Help With Decimals In Form Field.

Apr 6, 2006

I have a tblParts that has data in this format 200200.0100 (these are bin numbers). I have created a form with a bound field (field name on the form is BinNo) that goes back to the tblParts. I need to be able for the user to enter on the form the Bin number as it appears above. However at the moment it is dropping my decimal and is only keeping the 200200 portion of the Bin Number. If I enter the bin number correctly into the table it accepts the correct format of 200200.0100. Can someone take a look at the form and the field BinNo to tell me what I may have missed.
Keep in mind that the goal of the database is to enter the bin number into the form and run a query that creates a new table. There is also a delete table button since the data in the form will change for each blueprint document created.
I am attempting to attach a practice db for you to see what I have done but I have not had much success with this in the past. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Forms :: Set Field Size On Form To Read 6 Decimals

Mar 6, 2015

I have a form to input data into a table1. On the form I have a combo box to read from a next table exchange rate to input into the table1. Field in Tablet for the exchange rate is set to Field size double, Format currency, and decimals 6.

I am unable to set the field size on the form to read the 6 decimals. The combo box is set to Currency decimal 6. I tried General Number and it still only shows only one decimal.

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Can't Get My Weight Field To Accept Decimals...???

Aug 14, 2005

I've got a products table in which I have a field called weight. Obviously, this is to hold the weight of the item. I've it set to Number | Long Integer with desimal places set to 2. However, when I put 2.5 it makes it 2.

What could be causing this?

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How To Set Up A Field To Store Irrational Or Recurring Decimals

Dec 13, 2011

How do I set up a field to store irrational or recurring decimals?

Eg 1/3, 1/6?

I'm trying to store times, so they can be added up later: The idea being that 1h20m would be 1.3333333333333333333 etc.

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Tables :: Decimals Rounding Even With Double Field Size

Nov 8, 2012

For some reason I cannot enter decimal values without the number rounding up or down. I've already set it to 'Number' and 'double' and have also tried 'Fixed' set to 2 decimal places. Right now the only way it works is if I set it to 'Text'. However I need to do some calculations with these values eventually.

What's strange is I have another table in the same database that is NOT rounding and is working just fine.

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Reports :: Rounding A Calculated Field (Nearest 3 Decimals)

Apr 17, 2013

I have a field that sums pounds. I need to convert this to tons (rounded to the nearest 3 decimals), then multiplied by $67.50. This will calculate a fee payment.

This is what I have now:


The total pounds is 2675.

After dividing by 2000, Access generates a number of 1.3375. It rounds 1.3375 to 1.337 which generates an incorrect final total. Not sure how to alter this to round properly.

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Setting Up Form To Allow Decimals

Mar 23, 2006

I need to have a field on my form to accept the user keying in the number in this fashion: 200200.1234 but as I currently have it set it accepts only the 200200 portion of this part number. I am a beginner so I am sure this is an easy question for some of the pros out there.

As a footnote the table design has the bin no. as data type - text and I added an input mask of 000000.0000;0; the field on the form is a combo box. Maybe that will make a clear picture for you.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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Forms :: Preventing Decimals From Rounding In Form Display

Mar 26, 2013

I have created an Access 2007 database that uses a form for data entry. While the data is stored on the table exactly as entered, the data entry form rounds up and only displays the whole number.

In the properties of that form field, I have the format as fixed, with decimal places as set to 1 and is visible. However, the number still rounds. What do I need to do differently to make the number display as entered on my data entry form?

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Hiding Decimals

Aug 31, 2005

Hello,I was wondering if anybody knew if it was posslble to show an aproximated value of a field with decimal records. I would like to see only integer values on my form.

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Decimals And Rounding

Oct 27, 2005

I have a field that holds a unit price. I can't use currency as the data type because the currency type is different for each client. I have another field that specifies the currency type for each department. Up to now I've been using a double format with a 2 decimal places. We now need to increase the decimal places to 4 but don't necessarily want to see all four places if only 2 are required - 1.5000 against 1.50. However if I make the decimals as auto, if I have 1.50 it rounds to 1.5.

