Help With HTML Templates

Jan 23, 2008

Check around and can't find anything useful, more of a case of can't see the woods for the trees really :p but here we go:

I doing a very simple form which I want to output to HTML (directly), it work fine and is ideal for what I need but I want to use a template to alter the colours and add a meta refresh tag but I cant get it working.

Help file next to useless so I wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction - Is it a css file ? or can I use a html file ? I've tried with both but still no joy :(

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Importing HTML Code. Not From HTML... ;)

Dec 27, 2004

I need, in some way or another, to be able to import an HTML code from an HTML file into Access. It would be ideal if the end result is a table with one memo field named "HTML".

I know is seems strange, but I need the code itself. I've managed to do a bit of duct-tape work, and import from HTML, but this results in only the text of the HTML code (Meaning the text of the web page, not the tags).

I know I'm crazy for wanting this, but is there anyone out there who can give direction/guidance?

More web-ish than vba-ish,


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Templates ?

Oct 19, 2005

Hello everyone,

I just surfed in from google :)

I'm on a bit of an access learning curve and would like a little assistance if possible?

I created an access database for my uncle a year ago to deal with orders and delivery notes etc...

now he wants me to upgrade it a little, but i have no idea how..

What i want to do is:-

the database is quite simple in thought, really all i require is:

customer form (to add new customers)
products form (to add new products and change stock levels etc)
Create order form
Job sheet form (same data as create order but formated nicer)
delivery note (again same data as create order but formated nicer)

Currently when creating an order customers and products are entered manually which is very time consuming and prone to human error.

i would love to have a form that you can select customers & products from a dropdown list.

in the future i would like the stock levels to change as orders are raised but won't look into that till i've had a long read of some books

would anyone care to offer some advise? or link to a template?

many thanks

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Mar 26, 2008

Hello all,

I have an assignment that needs Access 2002 but I have Access 2007. The template I need is called the Mailing List Template. Is that available for Access 2007 or do I have to get a computer that has Access 2002?


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Cannot Create New DB From Templates On 2007?

Mar 23, 2014

I cannot create a db from a template in 2007, either from a local one, installed with the program, or downloaded. The online ones download with no problems, but as soon as I click on "create", I get the message: [QUOTE] "Template 'xxxxxxxx.accdt' could not be instantiated." it goes further to say "The table 'xxxxxxx' could not be read from the template file. The object may be in an unrecognized format or contain invalid data." [UNQUOTE]. I have read through everything I can find on here, and searched the internet repeatedly. Some places say that certain .dll files are not registered, but after downloading these files, I am unable to get them to register. I have uninstalled and re-installed the entire Office suite, and run the Repair tool 3 times, but to no avail. The files are stored in, and downloaded to, a Trusted location. Templates from 2003 will work, but not 2007. I'm at my wits end now.

View 14 Replies View Related

Creating New Tables Based On Templates

Aug 29, 2014

I am working on a dataBase and I need to have it check if a set of tables exist based on the data of another table and if any do not exist create the table(s) based on a template. the caviat is that the data in one table are both names of tables and field in another.

Table1 has fields named 'first name' and 'last name'; the data in that field is for example Peter Adams, John Smith. I need to check on start that the tables named PAdams, JSmith.and so on exist, if not create them from a table template with fields 'vacation', 'personal', 'sick, etc. also i need to check on startup that a table named Department exist; if not, create it with fields named PAdams, JSmith and so on.... is that possible?

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Linking MS Templates To Create Integrated DBase?

Dec 10, 2007

Hi everyone
I am just about to start a database project for the company. The last one I wrote was over 10 years ago in Borland's ObjectPAL and has served us well.

After doing quite some research I have decided (well... almost) to use Access as the basis for the new project as I need the most efficient and 'slick' solution in the speediest time-frame (don't we all!).

The downloadable Templates from MS seem actually quite good as a starting point, but we would need to 'glue' them together to prevent replication of clients, prospects, employees etc.

