Help On Tables And Forms

Sep 17, 2006

I know, im pathetic! I searched though for the last couple of hours and Im sure the answer is right in my face, but I had to break down and ask you guys for help....

I work in marketing in a newly position - they needed some action and i have had a huge response from so many buyers in the us and uk i have so outgrown these excell spreadsheets ive been using and data flowing everywhere - totally unorganized. I have some experience (not much) in access.

what i am trying to do is create a new table from an existing original table in the same database where i can draw out only those clients i want to use for the next campaign. I would like them to be linked still so that when i update on the main table it would be reflected throughout so i dont have data all over the place.

for example, i did a marketing campaign for andy warhol framed images and I collected the prospects and put them into a table. Now for the next campaign classic images - i want to be able to look at the existing clients and add only certain ones as i know some of them wont be intersted in classics. then i want to have a new table created for this next campaign wtih those i have selected, and of course i can add other new prospects.

I guess I could create a form easily then with this information using a control on the main form to open the individual forms with each campaign as I need them.

Did i confuse everyone now??

The next thing im racking my brain out with is how to create a report but only including the names of clients who participated in say the monet image campaign. First I had the data on the original form with a check box - but when i do a search, obviously it pulls up the entire field name with YES/NO or checks in it and i have to go through each client name to see which one has a check. I just want to pull up those and include in the report those who have participated.

Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated!!! I thank you all in advance!

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Forms :: Linking Data Between Multiple Tables / Forms

May 27, 2013

I am a girl guide leader trying to make a faster way to keep track of my unit's completed badge and program work. I have made tables for every area I need (I started with one table but it was too large to change into a form).

In total I have:

- Basic Member table (main information like their name and how many years they have been in, whether they are still in the unit, etc)
- Program area tables
- Interest badge tables

What I want to do is be able to "add/edit" members from the main form, then go to all the sub forms for their program and badge work -- problem is, how to link them!

I am using Access 2007-2010.

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Forms :: Linked Tables - New Records And Sub Forms

Dec 12, 2013

I'm developing a system which uses linked tables (to an Oracle database) and subforms. I'm trying to add functionality to create new child records, but am running into errors when saving these records.

Parent table is PATIENT, child is DIAG. I have my DIAG Form_Current event set up to detect whether a record is new. When this happens I populate the DIAG foreign key with the relevant PATIENT primary key, and run a query to the underlying database to find out the next DIAG primary key. I then populate all the necessary fields.

On attempting to leave this record however, I get an ODBC call failed error, telling me that the the primary key constraint in the database has been violated. The reason is that Access isn't saving the record to the underlying database. I've tried to prompt this using Me.Dirty and RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord, but both of these just generate type mismatch errors.

What am I missing? Is there some particular set up for linked tables and creating new sub-records that I need to put in place?

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Forms :: Combo Box On Several Forms Relating To Corresponding Tables

Apr 25, 2013

I have created a database in which I have used a combo box on several forms relating to corresponding tables. These combo boxes all reference the same table with names (text fields) listed. I am having difficulties getting the data to feed into the table from the combo box using the form. Only the ID numbers appear in the table.

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Forms :: Link Three Tables Using Forms

May 4, 2015

I have 2 forms, Form1 is used to enter staff personal and salary information while Form2 will be used to enter Bank information. I am using three tables to maintain this information:

1- Personal Info
2- Salary
3- Bank Details

All tables are joined in relationship by using a field StaffID which have to be entered manually as I can not use auto number. I have enabled cascade update and delete in relationships

The problem is if i use the Form1 to enter the personal & salary information, the StaffID which I enter in Form1 is automatically updated in salary table as Form1 is using both personal & Salary tables. But the StaffID is not updated in table Bank Details. This is crucial as this StaffID is a link between Personal and Bank table. Is there any way that when I enter StaffID in Form1 it will automatically append StaffID in Bank Detail table? Or can I use any query to append StaffID to Bank Details table.

