Help Requested On Access Search Criteria Forms

Apr 5, 2006

hi i just signed up to this site and need some assisstance from someone

i need to create a form in access 97 that enables me to search for a keyword on a given search area, for example the cd/dvd rom drive for files and folders

is this possible in access 97?

if so could someone help me out please?:confused:


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Forms :: Search Text Box With Option Box As Criteria For Search

Mar 4, 2014

I am creating a a text box where the user enters a text then clicks an option from the option that is used as the criteria for the search e.g. Last Name, Phone , address then a command button wil run a query.

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Forms - Allow Edits, Only When Requested

Nov 29, 2003


i am relatively new to databases so this is a fairly basic question.....

I have a form. Within this form all records are locked as i do not wish users to change details. However i am told there is an option allowing the editing of existing records upon request. is this true?, as it would improve my form greatly

help would be much appreciated


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Forms :: Requested Change In Table Not Successful

Mar 31, 2015

I'm getting an error message as shown in the screen shot I've been trying found where the error is in my relationship but just can't see it.

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Forms :: ListBox As Search Criteria In Query

Jan 28, 2014

I have a search form that uses several comboboxes, textboxes and checkboxes that are used as criteria in a query. You enter in the relevant information, hit search and a report opens based on the filtered query.

What I would like to do is change one of these combo boxes to a listbox and use the multiple selection as the query criteria. I know it's not as simple as just putting the listbox as a criteria in the query, and I've also tried many different variations on the varItem and strWhere code.

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Forms :: Search Function Using Multiple Criteria?

Oct 8, 2013

I'm currently trying to build in access a replica of an atrocious search function in excel.

I have a list of data quite simply in 5 columns and i want to filter through this data about (10000 rows).

My form has 5 data points.

The first is Product Name this is a string (i've looked up a lot of codes to search strings and even partial strings but no one seems to have done what i need).

- Basically i need it to search for any / multiple parts of the string entered.
- for example if someone enters apple trees june i need it to look for cells containing those three words in any order, even conjoined for example "appletreejune" would still return or "apples on a tree in june".
- This is attached to a single col called Product Name.

Based on this search i need it to look for data in a col called mark type (which is selected by a drop down)

Then by Market Context (also a drop down)

Then by a start and an end date, however, only one of the values (start or end) needs to be between the start and the end dates listed in the start and end date columns in the table.

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Forms :: Optional Search Criteria For Users

Feb 27, 2014

On the access form I have designed , I need to give optional search option to the users. I have the following search options on the form (screenshot attached):

From Date
To Date

The query is as follows:

(dbo_VESSEL.VESSEL_CD Like [Forms]![VESSDAT].[Form]![txtvessel]) OR
(dbo_VESSEL.VOYAGE_NUM Like [Forms]![VESSDAT].[Form]![txtvoyage]) OR
(dbo_VESSEL.PORT_CD Like [Forms]![VESSDAT].[Form]![txtport]) OR
(dbo_VESSEL.DEPART_ACTUAL_DT BETWEEN [Forms]![VESSDAT].[Form]![txtfromdept] And [Forms]![VESSDAT].[Form]![txttodept]));

However, the form still prompts me to enter values for all the boxes and still doesnt show the correct data.

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Forms :: DLookup Values As Search Criteria On A Form?

May 13, 2014

So I'm working on something for housing. Each house has a "Property Reference". This property reference links to all other information on the property.

There's two tables, Referral (For a tenant, with the Property Reference as a foreign key) and PropertyInfo (Holding all the property information)

Basically I want to save users as much input time as possible, so I'd prefer if they could just enter the property reference for a person, and that populates the rest of the table.

I'm currently using DLookup on the main form where it displays the information related to the property reference, obviously it's not actually being saved into any fields.

Will this method be okay if I would want to search the records by the address on the main form?

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Forms :: Print Report Based On Subform With Multiple Search Criteria

Jun 14, 2015

I have a problem printing a Subform that uses multiple criteria(in textboxes) as filters.

The search portion of the form works fine. The problem is I have created a report based on the subform and am using the following code to open/filter the report

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
Dim strCriterion As String
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String


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Forms :: How To Create Small Form To Search For Record Based Off Criteria

May 28, 2013

I currently have a database which contains various information for part returns. Among this information is contained a parts tracking number, VIN Number, and Date Code. I want to have a small dialogue box (Form) where a user can enter a tracking number, (or a date code or VIN if tracking number unavailable) to search for a record containing that tracking number. I have already created a replica of my new part entry form to view parts in read only mode to create small form to search for record based off criteria then open the replica form i have made to that record?

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Using Subform For Search Criteria And Relating One Search Field To Several Columns

Apr 21, 2015

1. I created a form with some search-fields which are related to a query. Then I added a Subform in which I put some more Search criteria (So that I can easily hide and unhide those additional searchfields). It sounds strange but is necessary ;-). Now I related those searchfields in the subform to the same query. When I run that query a window pops up that I should put in a value in all those searchfields which are in the subform. But I told Access that it should display all rows, if there is no value in those searchfields. Just as I did it with the Searchcriteria in the Main form. Do I have to do something special, when I have a query which is related to two Forms?

