Help Needed With Data Corruption On Form

Aug 23, 2005

Some of my collegues have been experiencing this problem with a very simple database i knocked up for them. First off some background. I have a main form (frmproperty) with 3 subforms linked to it(frmroomdata, frmlocation and frmsample). by a property code. Two of these subforms are linked (frmlocation and frmsample) these are linked by location code which is an autonumber.

These are laid out so that you fill in room data first, then location data then finally sample data. However after the location data has been filled out and a user attempts to move to the first combobox on the sample subform a message pops up saying that another user has altered the database and would you like to save changes (Impossible as they are using the database on a local drive). After this happens they reopen the form and in all the frmsample fields is "#deleted"

This doesn't happen every time...infact over the last 2 days i have been entering data myself to try and get this error with no luck. Has anyone else come across this and know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance
Matt Collins

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Data Corruption When Linking Tables

Jun 28, 2005

Right guys heres problem.

I link to an excel spreadsheet. all the data is except where Ive had to format a "column" of cells as text. This is done because in the spreadsheet the initial user enters data as text, numeric or a mixture of both (hope thats clear).

My problem is the data that was originally numeric and now formatted to text comes out at #num! ( Yes ive posted similar before) However, when ive imported the same data in to a pre-made table to try a different way of achieving the final job the numeric data (now formated to text) comes out like ---- e.g. instad of 1000344 it comes out 100034+007

And now Ive absolutly NO idea what to try next. Its one Ive never seen before. If i go in to either the linked spreadsheet or the premade table and over type the errors with the correct data - no problem!
So it seems like a conversion issue

Any ideas at all - Id be so greatful if you have1


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Listbox Populating Data To Form - Help Needed!

Apr 26, 2006

Here's a page that shows almost what I am trying to do, but my question is how do I make selecting an item in my listbox pupulate date in multiple field on my form?

For instance, I want to click on a line in a textbox and have the fields "City" "State" and "Zip" all changed on my form, not just "City"

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Data Conversion Help Needed

Apr 24, 2006

Hello I am a relative newbie for access and have searched many different sites hoping to find the solutions to my two (seemingly simple) problems. I thought I had found the answers several times but it is not the case. If you could possibly help I would appreciate it greatly.
First: I have a table with a field with the currency in Euros, i need to convert it into dollars and add 1 to the result. I have searched how to run calculations in access and would take the data out and put it into excel and run the calculation but I have too many rows of data and will be doing this calculation often so was hoping to find one simple solution.

Second: I have one column with text separated by a "-". I was looking to see how I could create two new fields with the first field having the data before the "-" and the second field with the data following. I found a query that allows me to separate first and last name but not a string of data separated by a -. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Brian

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Data Conversion Help Needed

Apr 24, 2006


Hello I am a relative newbie for access and have searched many different sites hoping to find the solutions to my two (seemingly simple) problems. I thought I had found the answers several times but it is not the case. If you could possibly help I would appreciate it greatly.
First: I have a table with a field with the currency in Euros, i need to convert it into dollars and add 1 to the result. I have searched how to run calculations in access and would take the data out and put it into excel and run the calculation but I have too many rows of data and will be doing this calculation often so was hoping to find one simple solution.

Second: I have one column with text separated by a "-". I was looking to see how I could create two new fields with the first field having the data before the "-" and the second field with the data following. I found a query that allows me to separate first and last name but not a string of data separated by a -. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Brian

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Data Entry Advice Needed

Jan 5, 2006

Hi. I am developing a db for juvenile salmon-focussed fishery survey data and have encountered something of a conundrum which I could use some advice on. Apologies in advance for the length of the post.

Juvenile salmon move from freshwater to saltwater. During this transition they require time to adapt physiologically and are thought to seek out nearshore areas with intermediate salinities, or with freshwater overlaying the saltwater. They also experience problems with elevated temperatures.

We are interested in tracking salinity and temperature information at each site where we sample for fish to aid in interpreting our catch results.

Data Collection
Our convention is to collect temp/salinity at the surface and at 3-feet below the surface wherever we beach seine (or just at the surface if the site is shallower than 3-feet). However, we use a depth-temp-salinity data-logger attached to the lead-line of a lampera net for openwater sets. The logger provides measurements of depth/temp/salinity every 5 seconds during the set, down to depths of 20-30 feet.

