Help On Report, Change Layout Based On Data

Nov 25, 2004

I'm getting seriously frustrated with Access now so I hope some of you can help me out.

I have made an access application to enter various types of products (eg paint, tools, glue etc).
The organization I have built this for has asked me to create a report which can be used as
a catalogue of all their products.

They want this report to keep different categories of products in different sections. So say the paints
will go into a section with an orange background and the tools have a blue background. I thought
I could just let it print a number of reports (one for each type of product) however this will give
problems with the page numbering and indexes etc.

Anyone have any ideas how I can let the lay-out (mainly colors) change if a new category kicks in and also
force this category to start on a new page? Any help is very much appreciated!

Cheers Thomas

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Query To Change Data Layout

Feb 22, 2007

Hi there,
I have a warehouse table that lists a stock code with the last 12 periords closing balances in a record.

I would like to write a query that just shows each stock code with only one month per record and has the openning and closing balance for that month.(the closing balance of one period is the openning balance of the next period).

So the Table currently looks like this

StkCode....Whouse....12.....11......10.....09..... .08.....07
1111.........TZ..........100....200....300...400.. ...500...600

I would like it like:

I haven't worked with access for years and can see how to do this in my head - i just can't figure out what to write. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Queries :: Change Layout Of Data

Mar 4, 2014

I have been given a large set of records that is layed out with 10 ID fields, then 31 (Day 1, Day 2, etc.) fields representing each day of a given month. These fields contain data. I created two fields labeling the month and year as well.

My goal is to create a date field where I can put together the m/d/y data and take the corresponding day's data and delete the other 30 daily fields. I think I can temporarily create 31 extra fields that give me the date. So then I would have (m/d/y - Day 1, m/d/y Day 2, etc.). How to then separate them into unique records.I am looking to turn the 30k records i have into 900k by reducing the fields.

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Change Color Of Box On Report Based Off Value

Jan 29, 2014

What I'm trying to do is make it so that a certain area of my Detail area in my report changes colors based on whether or not a field name for each record is set to "Yes". The effect I wanted was produced easily enough by creating a Rectangle, coloring it Red, and setting it to not visible.

Putting RedBox.Visible = True in the Report On Load procedure works just fine. The problem I am having is attaching a condition to it.


If Me.FormatBox.Value = "Yes" Then
RedBox.Visible = True
End If

This compiles ok, but doesnt do anything to the actual report. Will it not work because the report has x amount of FormatBox's because it gets replicated for each record that is displayed? I should also note that I tried using a DL Lookup within my If statement and that didnt work either. That just colors all the boxes red and ignores the check.

Dim TestVar As String
TestVar = DLookup("Priority", "Table_Lancaster_Dispatch", "Priority = 'Yes'")
If TestVar = "Yes" Then
RedBox.Visible = True
End If

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Color Change Of Row Based On A Column Value In Report?

Dec 24, 2011

In MsAccess 2007,I want each row color to change based on a column value in the report.

For example: Select Name,Age,Salary from table 1 -creates 3 rows.

Name Age Salary
A 15 1000
B 25 2000
c 35 3000

if Salary column is less than 1001,row should be in red- Row 1

if Salary column is less than 2001,row should be in green -Row2

if salary is less than 3001, row should be orange-Row3 .

How to do conditional color formatting of the entire row in Msaccess2007 based on a column value of each row.

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Queries :: Close Query Without Saving Layout Change?

Jun 5, 2013

I have a form with a child that holds a query and for 99.9% of the time remains locked as it's for viewing data only. However, if the user wishes to make a change then they need to press an unlock button first then make the changes.

The problem I have is when closing the form; if this child's query has been unlocked I'm getting a message asking do I wish to save the changes to the layout of the child's query. The answer will always be "No".

I've added the following line of code to all sorts of procedures with no success.

DoCmd.Close acQuery, "LinkTableManager_Frmqry", acSaveNo

how to stop the message appearing when the form is closed.

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Reports :: Change Text Formatting Of Control In Report Based On Boolean

Jul 10, 2015

I would like to change the text formatting (color, italics, bold etc) of the contents of a control based on a boolean value in the underlying datasource of the report.

For instance, I have a report that generates a "Proforma Invoice" i would like to ability italicize the prices of certain items based based on a boolean value (EstimatedPrice) in the underlying datasource.