Has anyone had any success with doing this? For example, we would need to integrate Marketing Projects; Customer Service; Sales Pipleine plus our own custome stuff besides modifying these standard templates.

Looking forward to your replies



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Forms :: Templates For Users To Open Reports?

Apr 3, 2013

I want to make a simple FrontEnd for my database for users to open reports to print them. I don't want them to mess with the linked tables or queries feeding into those reports. I want the front end to display a list of every report in the database that they can load up and use.

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General :: Program To Automate Timesheet Templates

Sep 13, 2013

I'm trying to make a simple program to automate timesheet templates. Each of our staff members work on a 4 weekly basis (week 1, week 2, week 3 and week 4). I currently use a word document with the template in and copy and paste it into the timesheet. The timesheets run from the 23rd of one month until the 22nd of the month after. The issue is the four weekly template doesn't fit the same every month so I am after an automated process.

I'm thinking of having forms to select a staff member and change their hours on the template, if you will, and then a button to create new timesheets where admin staff would just need to add the first date (ie 23/09/2013) and the timesheet would be made for each staff member and auto filled with the four week template.

My main issue is I'm not sure how to link the dates to the weeks in a table. I have attached a word template of my own hours.

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Problem In Combining 'Event Management' & 'Contacts' Templates

May 21, 2005

I'm using Access 97 and have merged the 'Event Managment' & 'Contact' templates. I thought that I would need to make 'Contacts' and 'Attendees' as the same table.

My knowledge is limited and attempts to change to 'AttendeeID' means I lose the ability to log 'Calls' to people.

Is there a simple way of combining the functionality of both databases given my limited ability in using access?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

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Simple HTML (I Think!!)

Apr 2, 2007


I have recently finished a data access page and have one last thing to do on it. When you press a button (Command0), it saves the record into the table. This is fine, but I want it to display a message box as well. I am not sure what code to put in and where to put it. Below is a shortened copy of the code from Microsoft Script Editor, i have chopped the top bit off:

.MsoTextbox {
PADDING-RIGHT: 3px; PADDING-LEFT: 3px; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 2.539cm; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; HEIGHT: 0.502cm
.MsoBoundSpan {
.MsoHyperlinkDisplayText {
.Mso2dSection {
LEFT: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#DEFAULT#Mso2dSection); OVERFLOW: hidden; POSITION: relative; TOP: 0px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent
.Mso2dSectionBanner {
PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; DISPLAY: none; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; LEFT: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#DEFAULT#Mso2dSectionBanner); OVERFLOW: visible; PADDING-TOP: 2px; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 0.507cm; BACKGROUND-COLOR: buttonface
.MsoRectangle {
BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid
.MsoTitle {
DISPLAY: none; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: inactivecaptiontext
.MsoExpandCollapse {
CURSOR: hand
.MsoNavContainer {
BORDER-RIGHT: gainsboro 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: gainsboro 1px solid; Z-INDEX: -1; BORDER-LEFT: gainsboro 1px solid; CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: gainsboro 1px solid; HEIGHT: 25px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: gainsboro
.MsoNavButton {
BORDER-RIGHT: gainsboro 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: gainsboro 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: gainsboro 1px solid; CURSOR: auto; BORDER-BOTTOM: gainsboro 1px solid; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat
.MsoNavButtonMouseOver {
BORDER-RIGHT: highlight 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: highlight 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: highlight 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: highlight 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: buttonhighlight
.MsoNavToggleButtonMouseOver {
BORDER-RIGHT: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonshadow 1px solid; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; BACKGROUND-COLOR: buttonshadow
.MsoNavButtonMouseDown {
BORDER-RIGHT: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: buttonshadow 1px solid; CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonshadow 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: buttonshadow
.MsoNavRecordsetLabel {
BORDER-RIGHT: gainsboro 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: gainsboro 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-LEFT: gainsboro 1px solid; WIDTH: 100%; CURSOR: default; PADDING-TOP: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: gainsboro 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; POSITION: relative
.MsoRecordSelector {
BORDER-RIGHT: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: buttonshadow 1px solid; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-LEFT: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonshadow 1px solid; HEIGHT: 100%; BACKGROUND-COLOR: gainsboro
.MsoRecordSelectorCurrent {
.MsoRecordSelectorSelectedImage {
.MsoRecordSelectorSelected {
BORDER-RIGHT: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: buttonshadow 1px solid; LEFT: 0px; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-LEFT: buttonshadow 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonshadow 1px solid; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 100%; BACKGROUND-COLOR: buttonshadow
.MsoRecordSelectorDirtyCurrent {
.MsoRecordSelectorDirty {
.MsoRecordSelectorTransparent {
LEFT: 0px; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px
HR {
COLOR: black

