I am pretty new to programming with access but i am trying to create a database system with history logs and i am stuck on how to structure it.
I'll explain a little more, i am trying to setup an application so that if somebody brings an item into myself to purchase i can book it into the system so that it records the customer that it came in with and also the item details. I will then need to resell this product onto another customer, the problem i am having is that once the item has been purchased and sold on i will then need to keep a record of this so that if the customer comes back with the same item he has purchased to resell back to us we can keep all the details in history so that each product that is purchased and re-sold has all its past history from every customer that has purchased it and sold it back to me.
I have a DB setup with users and their information. How can I remove a user from the DB without losing their data?
Basically I just don't want the users seeing this (deleted) user in the list on a form. So maybe "hide" is a better term than delete.
Details: Access 2010
Table "Employees" - holds username and some other user specific info. Table "Hours" - holds username related data(how many hours they worked on specific dates). Form "WorkHourEntry" - The form I use to allow the users to login and enter their data(hours).
Then have a combo box that displays all the users in a list. This list/combo box is where I want to hide users from when the employee leaves the company or dept. and is no longer needed. But, we need to keep their history/data.
Is it possible please to extract a tables structure and data into SQL in Access. I know how to do this in phpmyadmin (an internet based DBMS) but not so sure in Access.
What I want to do is to create an identical version of the table in SQL Server, so therefore require the structure and data in SQL format if possible.
I want to be able to make code that will modify a data structure in another file. Can I do it in an access application or will I need to make a VB application? I want to add some more fields to a table. :confused:
If I want to duplicate just a table, I can easily select "structure only" under paste options. Is there an easy way to do the same thing for an entire database (tables, queries, etc.) all at once?
In short, someone has a database. They're willing to share the database itself, but not necessarily its contents. The database has a user interface, so the people who use the database don't necessarily know much about Access. Therefore, I can ask them to follow a few basic, built-in Access menu options, but can't ask them to do something manually, such as copying the entire file and then manually emptying the tables. This seems like something that should be easy, but I can't find it. Any help?
hi everybody, great resource you have here! my employer is tracking around 250 pieces of data for each client at our facility. i am making a new access system based on their existing mysql database and web front end. before i start messing around with forms and reports, i want to see how well this existing structure will work in access, and what kind of approach i should take. i am a newbie with access, but lots of experience with asp/mssql/php/mysql. making web forms is so time consuming that i figured i would be best off moving the whole thing to access and starting from scratch.
client information is stored in eight tables. each table has around 30 fields in it. the first table has a primary key autonumber, and the other seven tables have foreign keys with unique constraints that point back to the first table. that is, for each client record in the first table, there can only be exactly one corresponding record in the other tables.
i did some data massaging, and got the eight client tables into one big table, but the resultant table has almost 250 fields in it, and access doesn't seem to like working with tables that big. so i am thinking that it is best to leave the eight tables separate, but linked in one to one relationships.
i was kind of ideally visualizing a form with eight tabs so that i could edit/update all of the information from the eight tables rather seamlessly.
my question is: what approach to table structure will best suit my needs, and what approach should i take to add/update/delete the info with forms? will i need to do vb for this? any good one-to-one example databases anybody could point me at?
I have a database that tracks emissions from painting. Bear with me since this is going to be a long post. :o
Some background info. - a paint can consists of many parts mixed in a specific ratio. - a part cosists of many chemicals - a part may be used is many different paints
Here is how I have the existing database structured now. I’ve simplified it somewhat.
PK = Primary Key (Autonumber) FK = Foreign Key (Autonumber)
The Density or VOC Content (VOC = Volatile Organic Compound) for a paint can either be given OR it can be calculated by the mix ratio of parts and their respective Density or VOC Content values. One or the other must be complete.
What I did not account for was that there may be changes due to the paint manufacturer revising their paint composition, such as; the parts that make up a paint may change chemical make-up of a part changes (can be a change in Weight Percentages or the addition or deletion of a chemical). ratio in which parts are mixed for a paint changes Density/VOC Content values may change for a Paint or Part
The problem is that I cannot simply change the existing records as the emissions are calculated using all the data from each table and emissions need to be calculated using the paint/part/ratio/chemical weight percent info that was valid at the time of usage.
Another thing is that the Paint Name will not change, it’ll always be something like “BrandX Acrylic Blue”.
The person entering usage data only knows how much of what paint was used for a given day.
The person who enters paint usage has nothing to with entering the chemical make-up for parts and information for the paints and vice versa.
