Help With Customer Care Type Database

Oct 5, 2004

I am having problems with a customer care type database. I used VBAUNBOUND to update information from one table onto a form.

If you select the combo box on the form, it reads the info from the one table, and updates 3 other text boxes in the form, but it doesn't update the main table in the database.

Contacts - Customer problem details
tblcustomer - Branch details

qurycustlisting - Reads info from tblcustomer (used in form Contacts)

Contacts - Manually input details. Select branch name in combo box (reads from query - qurycustlisting) and then updates the rest of the branch details on the form. But the info insn't updated into Table Contacts

Pleas help

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Customer Database

Jan 21, 2008

hi all,

first time posting so please excuse the newbness.

i need to create a customer database, which i would like to be able to generate invoices from, nothing fancy or complicated, just name, address phone number etc. with a button to put this detail into a template word .doc file.

i would also like to be able to import all names and addresses at the end of the year to send a christmas card maybe or promotional e-mail.

how difficult is this to do? i kinda remember doing something similar at school years ago but can't remember how i did it.

any help/information would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance

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Customer Database Tutorial

Jul 5, 2006


I am new to Access and would like to learn by taking on small projects.

Does any body know any good tutorials for beginners that could show how to start a database for a list of customers or something similar?

I have looked at the ones that can be created with the Wizards but obviously this doesn't help you understand the mechanics.

I would like to learn the 'nuts and bolts' so that I can expand the database and create new ones the more advanced I become.

Any good suggestions would be appreciated.


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HELP! Customer Database, Quotes, Etc.

Jan 31, 2007

A friend pointed me in the direction of this site, and I sure hope someone can help. I need to build databases that will primarily be used for creating sales quotes. I know my way around, a little bit, but I am having trouble building this database. Would anyone be interested in helping me?

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General :: Create Check On A Field (customer ID) Of Customer Table In MS Access?

Sep 7, 2012

create a check on a feild(customer id) of customer table in MS Access , as "Customer ID is of 8 characters, the first 4 are alphabets and the last 4 are digits"

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Add Customer Name Into Table Each Time Unique Customer Added To SaleTable

Dec 11, 2013

I have a Table Sales - that lists customer and order information

Most of the customers are new - is there a way to populate Customer Name Table with a new entry each time a new customer is input into the Sales Tale

(Without having to add the custome to Customer Name Table - then going to Sales Order)
Failing that - is there a way to use a list box that points to Customer Name Table (and if it doesn't find the one you want, will allow you toadd a new record) In the SAME form as you use to add to Sales Table.

Date (textbox linking to form.Sales) Customer Name (List Box linking to form.CustomerName + adding the info to form.Sale)

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Creating New Database On Customer Quotes?

Jul 13, 2012

I am assigned to create a customer quote database for our company. Now it is in excel and already have 40,000 records and increasing average 25 records everyday. The way they want to send quotes are:

- The number of items in the quote are varied from 1 o 15.

- Each item has six different prices, depends on the order qty and want to mention in different adjusent lines.

- Each item has different delivery time depend on order qty.

- Company's sales Terms and conditions need to be printed at the end of each quote in separate page. (two full pages)

How do I create the table to accommodate all these fields? Is it possible to accommodate all items/sub items in one table under one qutoe id. I have customer table, product table etc ready and little confused to create the Quote table.

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Best Option For Grouping Areas In A Customer Database?

Feb 16, 2006

Hi all, just wondered if anyone would have an idea of the best way to implement this? I have a customer database, the relationships are below, and currently have done searching by town/city, street, purchase date, and also searching by area. But now the person i created it for wants to be able to search by 'groups of areas'. He has written how he would like to be able to search and they often include 3, 4, or 5 areas grouped together as one, and in only one or two instances he has included a small town aswell as a few areas.

Basically, it's been a while since i actually made the database (a year or so) and have not been using access much at all, so i'm having a bit of trouble working out how i'm gonna go about it and would like some idea's :D . I'm sure once i get back into the swing of it i'll be ok, but i feel like a newbie again at the moment :o :rolleyes:

Many thanks for any help you can give.