So, for some 'sets' we have one or two measurements of depth/temp/salinity, and for other sets we might have over one hundred measurements.


1.How best to get that data entered into the db?
2.I'm just starting to get my toes wet with VBA

Ideally, I could directly enter the values into a subform for sets with only one or two measurements, but could instead 'import' the extensive data for those sets where the logger was used. Entering the logger data manually would be ridiculously time-consuming.

Existing DB Setup
Records for temp/salinity subform/table linked to other set information by a unique Set_ID field.

Subform for depth-temp-salinity information bound to a dedicated depth-temp-salinity table. The subform is currently viewed as a continuous form.There would be one excel file for each set where a data logger was used, but no excel files for sets where no data logger was used..

My thoughts so far.

Somehow create a subform with the ability to enter up to two records manually or else click a button that imports the data from an excel file. One thought is to pop open a window to navigate to the excel file that contains the data for that set. However, I'm thinking that if I place all such excel files into a particular directory and name them using the appropriate Set_ID number convention, that maybe clicking the button with be able to find the file directly, without navigation required, and bring in the records automatically.

Is this possible? How would I go about creating a subform that provides both an 'import data' button and allows for manual data entry of up to two records?

Can anyone show me a similar example for both the data entry (form) and for how to automate the importing of data from excel files to append to an existing database table?

The eventual goal of this is to have a command button that could be clicked on the form/subform that would produce a popup window containg a scatterplot graph of salinty versus depth. another button to produce a scatterplot of temperature versus depth. A third button to open a line graph with time on the x-axis, and temperature/salinity series on the y-axis. Before I can get there, however, I need to get the data into the table somehow.

I would appreciate any input/advice on this matter, (especially custom code! ;) ) As, I mentioned, I'm just starting out in VBA and I have a lot to learn. I know how to open a MsgBox, but have no clue on what the command is to open an explorer 'window'.

I hope the problem is sufficiently interesting to generate some response.


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Help Needed With Displaying Crosstab Data In A Report

Oct 27, 2007

Hi all, help with this would be appreciated.

I have a crosstab query which returns values in a range of categories. I have 5 categories. My problem is that sometimes a category may not return a value in 1 or more of the categories. This means that when I am displaying this data in my report I haven't got the data in the correct columns.

In the underlying queries for this I tried using a LEFT JOIN forcing the category, but when I executed the crosstab I got errors in all fields.

Thanks in advance

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Tracking 250 Pieces Of Data Per Client. Table Structure Help Needed.

Mar 12, 2006

hi everybody,
great resource you have here! my employer is tracking around 250 pieces of data for each client at our facility. i am making a new access system based on their existing mysql database and web front end. before i start messing around with forms and reports, i want to see how well this existing structure will work in access, and what kind of approach i should take. i am a newbie with access, but lots of experience with asp/mssql/php/mysql. making web forms is so time consuming that i figured i would be best off moving the whole thing to access and starting from scratch.

client information is stored in eight tables. each table has around 30 fields in it. the first table has a primary key autonumber, and the other seven tables have foreign keys with unique constraints that point back to the first table. that is, for each client record in the first table, there can only be exactly one corresponding record in the other tables.

i did some data massaging, and got the eight client tables into one big table, but the resultant table has almost 250 fields in it, and access doesn't seem to like working with tables that big. so i am thinking that it is best to leave the eight tables separate, but linked in one to one relationships.

i was kind of ideally visualizing a form with eight tabs so that i could edit/update all of the information from the eight tables rather seamlessly.

my question is: what approach to table structure will best suit my needs, and what approach should i take to add/update/delete the info with forms? will i need to do vb for this? any good one-to-one example databases anybody could point me at?

thanks a million,
harry doyle

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Reports :: Sub Report To Show All Data Needed For A Delivery Note

Aug 21, 2014

I have a sub report on my form to show all data needed for a delivery note.

these fields are :

House Type
Plot No
Delivery Note No

when i use my query to search orders in my subreport - it will show the required data but will also show data i didnt search for ? why is this?

Sometimes my search results in the subreport show further down the subreport than the irrelevant data - all i would like is for it to show the specific data not the irrellevant data.

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Database Corruption

Jul 12, 2005

I am trying to open a database that has been run on a network and now keep getting this error message

"The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time"

And wont open the Database.

Any way round this or am i fighting a lost cause?

