Help Needed Urgently - File Attached...

Jan 22, 2005

I have been trying to solve this problem for two weeks and am almost tearing my hair out! I have attached a scaled down version of the database I am working in - could some kind person have a look at it and help me, please?

I am trying to make a combo box on my form that will allow me to click on the CID (CustomerID) field, let me click on my customer, and have the rest of the fields filled in automatically.

I have followed the instructions in 'Step by Step - Microsoft Access 2000' to do this, but although it shows the fields, I can't actually select them on the form....

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Help Needed Urgently!!

Nov 13, 2005

I am creating a database and have ran into a problem I can't seem to fix. Whenever I try to make a query, it says 'type mismatch in expression'. Please could somebody help me!!

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Help Needed Urgently ... Pls Pls Pls

Jun 14, 2007


i have got a database which consists of table, queries, forms and reports.
I have one problem now is that I wan to do a query that will be able to bring the figure from another field to the current one.
ok say i have got Ref_No, Event_Date, Balance_BF, Adjustment, Balance.

so if say this is the first event for this particular ref_no (1234) it will bring the amount from another table (Principle_Table) linking the same ref_no (1234) to the Balance_BF fields,
If this is not the first event for this particular ref_no (1234) it will then bring the amount from the previous event Balance field to the current event Balance_BF field.

I am very lost how to do this. Is there a way doing this using query?

This is wat i mean
Ref No Event Date Balance_BF Adjustment Balance
06/00014 31-May-06 115140 -5,757.00 $109,383.00
06/00014 31-Aug-06 109383 -5,757.00 $103,626.00
06/00014 30-Nov-06 103626 -5,757.00 $97,869.00
06/00014 28-Feb-07 97869 -5,757.00 $92,112.00

U can see that the Balance_BF is actually brought down figure from the previous Balance starting from the second events. For the first event, the Balance_BF is actually draw down from another table (Principles_Table)

Is there a way to do this using query?

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Help Needed Urgently - Whats Wrong In This SQL Statement

Mar 11, 2006

SELECT (Max(ReferenceDescription.ReferenceID))
FROM (ReferenceDescription)
WHERE (ReferenceDescription.ReferenceID >= (ReferenceDescription.CategoryID * ReferenceDescription.DepartmentID) AND ReferenceDescription.ReferenceID <= (INT(ReferenceDescription.CategoryID * ReferenceDescription.DepartmentID * 0.9999))

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Urgently Need Help With A Database File!!!!!!

May 21, 2004

Good day.

I really need some help! Someone here at our offices deleted a Access database
file. I retrieved the file, but now it doesn't want to open!!!!!!

It gives me the following error : Unrecognized database format (.mdb)

Will someone please let me know what I need to do to make this database to work as soon as possible!!!

Thank you


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Checking For Attached File

Jan 25, 2005

I would have thought this was easy, but I keep getting an error.
I have a form with a save button. When the save button is clicked, I want it to check if user has attached an OLE object to a bound object frame. If they have, I'd like a checkbox to be true.
Here's the code I tried:
If Attachment.LpOleObject = 0 Then
Attach.Value = False
Attach.Value = True
End If
This seems so incredibly straight forward and it does work if there is an attachment. If there isn't I get the message that my database can't retrieve the value of this property.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Need Help Urgently!!!

Jan 2, 2005

Hey guys. I'm an A level ICT student (british exam) and I am currently working on a patient management database in Access as a project for the A2. So far all has been going well. The problem lies within one of my forms. The form (called frmTreatment) is a form with a subform. The main form contains patient and treatment data, whilst the subform allows for costs to be added to the system. The problem is that when making a combo box to select a patient by the option "Find a record on...combo box", the combo box does absolutely nothing. It brings up an empty list, whereas it should bring up Patient ID, Patient Name and Patient Surname. I suspect its a problem with the relationships. What the combo box should do is bring up patients from tblPatients and subsequently present data on them in the rest of the form's fields.

