Helps! Cannot Implement Search Using Combo Box

Apr 27, 2006

Who can tell me why I don't have following option in the Combo Box Wizard?

I am appreciate!

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Need Helps..

Oct 31, 2007

Hello everyone .. help me please..I am really new in Access.
Currently, i create one query; there i use " AS " keyword for example: Month(date) as month. Later, i wanna create another query which is to update some values of the month. When trying to execute the update code for the month, i always get the error message: month field not updatable. I wonder what's wrong with that. If is not updatable, could you give me some solutions?

Thanks in advance

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Delete Helps.Thanks

Jun 22, 2006

Hi all,

Dim vAns As Variant

vAns = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Delete")
If vAns = vbYes Then
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 6, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

I'm trying to create a delete function. First, it prompt me whether i want
to delete this record
vAns = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Delete")

However, after i click 'Yes". Another prompt will pop up and ask me whether i want to delete this record. This prompt is not this prompt vAns = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Delete")

I think it is access built-in prompt. my qn is that is there any way to prevent the 2nd prompt from being pop up?

Thank you

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Helps! Access 2003

Apr 27, 2006

I cannot implement search function for my database through List Box Wizard
; it doesn't have option that "Find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my List Box".......

Who can tell me why......

If i don't use this wizard, is there any way that i can implement search function??

Thank you!!

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A Thorough Tutorial That Helps One Make A Mean Database

Oct 24, 2006

Hello all!

I have been searching online for the past couple of days for a thorough tutorial that aids the user to make his/her own detailed database based on example data (that does not necessarily have to be adhered to) supplied as the tutorial progresses.

As a student participating in an advanced computing class, I feel that this would benefit me as I can do as the steps ask and see how certain things are done. I am not a complete Access mug... I have a basic knowledge of the fundamentals, but stumbling accross an in-depth tutorial that details all of the standard features (tables, queries, forms etc) along with possibly some example modules would be excellent and beneficial.

All I have found so far is various snippets - "SQL basics" and "Macros: what they do and how to implement them" for example - these miss the bigger picture I am looking for. Surely a step-by-step tutorial on "Designing and working a fully-featured database from the gound up" is not that rare!

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Need Helps On Query Retrieve Range Of Dates

Apr 18, 2007

4/11/2007 1:01:28 AM
4/12/2007 2:02:52 AM
4/13/2007 4:21:30 AM
4/14/2007 2:22:21 AM
4/15/2007 3:34:53 AM
4/16/2007 4:02:37 AM
4/17/2007 5:03:15 AM
4/18/2007 7:17:34 AM

I need some helps
I have a table with date + time, how can I query so that it retrieve a 7 days range from today and go back ti 7 days

i though this should work (it works if the the table has date only no time)
Between Date() And DateAdd("d",-7,Date())


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Is There A Way That Could Implement A Loading Bar

Jun 27, 2014

I have a Splash Screen type deal that loads after the user logs in I wanted to know if there was a way that I could add a Loading Bar that would say different things like Are you having a nice day?

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Implement An Undo For A Subform

Jan 4, 2006

I have a main form (A) with a subform that is another form with a datasheet(A_SUB)

On the form A is an undo button which rewinds any changes that occur to A that I do not wish to commit. However when I make a change to A_SUB the changes are not rewound. I considered implementing an UNDO for A_SUB but this is messy. What would be a better solution?

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Implement Barcode System With Access

Feb 1, 2006

Sorry for the flashy post. Job:
I have an access 2003 db. I want to implement barcode system to the DB in which I can print barcodes in any kind of barcode printer and also when imputing an order read data from barcode scanner etc.

2nd Job:
I want to put access db to a server so I can view reports, forms, imput data and retrive data from internet explorer window (with a password).

I will give my DB to you so you can work on it. Please do the pricing seperate for each job.

Please PM or Reply if you have more than 500 posts. PLEASE RESPOND IF YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO DO IT.

Thanks in advance.