<SCRIPT language=Javascript id=MSODSC_Validation>

function validateBrowser() {
intVer=strVers.substring(intIndex1, intIndex2)
if (strName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" && strPlat=="Win32" && intVer>="5") {
else {
strMsgGetIE="<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width='95%' border=0 height='8'><TR>"
strMsgGetIE+="<TD bgColor='#336699' height=25 width=15>&nbsp;</TD><TD bgColor='#666666' width=500px><FONT face=Tahoma "
strMsgGetIE+="size=4 color=white><b>&nbsp;Data Access Page Notification</B></FONT></TD></TR>"
strMsgGetIE+="<TR><TD bgColor='#cccccc' width=15>&nbsp;</TD><TD bgColor='#cccccc' width=500px><BR>"
strMsgGetIE+="<p><font face='Tahoma' size='2'>"
strMsgGetIE+="This page requires Windows IE 5.0 or higher.</p>"
strMsgGetIE+="<a href=''><p align='center'>"
strMsgGetIE+="Click here to install the latest version of Internet Explorer.</a></font></p><br></TD></TR></TABLE>"

function validateOWC() {
if (MSODSC.object==null) {
strMsgGetOWC="<TABLE width='95%' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 height='8'>"
strMsgGetOWC+="<TR><TD bgColor='#336699' height=25 width=15>&nbsp;</TD><TD bgColor='#666666' width=500px>"
strMsgGetOWC+="<FONT face=Tahoma color=white size=4><B>&nbsp;&nbsp;"
strMsgGetOWC+="Data Access Page Notification</B></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor='#cccccc' width=15>&nbsp;</TD>"
strMsgGetOWC+="<TD bgColor='#cccccc' width='500px'><BR>"
strMsgGetOWC+="<p><font face='Tahoma' size='2'>This page requires the Microsoft Office Web Components.</p>"
strMsgGetOWC+="</font><p><font face='Tahoma' size='2'>See the <a HRef=' Access&HelpLCID=1033'>Microsoft Office Web site</a> for more information. "