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Database Corruption

Feb 3, 2006

I inherited this user written multi user (<=10 simultaneous users) Access 2000 database. The front end in Access 2000, the back end is SQL 2000. All the tables are linked to SQL.
When the users were running the Access front end on a Novell server there were no problems. We have sinced moved it to a Windows 2000 server and are now getting a Database needs to be repaired message 2 or 3 times a day.
I searched the web and the only thing I came up with is that the Opportunistic Locks Setting on the Windows 2000 server needs to be disabled.
Naturally our server team is reluctant to change the settings.
Has anyone else experienced this problem or have any suggestions?
Right now our solution ws to put a copy og the Access frontend on each user's C:, very ugly and difficult to maintain!
Thanks so much for your help!

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Less Chance Of Corruption With MDE??

May 17, 2006

With my database I have actually distributed the mdb file to 2 of my users so that they can make their own reports. I have secured it so that these users cannot delete/modify anything they shouldn't.

However every so often it seems to get corrupt. I did decompile it and I tried importing everything into a new DB and secured it again. It seems to be working again but I wasn't able to find what was corrupt so I'm not completely confident that its fixed.

Would it be better if I gave them the MDE file - would it lessen the chances of it becoming corrupt??

When I leave the job I guess I will need to show someone how to decompile it in case there is a problem?


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Database Corruption

Aug 21, 2006

Viewing an email from Code Project, I ran across this article about database corruption and thought it was worth posting here...
Be sure and click on the immediate link below to view the latest updates in the discussion area at the bottom of the web page.

Strange behaviors of an access database
By Hamed Mosavi.


A while ago I encountered a strange behavior in my application which was using an access database (.mdb file). I placed a question in the CodeProject C++ forum, and I did not get any answer. I started searching the web, MSDN, etc... and I found out that it's not all my fault. I found the reason in a knowledge base article. Look at it's description about the possibility of corruption of an access database file:

"There are several things that can happen, both inside and outside of Access, that may leave your database file damaged (corrupted). The symptoms of a corrupted database can range from #Deleted appearing in certain records, to you being unable to open one of the objects in the database, to you being unable to open the database file in Access altogether." (MSDN-Knowledgebase:283849)

Since I got no answer for my question in the forum, I thought there are at least some guys out there who might don't know this , and also since it's easy to corrupt a mdb file, while it's difficult to understand the reason why the application is not Functioning properly, I started writing this article.

The question is what might cause a damaged access mdb file and also how to repair a damaged access file programmatically.


What can cause the mdb file to corrupt
The knowledge base says:

"There are three main reasons why an .mdb file may become corrupted, as follows:

* Interrupted write operation
* Faulty networking hardware
* Opening and saving the .mdb file in another program"(MSDN-Knowledgebase:283849)

There's a detailed description for each one of these in the knowledge base, but some of important reasons are as follows:

* Losing power during database write
* Dropping network connection
* Abnormal termination of microsoft Jet connection, such as having task manager to shutdown application, power loss, manual shutdown. (notice that:Fatal system errors almost always cause abnormal termination, refer to kb to find out more information)
* Forgetting to close ADO or DAO objects that opened. (Objects from classes like:Recordset, QueryDef, TableDef, and Database)
* A large number of open and close operations in a loop (more than 40,000 successive open and close operations could cause corruption)
* And worst of all, Opening and saving the .mdb file in another program like MS word. It is not recoverable. all your data will be lost.

"There is no way to recover an .mdb file that was opened and then saved in a different program"

How to reduce corruption possibility

* Avoid all above
* Compact the database often (The class provided with this article)

Things can get worst
Q291162: AutoNumber field duplicates previous values after you compact and repair a database:
Microsoft also announces that after we compact and repair our database, it is possible to encounter Duplicate Autonumber field, and if it's your database key, then...
fortunately this applies just to those who are using Microsoft Jet version 4.0.2927.4 and earlier. "Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Jet version 4.0.2927.4 and earlier." (MS KB Q291162). to find out your Jet engine version try to search your system/32 directory for Msjet40.dll (if you are using v.4 and later) then get the properties of the file. This KB can help you find your version and download latest version:Q239114

Another bug exists there and it's "AutoNumber field is not reset after you compact an Access database" I don't describe a solution for this, since there is one already, and it is not really critical, for more information refer to KnowledgeBase Q287756.

if you lost data and have problem recovering data(yet), this can help you a lot: Q247771 and Q306204.