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Button Change Based Upon Data In Form

Feb 19, 2007

Newbie here. Just trying to make a characteristic (e.g., color) of a button change based upon contents of a form field. Can anyone please adivise. All help is greatly appreciated.

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Report Layout

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all,

How should I do if I want to display my records in Report by 3col x 5row instead of 1col x 15row.

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Change Background Color Of Form Based On Data

Mar 6, 2008

Just wondering... is this possible.

I have a database with 200 clients. If a user pulls up a record and the customer's insurance has expired, is it possible to change the background color of the form so that this automatically alerts the user that this customer needs to be contacted and the record needs to be updated?

Or are there any other suggestions that may serve the same purpose?

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Reports :: Hide Report Footer Based On Report Data?

Dec 21, 2014

How do I hide the report footer based on the report's data ?

I'm trying to hide if number of users = 1

The report's data is a query built inside the report's RecordSource, not a self standing query.

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Strange Report Layout Needed

Sep 19, 2007

Hi I'm in need of some help it's been many years since I've worked with Access and I'm struggling a little.

I have a database I am making that logs customer airport drop off and pick ups and I want to produce a report that merges the Drop off date and the pick up date into one column and I can't seem to get access to do this.

Currently I have 3 tables

Main Info table with the following records
Booking ID(Linked Primary Key) | Customer Details |

Outgoing Table
Booking ID(Linked Primary Key) | Outgoing Flight Date | Outgoing Flight Time | Outgoing Flight Number

Inbound Table
Booking ID(Linked Primary Key) | Inbound Flight Date | Inbound Flight Time | Inbound Flight Number

So I want a report that will get both the outgoing flight dates and inbound flight dates and put them in one column so I can create a report that tells me what pick ups are needed on each date.

Can anyone help me please

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Forms :: Copy Form Data To Report After Change

Feb 19, 2014

I have a continuous form that has 5 columns of data per line and it also has a 6th column that I can enter data into. What I want to be able to do is if I enter data into the 6th column it will copy that record except the 5th column to a report.

I have tried searching this forum and other but not quite sure of the terminology so not getting good results.

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Reports :: Inventory Database - Printing A Report That Matches Real Layout

Jul 20, 2015

I want to track inventory. All our items are tubes that are stored in boxes in a 10x10 grid. So I have a single access table with columns for tube ID, box ID, and position in the box (numbered 1-100). That works fine in terms of 'where can I find tube x'. However it's also useful to be able to look at the physical box & check that there are tubes where should be tubes, and empty spaces where there should be empty spaces. So for each box in the database, I want to print out a 10x10 grid, with the appropriate tube ID's in the appropriate place. Then I can easily check the layout in the database against the layout in the actual box.

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Reports :: Having Field In Report Change Based On Another Field

Sep 5, 2013

I have a report that is looking up min and max quality specifications for a product. The table with the specifications has a Yes/No check box field for when the specs are defined as "Internal". So the table looks like Product/MinValue/MaxValue/Internal

I want the report to display "TEST AND RECORD" when the Internal box is checked where the MinValue and MaxValue (that are stored in the table) would be displayed otherwise.

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How To Show The Data In Such Layout

Jul 9, 2007

I have this very important question, I dont know how to do it but I am sure Access support this and it is doable.

I have the following recorset:

Name LeaveType LeaveDate LeaveYear

Frank Annual 25/06/2007 2007
Frank Annual 30/04/2007 2007
Frank Unpaid 11/09/2004 2004

James Unpaid 04/03/2006 2006
James Unpaid 19/09/2006 2006

Meco Paternity 17/12/2004 2004
Meco Paternity 18/12/2004 2004
Meco Annual 02/07/2006 2006

Paolo Annual 25/06/2007 2007
Paolo Annual 12/06/2007 2007
Paolo Annual 24/06/2004 2004

I want the data to be shown in a report as follow:

Name: Frank

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000

Name: James

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000

Name: Meco

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 002

Name: Paolo

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000



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Reports :: Display Report In Popup Window And Maximize In Print Preview Layout

Dec 22, 2013

I have created a report with a subreport for my database. The user selects the project for which he/she wants to see a report. Once the project is selected, the report is displayed in a popup window and maximized in the print preview layout. This allows the user to view and read the report. Once this is done, there are no buttons or menus on the screen that allows the user to send the report to a printer or file.

