Feb 23, 2005
I have got two forms : frmStock,frmItem
In frmStock i have subform for frmItem
so i want when open frmStock to have the items that belong in stock (tbl stock,item)
I made query : select * from Stock,Item where;
how i make it??? i want load the return from query in this subform (frmItem)
PLZ no solution with relationship.
plz help
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Mar 22, 2013
One shows my form with the Transporters Subform with 3 entries, and 1 entry.The three line items that say "Transporter" are in one subform. I used this code
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount >= 3 Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
End If
End Sub
to limit the number of records I can add to 3 or less.My issue is that I lost the blank text box that allows you to add another record. So, if I only have one Transporter listed, there's no box to let me add a second or third.I have the following properties for the Transporters Subform set to "Yes":
Data Entry
Allow Additions
Allow Deletions
Allow Edits
Allow Filters
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Dec 12, 2014
I have a form which needs update ever month. When the form is opened, the end user can see the old records and data, and also a new record is added for any new data. I want to protect the old saved data and the user can only add, edit, or delete the new data in the newly added record. The problem is once a user adds the new data and moves to another record or another form, then he/she cannot edit or change the new data in case if there is any mistake or need to change something after couple of minutes.
I changed the Form Data Properties "Allow Additions", "Allow Edits", and "Allow Deletions" many different times and situations to solve this problem but with no success. I tried the following with NO success too: One of the Fields of the Record is (Month). In the Data Properties, I set a Default Value for this field as(December 2014) for instance. I set the Data Properties "Allow Additions", "Allow Edits", and "Allow Deletions" to (Yes). Then I put the following code in the Form's Current Event:
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.month.Value = "December 2014" Then
Me.AllowAdditions = True
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True
[Code] ....
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Jul 28, 2005
I have form setup with two cascading combo boxes (facility and date) to select a record (other navigation, including mousewheel, is disabled). There is a button to open another form which allows addition/deletion of records by facility and date. When this form is closed, the combo boxes update accordingly on the initial form. However, if I select a new record whose facility/date I have just entered, it seemingly shows the wrong values for several of the other fields. If I check the corresponding table, the values are actually at default, though, and when I reopen the form they have reverted to default. Any ideas on how to solve this? I'm tempted to simply have the first form close and reopen when the second is closed, but couldn't figure out the syntax to close a form with a button on a different form. Let me know if there's any more information I need to provide. Thanks for any suggestions.
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Feb 3, 2014
The user will be creating a new project that contains a bunch of releases. The releases have standard names which are stored in a table tbl_ReleaseNames It should be noted that the list of names is not static.
The user selects which of the releases pertains to their project and then based on their selections, new records would be created in tbl_RFP_Release and then a subsequent form would open where it would display each of these newly created releases where they could enter additional information. I thought of creating an unbound checkbox associated with each of the standard names, and then checking to see if the checkbox was checked and then creating the new records followed by opening up the new form.
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Oct 25, 2013
We have a database with one main data entry which stores records in a seperate table. There are several thousand records keyed in using this form. Therefore, alongside the entry we have a search form which allow the user to search for a specific record and display it in the main if he/she needs to edit one.
We have received a request from users for a functionality which allows users to browse all records, using the main form layout, that they have keyed in. I guess what I am asking is: Is there a way to limit the records visible in a form using field on that same form as a limitation (ie. the users name - which is a required key-in)?
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Aug 17, 2007
I have a continuous form bound to a recordset that has the following fields:
- Ignore: Boolean
- OverTime: Boolean
- AnnualLeave:Boolean
-ExtraValue: Double
The Ignore, OverTime, AnnualLeave fields are bound to a I, O, A checkboxes respectively in this continuous form. The ExtraValue bound to a EV textbox in this form.
What I want is that when the user check O or A checkboxes, the EV textbox is enabled only for this form record NOT all the form records, when the user check I checkbox, the EV textbox is disabled only for this from record, NOT all the form records.
The problem is that whenver the user check, all the form records EV text box is affected by this action.
Is there any way to achieve this?
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Nov 12, 2006
The situation is like this:
I am designing a db for a dental clinic. I created 3 tables as follows:
1.T_Patients (P_Code(PK) and other fields)
2.T_Diagnosis (P_Code(Fk), ToothRecId (PK) and 32 text fields for 32 tooth named (UR1 to UR8, UL1- UL8 for Upper left / right Arch and LR1 to LR8, LL1 to LL8 for Lower left / right Arch)
3.T_Pmts (P_Code (FK), PmtRecId(PK) and other fields
I created one main form based on T_Patients tbl and similarly another 2 forms from other 2 tables. In the main form I placed 1 sub-form and 2nd sub-form. Bothe the sub-forms are Master / Child relationship on form over P_Code field in the main form.
Single character length has used for all the 32 text fields in table T_Diagnosis. So only one single B, C, D, F, M could be entered.
Normally we search patient’s profile by patient’s code or by name that displays in the main form. But the client needs to search patient’s record by tooth criteria.