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Access Database - How To Autopopulate By Selecting Physician Name Or Customer ID#

Apr 15, 2008

Hi...I'm having issues.

I have a project trying to manage some patients.

I have a table with all patient information ~1000 patients. However, not all patients will be case managed. I have another table where I will add all the patients that need to be case managed ~ 100-300 patients. I'd like to be able to autopopulate the 2nd form (the case managed patients) by selecting the Patient ID.

I'd like the patient ID to pull the patient info from the 1st table and populate it into the 2nd table.

Same for physicians. I have a physician file with around 2000 physicians. I'd like to type in the physician ID in my form and have it pull all the demographic information for the physician and populate those fields...

Any thoughts? I am sick of cut/paste and retyping all this info that could easily be pulled for seperate existing tables.

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Combining Customer And Customer Contact Tables

Dec 24, 2011

I have a DB set up with a debtors table (Customers) and a Customer Contacts table, I was thinking of combining these two tables into one.Most of the Debtors are companies, but a few are actual people. With the current setup, i need to have both a debtor and a customer in two different tables, but with exactly the same data.

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Database In Access Data Type Problem?!?

Jan 6, 2005

Hey all.. I was wondering if anyone would be able to help because I am really stuck with this..

Basically in an Access Database holding messages of online chat conversations I need to run a query to find out which is the longest message and which is the shortest message sent. In order to this the number of characters need to be counted and then the max and min selected however I'm having problems with the data type of the message

Based on the LEN function I first tried :

SELECT User.User, Message.Message
FROM Message INNERJOIN [User] ON Message.[Message ID] = User.[Message ID]

This selected the user and message fields and ordered them based on the length of the message.

In the original Message Table the message field is set to Memo as there are quite long messages the above SQL did incorporate the full messages and ordered them in the correct manner...

HOWEVER.. I need to be able to count the number of characters per message and retrieve the longest message and then retrieve the shortest message.

I tried..

SELECT Message.Message, LEN(Message) AS [No of characters]
FROM Message INNERJOIN [User] ON Message.[Message ID] = User.[Message ID]GROUP BY Message.Message;

This counted the number of characters for each message but it did not incorporate the full messages, the maximum number of characters for the longer messages came up as 255 whereas I know that they are longer than that.. and it only displayed those 255 characters and cut off the rest of the message.

Ultimately I need to select the 'User' from the user table, 'Message' from the message table, Count the number of characters per message and then display the highest but the function needs to be aware of the messages that have characters more than 255 hence the Memo data type setting in the Message Table..

... any ideas/developments on the above??

I have been trying a few different things but getting no-where at the moment.. Ive tried asking in loads of different places but seems I have baffled everyone else as well as myself.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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General :: Cannot Change Field Data Type In Database

Mar 18, 2014

In my database i have a field for Tonnage (quantity) ...

I need for example to input 38.60 or 37.89 so my values must have 2 decimal places, ive searched and found changing my field type to double or decimal should solve the 'numbers rounding up/down' but access will not let me change the data type?

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Queries :: Type Conversion Failure - Error Database

Sep 2, 2014

I am trying to import an Excel spreadsheet into an Access 2007 database. Each time I import, Access creates a 'type conversion failure' error database.

I set up the first field in my .db to be a TEXT field because the Field will have both numeric and text characters. The field name is [estimate number] with numbers such as 656111 or 65611A being imported. All the fields with the numeric and alphabetical combination (i.e. 65611A) are not being imported (which results in the creation of the error db).

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Record Locking - Multi User Worklist Type Database

Mar 9, 2006


Bottom line I'm in bit of a pickle, work has moved forward the migration of Office97/NT4 to Office2003/XP by 2 months (clever lot) and was hoping not have to cram for this question until at least 3-5 weeks.