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style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.111cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 2.751cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1.295cm; HEIGHT: 0.45cm">Employee<BR></SPAN><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Employee style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 9.101cm; WIDTH: 154px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1.295cm; HEIGHT: 17px" tabIndex=16></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer1 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 7.991cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=20 rows=1 cols=29 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer2 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 12.012cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=21 cols=21 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer3 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 16.007cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=22 rows=1 cols=22 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer4 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 20.003cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=23 rows=1 cols=35 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer5 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 23.973cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=24 rows=1 cols=32 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer6 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 27.965cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=25 rows=1 cols=22 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer7 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 31.989cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=26 rows=1 cols=31 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer8 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 35.984cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=27 rows=1 cols=30 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer9 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 39.98cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=28 rows=1 cols=24 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Answer10 style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 43.975cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=29 rows=1 cols=30 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><SPAN
class=MSTheme-Label id=Comments_Label
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 2.751cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 46.594cm; HEIGHT: 0.45cm">Comments?</SPAN><TEXTAREA class=MsoTextbox id=Comments style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; LEFT: 6.007cm; WIDTH: 718px; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 46.99cm; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=30 rows=1 cols=24 MsoTextAlign="General"></TEXTAREA><SPAN
class=MSTheme-Label id=DropdownList2_Label title="Team Manager"
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 6.111cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 2.689cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 2.301cm; HEIGHT: 0.396cm">Team
Manager</SPAN><SELECT id=DropdownList2
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 2; LEFT: 9.101cm; WIDTH: 4.11cm; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 2.301cm; HEIGHT: 0.502cm"
tabIndex=17></SELECT><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=DropdownList3_Label
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 3; LEFT: 6.111cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 2.248cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 3.282cm; HEIGHT: 0.396cm">Department</SPAN><SELECT
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 4; LEFT: 9.101cm; WIDTH: 4.11cm; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 3.282cm; HEIGHT: 0.502cm"
tabIndex=18></SELECT><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=DropdownList4_Label title=Site
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 5; LEFT: 6.111cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 2.248cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 4.288cm; HEIGHT: 0.396cm">Site</SPAN><SELECT
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 6; LEFT: 9.101cm; WIDTH: 4.11cm; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 4.288cm; HEIGHT: 0.502cm"
tabIndex=19></SELECT><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label1
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 7; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.006cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 5.979cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">1
.A new Homepage has been created to host TalkTalk Faults documents and
information on Melon KB. Name two aims of the Homepage. (A+B). Where would you
provide feedback in order to update or improve content on this Homepage?
(C).</SPAN><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label2
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 8; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.004cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 37.968cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">9.&nbsp;
If you receive a call from a customer providing a MAC, how would you check if an
order is in the queue or of ot has been released or rejected? (A ,B &amp;
C)</SPAN><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label3
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 9; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 18.897cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 41.989cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">10.
A new Melon form has been created to use when handling a call from a customer
who has an ongoing query or complaint with an outstanding balance. What is the
purpose of the form? (A). What is essential when completing this action?
(B)</SPAN><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label4
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 10; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.004cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 9.975cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">2.&nbsp;
An issue has arisen with the new Calling Features service available via What has been removed from the site whilst the issue is
being investigated? (A). If a customer requests the Calling Features service,
what should you do? (B)</SPAN><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label5
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 11; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.004cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 13.97cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">3.&nbsp;
If a customer is having problems connecting to their broadband, what is the
correct system to use to verify that they have the correct username and
password? (A). If you find that the username and password is missing from ISP
Admin, what should you do? (B).</SPAN><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label6
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 12; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.001cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 17.965cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">4.&nbsp;
What is the AOL Portal Feedback address? (A) When should this email address be
relayed to a customer? (B)</SPAN><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label7
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 13; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.001cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 21.986cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">5.&nbsp;
If a customer is using the new Windows Vista operating system along with a
Huawei modem, what will they not be able to use when setting up their broadband
connection? (A) What is being done to rectify this? (B)</SPAN><SPAN
class=MSTheme-Label id=Label8
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 14; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.009cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 25.982cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">6.&nbsp;
If a LLU customer wishes to cancel whilst they are in the 'Accepted' status,
what actions should you follow? (A). How would you process ADSL and WLR order
cancellations if they are in the 'Accepted' status? (B)</SPAN><SPAN
class=MSTheme-Label id=Label9
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 15; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.009cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 29.977cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">7.&nbsp;
A new Second Line Voice Faults Team has been created. What priority Netsuite
tickets will this team handle? (A). What are the transfer numbers for the new
team? (B)</SPAN><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label10
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 16; LEFT: 6.007cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 19.009cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 33.973cm; HEIGHT: 1.586cm">8.&nbsp;
When obtaining a MAC code, what are the key actions you should take? (A,B, &amp;
C)</SPAN><BUTTON id=Command0
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; Z-INDEX: 17; LEFT: 26.01cm; WIDTH: 2.487cm; COLOR: red; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 46.99cm; HEIGHT: 0.61cm"
tabIndex=32 MsoTextAlign="General">Submit</BUTTON>
<SCRIPT language=javascript event=onclick for=Command0>
try { if (MSODSC.DataPages.Count > 0)
if (MSODSC.CurrentSection == null)
MSODSC.CurrentSection.DataPage.Save(); }
catch (e)
{ alert (e.description);}
<SPAN class=MsoRectangle id=Box1
style="Z-INDEX: -1; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #030157; LEFT: 6.007cm; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #030157; WIDTH: 7.296cm; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #030157; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0.079cm; HEIGHT: 5cm; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #030157"
ACCESS_CB_FORMAT></SPAN><SPAN class=MsoRectangle id=Box0
style="Z-INDEX: -2; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #030157; LEFT: 17.701cm; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #030157; WIDTH: 7.296cm; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #030157; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0.107cm; HEIGHT: 5cm; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #030157"
ACCESS_CB_FORMAT></SPAN><SPAN class=MSTheme-Label id=Label11
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; Z-INDEX: 19; LEFT: 17.991cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 1.243cm; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0.292cm; HEIGHT: 0.396cm">Links</SPAN><A
class=msoHyperlinkDisplayText id=Hyperlink12
style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 17.991cm; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 2.751cm; COLOR: #99ccff; FONT-FAMILY: Agency FB; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1.006cm; HEIGHT: 0.74cm; TEXT-DECORATION: none"
MsoTextAlign="General">Knowledge Base</SPAN></A><SPAN class=MsoRectangle id=Box2
style="LEFT: 0cm; WIDTH: 31.977cm; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 51.01cm; HEIGHT: 1.978cm; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #030157"></SPAN></DIV>

