Help With Linking Calculated Fields To Table Values
Aug 28, 2006
I need to display a value from a table in a text field on a form based on another text field on the same form.
The table has records as follows:
Month/Year xx Month No xx Year No xx Month ID (xx shows break in columns)
Jan-06 xx 1 xx 2006 xx 24
Feb-06 xx 2 xx 2006 xx 25
Mar-06 xx 3 xx 2006 xx 26
Apr-06 xx 4 xx 2006 xx 27
May-06 xx 5 xx 2006 xx 28
Jun-06 xx 6 xx 2006 xx 29
Jul-06 xx 7 xx 2006 xx 30
In one text field I use the DateSerial function to calculate the value of the previous month (e.g.Jul-06). I need to return the MonthID value to the second text field based on the value stored against it is the table, so in case of Jul-06 it would show 30 in text field 2.
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Sep 17, 2013
I am trying to get calculated fields in my report to work but zero values in the data are throwing up #Div/0! and #Error! and #Num!
The main data fields I am trying to work with are:
My aim is to track mileage and consumption for a fleet of vehicles and show daily and weekly averages in mileage and consumption and then to flag 20% increase in consumption.
I have a calculated field in my report named Kilometers,
= [VehicleReading]-[PreviousReading]
And also a calculated field named Consumption,
My sum and average calculation fields in the group footers are only working where there are values above zero in the Kilometer and VehicleLitres and Consumption fields.
In reality there are some days where there has been no travel, so some records will have a zero for the Kilometers field and there are also days when there has been no refueling so there is a zero for the VehicleLitres field.
I have tried using the expression builder to create an IIf function but to no avail. I have tried copying the syntax suggested by the Expression builder:
«Expr» IIf («expr». «truepart». «falsepart»)
However I keep getting error messages and despite troubleshooting and looking on the internet I can't seem to find a solution to this.
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Jun 12, 2013
I have a query that performs some calculations, these calculations feed into another query and produce a final value. If there are no null values everything works perfectly. But when there are null values, I get errors.
What I have tried:
1) I tried to implement the Nz function for each field of the formula that is not calculated but from user input.
2) I tried to implement the Nz function for just the field that calculated the last result before feeding into the next query, but it didn't show the 0 value I gave.
3) I tried to use UPDATE TABLE SET in SQL, but I don't think I was using it right. I tried to use it for all records but always got an error when it ran.
The first two above result in showing no values at all, even if there are some. The third didn't work. How to easily update null values in the query to 0? All I could think of was to somehow use Criteria or SQL.
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May 13, 2015
I have what is probably a stupid question but I've been struggling with this one for a while. I have an ordering database which has an Orders table (containing Order ID, Date, Supplier etc) and an Order Line table within which I have a combo box for Product name, supplier, price, VAT rate, Line price etc. At the moment, I have the order line table as a subform within the Order form (run from the Orders table). The problem I'm having is the subtotal and total fields. At the moment these are in the Order Line table as I cannot figure out how to get these in the Orders table. In summary, can I make a calculated field in one table that calculates values from another table (linked by Order ID)?
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Jan 8, 2014
I know that as a general rule one should not store calculated values in a table, but if I need to include such a value on a number of forms, and calculating that value involves manipulating an ADO Recordset, does there come a point where the performance hit outweighs the design "quality"?
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Jul 20, 2015
I am trying to get a value from a textbox into a table I created...
The textbox "calculates a number based on which radio button is pressed example if radio button 1 is pressed it returns 0 if radio button two is pressed it returns 8 and if radio button 3 is pressed it returns 15." I need to save the 0,8, or 15 depending on which radio button is pressed into the table...
I know you aren't supposed to store calculated values into a table but the report would never need to be changed and it just saves a new one each time with that being said anyway to make this work would be very useful!
Also how can you use the answer of calculated textboxs in other calculations?
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Mar 17, 2014
i have a subform which contains a lot of calculated values. fields which calculate values are located both in master form and subform. i use those calculated values in various reports where i have to insert formulas again. so i have decided to insert calculated values in table directly. i can use update query but i am unsure how to trigger it; and how to keep fields updated everytime a value is changed.
main form fields = [gsm] , [rate]
sub form fields = [pages], [qty], [gsm]*[rate]*[pages]*[qty]
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Apr 20, 2007
I know that it is bad form to store a calculated field in a table - normalization and all that - but I can see no other way around a need that I have.