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Tables And Forms

Jun 22, 2007

hi. I have two monitors. on the left I have a table with 120 000 entries. On the right I have a form, that searches the entries and shows me the data from the fields in textboxes. Each Time i search (the table is in alphabetical order) in the form, I have to check the table to see whether the company is there twice - because the form does not tell me that. for instance, there may be an entry for american express and another for american express PLC - same companies. Is there a way that when i click search, the table jumps to the same place that the form just jumped to?


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Tables Into Forms

Aug 16, 2006

I have 3 tables Metrics, FixedExpenses, Variable Expenses, I want them all to have a date in a form, and a subform for all the records to be added. I want to be able to do this without having 3 seperate date tables linked to the other three tables. I am not sure how to do this correctly. (I want to be able to see all the records for a certain day in these forms.)

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Tables And Forms

Feb 13, 2007

I was wondering I am using
5 tables to hold information about people fly fishing in rivers.
tables are

Table 1. Name of the person
Table 2. Date,place,number
Table 3. Salmon.trout.snag.spawn
Table 4. Bait and weather condition

I use forms to enter information into the tables, which work good.

But when I take a look at entered information in the tables, I cant see that the person that entered hes/here name first what data belongs to that person from the other tables, its like ther link between the data in the tables is missing or something like that.

I was wondering how to fix this, and what it is called.
Would be great to get some feedback takes me to long to search for it in the access book.
Frodo from Iceland

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Tables V. Forms

May 8, 2007

Hi, somewhat new to the design of databases. Here is what I want to do...

I have a table with 3 fields called tbl_WE: Credit#, CreditName, & CreditReq.
Credit#: WEc1
CreditName: H2O Landscape
CreditReq: Reduce water reuse

Credit#: WEc2
CreditName: H2O No Potable Irrigation
CreditReq: Non-pot water irrig

In my form, I use a combo box that once the Credit# is chosen, the CreditName & CreditReq autofil....but when I try and introduce another set of Credit's from another table, it replaces my original data of the WE credits:
Credit#: SSc1
CreditName: Site Selection
CreditReq: No farmland, floodplain

My question is this: If I eventually want 6 forms (one for each Credit type), do I have to have 6 different tables?
How do I tie tables together if the only info that is changing is the Credit#, CreditName, & CreditREq?

Thanks in advance,

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Using Tables And Forms

Feb 22, 2005


I have a form which has the following fields

name, ref,admission date, opening balance, closing date, closing balance, average balance and interest calcualtion (I need to be able to claculate interest using weekly interest figures on an average balance)

I want the form to have a drop down menu on the name which is linked to table 1. when a name is picked the ref, opening balance and admission date will aotuomatically be completed (from tablwe 1) I want to then type in the closing date and closing balnace, and for the form (underlying query) to automatically calcualte the average balance and interest figure. This infomation then needs to be saved in a separate table (table 2) when the form is closed.

whats the best way of doing this? mostly having problems of taking info from one table and then saving it in the second.


Mojave boy

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Help In Forms And Tables

Feb 25, 2005

I am new at this. I have a database table emp with a check box for "Exempt" employees. I have a form "Enter time card" that is a data entry and would like to automatically populate the overtime field with the value of regtime*1.5 if the check box is ticked. I am having trouble doing this. Please help!! :confused:

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Add Tables To Forms

Dec 16, 2005

Hi All,

Did a quick search but couldnt find anything....
Bascially I want to create a form from multiple tables....
How easy is this to do?


