same "Invalid Argument" error from which prevents me to import the tables to another database.

Do anybody know WHY does the error happen? WHAT does it mean? and HOW we fix it??

Please help. Thanks so much

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Object Type Argument Blank Or Invalid

Apr 26, 2005

I have a macro run from an autokey (F12) that uses SendTo to send the current report that's on screen to an email as an attachment. This has been working perfectly for years and all of a sudden when I hit the F12 key I get:
The Object Type argument for the action or method is blank or invalid.
It's fine to just right click the report and use Send To but this is a pain for my users who just want to hit F12 as before.

Anybody help?


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Invalid Argument - Caanot Delete Records

Feb 28, 2008

I have a split database with the back end sitting on a server.

I tried to delete two records (as i have done many times before) and now the fields are just filled with Error#. when I try and delete them from the table one at a time it comes up with Invalid argument (Error 3001) and then Access quits on me. I have tried everything I can think of - compact and repair, trying to copy the table, using all the fields in a make-table query to try and duplicate the table, moving the table off the server to my desktop and then trying to fix it, exporting to an Excel spreadsheet, trying a maketable query excluding these two records...but nothing works.

Any ideas at all at how I can get around this???

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Queries :: Error - Invalid Argument For Function

Jan 15, 2014

I have the following in a query to assign a sequence number to each record:

[qryPTLActivity] AS T WHERE T.EmployeeID=[qryPTLActivity].[EmployeeID] AND T.PickDateTime <= [qryPTLActivity].[PickDateTime] AND T.PickAisle=[qryPTLActivity].[PickAisle])

I have used this in other databases without issue but for some reason this time I keep getting an "Invalid Argument for Function" error.

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General :: Invalid Argument And Database Size

May 13, 2014

We have an Access 2010 database that is accessed by some users from another location. Each user has their own copy of the front end. For some reason two users in our Sydney office enter orders, but after they have entered and saved the order, sometimes for no apparent reason they get an "invalid argument" error message and all the data in the order has been converted to hieroglyphics. I cannot seem replicate this from my server location.

It seems to only occur from our Sydney based server. Could it be that each user's copy of the front end is located on the same virtual drive on our Melbourne based server? Should I move the Sydney user's copies of the front end to the Sydney based server?I think it might be the growing size of the database but I compacting doesn't reduce it by much.

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Invalid Argument Error Generated With Openrecordser Dbopentable

Jul 26, 2007

I have a strange error:

I open a table by following

dim db as database
dim Rs as recordset

set _ db=dbengine.opendatabase "AMD",dbdriverprompt,FALSE,"ODBC;DATABASE=AMD;DSN=Remote")

set rs=db.openrecordset("AllAttendanceEvents",dbopentable)

when excutes the red line code, it generate the erroe: Invalid argument.

I already added the Micosoft DAO 3.6 Object Library.


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Call Procedure On A Different Form

Aug 30, 2006


Is it possible to call a procedure that exists in one form on another form please?


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General :: Error With Event Procedure / Action Or Method Requires A Control Name Argument

Sep 25, 2012

I have a form that has several sub forms and what I want is that if the user chooses Plan Name in the main form "No Fault" or 'Workers Comp". I want message to pop and go to the field in the subform to enter data but I keep on getting an error.

Private Sub Plan_Name_AfterUpdate()
If ([Plan Name] = "No Fault") Then
MsgBox "Enter additional information in No Fault form before continuing."
DoCmd.GoToControl ([NoFaultWCompsubForm]![Attorney Name])
End If
End Sub

It says the action or method requires a control name argument?

What am I missing?

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