I'm trying to make a database to store injury time for employees. If an employee is injured, he can do light work for a certain amount of time, but this light work need not be contiguous. But, the total time on light work must be known so as to see when it is used up.
For example:
Bob is injured on 4/1/06 and goes on light work on 4/2/06 until 4/5/06 (4 days). Bob is then taken off light work until 4/10/06 when he reinjures the same injury. This does not count as a new injury, because it is an aggravation of the old one. So, Bob goes back on light work on 4/10/06 until 4/15/06 (6 days).
So, I need to store Bob's total time on light work for this injury (10 days) so that I can keep a running total to check against the maximum for a single injury. All I can think of is to store the sum of days on light work as a field in Bob's injury record, but that means storing a calculated field in a table.
Am I missing an easy way to do this, or is there a method to do what I want that I am just not aware of?
Thanx for any help!
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Sep 14, 2006
I have a small Database that produces invoices, Each invoice could have 5 items on it which are compeleted at different Dates. (cutting hair in an OAP Home) Invoice to be produced at the end of each month which shows what happened each week. This will be generated for each person in the home. I can display all the information in a form when inputing the invoice information. I want a button to copy the invoice number the client name and the total of the invoice to a new table. The total of the invoice is calculated control on the form.
How do I do this??? can anyone help
I need a total in a table to substract payments from.
All Help will be much appreciated.
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Apr 26, 2007
Hi all,
I need to figure out how to have two calculated fields written to the database table instead of just being displayed in the form.
The user selects a number from 1 to 5 in the first field, and a number from 1 to 7 in the second field. The first calculating field multiplies these two numbers and displays the result. The second calculating field determines where the resulting number fits in three ranges of numbers and displays the result as Low, Medium, Or High.
My problem is the calculated results are be displayed in the form but not being written to the table. I cannot create a report to display all the High results, etc.
How do I update the calculation field formula to write the results into the table so I can create queries/reports on the calculated data?
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Sep 27, 2012
I have three columns where A is a number, B is a number and I want to make C = to the greater of the two. i.e.
Col A = 10, Col B = 12 therefore Column C = Col B or Col A = 12, Col B = 10 therefore Col C = Col A
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Dec 14, 2004
I created a sys admin database and the big problem I am having is linking the hostname field in table 1 to the hostname field in table 2. I have tried making both fields primary keys, I have tried creating a relationship to the two fields between the two tables. I have tried adjusting the join types.
Yet, no matter what I try, the hostnames from table 1 will not populate in table 2. I have even tried adding a new hostname to see if it would populate and it won't.
any ideas?
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May 11, 2005
Hi.. Junior access user here. Need help fast!
I created 2 tables. [General Info] & [Details]
[General Info] has 2 fields. Name(is a primary Key as well) & Organisation
[Details] has 4 fields. Primary Key, Name, No of products & Type
[Details] is a sub form for [General Info]
It is a one to many relationship. With Name from [General Info] linking to Name from [Details].
I can update via the table directly and [Details] links the name fields automatically. I created a form but the form just cannot register the field automatically and requires the user to type in the Name from [General Info].
I have attached the DB file. Pls help... your help is greatly appreciated!
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Sep 9, 2004
Hello all-
I'm formatting an Access table and need help linking 1 field to another. I need to specify that Field B will state "N/A" if and only if (back to good old geometry) Field A states "Yes." I've tried using the ValidationRule and Default Value functions but they don't let me refer back to Field A. Any thoughts would be hugely helpful.
Thanks much.
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Sep 12, 2014
In query design view, I have added a query with column (nameA) of names and a table with a column (nameB) of names. I am linking these two fields (nameA and nameB) which contain names. The names are spelled exactly the same so I should get results. Both fields are of the same data type.
But even when I add only the field with names from the query (the field called nameA), I don't get any results.
What is wrong here? Are there restrictions about linking a query to a table?
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Nov 29, 2005
I have a form created from a table and I had to use calculations in some of the fields to automate certain processes. Now, if I pull a report based on the fields in the table - I am getting all except for the fields with the calculations. Is there any way to update the main table - since most of the calculations were done with text boxes?
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Aug 5, 2006
Is there a way to make some of the fields from my form that contain calculated values carry to the table? Right now the values calculate correctly in the form but when I look at the table the field is blank...
I was hoping to use one form to calculate a value, insert it in the table, and then use that value in another form.