At any rate, my new draft table design is as follows. Two of the tables (tblChemical & tblUsage) will remain the same.
tblPaint PaintID (PK) PaintName - String
tblPaintVersion PaintVersionID (PK) PaintID (FK) PaintDensity - Double PaintVOCContent - Double PaintVersionDateIN - Date PaintVersionDateOUT - Date
tblPart PartID (PK) PartName - String
tblPartVersion PartVersionID (PK) PartID (FK) PartDensity - Double PartVOCContent - Double PartVersionDateIN - Date PartVersionDateOUT - Date
I might be able to do away with tblRatioVersion and just have one table to store the mix ratios. It should be the case that a change in mix ratios (either a change in mix ratios and/or what parts make up a paint) means a change in the Paint Density & VOC Content. But I am presenting both versions of the Ratio tables here for completeness.
Version 1 tblRatioVersion RatioVersionID (PK) PaintVersionID (FK) RatioVersionDateIN - Date RatioVersionDateOUT - Date
tblRatio RatioID (PK) RatioVersionID (FK) PartVersionID (FK) Ratio - Integer
Version 2 tblRatio RatioID (PK) PaintVersionID (FK) PartVersionID (FK) RatioVersionDateIN - Date RatioVersionDateOUT - Date Ratio - Integer
I plan on having the DateOUT fields be populated automatically to match the DateIN for the new version. That way I can use “BETWEEN DateIN and DateOUT” to select the appropriate info for calculating emissions. The idea came from an old thread I started (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=31677&highlight=historical+data). I think this is the way to go, but with all the relationships going on, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it all. Am hoping someone here can help me with this.
Anyone see any problems with the new table design? Anyone know a better way? :confused:
Some potential issues that I see If only the Density/VOC Content changes for a Paint, then the old set of records in tblRatio must be duplicated. If only the Density/VOC Content changes for a Part, then the old set of records in tblRatio & tblChemicalWt must be duplicated.
Thanks for reading this post all the way to the end! :D
EDIT: Thought about it some more. A new version of a Part, should trigger a new version of Mix Ratios which in turn should trigger a new version of a paint. Part --> Ratio --> Paint Ratio --> Paint
Also, a change in a Part must trigger a New Paint version for ALL Paints that currently use it! :eek:
I currently have a "customer" form (which displays client details from a table - name, address etc) I would like to add history comments for each customer.
Does anyone know how i would go about doing this.
I image i could press a button on the current "customer" form that will open a history form which after typing a comment would be displayed on the main "customer" form, with date, time and comment. I would obviously be able to add lots of comments to each record.
I need to write a db for my boss where he can access his patient treatment information. How can I make the db (Access '03) to be able to add new treatment to the same patient and to display all treatments seperately on a form? There are about 500 patients. Appreciate any assistance.
Hi. I am creating a contact management database. Also I am new to Microsoft Access. How would I create a calling history record for each of the clients in the contact database? What would be the best way and how would I go about it? The calling history ideally would include the call recipient, time, date, subject and notes. Thanks. Take care.
I am trying to create a historical record of Employees at our business. What I would like to do is have a query that will create a begin date and create that date for each day starting w/ like 1/1/06 and continue thru Date()-1. For example:
Jane Doe and John Doe started employment on 1/1/06. Jane Doe was employed until 1/5/06. So using their "Hire Date" I would like the query to do this..
Created Name Hire Date Termination
1/1/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06 1/1/06 John Doe 1/1/06 1/2/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06 1/2/06 John Doe 1/1/06 1/3/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06 1/3/06 John Doe 1/1/06 1/4/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06 1/4/06 John Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06 1/5/06 John Doe 1/1/06 1/6/06 John Doe 1/1/06 1/7/06 John Doe 1/1/06
So in this case Jane Doe will show up every day in the "Employee List" until she was terminated. Is it possible to loop a date like this in a query or will I have to make an estranged table with a list of dates? TIA for any help.
I have 2 fields - "Balance" and "Date" - each time data in the "balance" field changes, the "Date" field updates to todays date (thanks to help from Kiwiman in the forum earlier).
I now need to keep a history/log of all data input into balances and the dates.
The new field to store this information is called "Balance History". so an example of what i want to end up with would be
1st time: Company Name: Automobile 2nd time: Company Name: AuID
If I type A, then it will show out the word, but the cursor is till After A, because if we type another character which will change another word 3rd time: Company Name: Automobile
4th time: Company Name: Au[I]ID[I]
What is the keyword to search about it in the forum? Anyway, does anybody know how to solve it? Please let me know, thanks.
ok i didnt know what section to put this in so i put it here. what i wanna do is add a price change history to my database. for example is the price of an item is changed in my database i want to be able to see what the previous price was and when it was last changed, either in forms of reports doesnt matter i just need somewhere to view this info. problem is i have no idea where to start.