There may many tooth fields in the first sub-form that are null and only some of them with any one of the B, C, D, F, M character. Bcz there is very rare chances of damaging all 32 tooth of the patient.
Now my clients want to search based on the data which are B, C, D, F, M characters. Means once he types C (stands for Cavity) in a search text box then it should bring all the sub-form records that hold value C in any of the 32 fields.
1.How can I do this when the search based on SUB-FORM and not over the main form?
2.The entered criteria value might by in other field also. Like say if entered C then this value may be in any of the 32 fields. So how it would bring all records?
I am confused how to do it. I attached a pic of my form for your ready ref. :confused:
I would really appreciate if somebody could help me.
With kind regards,
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Feb 9, 2005
I am having trouble getting this to work. I need the below code to run when I am moving through records on my form. What is happening though is if there is no date in either "cutinplan" or "cutin_actual" it is just carrying over the amount in "ExWorksYTD" from the previous record instead of leaving it Null. Do I have this in the right Event?
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Not IsNull(Me.cutin_actual) Then
Me.ExWorksYTD = DSum("[volume]", "qryMonth_Volumes", "[monthid] Between " & Me.cutinact.Column(0) & " And Month(monthid) AND [configid] = " & Forms!projects!.configname & "") * ([ExWorksStd] - [ExWorksAct])
Me.ExWorksBOY = DSum("[volume]", "qryMonth_Volumes", "[monthid] Between " & Month(date) & " And 12 AND [configid] = " & Forms!projects!.configname & "") * ([ExWorksStd] - [ExWorksAct])
If Not IsNull(Me.cutin_plan) And IsNull(Me.cutin_actual) (Added this code to see if any change)Then
Me.ExWorksYTD = Null
Me.ExWorksBOY = DSum("[volume]", "qryMonth_Volumes", "[monthid] Between " & Me.cutinplan.Column(0) & " And 12 AND [configid] = " & Forms!projects!.configname & "") * ([ExWorksStd] - [ExWorksPlan])
End If
End If
End Sub
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Apr 7, 2005
I have many forms which I have designed to be as idiot proof as possible howver I have one problem which is prooving difficult to solve.
When the forms open, records are attached to bound text boxes, list boxes etc. The problem is that when a form opens it should display one record only but using the scroll wheen on the mouse, the tab key and others, a user can navigate to other records. I have disabled the record selectors on each page along with the navigation buttons.
Is there any way of stopping other records from being displayed?? Any help is much appreciated.
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Mar 13, 2006
Hello all.
I took over a database from another administrator. I'm not at all a pro at this, but one of my forms will not allow the user to see ALL of the records in the table. It will only show just the records that the user has just put in during that session.
Any thoughts on how to fix this? I know that the other guy had to add something to get it to work like this but he can't remember what he did.
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May 2, 2006
I have gone back to my database after a couple months (other work commitments)to find that for some reason I can not see new records that I have added. To be honest I'm not sure if it was OK whan I last used it.
I can add a new record in a form but if I come out of the form and go back in the record is not there, however the record I created is in the table. I would have thoought it was something simple as the initial data I entered I can see its just the data from today that I cannot.
Any help, much appreciated
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Sep 4, 2005
Hi all
At the moment I have a form which links to a table, one of the columns in the table is called "Description" so the user can input a sentence or two. Basically I when I open this form (in Edit Mode as Im using a Switch Board)it will not allow me to edit a current record.
I can edit a record in the tabel but not in the form.... :eek: .. help
Any help would be superb
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Aug 13, 2007
Hey AWF,
I have no idea what I've done... :confused:
When I goto my form I can no longer cycle through the records, but the records are still there in the table (the form's Record Source). I was double-checking field properties to make sure everything was ok and, oops, all the records are gone...(but still in the table).
Hopefully it's something simple. Can someone save the day again? :o
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Dec 11, 2007
I'm not even sure which forum to put this in, as it involves a form, two tables, some queries, and possibly a macro. I've poked around the message boards here and haven't quite found a method that works for my situation. So here we go!
I have a recruiting database that I've developed for some other users in the office who are not Access builders. They have asked if there is a way to archive old records into another table for safekeeping, which I can do through the database window, but which they probably couldn't. I want to give them the ability to tuck these records away as needed, and without them having to ask me to do so every time.
The main table in the DB is called tblPosition. There is a form called frmPositionManagement which is bound to this table. It's through this form that the recruiters make all their updates and whatnot to records stored in tblPosition. I also have a table called tblArchive which I have created using the exact same fields as tblPosition so I can store the outdated records there.
I'm looking for a programmatic way to do this. I was hoping to put a button on frmPositionManagement that would let the user remove that record from tblPosition and send it to tblArchive. I had figured on creating a macro (mcoArchive) that took the following steps:
* MsgBox "Are you certain you want to archive this record?"
* Run an Append Query to add the selected record to tblArchive
* Run a Delete Query to remove the record from tblPosition
* Close the Append Query
* Close the Delete Query
Then I started building those two queries and the macro, and the wheels fell off my brain.