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Aug 8, 2014
I am great with Excel but not soo much with Access 2010. I Excel, what I needed to do was very simple but duplicating what I did in Access is not soo easy.I am trying to calculate billings for FSA & HRA. I have set up one table with all the data. I want to add columns to the table to calculate:
1. Is there an account balance-excel formula:
2. If the account is still active
3. If the plan year run out is "active runout" or "runout over"
4. calculate each account type with a rate *count of FSA accounts = total to bill
Here are my excel formulas that for the life of me I can't get to work.
Account balance==IF(V2="HCRA",(IF(AB2-AD2>0,"Available Balance",IF(AB2-AD2=0,"Zero Balance","Negative Balance"))),((IF(AC2-AD2>0,"Available Balance",IF(AC2-AD2=0,"Zero Balance","Negative Balance")))))
Active runout/runout over=
=IF(AG2="YES","Active Runout",(IF(S2=W2,(IF(AF2>$AJ$1,(IF(AH2="Zero Balance","Runout Over","Active Runout")),"Runout Over")),(IF(AE2>$AJ$1,(IF(AH2="Zero Balance","Runout Over","Active Runout")),"Runout Over")))))
Active account=
=IF(D2<$AJ$1,"NO",IF(W2>$AJ$1,IF(S2=W2,"YES","NO") ,"NO"))
Can I have calculated fields that refer back to a calculated field?
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Jul 26, 2012
I know that it isn't usually best practise to store calculated fields in a table, but in my situation it is necessary, and I haven't really found a good answer for this after searching these and other forums.
Currently my database has one "Name" field (I didn't make it like this) which might look like this "Jonathan (John) Smith"
Now I also have reason to grab the name like this "Smith, John" for other purposes.
I've set up a form for inputting new people with separate fields for firstname, preferredname, and lastname. I have the calculated fields:
=[fname] & " (" & [pname] & ") " & [lname]
=[lname] & ", " & [pname]
(Later I will add in all the iif's for if there is no preferred name)
Upon finishing the form, the user hits Submit, and I would like to store the concatenated values into the table in their appropriate fields.
I can do this with a SQL INSERT INTO statement but I'd have to add all 25 or so fields from the form, and injecting user input directly into a SQL statement is not best practice either.
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Oct 16, 2014
How to store a calculated field into a table
I am preparing an invoice and I have a field called deposit .Now this field calculates %40 of the total of the order .but if the user wishes they can enter what they like .Now this field must be stored in a table for ever and a day and must not change or the invoice will be useless .I can see no other way of doing this and my research tells me (allen Brown) that this is sometimes necessary .
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Apr 2, 2008
I have a database design problem that I cannot wrap my head around. There are three tables roughly like this:
tblUsers tblAccuracy tblRecords
----- --------- -------
UserID UserID UserID
Name MonthYear Date
... Accuracy NoOfRecords
tblUsers and tblRecords are joined by UserID (Text) in a one-to-many relationship.
tblUsers and tblAccuracy are joined by UserID (Text) in a one-to-many relationship.
tblAccuracy stores User accuracies on a monthly basis where [MonthYear] is a Date/Time column formatted to "mmm yyyy" with each entry being the first of each month (eg. 01/01/2008 to display Jan 2008)
tblRecords stores [NoOfRecords] on a daily basis for each [UserID] where tblRecords.[Date] is a Date/Time column.
The problem is that I need a way to query these tables to return a [UserID] from tblUsers, the list of all records entered by that [UserID] for a given month on a daily basis from tblRecords and a single [Accuracy] figure for that [UserID], for that [MonthYear] from tblAccuracy.
tblAccuracy and tblRecords have no primary keys and I'm not sure how to normalize them, or if it is even possible. [MonthYear] is stored eg. as 01/01/2008 for January and [Date] has many records for January and I don't know how to relate them.
I hope someone here can help :S
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Jun 14, 2005
Hi Guys,
Haven't done anything with Access since I finished uni and I can't remember much. I'm trying to set up a simple database with customer recording and order taking functionality. Just in the very early stages trying to get basic things working.
I have a form where you enter customer the bottom there is a command button named "Place Order", which will be clicked to go to the order form for that customer. Attachement shows very simplified version of the order form. I need to enter a Product ID, and have the Product Name automatically extracted from the Products table.
How can I do this? I would have done a search...but not even sure what this process is called in Access.