I'm looking for pointers/suggestions because I now have to test in Access2003 Runtime on MONDAY!!!!

What it is, is:

I have a query which is a list of items that need to be worked out of 65,000.
Of that 65,000, 20,000 end up in the query (Actually do need looking at after an Automated process)
(it's adapting the query/process I think I need)


EntID - UniqueID for a household
Applicant1 - Number lookup value for Applicant 1
Applicant2 - Number lookup value for Applicant 2
Qualifies - 1 = Yes, 2 = No, Null = Not worked.

That's basic building block of the Query which is Drives the main Form.

What I would like is a scenario similar to this:

Person A opens record 1

Person B opens record 2

Person C opens record 3

Person C finishes record 3

Person B finishes record 2

Person C opens record 4

Person B opens record 5 (he/she took a little break)

Now that's the way I would like it to work, but there will be other factors and this is where I'm all ears for anyone who is used to this type of system.

The problem I can't figure out is that the Main Form has several subforms, but none of the data is to be edited, it is there for visual purposes only.
The users will be creating records via the Main Form through code, but not directly into any tables/queries with which I can use conventional record locking, that I can see.

My thoughts are that Person A calls up a record based on Min EntID and somehow locks it so the Person B looks for Min EntID Where not locked.

Question Time:

Please, please can someone point me in the direction of how to do it and more importantly the correct order of events?
I have tried doing the Min EntID and locking the record, but while Person A is running the Min Query, Person B is running it also so they end up with the same record as B has the record on screen while A is locking it.

In the real world Person B might open record 2 and think, nah I can't be bothered.
I would like a proffessional opnion on whether C opens record 2 or should B be made to deal with it.

I think not given the huge time constrants landed square on my lap, I would get there with smaller questions, but I've spent the last 10hrs writing a Function, to get it ready for the testing lab, where the owner has changed the requirements 7 times and my head isn't working.

All or some help given will be GREATLY received.
Any further information needed, just ask.

Hope you can help.


Ian Mac

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Connecting Super Type & Sub Type Entities With A Condition

Sep 21, 2004

hi friends,
i have tried had to connect sub type tabels (Saving, Checking, Loan... they have their own ids...) with super type ( has account id...) on the condition of account_type (either "S","C" or "L") attribute in ACCOUNT entity.
how to joint them??? with query or with expression??
i expect help from you.........please.

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Tables :: Converting Text Data Type To Number Data Type

Nov 3, 2012

I have a table with a field with names set to text data type and i want to change it to number data type but when i do it in design view the data get lost. I want to know if there is a way to convert the data in the field as number type and keep the data in the field.

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Customer Db

Sep 3, 2005


I'm creating a db for customers and each customer can have many service orders.

In the customer form I have two buttons, one to create a new service order and one to open existing service orders.

Both buttons work as they are supposed to although I am doing this with custid, so both the customer and serviceorder tables have a field called custid and when the button is clicked to show existing service orders it matches both custid's and shows the corresponding records. However it onlt works at the moment with me manually entering the custid in the field in the serviceorder table. When a new service order is created I need the custid to be entered in both tables.

I hope this makes some sense, any help is grately appreciated!!

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Customer History

Nov 1, 2005


I currently have a "customer" form (which displays client details from a table - name, address etc) I would like to add history comments for each customer.

Does anyone know how i would go about doing this.

I image i could press a button on the current "customer" form that will open a history form which after typing a comment would be displayed on the main "customer" form, with date, time and comment.
I would obviously be able to add lots of comments to each record.

i would be greatful for any kind of help


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Customer & Supplier - What If They Are Both?

Aug 14, 2006

Currently my design consists of a table for customers and a table for suppliers. At first it seems logical. Or so I thought!

As my design is evloving I have noticed a problem. What if a supplier calls and says "I want to purchase a..." they then also become a customer!