The second problem is with the subform. I want to add a combo box that allows the user to select the cost from the tblCosts, much in the same way with the afforementioned Patients combo box. Yet subforms won't allow new objects to be added and I can't see any way of making Cost ID perform such a function.

Can someone please help me by having a look at my project, and in particular the frmTreatment? I can't seem to pinpoint the error out and everything seems fine. I've done normalisation and everything already. The project is due after the Xmas holidays, plus its difficult to get in touch with my ICT instructor now. So any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

PS: If you're willing to help give me your e-mail so I can send a zipped version of the project to you in order for you to help.

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Help Required Urgently

Jul 26, 2007

Commission: IIf([Amt]<=10000,30), IIf(Int([Amt]/1000 Between 10000 And 50001)*3.5+3.75)

What I required to do is that when amount is greater than or equal to 10000 than Amt multiply by 30 simply.
and when amount is between 10000to 50001 than Amt/1000 multiply by 3.5+3.75

means that when amount is 15000 than according to per 1000 it will be calculated.

please dear help me out in this I required it very very urgently.

Please Please Please Please. ....................................

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Are My Table Relationships Ok? Pic Attached

Jul 23, 2007

My database is to track customer incidents. Can anyone tell me if my relationships look ok? I'm a remedial access user to any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help.

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View Attached Image

Sep 21, 2006

Okay, my boss gave me this killer project and I just have a brief question to see if anyone thinks I can do this.

Right now, I have a database for business card management.

I have 2 tables

1)Contact Info - Has various contact info fields
2)Business Card Table - Have 2 fields, CardID and Card (field is OLE object to attach business card to the database.

I have the CardID field in a relationship with the same field in Contact Info.

I have 2 questions:

1) I am using Access 2000, and would like to know if there is a way to allow the OLE field to be a jpg attachable field. I did not see it as an option, only .bmp Cry

2) Is there a way, that when I pull the information up in a form, it can display the attached business card that is attached to the database?

What can I do?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Shannon Ann

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Keyword Search Query (example Attached)

Mar 18, 2008

Hi All,

As shown in the attached database, I have a multiple criteria query with a front end (see frmIssue). I am trying to add a keyword search on the field 'Issue' by having an unbound textbox in frmIssue and linking it with a 'Issue' field in the query 'MyQuery'.

An example search would be looking for an issue with the keyword 'misfiring' in project 'A'.

However, having tried the Like expression on the field 'Issue' a few times, I'm still having trouble making it work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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Calendar Control Attached To Parameter Value

Aug 7, 2006

I can't figure out how to further explain what i needed to do. I hope the attached file could solve my issue.

Thanks for your time!


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Need Help Figuring Out This Search Form (example Attached)

Dec 6, 2006

I have found an example of a search form that I really would like to replicate, but I'm have no idea how to implement it into my database. i have attached a stripped version of my database (only consists of a table) and the database with the search form i would like to implement.

Basically, I need my search form be able to sort through a list of consultants so that the user will know whether or not they're in the database already. The fields that I would like displayed are last name, first name, and phone number and social security/fed. tax ID. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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Tables :: How To Have More Than One Sub-datasheet Attached To A Table

Apr 5, 2013

Is it possible to have more than one subdatasheet attached to a table?

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Modules & VBA :: Rename PDF Attached To Email

Dec 13, 2013

I'm using 2013. The first version of my code works great. It opens the correct report and attaches it to an e-mail as a pdf with all of my text etc.


Private Sub btnEMail_Click()
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim strReport As String
Dim vMsg As String
Dim vSubject As String
Dim strWhere As String
strReport = "RptJobDSD"

[Code] ....

The problem I have is I would like to rename the pdf, so instead of "RptJobDSD" everytime, it can have some fields [DSDDate] and [JobID] etc.

Before trying the fancy field stuff I thought I'd try just "DSD Test" and see if I could rename it in the first place!

I added this and am getting - Error(32004) - The control name 'RptJobDSD' is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exist.


DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview, , strWhere
DoCmd.SetProperty strReport, acPropertyCaption, "DSD Test"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, strReport, acFormatPDF, , , , vSubject, vMsg, True

My confusion comes as the OpenReport and SendObject recognise strReport why doesn't SetProperty?!

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Query 1:n Problem With Access And Attached Field

Apr 5, 2008

Hello folks,

I do have the following problem, and - please do tell me- if I don't see the obvious.

I changed to Office 2007 and am busy changing an Access Application. In the course of that, I included some .gif files in an attachment field, which were hitherto stored in external files and loaded when required for display.

Say we have a company table (OPR_Operator) and a country table (GEO_Country). The country table has a country flag (Field GEO_Country.Flat) as attachment file.

If I create the following query:

SELECT OPR_Operator.OPID, OPR_Operator.Operator, OPR_Operator.Country, GEO_Country.CountryName, GEO_Country.Flag
FROM OPR_Operator INNER JOIN GEO_Country ON OPR_Operator.Country = GEO_Country.CountryCode;

I can edit existing records in a form without any problem. If I change e.g. the Country field in OPR_Operator, the new flag is displayed.

The problem occurs, when I want to add a new record. No way to do that. As soon as I enter the Country, I get the following error message:

The current field must match the join key '?' that serves as the one side of one-to-many relationship. Enter a record in the "one" side table with the desired key value, and then make the entry with the desired join field in the "many-only" table.

I appreciate that this reads like a beginner's error. The funny thing, though is, that I entered a country code, which DOES exist in the GEO_Country table.

Any help?

Very much appreciated.



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Wrong Box On Form Attached To Wheel Ball

Feb 1, 2005

I have one form which is created from one table.

I open the form and if i scroll with the mouse it doesnt move through records, it stays on the first record but amends the details for that record in the second box.

any idea how i can set the scroll mouse function to browse through the records rather than the project box, which amends which project that record is ascoiated with.


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How Can I Convert Table1 To Query Or Table2 As Attached ?

Jan 10, 2005

Hi all,

Could you help me in converting table1 to query or table2 as attached?


Mohammed Dallag
Saudi Arabia

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Modules & VBA :: Turn On / Off The Light Attached To Usb Port Through It?

Jun 2, 2015

Is it possible enable and disable a usb port via vba?

An example of using this would be if I had a light plugged in a usb port and the code would turn it on and off.

Or maybe is there s some device like <PC-Some Device-USB light > which can be controled by vba

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How To Obtain Date Type Without Time Attached

Feb 3, 2015

I have a field [CurrentDay] of type Date/Time. The values for this field are entered through the selection from the date picker. However the time of the day always come along with the date - even if it is not seen. This creates a huge problem when making a query based on this field because no results will be returned unless the time is included with the date in the criteria.

The other part to the problem is that I cannot find a built in function in the expression builder to generate the current date without appending the time - now() certainly does not do that - even if the time is not seen it is there.

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User-defined Datatype In A Sql Server Attached Tables

Dec 5, 2006

Hi all,I'm trying to attach some table from a Sql Server database, but when I take a look to the content, I see all the fields filled by the value "#CANCELLED".I supposed that the matter of such an issue could be the datatype used for some fields, a user-defined datatype. The only table content from the same Sql Server database I can see does not use that data type. I'm using a read-only account to access the Sql Server database. If I try to import the table, the data are imported correctly and the user-datatype is converted to text.Any suggestions for a solution / workaround ?Thanks Bye

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Problem Saving Data Entered In Form (db Attached)

Aug 3, 2006

Can someone go through my forms and help me figure out why I cannot submit the entered data. Whenever I try to test my system and enter in inspection information I get an error that says....

"The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data and try again."


1.) Type the given sample account number in the blue box
2.) Click "Search Acct #" button
3.) Click "Test" button
4.) Enter random info on the test form
5.) Read error message
6.) Help Ken_C :D

Thanks in advance :cool:

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Query Graph Two Count Value Comparison By Date...Attached Screencaps

Jul 24, 2005

:eek: I have tried almost everything and I still can get this to work. I thought I had it with this attempt until I inputted October data and found that Access was sorting it by Number vs. Date.