Thanks for any help.
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Jan 7, 2013
I am trying to link two fields in a table here is an example ....
Field A
Values stored could be....
Field B
Needs to lookup listi n Field A
and get correct UDC1, UDC2 etc...
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Nov 13, 2013
I am trying to get calculated fields in my report to work but zero values in the data are throwing up #Div/0! and #Error! and #Num!
The main data fields I am trying to work with are:
My aim is to track mileage and consumption for a fleet of vehicles and show daily and weekly averages in mileage and consumption and then to flag 20% increase in consumption.
I have a calculated field in my report named Kilometers,
= [VehicleReading]-[PreviousReading]
and also a calculated field named Consumption,
My sum and average calculation fields in the group footers are only working where there are values above zero in the Kilometer and VehicleLitres and Consumption fields.
In reality there are some days where there has been no travel, so some records will have a zero for the Kilometers field and there are also days when there has been no refueling so there is a zero for the VehicleLitres field.
I have tried using the expression builder to create an IIf function but to no avail.
I have tried copying the syntax suggested by the Expression builder:
«Expr» IIf («expr». «truepart». «falsepart»)
I know I need to get those zero's to fail in the calculation but as I said before all of the suggested expressions I have tried fail due to syntax!
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Mar 6, 2006
Please help! I am a newbie and VERY confused. I am not a programmer but am just learning so any help much appreciated! I'm not even sure if I've posted this to the right place?
I have so far created a table and also an asscoiated form - they both work! Changes in the form go into the table, no problem EXCEPT where I have a calculated field in the form - this info doesnt go into the table - how do I get this information to go back into the table?
I am trying to do this because I want to include the result of the calculated fields in a mail merge letter in Word (and Word wont pick up fields from my associated form - only from the table or from a query!)
Please rescue a damsel in definite distress (I've been knocking my head against a brick wall on this for 3 hours now!)
Many thanks in advance :D
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Dec 18, 2012
OK, so I have a database with four tables (Well, more than that, but these are the relevant ones). It's to be used for recording the results of site inspections.
"Tbl_Typicals" is a list of products. We'll call its key "Typical_ID".
"Tbl_Actions" is a list of tests performed on each product. A given product may have many tests, but each test applies to only one product. Its key is "Action_ID". Each row contains a Typical_ID to link on.
"Tbl_PlantComponents" records which products are installed on which site. Its key is "Component_ID". Each row contains a Typical_ID to link on.
The fourth table ("Tbl_Results") contains the results of each test. As a result of the relationships above, each row is specific to a single Action which applies to a particular PlantComponent, which is to say, each row has both a Component_ID and an Action_ID to link on.
So, what I need is a query that pulls all of these together, such that I can use these details as the line items of a subform.
The main form displays the details of the PlantComponent, which is a simple query to relate line items in Tbl_PlantComponents with the data about that particular product in Tbl_Typicals. So far, so easy.
The subform shows the details of each test applicable to that product. It then has toggle buttons and a comment field to indicate the results of the test, the results of which should be stored as a line item in Tbl_Results.
The "easy" way is to use an append query to generate Tbl_Results in advance. This works, but it raises a variety of new issues.
The nice way would be to use a normal SELECT query and have Access fill in the necessary linking fields (the Action_ID and Component_ID) on each row automatically. Now for trivial examples, this is very easy - my main form query manages just that: I created a link between Tbl_PlantComponents and Tbl_Comments (which stores general comments about each PlantComponent which aren't related to a specific test) based on the Component_ID and that works fine - when I edit the Comments field, the row is automatically created and the linked ID field filled in for me.
However, when I need to do it with 2 links, it all falls apart. I've tried everything I can think of, including generating a single-column unique ID to use for the link, but Access just won't autofill for me. It just makes those fields on the form (or in the datasheet view of the query) non-editable because there's no associated row in Tbl_Results. If I create a matching row in Tbl_Results the query works fine, but that's not the point.
Implementation of the query is non-trivial because it requires two outer joins involving 3 tables - All from Tbl_Actions to matching in Tbl_Results, and All from Tbl_PlantComponents to matching in Tbl_Actions. This necessiates splitting the query into two - the first relates Tbl_PlantComponents, Tbl_Typicals and Tbl_Actions (returning one row for each Action for every Component), and the second performs a single outer join (using an AND) between the first query and Tbl_Results.
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