Obvoius I know but do I leave the design (attached) as is or disolve the supplier table and then just add one field called [CustSupp] and have three options to choose from "Customer", "Supplier" or "Both"

I could then base any other forms like the [FrmCustomers] on a query that looks at the [CustSupp] field and has a Like "Customer" criteria

Whst is the best method. Any advice greatly received.

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Using 2 Customer Ids In One Table

Nov 27, 2006

i cant do this.. its too long..

basically i have a job table and a person table..

jobid, job date, job details....

personid, personname, person details...

the job table needs to store who BOOKED the job, and who was the PASSENGER in the job.

i want to use the person ids in the job table..

im having trouble here with the whole relationships and forms..

i need my user to be able to simultaneously add a booker and a customer to the person table and assign them both to a job and i dont know the best way to do it..

a few rules

job1 can be
booked by person 1
have passenger as person 1

job 1 can be
booked by person 1
have passenger as person 2

also the booker and/or passenger may be unknown.. which is why i want to create an unknown person in the person table.. with id 1 for example.. and anytime the booker or passenger isnt known my user can just type in id 1

someone help me.

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Top 5 Products Per Customer

Jan 22, 2008

Hi There,
I have created this query and i want to return the top 5 suppliers per LOB. It is returning something but it is not the top 5. I want to limit only to return the top 5. Pls. help and thanks. See attached file.

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Customer Log Sub Form

Jul 16, 2005

Thanks in advance for any help with this situation.

I have a table that contains all my customer information. Name, address, phone etc. The primary key for the table is an account number I assign to each customer. I am trying to make a section on my form where it displays a list of each interaction I have with my customer. A date and an interaction or case number. I made a second table with the same account number as a primary key to link them.

I have a tabbed form, on the first tab is all the information from my first table (name, account number, address phone etc.) and on the second tab I want to display the interactions for only the customer who's account number appears on the first tab of the form.

I tried putting a subform under the second tab, when I scroll through to records on the first tab, the interaction records for that account number do not appear on the second tab subform.

Any idea of how to do this?

Thanks very much,

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Deleting A Customer

Apr 15, 2005

I currently have four tables:Customer, Timepurchased, Ideas, and Projects. Is it possible to have a form or something that would allow me to choose a customer by their email address(which is the unique identifier in each one) and delete them completly from the db. Thank.s

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Customer Returns

May 17, 2007

Hi, I am new to access and have just started to build our first database. We are an engineering company who sells automotive components. I have set up the database to process customer orders. Some of the products we sell are remanufactured and sold on an exchange basis. So, once a unit has been sold at some point in the future the customers original unit comes back to us to be remanufactured - but this is not the case with all products we sell.

The exchange units are booked in using a tracking number and then given a unique reference number. I want to create a database that enables me to book an order and be able to enter a courier tracking number for the old unit when a return is required. The tracking number is given to us by our couriers. I want my staff to be able to enter the tracking number and the original customer order to then appear, they then need to enter the unique number given to the return unit.

The problem I have with this is that the exchange unit is normally returned weeks after the original order was sent, and that not every product requires an exchange. Is there a simple way of dealing with this?

Any help is much appreciated


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Sample Customer Satisfaction DB

Jul 15, 2005

I checked the sample DB section, but could not find what I am looking for: a anonymous customer satisfaction database. Just a shell I can build upon. Does anyone here have anything similar I might be able to use?

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Help: Attaching Several Products To One Customer

Aug 17, 2007

Hi, I'm not even sure how to describe my problem in the proper terms in order to look it up in any faq or tutorial.

I have one table, customers. Their name, number, etc.
Another table, products: Name, id, department, etc.
And the final table being orders. Customer bought product when, etc.

However, I'm only able to attach one product to each customer per order. I need to be able to attach any number of products, and I don't know how to go about doing that.

Also, when I create a form for entering all the data to these tables, the information doesn't stick. I create a form using the order table, enter the order and customer information, and have the products as a subform. The information will stick for each table, but they won't connect to each other.
If that makes any sense...

Any pointers would be great thanks, I don't even know where to start.

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