The difficulty I'm having is getting the system to say to itself, "The record currently displayed on the frmPositionManagement is the one I need to append and delete." I have a specific record selected on the form, so how do I pass that record's unique ID through to the two queries to make this record the one which is appended/deleted?
I had tried setting the criteria for the unique key in the Append/Delete queries to =[frmPositionManagement]![AutoID], but that just led to a pop-up box that asked me to input frmPositionManagement!AutoID, which is not what I wanted at all.
My VB isn't all that great, so I was trying to stick to macros, but if someone has an idea for a programmatic solution for this conundrum, I'd appreciate hearing it!
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Apr 21, 2008
I have a form I am using to search for records based on any number of criteria. The one I am having a problem with is a model number search. I would like to search based on a from value and a to value.......for instance........let's say you had the following items:
If I want to search for values from bir to birt, I would get bird, birdbath and birth. How can I code my query value to look for values between two text boxes in a form?
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May 7, 2005
I have an Employee Database with a form that displays the employee record. When an employee leaves they want to be able to click on a button on the form and have the record moved to a different table. My thought was to do a append query to move the record from my active employee table to the termed employee table, but that would still leave a copy in my active table. I'm not real up on coding that much so Im not sure if there's a way to have code move a record from 1 table to another table or copy the data from 1 table to another table and delete it from the first table. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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May 9, 2005
Hey guys..
For some reason, after i added new records to my table, the fields on my form don't update... :confused: .. any idea why and how i can solve this problem ?
any help will be appriciated.
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May 12, 2005
I can't seem to find any answers to this maybe i am asking the wrong question, or its so easy nobody asked.
I am viewing / editing some records in a form, I want to view all of the records but only allow edits to records with forms with tblData.Locked = false.
How do I achieve this.
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May 20, 2005
It seems so simple to do, but I've spent ages looking through the forums and haven't found a simple implementation of it.
How would you close a form based on a query called 'Retired' if no records are found?
I assume it's going to be a bit of VBA code, but I'm still learning VBA. :-(
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Jun 13, 2005
In the Form Footer I use a box with '=Count(*)' to count all records.
But how do I count only those records that have the value '?'
in the field 'MailRead'.
Thanks for the help.
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Aug 31, 2005
I have a number of tables all with there corresponding forms. I am needing to have a command button on the form for the user to easily add a new record. Obviously this is easy by just using the wizard but my problem is that I need the record to be added over all the tables.
This is an attendance database with tables for each month. So when a new member of staff joins and there record is added for that particular month I would like it to be added to all subsequent tables as well. Is there a way of doing this. It would also be beneficial if a similar thing could be done for deleting staff (i.e. a staff member is deleted from one table and subsequently is removed from the other tables)
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated
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Aug 31, 2005
I have set up an attendance database with tables for each month. Each of these tables has its corresponding form. I want to be able to add a command button onto the forms to add a new record. Obviously this is easily done using the wizard but my problem is I want it to be added over a number of tables.
For instance when a new member of staff arrives and is added to the database I want there record to be added over all the subsequent tables not just the one attached to the current form. It would also be beneficial if I could do the same for deleting staff (ie someone leaves they are deleted off the current table and all other tables)
Is there a way of doing this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Aug 31, 2005
Hey guys, got another question for you.
I have a table that has the follow fields (this is for a mailing schedule)
Job Name, Mail Date, Job Number, ID #, Material Due Date, Quantity To Mail
Here's the problem I'm having.
For each "Job" that we have, it can have multiple "Mail Date(s)". I'm trying to create a form that will allow a person to enter one "Job Name" and multiple "Mail Date(s)" and have it create a total number of records based on the number of "Mail Date(s)" (total possible is 4). Example below.
I'm creating a mailing for "Free Hot Coffee", I enter the "Job Name" once, and enter 4 "Mailing Date(s)", then click a button and have Access add 4 records for "Free Hot Coffee" each with a separate "Mail Date"
Is this possible? If so how? I was thinking of using a For loop but didn't know if it was possible.
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 15, 2005
Hey Gang,
Thanks for all your help on my previous problem but I now have another one that just seemed to start out of the blue. When I open my form the record selectors don't allow me to browse through all the previously entered records. This is a huge problem because if changes need to be made I can't call up the record to do so. I plan on adding a search funtion to the database soon but for now I need to be able to search through the records on my main form. Is there something I should look for or do you have any suggestions?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
axsnub (access newbie)
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Oct 25, 2005
I have a very simple form that is populating fields with records from a number of tables (not queries).
I have found that I cannot edit any of the records from the form. Almost all of these fields are NOT key fields. When I click in the field, it simply selects the text in the field, but does not allow me to alter it (typing does nothing...the cursor just blinks). The same thing happens for blank fields.
I know this is a simple question, but I can't find the answer in help or searching this forum. I know it must be a simple setting (I think) somewhere but I've tried a number of settings in properties/forms.
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