Using the code

In order to use the code, follow the following steps:

1- Copy DBFitter.cpp and DBFitter.h to your project.
2- Check and possibly change first two #import directives in DBFitter.cpp.

#import "D:PROGRAM FILESCOMMON FILESSystemadomsado15.dll" rename( "EOF", "MSADO_EOF" )
#import "D:PROGRAM FILESCOMMON FILESSystemadoMSJRO.DLL" no_namespace

3- include DBFitter.h, Create an object from type DBFitter and use it as follows:

CDBFitter fitter;
if ( !fitter.CompactAndRepair(szDbPath,m_szDBPass) ) {

CompactAndRepair has 3 forms that can be used alternatively. The first one you see above , The other form just gets database file path as input and does not use password

CompactAndRepair(CString szDbPath)

The last one asks for a source, a destination and password, which can be given "" as password to say there is not a password

CompactAndRepair(CString szSrcDbPath, CString szDstDbPath, CString szDbPassword)

4- Don't forget to call AfxOleInit(); in the initialization of your application.

"What to Make Sure of Before You Run the Compact and Repair Utility
Before you run the Compact and Repair utility on a database, make sure of the following:

* Make sure that you have enough free storage space on your hard disk for both the original and the compacted versions of the Access database. This means that you must have enough free storage space for at least twice the size of your Access database on that drive. If you need to free some space, delete any unneeded files from that drive, or, if possible, move the Access database to a drive that has more free space.

* Make sure that you have both Open/Run and Open Exclusive permissions for the Access database. If you own the database, make sure to set these permissions. If you do not own the database, contact its owner to find out if you can get these permissions.

* Make sure that no user has the Access database open.

* Make sure that the Access database is not located on a read-only network share or has its file attribute set to Read-only. " (Q283849)

Compact and repair in C#
Thanks god, there is already an article:


If there are any questions or feedback; please direct them to the original authors link at the top of the page so everyone can benefit.


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Corruption Question

Aug 31, 2006

Hi guys i will appretiate it any hlp you can give.

A few weeks ago i started to experiencing problems with my access2k db. Some times i could open it and sometimes an error like this one.

"Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
It asks to send a report and to repair the db

more data:
1- my jet engine version is 4.0.9025.0
2- because i eliminated the cross from everyform in the db sometimes i had to close access from the task manager.
3- i have never compacted the database.
4- it is still in development phase, so there are only a few records.
5- In order to use the db i have to use a citrix session in the usa (i am in australia), and from the citrix server connect to another drive in the usa. I also moved the db in the citrix server but i had the same problem.

if i copy the forms into a new db, will i have the same problem?

thx, max.

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Combating Corruption

Oct 24, 2006

Hi all,

I have a small database being used concurrently by 5-6 users, in the last few weeks we have had some corruption issues, the users are running a mix of access 2000 & 2003 – would unifying versions help these corruption issues?

Also what is the recommended maximum number of simultaneous users accessing one a DB in a LAN/WAN environment?



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Fix To Database Corruption

Nov 21, 2007

Dear all,

I believe I have discovered a new way of fixing corrupted forms in Access.

After a crash, one of my forms refused to open in either design or form view saying:
Form name | is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist

Having searched the internet for this error I found lots of people recommending Repair/Compact or copying and pasting the currupt object into a new database.

Repair and Compact (Access 97) both ran successfully but failed to fix the problem.

When I attempted to copy and paste the broken form either within the database or externally I got

Error 13: Out of Memory

When I attempted to import the form into a new database I got

Automation error

If I attempted to rename the form, I got:

The save operation failed

Resolution: (I don't know which step here was the key to my success)
1) Delete all other database objects (all tables, queries, forms, macros and modules)
2) Create a new form and put any control on it.
3) Attempt to save the form using the same name as the corrupt form
4) Access asks "The name you entered already exists..." (Aha! The first time Access is admitting that the corrupt form exists.) Say no to this prompt.
5) I was now able to rename and open my corrupt form. Everything was fine.

If this post stops just one other DBA having to go through the morning from hell I just went through then it'll all have been worthwhile!

Happy coding,

Rob Levy

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Corruption Error

Jan 21, 2008

I have been searching for an answer to this, but no luck. Has anyone ever seen the below error when loading an Access 2003 database?