Please Help!

View 2 Replies View Related

Open .mdb From A Html?

Apr 19, 2007

I have a local intranet where I have a link in a web page to .mdb file. For some reason it does not consisitenly open the database when clicked? Any ideas? Links to Excel work fine.


View 6 Replies View Related

Viewing HTML In A Form

Apr 14, 2006

I've used Access 2003 to create a database which contains a table linked directly to the "Orders" table on my mysql server. This table holds all of the customer orders placed on our website. I next created a form in access to give me a nice justified view of the orders.

My Problem? The field on the mysql server that holds the line item details for each order is a "Memo" field, and all of the text is formatted in html it appears. When viewed on the form, I see the all of the raw code, and not the nicely formatted text. If i highlight a section of the code from the form, and paste it in a Html editor (Frontpage for example), I see the line items nicely formatted as intended.

Is there a way to get this memo field to display the formatted html text instead?

My access skills are pretty limited, so detailed steps would be appreciated.

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DAP-Can Someone Check This HTML Code For Me?

Apr 27, 2005

I'm trying to get a field in my Data Access Page to display the last time a field was updated, I figured I would have to do this in HTML, after a lot of dead ends elsewhere. Here is the code:

<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=BeforeUpdate(dscEventInfo) for=MSODSC>
Dim DateModified
DateModified = Date 'Current System Date
dscEventInfo.DataPage.Recordset.Fields("DateModified") = Date


Any clues where I would enter this in the HTML source?

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Keep Access Formatting In HTML

May 4, 2007

.HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & "<LI>Resolution Description: " & Nz(Me!ResolutionDesc, "")

How can I keep the formatting of the ResolutionDesc memo field (ie Line Feeds and carriage returns) when I add it to an HTML email like this?


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Displaying Html Within A Database - Again

Mar 14, 2008

I'm really hoping someone can help with a topic which has cropped up from time to time in the past but which never seems to have been answered satisfactorily, and that's displaying html in a database.

I have a large database which already includes html codes in the fields - it's a complete set of email digest posts with fields for date, sender, message number, subject and body text - which I'd like to display in it's original form. An ordinary form shows all the html code making the contents difficult to read; is there a simple way of being able to view this so that the correct original message layout is shown, i.e., the html is parsed (is that the right expression)?

Perhaps I should point out I'm a complete novice when it comes to Access; I can write a simple form easily enough, but I have zero knowledge of VBA or anything similar, so non-technical answers or a step by step example would be very much appreciated.

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Importing From Html Page

Apr 12, 2005

HI .