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General :: Implement Pop-up Reminder From Within Access

Oct 26, 2012

I'd like to know how to implement a pop-reminder that runs reminding the user of the database of :

1. some to-do actions for the current day or, for example, a week ahead of a certain event, that is related to some date previously entered in a table.

2. this should be within the access database.

3. I saw something like that in the [URL]... website, but actually couldn't understand it.

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Forms :: Implement Form For Many-to-many Relationship?

May 5, 2014

how to best implement a form for this very simple database (attached). I have a database that keeps track of just first names and colors. Not every first name needs a color assigned to it, and vice versa.

So, I have three tables:

First_ID (PK)
Color_ID (PK)
jctbFirstColor (Junction Table)
First_ID (FK)
Color_ID (FK)

I want my continuous form (fmFirstColor) to show all first name records and have a drop-down to assign a color for each record individually. That's it -- two fields. With this form, I want to be able to create new first name records with or without colors assigned to them, and I want to be able to edit first names and change what colors are assigned for each name.

Again, very simple and small database, but I'm not sure where to run with this. I want to keep everything normalized and within best practice procedures. Is the junction table necessary or can it even be used in this instance?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Implement Variable In Nested Query

Jun 1, 2014

I have made this sql statement in VBA where rubriek = a variable but I dont know how to implement a variable in a nested query.

SELECT "rubriek, SUM(verkoopprijs) as prijzen
FROM voorwerp
(inner join VoorwerpInRubriek on voorwerp.voorwerpnummer = VoorwerpInRubriek.voorwerp)
inner join Rubriek on rubriek.rubrieknummer = VoorwerpInRubriek.rubriekOpLaagsteNiveau
where rubriek in (select rubrieknummer
from rubriek
where rubriek = variable name
group by rubriek"

Do I have to treat it as a normal select query or is there something speical that I have to do ?

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How To Implement Substitution Variables In Access 2007

Oct 19, 2012

is there a way i can use substitution variables in access 2007, i wrote a query that returns rows which have a word okeu in them but i want to use substitution variables so that i can retrieve any word i want and if the word i want is not there i want to pop a message saying word not there its easier to do it in oracle sqlplus but how can i apply it in access using sql queries? This is my sql i made in access


WHERE (((MENU.NAME_REC)="okeu"));

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Queries :: Implement Combination Criteria To Extract Records

Apr 18, 2014

We have the following table.

ID studentname lectureplace lecturesubject
1 jack A Biology
2 steve A politics
3 jack B math
4 steve A math
5 jack B politics
6 joe A politics
. . . .
. . . .
154 Jane B Geography

We need a query to implement two criteria to extract the following records:

1-Show lectureplace A AND politics lecturesubject
2-Show only those with lectureplace B regardless of the subject

In case the query is run we will have the following result:

ID studentname lectureplace lecturesubject
2 steve A politics
3 jack B math
5 jack B politics
6 joe A politics

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How To Secure Passwords Stored On Access Or Implement Server Security Over Jet?

Nov 21, 2007

I'm not sure which is the better of two options-

My problem is I need to make it easy for my users by authenticating themselves once when they open the database. User-level security is adequate for that job, but when I need to use the authentication information for connection string, I'm a bit antsy about storing it somewhere in Access, as I understand that passwords shouldn't be stored in the database itself (and as far as I can tell, it's not even encrypted or hashed!)

I am wondering if converting it to MDE would be sufficient to encrypt the password or will it still be apparent using a hex editor? I also know that Jet can try to use its own security to authenicate to the back-end, but not sure what I need to do to prompt Jet to pass along the credentials.

Alternatively, would it be better to somehow implement login using backend's security model, if even possible?


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General :: How To Implement Query Into Table To Prevent Overlapping Dates

Jun 30, 2014

I'm creating an equipment hire database, and I was wondering how I would not permit overlaps of equipment hire ie. equipment being borrowed before it is returned. I have a query that lists all bookings that overlap, but I am unsure of how to implement this into the table to prevent overlaps.