2. I want a searchfield to search in three different columns. Usually the value will just be found in one of those columns. As the Table I search is very long and has many searchfields and multiple of those will relate to more than one column, is there an easy way to do it in VBA? As I did it by using the "or" field when designing a query, but this seems very slow and unstable.

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Forms :: Search Within Access Form

Sep 12, 2014

I am trying to create a search box in Access 2010 inside a form. I have managed to create a search using the 'Surname', but what I am unable to do is to factored in multiple records with the same surname.

Currently, the search field sits within the Form Header bar. I enter the surname or part of surname and click the command button which searches. Using MoveFirst and FindFirst, it jumps the form for the first record that matches (or partially matches).

However, there will be occasions where there will be more than one record that matches. What I want to do is to be able to jump to the first record, but if thats not the one I am looking, if you click search button again, it jumps to the next matching records etc... until I hit the I want?

I have tried the MoveNext, Previous, Last commands, but they dont work. Any quick fire coding out there?

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Weird Help Requested

Feb 5, 2007


there are too many requests and not enough information to easily create the required reports for my customers.

I want to copy a table/query with yes/no fields and paste into excel with the
boxes for the yes/no fields. . .

I can't remember or figure out how to do it. . .

I know it can be done as I have done it before, how, i can't recall. . .


:insert idiot emoticon:

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Forms :: Access Website And Type In Search Bar

Feb 3, 2014

I am trying to get a button on my form to open two reports, and also go to a website. Once at the website I want it to type in a search bar based off of the criteria of the two reports. I currently have it able to open both reports correctly, and I can get the website to open, but I am not able to find a way to get access to type anything once on the website.

I am opening the website using:

Application.FollowHyperlink _

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Table Organization Help Requested

Aug 31, 2007

I have at least 200 excel spreadsheets that get updated every day with closing prices of commodities. I want to run a breakout query against every spreadsheet to see if today's close is a new 20 day breakout. What is the best way to organize the access table or tables? Put all the data in one table or have separate tables for each contract and run one query against the group? I need to be able to update the tables everyday so that today's close info is included. I have a working query that works with a single dynamically linked spreadsheet to table, but I don't want to set this up for all 200 spreadsheets. Can this process be duplicated? I have tried to modify the query to run against two separate tables, but was unsuccessful. Since there are so many potential tables, if that is the best way to do it, how can you say select all tables and then run the query?

Here is the query I have written:

SELECT WZ07.Symbol, WZ07.AlphaDeliveryMonth, DateSerial(Val(Left([ddate],4)),Val(Mid([ddate],5,2)),Val(Right([ddate],2))) AS transdate, WZ07.DClose
WHERE (((DateSerial(Val(Left([ddate],4)),Val(Mid([ddate],5,2)),Val(Right([ddate],2)))) Between Date()-28 And Date()-1) AND ((WZ07.DClose)=(select max([WZ07].DClose) from [WZ07])));

The WZ07 is the December Wheat contract for 2007. This is what the excel spreadsheets are named. I had to do a dateserial command to turn a number into a date(couldn't make access recognize that 20070831 was August 31,2007) All the column headings on all the spreadsheets are the same: Symbol, AlphaDeliveryMonth, DDate(transdate),Close

I know that this is both about tables and queries so I wasn't sure where to post this. Thanks for your help.

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Resolution Requested - SQL Statement In VBA

Jul 14, 2004

I have an Append Query that I developed and am wanting to use the SQL View statement in a piece of VBA code that I am writing. The problem is that it is not working.

Here is the SQL View when I am in Query Design View.
Code:INSERT INTO tblMasterAccountList ( AccountNum, AcctName, [Account Type], [Billing Spec] )SELECT TEMPAcct.Acct, TEMPAcct.Name, TEMPAcct.Type, TEMPAcct.BillingSpecFROM TEMPAcctWHERE (((TEMPAcct.Existing)=False));

Here is the code I have in VBA...
Code:Dim strSQL As StringstrSQL = "INSERT INTO tblMasterAccountList (AccountNum, AcctName, [Account Type], [Billing Spec]) "strSQL = strSQL & "SELECT TEMPAcct.Acct, TEMPAcct.Name, TEMPAcct.Type, TEMPAcct.BillingSpec "strSQL = strSQL & "FROM TEMPAcct "strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (((TEMPAcct.Existing)=False));"DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

The code runs fine in that no errors are generated, but it does not append the records. When I run the query outside of VBA, it does append the records. Is there something special that needs to be done with an action query for the SQL statement to work in VBA?