I am simply trying to compare the number of tickets opened each month to the number of tickets closed each month. I also need to address how a report will appear if no tickets were opened or if no tickets was not closed in a month.

Incase the SQL in screencap is too difficult to read:

Query: qryTotals_Assigned_And_Completed - This calls the following two queries.
SELECT qry_AssignedByMonth.MyAssigned, qry_AssignedByMonth.Count, qry_ClosedByMonth.MyClosed, qry_ClosedByMonth.Count, qry_AssignedByMonth.Month, qry_AssignedByMonth.Year, qry_ClosedByMonth.Month, qry_ClosedByMonth.Year
FROM qry_AssignedByMonth INNER JOIN qry_ClosedByMonth ON qry_AssignedByMonth.Month = qry_ClosedByMonth.Month
ORDER BY qry_AssignedByMonth.Month, qry_AssignedByMonth.Year, qry_ClosedByMonth.Month, qry_ClosedByMonth.Year;
SELECT (Format([DateAssigned],"mmm"" '""yy")) AS MyAssigned, Str(Month([DateAssigned])) AS [Month], Str(Year([DateAssigned])) AS [Year], Count(*) AS [Count]
FROM tblRequests
GROUP BY (Format([DateAssigned],"mmm"" '""yy")), Str(Month([DateAssigned])), Str(Year([DateAssigned]))
ORDER BY Str(Month([DateAssigned])), Str(Year([DateAssigned]));
SELECT (Format([DateClosed],"mmm"" '""yy")) AS MyClosed, Str(Month([DateClosed])) AS [Month], Str(Year([DateClosed])) AS [Year], Count(*) AS [Count]
FROM tblRequests
GROUP BY (Format([DateClosed],"mmm"" '""yy")), Str(Month([DateClosed])), Str(Year([DateClosed]))
ORDER BY Str(Month([DateClosed]));

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Modules & VBA :: Open Cash Drawers Attached To Receipt Printer EPSON T-20

Mar 24, 2014

We have an Access database that opened some cash drawers attached to the computer through USB and it is working perfectly. We have some of the cash drawers that are attached to the EPSON Receipt printer and we also want to open those Cash Drawers attached to the receipt printer. Looking for code to open the cash drawer attached to the receipt printer, Is there any command available that I could send to the receipt printer and it would open the Cash Drawer.

I have also taken the screenshot of the utility program that will show the information regarding the printer and I am very expecting to get this working soon as we have build the Microsoft Access database that would checking the cash drawer status and also open the USB cash drawers.

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How To Make Table With Multiple "sizes" And Attached Quantity?

Feb 17, 2005

Hi ppl,

I'm trying to make a database table for a sneaker inventory display/controller, it will be displayed on website using Dreamweaver to pull out the records. I can't figure out how to have a "size" entry in the table, let me explain:

Here is my current table structure:

[CatID] [ProdID] [ProdName] [ProdType] [ProdDesc] [Quantity] [Price]
[11] [TR-01] [Nike SB] [Plain] [Running] [5] [$45]
[11] [TR-02] [Nike SP] [Color] [Running] [2] [$25]

Here is the problem, I need a "Size" field in there, but a sneaker will have multiple sizes (i.e. 6-11) and each size will have different quantities. Is it possible to incorporate a "size" field in my current table? or should I re-do my table in another way? How?

Thanx in advance.

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Forms :: (Upload File) Button Stopped Showing All File Types

Oct 7, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show
Dim Yourroute As String
Dim yourrouteName
Yourroute = fileDump.SelectedItems(1)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Yourroute)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Mid(yourrouteName, 1, InStr(yourrouteName, "") - 1))
FileCopy Yourroute, "us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
Me.Drawing_Link = yourrouteName & " # us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
End Sub

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