"[database name] has detected corruption in this file. To try to repair the corruption, first make a backup copy of the file. Then, on the Tools menu, point to Database Utilities, and click Compact and Repair Database. If you are currently trying to repair the corruption then you will need to recreate this file or restore it fom a previous back up."

The database is already compiled and compacted. It's a new Access 2003 program. Only one user is experiencing this problem. She is on XP while the others are on Windows 2000. Everyone is using 2003. I saw other odd error messages on this machine with other databases, but I was able to avoid them by setting the Macro settings to Low. This is a Network environment. Any thoughts?

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Corruption In General

Mar 25, 2008


i'm getting annoyed by Access 2003 (and 97 for that matter!) just corrupting records in a table and then i have to scrabble around, kicking people out the database, compact & repairing, maybe installing the back up copy and in one case, doing a make table query from the data table that excluded the corrupted record


are there any general things i can do to avoid these things, or am i just going to have to roll with them?

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Protect Database Against Corruption?

May 25, 2005

I have a split database. BE located at a server and FE on each users workstation. There are 8 concurrent users at the most. This runs smoothly over the LAN.

Now I'm adding a new feature to the database. I'm using a wheel loader to weigh products on a weight scale. The operator in the wheel loader is going to use a laptop with wireless LAN to connect to the network.

In risk of loosing the connection which in worst case might corrupt the database, I want to make a new database with a BE/FE setup. The BE will be placed on the same server as the current db. The FE in the wheel loader. I can then link from the current db (BE) to the new db (BE).The new db will only require two linked tables from the current db.

If worst case happens, would my current db be more protected against corruption than if I linked directly to the BE on the current db. I know there's no 'right answer' to this one, but I'd really like some opinions on it though.

Thanks in advance.

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Large Scale Corruption!

Jul 12, 2005

Hi all, apologies for the long post but this is a long nightmare!

Using A2k on Win2k...Due to roll out a DB today, just made my final tweaks and decided to compact/backup as have done many times before. It's not a split DB but it is secure so I copied the mdw onto my desktop and accessed it using a special compact shortcut which points to the desktop copy DB not the one on the network. When I compacted though Access went about it's business for a while and then threw up the dreaded "Network connection may be Lost" error message (roughly translates as "your database is nicely corrupt now") which I have had in the past when I tried to compact on the network. I've never had this error before compacting locally but anyway I tried again and same error message. I tried opening some forms and stuff and sure enought the DB was corrupt. No probs I thought, I can just go back to the original and start the process again. I used the normal shorcut to open the original DB just to check everything was ok and the same error message appeared with same problems. Minor panic ensued and I thought i'd got the shortcuts mixed up or something... I hadn't, Both DB's were affected.

Next option. Create a new DB and import all the objects. I did that and re-set all the permissions and the "Network Connection Lost" message dissapeared but some really strange things were happening. Forms opened but the buttons on them would do nothing. Then the forms Close button didn't work and the database wouldn't close.

I forced my way out of the DB and re-started my machine. Couldn't even log in to windows. Now at another machine and can log in to windows but DB is still having same problems. My instict tells me that the problem is something to do with the workgroup file becuase how else could compacting a copy corrupt the original? The only common link is the mdw.

Should I re-create the mdw and then try opening/importing the DB objects again? Or is there any way I can un-secure the DB and then re-secure it later?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Tom

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DB Corruption Or Someother Issue!

Nov 21, 2006

Hi all..

In my access 2003 application, I can open the database and goto the design view of the Forms..but I cannot view the code. I tried both Alt+F11 and Right click on the form and "Build Even" and "Code Builder".

In both cases, access application stops responding. Then I have to close it using the task manager.

Any ideas how to fix this issue? Thanks in advance for your help.

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Corruption, Ldb File Not Disappearing, Etc.

Jan 15, 2008

I have been experiencing some very strange symptoms over the past week or so, and am looking for ideas. I have a number of different frontends that link to one or more shared backends. A week or so ago, all the frontends were reporting that one of the backends, PCAMaster_be, was corrupt (ie, "not a recognizable database format). I repaired it, it worked ok, and then a few hours later it was corrupted again. After going through this a few times, I rebuilt the be (imported everything into a new, blank db). Same thing -- it was OK for awhile, then became re-corrupted.