I am creating a database for a company that sells a product with a variety of options.
They have all their previous orders in a works spreadsheet file. Each customer has their own file with every order for the past 15 years. There are probably about 1.5 million records.
The company wants all those 1.5 million records accessible in their access database.
I've brought in about 20 records for the history and they can run a query to see a customer's past orders by their account number.
My question: Should I put all the history into one gigantic table or would it be best to try and create separate tables for the history? (Maybe history by state.)
The history table then will take the new orders each year and add to that table.
(Eventually, once the database gets done I'm thinking we'll have to step up to SQL but not sure.)
Hi all, I need some help figuring this problem out. I’ll keep it simple. I have a data entry form with 3 text boxes where you can enter product name, serial number and comments. A save button writes the entry to a table called “Products”. That’s all fine.
I also have a data edit form and this is what I need some help with. The product name will always remain the same but the serial number and comments may change. Should a change be made, I want the existing record being modified to go into a table called History before the Products table is updated with the new serial number and comments. The idea is to keep a full traceability of all the changes made when a report is printed off. What’s the easiest way to this please? thanks
Hello. I'm building a history table to keep track of some changes that occur on one of my forms. Here is what I'm using to build my history table: Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDateCycleTestingChanges", dbOpenDynaset) With rs .AddNew ![CycleTestingDatesID] = Me.CycleTestingDatesID.Value ![Changed] = Now() ![ClientID] = Me.ClientID.Value ![ProjectID] = Me.ProjectID.Value ![TaskID] = Me.TaskID.Value ![TaskStartDt] = Me.TaskStartDt.Value ![TaskEndDt] = Me.TaskEndDt.Value .Update End With Set rs = Nothing End If I have 2 questions: 1. I'm not sure where to insert this event. I'm thinking on Before_Update on the updated field? (I don't want to put it into Before_Update for a form event as I have other things that are being filled out/changed and I only want to keep track if certain fields on the forms are updated/changed. 2. I would also like to keep track of Old and New values for those specific fields. Is that at all possible? Thanks.
I would like to know how to create a history table that will copy information from a field called "Status" on my form just in case I inadverently erase old information from that field without me being aware of it with my keyboard keys etc. In others words when I'm am interrupted by someone and I didn't notice I had erase the information by mistake and closed out the form and realized when I go back into it, my old information have been erased and I don't have that information documented anywhere else to re-enter that old information into the Status section on my form.
Is there any way to leave a trail or history everytime a record is changed? We have kids in our database that sometimes go to follow-along when our service will not work for them at the present time. These kids go in and out sometimes several times. Since there is no absolute way of knowing, we have to create a new record everytime they come back to our service. I would like to be able to see a history of status changes along with some dates. Is there anyway to do this? If anyone knows, let me know. If not, oh well. Thanks guys.
I have a table in my database for my customers. Sometime my customers change their address but I want to keep these changes in other table. How it is possible.
Recording to a table Who is logged on to Database, When they logged on and when they logged off. Gets tricky as I really would like the info to come from the mdw file(all users go through this for access) If someone can help would be great. Need my hand held for this as I have been attempting to do this for over a month with no real success. I have so many samples that don’t quite make it happen I am now totally confused.
I have created a table for customer bills, and a table for customer profiles which contains rates associated with them specifically. The problem is that after a new rate change has been imposed I want to be able to look at an old bill, via a report, and have it reflect the "old" rate within proper historical context. I'm looking for suggestions on how to best manage ongoing rate changes while maintaining a billing rate history in my reports?
Where Status 1 = Open, 2 = Allocated and 3 = Closed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to get the count of number of queries which are not closed (outstanding) at any point in time.
Example: (with a time parameter) Input | Result 22/10/2007 17:00 | 1 22/10/2007 16:05 | 0 22/10/2007 14:00 | 2
I want to achieve this with just 1 query (not by using one query within the other) b,coz I want to further use this query from Excel VBA (write through Excel VBA and not store the query within Access)
I would like to track the revision history of table records. To do so, I have created tables with two-key fields. A typical table is tblPO_Data. The first key field is PO_Number and the second key field is PO_Revision. Data fields follow.
A key element of this table is that each record may have any number of data fields left blank AND later revisions may only show the "changed" field values.
NOW I would like to create a query that lists one record for each PO number, showing the most recently revised data. The desired result would look like:
Please realize that this is an example. There would be numerous one to one tables for each PO number to reduce the number of blank fields (ie. only tables with changes would be get revised records).
Can someone suggest a way to create a query to accomplish the above requirements, thanks in advance, Jeff...