Other than the report, there are minimize / maximize and close buttons at the top right of the window and page selection buttons at the bottom left of the window. If the user wants to print the report, they must either hit ctrl-P or right click the mouse on the screen to display a menu from which the user can select print to open a print dialog box. Is there any way to add a button or menu to the print preview that appears on the screen to make printing easier?

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Queries :: Export Data With Formatting And Layout Using Form

Jun 24, 2013

Export Query Data with Formatting and Layout Using A Button On Form Before Or After DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet

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Forms :: Check Box In A Form Which Shows Data From A Table In Tabular Layout

May 12, 2013

I have made an unbound check box, named "myckeck" in a form which shows data from a table in tabular layout.

1- When I check one check box, all check boxes are checked. How can I solve that? I mean I want to check or clear check boxes independently.

2- I made a text box, named "jobdate" to sow todays date automatically upon checking a check box.

Private sub mycheck_afterupdate()
jobdate = date

But this is not working and checking a check box does not make anything to happen.

3- Then I made this expression in the default value of "jobdate" properties:

iif( mycheck = true, date(), null)

This not working either.

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Queries :: Calculating Income Based On Percentages - Data Doubled On Report

May 6, 2013

I am currently using Access 2007 and have created a huge database for our investment managers to calculate the income based on percentages. The percentages are created in Excel. I have uploaded into the database both the June and the July percentages. When I run the query for my report using the date range for June, it works fine. When I request just the July information (entering the date range for July) the June data is doubled on the report.

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Forms :: Change Button Color After Data Change

Apr 5, 2014

I am trying to change the button color on a subform if a related form data changes.Main form is products with a continuous subform with serial numbers of products i.e, serial number, location, price and a button to add addtional issues if there are any for this particular serial number (this will open up another form related to the serial number so I can add an issues if there are any).The reason I would like the button to be a different color is so I can quickly see if there are any additional notes been added to the serial number. Just in case you may ask why not add the field to the continuos form is that the issues and be quite lengthy and there may be lots of serial numbers on the form

2346 location warehouse price 29.99 (button - green)
2347 location shop price 29.99 (button - red)

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Queries :: Query To Run Before Report Based On Criteria Based From Two Combo Boxes On Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.

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Change Top N Based On Table

Aug 12, 2005

Well hello everyone. I'm building some queries that need to have a specific Top N amount read from a value in a table (or form). Can someone please tell me how to do that without using the query Top N drop-down? I have this built into a VBA module, so it's possible I can change the Top N from there. Thanks!

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Change A Subform Based On A Value In Mainform

May 1, 2005

I have a main form with a control that can take one of three values. And I would like to add a subform that work as follows.

Selecting each value should change what the subform displays like this.
Control Subform
A Select * from TableA where Key = "A"
B Select * from TableB where Key = "B"
C Disable subform somehow because it doesn't apply

Could someone please provide some advice on how I could do this.



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Change Query Based On Form Fields

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to come up with a simple way for users to query the database and pull back entries relating to the (potentially vague) data they input.

I know how to run a query based upon data input in a form ("=[Forms]![FormName]![FieldName]"), and I know I can do this several times in one query.

However, if one of the fields is blank, the query doesn't return anything.

Is there a way to use only one query, but still allow the user to leave search criteria blank? The only thing I can think of is by using a very convoluted VB script and creating a query for each possible combination of criteria.

It's not an error-checking issue, either, as entering info into all of the fields isn't required.

For reference, the searchable fields are:
Agent Name, Beginning Date, Ending Date (intended for a date range), Request Type, and District Name.

A user could then search for any requests made by an Agent; any requests by an agent within a date range; any requests made by anyone in a date range; ad nauseum.

There are quite a few combinations, there, and I'd rather not create a query for each one (or code the VB conditionals to choose the right one).

I hope I'm clear in what I'm trying to accomplish :o

Thanks in advance!

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Change Subform Based On Form Selection

Jul 2, 2005

Greetings! This forum has been most helpful to a rusty Access user.

I'm creating a student group score entry form, having problems with creating the form I want. Say for example we have the following:
1. Three groups: A,B, and C.
2. Group A has 5 students, Group B has 3, and Group C has 20.

I want a form where I can select group A, and a list of the students will populate and enable me to enter scores for all of them on the same page. This will save time not having to re-enter the information for so many students. If anyone has a clue of what I'm talking about or is willing to lend me aid, I would appreciate it.


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