The SQL for the query is as follows:

SELECT Bookings.[Booking ID], Bookings.[Instrument ID], Bookings.[Borrow Date], Bookings.[Return Date], Bookings_1.[Booking ID], Bookings_1.[Instrument ID], Bookings_1.[Borrow Date], Bookings_1.[Return Date], ([Bookings_1].[Borrow Date]>[Bookings].[Return Date]) Or ([Bookings_1].[Return Date]<[Bookings].[Borrow Date]) Or ([Bookings].[Instrument ID]<>[Bookings_1].[Instrument ID]) Or ([Bookings].[Booking ID]=[Bookings_1].[Booking ID])


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Combo Box Search

Aug 23, 2006

Hello All

I was wondering whether it is possible to use a combo box to select a set of records in the same way as you use a ‘LIKE’ statement in the Criteria of a query.

Basically, I want to choose (from a combo box) a year from which to display a set of records in a report.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Harold Clements

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Combo Box Search

Apr 5, 2006

I currently have a table with a load of customer details: tblCustomer
and i have a form with a combo box that looks up the customer's record with a drop down menu by the surname then the firstname columns from tblCustomer.

The problem i have is there will be over 2000 customers in the system eventually, and a drop down box just isnt going to work, so i need a method of somehow when the menu from the combo box comes down, of selecting a letter from the alphabet and then a list of all the customers with surnames beginning with that letter showing up.

anyone have any ideas please?

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Combo Box Search

Aug 27, 2005

Is it possible to create a combo box to search for a record using "like" for the search. For example, I want to type in "Fred" and the combo box will show any record that has "Fred" in the field: Fred Roberts, Frederica Adams, or Adam Fredericks.


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Search By Keypress In Combo

Sep 6, 2005

I was wondering if it is possible if I press a key on the keyboard say 'c' once I've opened the combo box, that I will be taken to name in the SECOND COLUMN that begins with c. At the moment if I was to press 'c' it will take me to a unique identifier that begins with c as the unique identifiers are in the FIRST column not in the second.

Can anyone help me?

Bikeboardsurf :confused:

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Using A Combo Box To Search A Form

May 15, 2006

I have a db which has a field called site_id it a table called sites. I have a form called sites which uses this table as a record source. I would like to make a combo box on the form as a drop down whenever the user selects a new site id it will take them to that ID on my form. I saw where you can do this with the wizard when your add the combo box to the form but it says I need to use a different table or query. Any one know how to use a combo box like this? Thanks..

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Combo Box Search Question

Oct 7, 2005

I am new to access and trying to create a combo box that will enable the end-user to select a field in a database. Then type in the information in a text box to search for information in that field. For example: end-user can select MAC-Address and then type in the MAC-Address number to locate it in the database.

I have created the form and combo box but it will only search the rows of the table.

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Combo Box And Search Fields

Feb 26, 2007

I have a form that has a combo box that is used to populate data in the detail section of the form, I just added 2 text boxes to search and fill same boxes.
They both work, but
My problem is after you search using the text fields the filter that the search used stays and causes my combo box not to work unless you go into design view and delete it from the filter property.
Any thoughts on how to fix this??
Advance thanks

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Forms :: Search Combo Box For A Value

Sep 16, 2013

I'd like to search a combo box on a subform for a string containing a (or multiple) '?' on click of a command button. The point of this is to inhibit the submission of a record with ????? as a field value (in a combo box), however it is temporarily allowed before submission of the form.

I tried this on the command button and it didn't work:

If Me!Subform.Combobox.SelText = "?" Then
End If

I think I am referencing the combo box on the subform incorrectly..

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Search For Records In A Form Via Combo Box

May 30, 2006

Dear all,

I'm trying to incorporate a combo box in my form to navigate through records. The plan is to select a piece of equipment listed in the combobox, and that record will then be displayed as an "after update" action.

However, I have tried through coding I have tried before and utilising the wizard to create this combo-box, but each time I get a "Complie Error - Can't find project or library".

The section of code is shown below:

Private Sub Combo227_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[EquipmentID] = " & Str(Nz(Me![Combo227], 0))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

Any help gratefully received!



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