So, my conclusion was that:
a) one of my frontends was corrupting it,or
b) my shared library.mde file was the culprit, or
c) my shared .mdw file was the culprit.

I have been meaning to unsecure my db's for awhile becuase I don't really use the security in any meaningful way. So, spent most of the day yesterday going through the steps to unsecure. So, I'm not using anything but the default .mdw file now. I also rebuilt every single FE, BE, and the library.mde.

Now, PCAMaster hasn't gone corrupt again (yet), but I'm noticing several other bothersome symptoms:

1. In one of my FE's, when I close it, the application closes but it leaves Access running. I have to use task manager to get access to close.

2. Some of my .ldb files seem to stick around when they're not supposed to. I am 100% certain that NO ONE is using the db. But the .ldb file is still there and I can't make it go away.

3. I open a FE with the /excl command line option. It opens OK, but when I try to repair/compact, it won't let me. ANd if I try to make design changes, it says I don't have exclusive access.

ANy ideas appreciated on any of this stuff

Using Access 2002 and Windows XP

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Unicode/Zero Length String Corruption

Aug 16, 2005

Heyo, thought I'd toss my line to see if anyone has had a corruption like this:

Today I went digging through some of my tables on a db I've been building and noted that most (but not all) of my text fields had Unicode Compression/Off and Zero-Length-Strings/Allowed. Now, I know for certain that I never touch Unicode Compression and zero-length strings are not my bag in this db so I went to toggle these and I recieved 'Access encountered an error when attempting to save' type error when I, you guessed it, attempted to save.

So I built fresh tables, and imported my data, and all seemed well but digging further through my database I have noted that ALL of my tables seem to be suffering from this in some way.

First off, does anyone know what has happened?
Secondly, does anyone have a guess as to why this happened?
Lastly does anyone have a suggestion on how to rectify this?

I'm not a huge fan of building this entire gigantic db from the ground up and I'll do it if I need to, but I'd prefer to figure out what went wrong before we get there and it happens again.

Many thanks,

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Corruption Confusion- Any Ideas Are Appreciated

Mar 24, 2006

I'm running Access 2000 through Citrix, 20 users internationally from 1 db. I'm working through Citrix network issues to split db with separate FE's for each user.
I have sporadic corruption due to this. But this morning I met a new breed of corruption. I preface this with the fact that I run a bat file nightly to do clean up and compact and repair the db. It verifies the db is not in use prior to running.
This morning we were presented with a hosed db.
The log file said updates ran fine.
In my main table the first record was garbage, including the Auto-num field. I found that my Primary key has lost it's index and references had become unchecked.
Correcting these issues got it running but does anyone have any clue what might have triggered this or even where I should start looking? Please help as I am at a loss.

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Corruption - Relationship & Primary Key Disappearing?!?

Nov 14, 2004

Hi, I've searched through the archives and cant seem to find an answer to my problem - hopefully someone may be able to shed some light on this for me as it is driving me mad!

One table in my database keeps getting corrupt records; I get various error messages when navigating a particular form - including 'Record is deleted' (when it hasnt been), 'The search key was not found in any record, 'Object invalid and no longer set' etc. After receiving one of these messages one or more records in my table corrupts (strange symbols and #Error# appears in the fields) - I have to compact and repair and delete the record.

I have imported everything into a new clean database several times but the same thing keeps happening.

Additionally the table that keeps corrupting is randomly 'losing' its primary key and relationships - they just simply dont exist anymore. I understand that importing into a new database could cause this - but they arent disappearing after I have imported; the database can be running fine and then after a few days I check the table again and the primary key is no longer set and the relationships to other tables have disappeared.

I am compacting and repairing every day and having to recreate a new clean database about once a week - and keep getting the same problems with the same table!!!

Has anyone seen this happen before and could anyone suggest where I would begin trying to resolve this. Any advice would be REALLY appreciated.

Many Thanks in advance

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Autonumber Corruption After Each Compaction And Repair

Dec 22, 2006

One table with an autonumber field becomes corrupt after each Compaction and Repair.

When I add a new record to the table the new autonumber is an already existing autonumber, hence, I get a duplicate value error.

I fix the corrupt table by importing it to a new database. (Access seems to recreate indexes / autonumber fields during an import). This always fixes the autonumber problem. I then import the properly working table back into my original database.

However, next time I Compact and Repair the same table becomes corrupt on the autonumber field.

Any suggestions?

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