I have a problem thats over my head.

I use vbs to download the page from a certain URL.In order to import data I go to get external data ,html format.Wizard shows that there are 5 different tables whithin the page.I need only one of them ,and more important I need it automaticly imported everytime I open my DB.

Tnx in advance

I've visited a few forums didnt get an answer.
Here is the URL : http://www.nbs.yu/kl/today.php?vrsta=3

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HTML Path Problem

Jun 1, 2005

Trying to feed 2 browser components paths to some html docs

browser.Navigate (CurDir + "dirdocument.htm")
browser2.Navigate (CurDir + "dir2document2.htm")

it always looks for these in My Documents directory even if the database is placed somewhere else. why?

thanks for your help,

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Access And HTML Forms

Oct 17, 2005


Is is possible to save Access forms in HTML and add data using these forms withouth any kind of special software?
I would like to interact beteween MS Front Page and Access.
I will use front page to design my web site and map to the tables in Access into which add or query data.


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How To Validate HTML For URL Link

Jun 1, 2015

I have a form that needs to be updated by multiple users. The information must be entered in the following format:

<a href="">Write any title here</a> and then they can add a description

The users are not familiar with HTML and often submit it with incorrect syntax. I would like to prevent these errors prior to submission by writing some sort of validation. Is there a way to accomplish this? I imagine a macro is best for this situation. Multiple entries are often entered in a single cell (not sure if this would mess with the validation?)

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Update Access Db By HTML Page

Dec 6, 2005

first i'm sorry on my english.

I have in my work some computers with network.

I want to send mail to one computer, the mail is like form in HTML
have 3 things:
1. textbox
1 select
1 submit

is it possible to get the mail and to write in the mail and send it (by submit button) then to update the access db.

I have no idea.
if there is an easy way to do it, I will happy to hear.

[I think to do it with an asp page in each computer that the HTML send the items to the ASP page (by request.get) then the asp page update the db].

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Create Many Pages Html How Many Are The Records

Jan 20, 2006

HI!! I've a problem

I have a table with 10 records

I would create many pages html how many are the records :eek:

better still if every page with a various name

It's possible? :confused:

thanks!!! :o

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Need Button To Open HTML FAQ File

Nov 8, 2007

Hey again all!

Implementation is going fabu, but I had a request to add a button on the main form to open the HTML FAQ I wrote. I thought I would be able to quickly point the button to the file using the button creation wizard, but that doesn't seem to work so well. (not at all)

Did I miss something or is this something that needs to be coded with VBA (very little knowledge of VBA here... negligible even.)

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Two Questions- (two Frames And Html Form)

Apr 28, 2005

First quetion
how can i make some form to be with two frames, one is the navugation tree and the second one is a frame that is changing akk the time, which means the navigation tree is not changing ever.
i am trying to build somthing like asp with two frames and a record set and i dont know how.

the second question i have is how can i put an html frame in a form? i have some link to sme web site in my database, andd i want this data base to be open inside the form of the access and not with my browser in a new window.

please advice.


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Two Questions- (two Frames And Html Form)

May 4, 2005

First quetion
how can i make some form to be with two frames, one is the navugation tree and the second one is a frame that is changing akk the time, which means the navigation tree is not changing ever.
i am trying to build somthing like asp with two frames and a record set and i dont know how.

the second question i have is how can i put an html frame in a form? i have some link to sme web site in my database, andd i want this data base to be open inside the form of the access and not with my browser in a new window.

please advice.


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Access Uses HTML To Send Email, Please Help

Aug 29, 2004

I'm updating a database that automatically sends an email to the drafts folder of Outlook. The developer that created the database used VBA code to call html code written in a table. The html code contains the body of the letter. I've figured out most of it but I need to include a date (one month from the current date) in the body of the letter. Unfortunately I've been researching java script and html all weekend and still haven't managed to figure that one out. Can anyone out there help with this? Also is this normal to include html and javascript in Access, I have never seen it before. Are the benefits good? I have serious studying to do if this is the case.

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