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Tables In Forms

Jan 30, 2006

Hey guys, bit of beginner so bear with me, i have a for and im trying to use two table, i want a two buttons on the form, one for printing one table the other for printing the other table, also i was wondering if it is possible to add a search button or something similar, that would search oth tables??
Cheers guys

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Tables In Forms

Jul 14, 2006

just a bit of back ground.

my project is to create a database for a warranty dept.

idealy they would like to create a form that allows the basic details

return number,

put they want to be able to list all the items they get returns.

for instance, a customer may send back multiple products in one box.

at the moment i have a subform set as a table so they can input the product, manufacture etc. but it only lets me do one line of details

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Forms To Tables

Dec 4, 2006


Bit of a silly question, or at least I can't seem to figure out the answer.

How do I record a value I have calculated in a Form into a table, i.e.

I have 2 values on a table which I use in a form to calculate a third value, how do I get that third value back into the table?



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Count Tables Forms Etc

Mar 13, 2006

How can I cont using vba total number of tables, forms , reports etc in my access database?

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Access Tables And Forms

Jul 23, 2006

im creating a database for a team that run courses. someone else started the database but never finished it. I have 2 tables which i will refer to as Contacts & Training Courses. I also have a form that displays the information from the Contacts Table. All the information that is being displayed on the form is showing up in text boxes. I want to now add a drop down list box in the form so when its on a particular record showing the information about that contact it will also show me a list of what training courses they run. Both the contacts table and the training table have a Company ID field and the numbers for them are the same in both table.

I have tried using a query but its not working and all i get so far is the contacts showing up and the courses ID repeated several times.

I hope someone can help me


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Tables And Forms And Macros Oh My!

Jul 17, 2007

Hello everyone! I’m new at building databases; actually, I’m learning as I go as I’ve never had any formal training and this is my first significant attempt. So with that said, I’m hoping someone out there may be able to help me and I apologize in advance for how long this is. A little back round—I’m writing a database to create a report showing the loan history on an account—basically it shows how many loan payments came in with the dates they were processed and amounts of each payment. I created a table that is supposed to populate after entering the policy number, original loan amount and original loan date into a form. I have a macro that when a button is pushed on the form, should run a query (this query is made up of the table I created as well as tables from our data warehouse and when ran, gets the loan payments, dates processed, amounts, etc), opens a report in print preview (showing this loan info), and then deletes the record from the table that I created via a delete query (I do not want a history of each policy number that is entered into the form). Now to the issues—when I enter the info into the form, it does not automatically populate the table that I created, therefore the report does not show any loan data and obviously the delete query would not work. If I move to the next blank record, the table does populate with the info I just entered in the previous record, the report runs, but the delete query still does not work. I’m not understanding why my table won’t populate right away—the record source on the form is my table. I assume the delete query not working could have something to do with my macro? Here is how I have my macro set up:

Action: Echo Action Arguments: (Echo On) No (Status Bar Text) blank

Action: SelectObject Action Arguments: (Object Type) Query (Object Name) qryFormInfo (In Database Window) Yes

Action: OpenReport Action Arguments: (Report Name) rptFormInfo (View) Print Preview (Filter Name) blank (Where Condition) blank (Window Mode) Normal

Action: SelectObject Action Arguments: (Object Type) Query (Object Name) qryDeleteRecord (In Database Window) Yes

Action: Echo Action Arguments: (Echo On) Yes (Status Bar Text) blank

So if any of you made it this far, can anyone see anything obvious that I have wrong? Just a warning—I’m not good with VB code. I appreciate any input/suggestions you may have.

Thanks for your help!

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Linking Forms/tables Together?

Dec 20, 2004

Hopefully someone can help me here. been struggling with this for a while.

Here's the brief!!
I have a access 2000Db, In it are are 2 tables, Tbl_Main & Tbl_Customer. and two forms frm_main & frm_customers based on the tables.

I have created a form called Form_main On this i have created a button which opens the form, Frm_Customers.

I want to link each record in fom main with form customers, basically so when i click on the button in form main it opens the correct corresponding record in frm_customers

Unfortunately when i scroll through the frm_main and select the customers button the customers details dont follow with each record. it only shows last record. Each record in the main form should follow with record from Customers table

I have created a relationship 1 to 1 so the data would follow each record but no avail.

where am I going wrong - If i can avoid code then that be fantastic as it confuses me! :)

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Query, Forms,tables.