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Commission Calculation Assistance Requested

Nov 3, 2004

Hi all. I am looking for a formula to calculate a commission, based on the total sales price. The commission is a sliding scale. Ex. if sale price is 200 or less, commission = 30%; if sale price is 201-500, commission = 25% on 201-500 & 30% of 1st 200; if sale price is 501-1000, commission = 20% on 501-1000, 25% of 201-500 & 30% of 1st 200; if sale price is 1001+, commission = 15% on 1001+, 20% on 501-1000, 25% on 201-500, & 30% on 1st 200. Does that make sense? In other words, if sale price is 300, I want commission to be 30% of 200 + 25% of 100, which = 85. Is there a way to write this in one formula?

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Report Not Showing Requested Totals

Jun 24, 2005

Dear All:

I am totally clueless on this one. Here is the statement I am using in a textbox in a report:

=DCount("[Transcript_type]","[Diplomas_requested_per_month]","[Transcript_type]='Official copy'")

This report is based on a query. The query is called "Diplomas_requested_per_month". The fields in the query are: "Transcript_type" and "Request_date". In this query there is Between [Start Date] And [End Date].

I am attempted to count the number of "Official Copy" for a specified month.

I am propted to input the start date and ending date, it works great when I run the query. But in the report, I get a "#error".

I am thankful for who have responded to the previous posting of this issue, but I am completely lost.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Error # 5852. Requested Object Is Not Available

Dec 1, 2005

Using Access 2k and Word 2k on a WinXp Workstation.

The code that I'm using is MS standard and has never previously given me any problems (see below). I've searched the MS knowledge base and Googled the error but nothing I find seems to relevant to this situation.

Can someone help?




DoCmd.Hourglass True
If CreateWordObj() Then
With gobjWord
.Visible = True
.Documents.Open "c:hp_lettersdrugsranout.doc"
With gobjWord.ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.SuppressBlankLines = True
End With
.Visible = True
End With
End If

End If

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Forms :: Access 2003 / Dynamic Search Form Very Slow?

Nov 8, 2013

I am using John Big Bootys Dynamic Search Form (built in Access 2003) as it totally met my search requirements, however when typing anything into the search box it is realy slow, taking several seconds for each letter to show in the box.

This has always been a problem now and again, however some of us have upgraded to Office 2010, (although still using the 2003 built Db as we won't move to a 2010 version Db untill March next year) and now the problem is even worse that ever. Everything else seems to work really well except for this search function, however it is the search function that is used more that anything else.

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Reports :: Parameters Being Requested Multiple Times

Nov 17, 2014

I set up what I thought was a simple query in my DB using it to create a report containing a subreport.

I kind of works, however Access is asking me for the parameter value [Extract Date] multiple times, when in theory it should only ask once!

In addition (and likely related) the Access is then repeating the output multiple times.

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Forms :: How To Open A Specific File Using Search Function In Access 2003

Dec 5, 2014

I have a access 2003 database, and i am wondering if i can't setup a search function in a form that will open a file in windows explorer?

What i would like to do is have a test box that i enter in a number for example: 1234 then have a button named "Search" hit that button and it opens a corresponding file in windows explorer named 1234, or just opens that folder directly..

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Search Criteria

Oct 21, 2005


I have a search query (query by form) which is picking up keywords from a form and displaying matching results.

I want to add a tick box to the form, and if this tick box is ticked, I want the search to only include results which have a certain field NOT blank.


frmSearch will have tick box named "Website"

If "Website" is ticked on the form and the QBF run, the query will only show those records which have information in the field "Website Address" in the table tblPublication.

If the "Website" tick box it NOT ticked, the query will show all records, regardless of having information in the field "website address" or not.

can i do this in the criteria of the query?

I don't really want to do it by having a seperate query which is run by a seperate "Search" button on the form - this would be possible by having a 2nd search button (titled "Search for results with website") run a different query which has the critera that the field "Website Address" is not null.

I dont really want to have a seperate button and query as it makes it a bit messy - would rather the one query look up if the tick box, and if "ticked" then display only those with content in "website address" field, and if not ticked, display all regardless of content of field "website address".

any ideas?!



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Can't Search On Criteria

Dec 10, 2007

I have one table with 4 fields
When I try to do a query to search on CODE it returns nothing. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Would someone please look at this DB and help> Thanks

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Set Calendar Control As Criteria For Date In VBA Query?

Aug 6, 2013

I need to set calendar control as criteria for date in VBA query. I cannot find Calendar control in ActiveX tools in Acc 2010. Where is it?

Date picker seams like very slick and simple solution but I can see it only in database. As it might be solution to my problem, can date picker be used on a form as criteria for VBA query?

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Forms :: Access 2007 - Binding Control To Form RecordSource With Criteria?

Nov 12, 2013

I have a form with a (large) number of controls which acts as a kind of read-only dashboard of data. The data is split across a number of tables (4, for now, but may grow) I've created a query which amalgamates all of the data from the tables into a single dataset and set that as the RecordSource (Snapshot) of the form. I now want to bind each of the controls to a particular field returned by that query.

However - I have a combobox (same form) which allows users to select a date and I need the controls to update with the relevant data for that date whenever the combobox is changed. The query already returns values for each field over a range of dates so the data is available within the form's RecordSource - I just don't know how to include the date criteria, as specified by the combobox, when binding each individual control?

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