Any other way to give a bit of flexibility to this?



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Rouning Decimals

Feb 23, 2005

I am trying to round decimals to either .5 or 0 right now i have it set to 1 decimal place and it rounds to to the next place. So if a user puts in 1.23 it would round to 1.2 instead of 1.0, is there a simple way to solve this issue?

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Return Age With Decimals?

Oct 18, 2012

Is it possible to return an age as: 21.45 or 64.93?

I have done some searching and can't find any formatting or code to make it work.

I have changed the field format to Fixed and then it gives: 21.00 or 64.00

I like the 2 decimal places for quick at-a-glance-knowing of the age.

Of course I have a formula that returns an age with decimals in EXCEL, that's why I think it should somehow be possible in Access.

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Troubles Calculating Sum For Decimals

Jul 7, 2005

Hi everybody,

I have to calculate somme totals for decimal numbers, and... I can't make it to work.
I have a report:

Quantity Unit_price Price_without_Taxes Taxes Price
2 1,62 3,24 0,62 3,86
2 2,13 4,26 0,81 5,07
TI: 8,91

TI it's the sum of Price, and here is the problem, because the value of TI should be 8,93 Euro (3,86+5,07) not 8,91. In this case it's a loss of 3 cent , but in other cases, if i have more value to calculate the sum for I can loss a few euro!

The values are placed in the detail section, TI on the footer section of the report. To calculate TI I used a Text box wich format is currency, Decimal places 2, Control source =Sum([Price]).

I make this same calculations on forms also, there the situation it's worst, the value it's rounding down or up in each case, in this particular case insted of 8,93 I got 8,00.

What's wrong with it? I'm making mistakes somwhere?
Any help is apreciated. I need it soooooo bedly! :)


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Importing, Currency And Decimals

May 22, 2006

I'm having a problem getting imported data to display what I want. I'm importing a fixed width file and one of my fields is a currency amount. The field value in the file is 12 characters with the last 2 as the cents (000000544990) I have my access field type as currency with 2 decimals (and I've tried many other settings auto,0 etc.) When I do my import it displays my data as $544,990.00 If I tell it no decimals it displays $544,990 It should be displayed as $5,449.90 somehow it keeps adding 2 characters and uses them as the cents instead of using the last 2 from my file.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for helping me out.


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Whats Controlling These Decimals?

Jan 5, 2007


Dont understand what is controlling these decimals. I dont need any decimals for this database. The currency is talking bout money in 1000's and the probability is whole numbers.

Here is where I cant get the decimals to stop:

I have tried different things but no luck...anyone have any suggestions.


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Decimals Changing To Zeros

Mar 1, 2013

I have a table that I need to enter values into but for some reason when I enter a decimal (ex: .015), it automatically changes to 0. I have the Data Type set as Number, Field Size as Long Integer and Decimal Places to 3. I have another field set the same way and it works fine.

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Specifying Number Of Decimals When Exporting Data

Oct 31, 2007

I use the built in tools "Analyze data with excel to export" to export data from froms to excel and it works fine. The only problem is in the form and table I had specified 3 decimals but in excel the data is two decimals and I have to always reformat the cells manually to 3 decimals.

Any way to have this set when exporting even if I have to use VBA code.

Thank you.

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Query - Weird Decimals Return

Sep 7, 2005

I enter values into a table with 2 decimal places.

I have a query that applies percents to the values - I have set the results to have 2 decimal places.

I have another query that summarises data from the previous query, however the results I get are not right, the decimals differ from the actual result, if I make a sum of the values by hand.

It seems as if the query I have made to apply percents only DISPLAYS data with 2 decimals instead of actually rounding it, so that the other query summarises data with more than 2 decimals, and thats where the difference int the end result comes from. I don't know how to fix this however.

Can someone please help.


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Calculation....need To Drop The Decimals In The Result.