Mar 24, 2006

I have 5 forms and 5 tables.

The database is blank, but the information entered into the forms are saved into the tables.

Now I want to make a query so I can see some statistics regarding the information entered into the forms and stored in the tables.

I have created a query, but Im not sure what to do next, do I connect it to the query and it should give me desired output or do I connect the form to the table
or how does it work ?

need some feedback Im a little bit lost in this :(

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Creating Tables Thru Forms

Feb 23, 2005


If i have a new entry from the user, and i want access to create a table on its own, with the table name defined by the user and the elements of the tables already pre-defined by a sample table that i already do out... Is there any way of doing it? Thanks for any helpful souls around...

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Queries, Tables And Forms?

Mar 2, 2005

I currently have a query and a table which I'd like to create a form for. The query has people's information in it and the table has RSVP information in it (if they need parking, etc.). I'd like to create a form so that I can type in the person's name and then it brings up their address (just to confirm it's the right person) and then i can enter in the RSVP information. Any suggestions?

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Newbie Help W/ Forms And Tables

Apr 20, 2007

I'm having a problem with how my forms add data to my tables. I've been using the wizard to create 3 different tables and a form to update them. One of two things happens to me each time I finish the form, either it won't allow me to input any data or instead of updating a field each time I put something new it will write over the existing data for that field. I've tried using sub-forms too with the same problems. Is there something I can do to fix this or is there a past post that I can look at that may help me out.

Sorry if this isn't too clear like I said I'm new to Access and this is really only my second time using it.

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Forms :: One Form 2 Tables?

Oct 28, 2013

I have

5 Tables


2 Forms


At the moment, what I'm trying to do is have a form setup as our Estimates currently in use. I've created a Form and arranged as required to make said paperwork everything so far fine.

Now I tried adding a Combobox to select a client from the [ClientsTable] which is fine, and it will even fill in some text boxes with the relevant information, again perfect.I cannot add a new Client to the [ClientsTable] from this Estimate form, and in turn can only save a client to the [EstimatesTable] if matching fields exist, if these fields are missing, it is then blank.

Surely duplicating the client repeatedly into the [EstimateTable] is bad practise, yet I cannot get it to work any other way in this regard. Even id I do this I'm still stuck with the Combobox only referencing clients in the [ClientsTable] which means there is plenty of room of incorrect Client information.Now I understand this in part, but what I need to be able to do is pull up existing Clients from [ClientsTable] and be able to add new ones from the [EstimateForm]

I really don't want to have multiple forms for all the different Tables as this is inefficient and my staff will never understand what there doing.So how can I add multiple Sources to a form? I'm looking into Subforms but this still seems inefficient instead of just linking to existing tables?

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Forms :: DCount From Two Tables

Dec 7, 2014

In my form, i would like to sum and dispay the values of datas from two different tables.

Table1: MasterTable1
Table2: MasterTable2

I use the below code for one table and its working.

Text15 = DCount("[client]", "[MasterTable1]", "[Confirmed]=Yes and [Assigned]=No")

But i want to sum the same criteria from MAstertable1 & Mastertable2 and display the data.

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Linking Tables And Using Forms

Nov 22, 2012

ive made a db to keep a record of my employees and then keep a record of the addresses they attend.each employee will tend to visit numerous addresses in any given day so ive made a table for employees and a separate table for the addresses they visit...i then made an 'employee form' that is generated from my 'employee table' (standard stuff like name, address etc, nothing fancy here) so it is more user friendly...

what i want to be able to do is push a button on the 'employee form' which will then prompt me to add an address that will only be linked to that specific employee.i guess in esssence im looking for a way to link a specific employee to a bunch of addresses, and be able to data entry it on a form..

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