May 2, 2008

Here's what I have so far...and it works fine; however, some results have decimal places; i.e., 2.1666666.

I just need the result to be the whole number. I can't seem to get it to come out that way...I've used "round"...but I must not be putting it in the right part of the formula.

TEST: IIf(Year([EndTerm])>Year(Date()),0,IIf((Year(Date())-Year([EndTerm]))/[Renew]<1,1,(Year(Date())-Year([EndTerm]))/[Renew]))

Thank you for any help!

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Enabling Decimals And Fractions In MS ACCESS

Feb 17, 2007

I am trying to develop a customized program in MS Access,
but one of the input parameters needs to be a decimal or
fraction (ie: I need to enter values that are not whole number
integers). Unfortunately, it seems that MS Access won't
enable me to input values that are not whole number integers.
I had this same difficulty in the past, and in that case, it turned out that the non-integer value was not used. But in
the current program I'm trying to develop, I definitely need
to get the non-integer data inputting to work, since the
parameter that I'm entering these values for is "percentage".
It turns out that if I enter a value from 0.51 to 1, it rounds
up to 100%, and if I enter a value that's 0.5 or lower, it rounds down to 0%. There is no in-between. I tried looking
into the various settings in DESIGN mode, but nothing seems
to correct this problem. Is there anyone out there reading
this that has insight into my problem? Could my version of
MS Access have a software corruption? Or is there just a
setting that I've overlooked? I appreciate any advice that
can be offered. Thanks for your help.

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Queries :: Set Decimals In Expression On Dates

Feb 19, 2014

Using Access 2007
Win 7

Total_Time: Format(nz(DateDiff("n",[Start],[End])/60))

This is my expression in a query.

I need to only show 2 decimal places in the results field.

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Modules & VBA :: Filling With Zeros For Two Decimals Places

May 1, 2014

I'm passing a few numbers on to Word and these should always appear with two decimal places, also if it's a whole number etc.

e.g.: 10 -> 10,00 or 9,8 -> 9,80

Depending on the regional settings, the decimal marker can be . or ,

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Queries :: Formatting Whole Numbers And Decimals Differently

Nov 26, 2013

I want to print the results of a query where some values are whole numbers, some have 1 decimal place, some have 0.3333333 recurring etc. Problem is that in order to fit all the columns on a page the column width does not allow all the 0.33333... to display. So what I see is like this (there are lots of columns, I am just giving an example from one column)


I don't want to fix decimal places to 1 because then I would see 891.0 instead of 891. How can I format the number field so that whole numbers are shown without decimal place, numbers with 1 decimal place stay like that i.e. 833.5 is fine as it is. But display something like 313.666666666667 as 313.67 rather than ##### getting put in as not enough room for all the decimal numbers.

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Queries :: Insert Query Losing Decimals

Feb 4, 2014

So, I am inserting new records into a table. The values in the decimals are being stored as zeroes.

Field Properties
Long Integer
Standard (I also tried Currency)
2 Decimal Places

When I remove the "INSERT INTO" part of the query, the decimal data is in the results. I started out not using the FORMAT function. Then I tried it using "Standard", "Currency", and "#,##0.00"

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Forms :: Listbox Results To Show 3 Decimals?

May 30, 2013

I have a list box that is fed by a query. I have fields that are stored in the table as numbers (Type is Double and Standard Number with 3 decimal places).

In the tables I see the numbers 10.000 which is correct, in the query is see 10.000 again correct, however the list box on the form only shows 10.00?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Decimals Display Wrong Value

Oct 24, 2014

I have 2 controls on a form cmbFed and cmbState both are formatted as fixed with decimal places as 2. They display the correct values. cmbFed = .18 cmbState = .06 When I add a new control to add the 2. =[cmbFed]+[cmbState] result is .18.06 instead of .24 It looks like it is treating them as text. I even tried to do it in code Me.text639 = Me.cmbFed + Me.cmbState with the same results. It must be something simple I am missing a format for text639?

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